Intro to Private Thread

Started by The Red Baron, May 05, 2009, 02:31:34 AM

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The Red Baron

Hey guys,
This is basically a thread for team members only, so we can discuss the intimate deails of the mod without prying eyes.

Feel free to make topics as nessacary


uhmm, since the name of the movie is eragon and on the poster (and through the whole movie) there are dragons! what are we going to do about them?
no skeleton or animation for them!
the sux! we should make a horse like dragon with wings? to ride it?


I believe Chisi is making the dragons as we speak. I think he's editing the model of a horse. Also, it won't be able to make it fly, but we can make it the best horse ever!


actually,i made the dragon model from scratch and them i'll transform it to a "horse"
if this think doesnt work i'll try to atach the dragon parts 2 a horse


and if somebody could make a skelleton for dragons there's a possibility to make them attack with fire(when they arent used as horse)


I thought the magical dragon can do that already?


no, i need a skelleton (or does the riders position on mount depend on the uhm...dont know the word, you know, the x/y/z axis thing), if yes, then i only need the dragon model

The Red Baron

We can't seem to add skeletons, only edit existing ones


thats right,for a new skeleton we kust have 2 wait until the new brf editor apears


well, this isnt not so far, is it?


may i ask where do you change the height of where the guy will mount the dragon?


no idea, maybe ask highlander(hunting mod)


I wasn't sure if you had the dragon flying yet. I was looking at Mirathies magic mod and there was a screenshot of someone levitating. You could maybe use the levitating code to get the dragon to fly.


we(millenium+me) talked about this already, but levitating doesnt work