
Started by Goromous, May 16, 2009, 01:09:31 AM

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Any questions about modeling? Ask them here.

My first question.

In 3ds max, is extrude the same as face extrude? I'm following a tutorial on making a pencil ( :$ ) and it says to add an extrude modifier. The version of 3ds max the creator of the tutorial is using happens to be outdated, and I cannot seem to find the modifier extrude anywhere. The closest thing I've found is face extrude, which doesn't seem to do the same thing that the person intended me to do.

Thanks in advance!


please give me the link of the tutorial so i can see whats the problem.the extrude modifier still exists.but i dont know why its doesnt appear(main menu>modifiers>mesh editing).


I'm pretty sure you just fixed my problem. The tut never said anything about mesh editing. They just said main menu> modifiers > Extrude.



probably in older versions of max the modifiers were arranged in a different way.


Yeah, probably. Thanks again.


Chisi could having too much polys in a collision mesh make the game crash???


probably.i dont know for sure.i only worked with collision meshes just in Gta(on a car with 15000 triang the collision had appox 1000).i did not known that MB has collision meshes.where are they located?


Also, how can I put a material in the material/map browser? Or is there another way to do it?

Let me rephrase. Basically, I'm trying to add a material to an object, using a picture of leather, instead of making my own in 3ds. Is that possible?

Edit: Nvm, I fixed it.

Spoiler: click to toggle

Badly textured cushion, destroyer of worlds!!


Update: I'm currently working on a regular sword, as I decided I want to get some more 3ds max experience under my belt before I try anything to hard. Ugh.. I had a very annoying problem making the point of the sword. I was trying to scale two of the virtices forward along the y axis to make the point. I didn't realize you could move the virtices instead... Figured it out now!

Still very beginner stuff, though.


Hmm.. I seem to have somewhere along the lines deleted part of the point of my sword.. Anyone know how to fix this?



try merging the two vertics.
& better, you could fill the hole you made & add an edge along the edge of the sword then merge the 2 vertics.
I'll post some pictures to explain it to you but you'll have to find the same functions in 3ds. :)