Stuff that would fit in the mod

Started by dj_chisi10, May 05, 2009, 05:35:09 AM

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i found two leather cuirass peices that would fit  with the mod :)

with a dragon in every brooch, it would be a good rider light armour.

this could be for  teh varden archers :)


Quote from: "tryadelion"
The rider armours needs to be more magical i think

Like this


well... every rider can  have its own style. and if you look at  the description of teh book, eragon only weared a chainmail... :)

magicall not means " oooh! looks elven!", i think, that any leather armour, with some gold details, a gedwey ignasia in reilief on the central part and the dragons  on the broochs will look as " dragon rider" than   a full plate armour.

look for the agility... maybe an elven steel chainmail inside the leather stuff to protect  parts.


oh and i sayed light armour, not the  precios full plate metal one. eragon has two mount chairs for saphira, one light, for acrobatics and short battles, and one heavy,  for heavy battles.


Quotewell... every rider can  have its own style. and if you look at  the description of teh book, eragon only weared a chainmail... :)
But Eragon wouldn't of really had time to get proper dragon rider armour made for him

Quotemagicall not means " oooh! looks elven!", i think, that any leather armour, with some gold details, a gedwey ignasia in reilief on the central part and the dragons  on the broochs will look as " dragon rider" than   a full plate armour.
I understand what you mean but as there's only gonna be a few dragon rider armours we should make them as stunning as possible


okay i understand it :P

maybe when te release is done, some mini-mods adding cool armours and other things could be done. for now, we must finish  what we have on hands and make it the best we can!


Quote from: "tryadelion"okay i understand it :P

maybe when te release is done, some mini-mods adding cool armours and other things could be done. for now, we must finish  what we have on hands and make it the best we can!
Yeah. I think Millenium was planning to do some quick battles through the history of Alagaesia. They'd probably fit in some of those

Missed this one


Yeah, but they'll be included in later releases. I've got too much on my hands for now.


Jabrowny is gonna do texturing for us. i'll close the texturer recruiting now, 2 are enough it think (isnt it?)


possible units:


Menknurlan Gata :   hated  dwarves, rebel units.
Hadarac Nomads : hadarac desert spawns


farthen-dhur guard   (melee)
knurlag reruit/militia/soldier (melee)
Feldunost rider   (melee)
Grimstcarlvorss guard (dwarven guild guard)
Grimstnzborith guard  (dwarven king guard)
Nagra hunter  (ranged, bow)
Ragni Hefthyn  (ranged, bow)
Shrrg hunter (elite ranged, bow)


Shur'tugal guard   (dragon raider magician elite. as blodGharm)

Millenium haven't noticed that we already have a troop tree?


yay, these are "suggestions" only :)


i told him to post them here, for later releases maybe...


we have a soundtrack?  i can try to find one that goes quite good with the mod?

(bombardagian bards (will send email for permissions), eragon movie sountrack, enya songs, irish tavern songs...