Troop Trees

Started by The Red Baron, May 07, 2009, 02:29:13 AM

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The Red Baron

Darwin misspelled I think


but it sounds better anyway ;)


The Red Baron

Dwaven troops are needed, I was wondering, coders, if i make the troops in troop editor, will they be the new ones if i send you the code? Because I 've got them there

EDIT : found the code, here are the dwarves with their weapons, I replaced them with the nords in my editor, so it says trp nord archer next to an axethrower, I think thats only for the face and stuff


uhm, actually we need them as python code. otherwise its VERY difficult (i really know; i made a mod like this)

The Red Baron

I can transfer the stuff to python, but I'm not sure what faction to put them in

EDIT:I did this, the faction might not be right though

copy and paste it to module_troops.  I tried them out and they seemed to work correctly


The Red Baron

The nordic troops said outlaw and stuff for factions so I left them as they were.  Copy of the text up two posts


i'm missing trp_anhuin_dwarf_leader and trp_anhuin_dwarf, millenium did you make them or baron?

forget it. i only put a # in front of them for some reason :'(


So they do exist? Excellent, I see you're into placing the dwarf quest.


Hmmm check out this site.

Maybe something like the Rangers of the S


Sundavar rangers sound good. I'll use 'em in my next quest!