
Started by Darwin, June 12, 2009, 05:39:00 PM

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ok ok.but i dont want to use them to make profit.if we could extract some textures it would be nice.there is nothing better than the original textures.or i could not use the original ones but just get some inspiration by looking at them and make my own text. :D    :ouch:


I have the game and might be able to find out if you can extract the models if I install it. Here's the site for the company that produced it, it might be possible to ask them for permission to use some of the models.



Even not-for profit use is strictly off-limits for the vast majority of games. I've spent a lot of time resarching this as a modder, it's armadilloty rules but rules are rules.

Also, ouch for the choice of name for that company.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Urgals don't look like that! :O

I don't think this is a good idea over-all (the Eragon game- not the new source).


The Eragon game was based on the movie. So if we base anything off the game, it will, in essence, be based off the movie.

Fans would murder if we made Urgals look like that.


Quote from: "Slappy101"I have the game and might be able to find out if you can extract the models if I install it. Here's the site for the company that produced it, it might be possible to ask them for permission to use some of the models.

and you think that they are gonna give you a prog or a cource code just like that?  :D   :D   :D

Goromous "Fans would murder if we made Urgals look like that."

How? kill my ip  :D   :D   :ouch:


Nah. Murder your IP. >:)


Popularity would nose-dive if we did ANYTHING based on the movie.


Quote from: "Millenium"Popularity would nose-dive if we did ANYTHING based on the movie.
I would come to your house and ninja your computer.

I would also eat all your chocolate butterfingers.


...I am hungry now.


if you do this give some to me :D


:ninja: = :ouch:


Don't make me break out my karate boi.