
Started by Darwin, June 12, 2009, 05:39:00 PM

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:blink:  :blink: :unsure:  :( guys, ive got a VERY VERY BAD message for you. i have to begin a new source and implement all weve done till now again, because millenium deleted such important things (like the khergit faction e.g.) that the error message is so long, that the compiler isnt able to show the whole one :blink: and the source isnt really usable anymore. that means the july as beta release date is impossible :( (and i wont be at home from middle of july till middle of august)

Darwin  :'(



Send it to me before deleting it, please. I'm a very experienced bugchecker, and I sincerely doubt if you've done that much wrong.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


i wont delete anything, here is it, but you neednt look for bugs, youve to find all whats missing and put it in again :blink:


I guess this gives more time for models. I know that we already have a dragon model but would it be okay if I tried making another one so there could be variety?


btw, where is the dragon model? i need it


Yes, and where is Chisi? I haven't seen him in a while..


i'm here.just had some problems.you know...a new place 2 stay..new family(the old one sucked)new job  :P (tuesday on McDonalds(every kids dream  :D )hopefully within a week i'll be as active as oldtimes.no worry,i'm not leaving this thing


did someone played the Eragon game?cause i had and its quite nice.the urgals look just like humans(no horns)but they are a little bit bigger.if i just could find a program 2 open those files we could have all the original things.(weapons,buildings,armours and the dragons(saphira)


Hmm.. Not sure about the Eragon game. But it's nice to hear you're still around!

And good luck with everything.


Chisi welcome back :) & whats are the formats used in the Eragon game???
btw: 1 week & I'll be back too (( exams r really exhausting :( ))


game has copyright :( but its quite nice, you're right

and welcome back :D


in the Worlds Folder has .Wad and .Pcw
and at the audio part has .bnk and .seg

i found sone programs that opens wad files but its for CS or Hl and it doesnt work.


strange formats  :huh:


a little screenshot
Spoiler: click to toggle


Heed the copyright notices. People do sue modders for armadilloloads on this kinda thing, you can NEVER be too careful.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...