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Topics - OrangeBison

#1 is undergoing a restructure and expansion. This is a great time to get on board. From previous advertising these roles fill very fast so get in touch asap.

Are you an aspiring game journalist? Are you looking for a career reviewing games? Then this is the opportunity for you. We will be up front and state that this role is NOT paid. What it does give you is a place to showcase your skills, your writing and passion for the job. This can then be used to launch your career as several of our previous writers have done.

Orange Bison was launched in June 2016. We have helped raise the profiles of many indie games and have even bigger plans ahead.

The benefits of choosing to write with us:

  • The game you choose to review will most likely be available to you free of charge.
  • Your work is always credited to you.
  • You will get your own spot on the Orange Bison about us page.
  • You will get your own author completed works page to showcase your writing.
  • Access to an email account.

What we need from you

We need passionate and reliable writers to review indie games both old and new. Communication is important, you will be required to communicate with the team via our channels.

Our expectations

Timescales are important and must be met without exception. The written work completed must be your own original content and not published online or offline. All work will be reviewed by the editor before going live, this may mean that your work may be slightly modified to ensure best practice and maintain the highest standards.

Contributors are expected to meet a minimum agreed amount of work within the month. This depends on the individuals other commitments and worked out on a one to one basis.

Time to apply

All interested applicants should email: with the subject heading "Writer Application" with the following info:

  • Your name and address along with your social media handles.
  • Any experience you have had previously reviewing games or writing for other online publications.
  • What platforms you have access to for assignments. Most will be for the PC however we will have games for other platforms such as the Xbox One, PS4 etc.
  • A minimum of two examples of your previous writing. This can be published or unpublished. If you have't previously writtern a review then find two indie games you like and write a review on them. Remember to use our voice , read previously published reviews and news to see our writing style.
Hi everyone! We are about to launch our very own premium t-shirt range which we will be printing in house. We would like to invite any indie devs who want to see their designs on t-shirt form to contact us. Due to bringing the operation in house we can offer you a 15% commission on every t-shirt sold using your design. The commission is based on the sell price.

As it's our brand we take care of everything all you have to do is promote and cash in your commission payments. You can also order bulk packages for promotions, competitions or events that can be shipped to you directly.

Get in touch or ask as many questions as you want below.  :)
Hi everyone! Just a quick note for you all. has been live now for a week and the feedback so far has been pretty amazing!

We have some great indie games covered, news, dev interviews and some thought pieces. Would love you to pop over, check it out and you can even give your review score of the games covered.

All posts and game reviews pages have been opened up to comments. Feel free to sign up and comment.
Orange Bison is an indie game news & review website launching mid June 2016.


I am currently looking for additional game reviewers to join our growing team. if you are passionate about games this may be the perfect opportunity for you. As a contributor for Orange Bison you will receive:

Your own author page on
A link to your own website or blog.
Your work will be attributed to you.
Your own email address.
Receive and keep game review copies where applicable.


There are a few simple rules when reporting news, events or general blog topics for These are:

A minimum of 800 words.
Contain your own captured images. Cite the source of images used when it is not possible to use your own.
Submit a minimum of 2 articles a week.
Work submitted must not be published elsewhere online or offline.
All work submitted via the Product Eev platform which is free to use.

This is a good opportunity if you need to build your contacts with those in the industry. Would suit students very well and even game developers too. We had an amazing response to our advert for game reviewers and now hopefully will have an equally good response for these opportunities.

PM me if you are interested.
*NOTE* All current review positions have now been filled. Check our other post as we still need writers for other sections of the website.

Orange Bison is an indie game news & review website launching mid June 2016.


I am currently looking for additional game reviewers to join our growing team. if you are passionate about games this may be the perfect opportunity for you. As a contributor for Orange Bison you will receive:

  • Your own author page on
  • A link to your own website or blog
  • Your work will be contributed to you
  • Your own email address
  • Receive and keep game review copies where applicable


As a game reviewer there are a few simple rules. These are:

  • A minimum of 800 words
  • Contain your own captured images via actual gameplay
  • Submit a minimum of 2 reviews a week
  • Work submitted must not be published elsewhere online or offline

This is a good opportunity if you need to build your contacts with those in the industry. Would suit students very well and even game developers too.

PM me if you are interested.
Hi everyone! Great to be here. I am the editor in chief of Orange Bison, which is due to launch in a matter of weeks now. I started Orange Bison because of my passion for indie games. I wanted a platform that helps promote these games and build some excitement for their release.

I have big plans ahead which include finding public spaces to launch our own game jams and longer term plans include creating a space to help people learn how to make thier own games.

Please feel free to say hello. Looking forward to getting to know you all a little better.  ;D