Stuff that would fit in the mod

Started by dj_chisi10, May 05, 2009, 05:35:09 AM

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yes enya ((except the christmas album :p )) & Era if anybody heard of them ??
I asked if we could use the movies sound track earlier but it's not possible (( copyright ))


hum.... copyright is only avaliable if we are going to sell.

the  rights of copyright affects the distribution in the market. also, it's a mod. we are going te be accused?


well in oblivion moding community Ren ((a brilliant modeler))  left moding because a problem of copyright. ((she used some meshes from sims into oblivion & didn't intend to release it but somehow got leaked out :s )) it wasn't even her who released the stuff & this late wasn't to sell but for free.


ouch! >-<

you have any uvmap for me?? i am so bored....


i'm gonna make a soundtrack for later releases (eragon music isnt possible because of the copyright)


i am working on some weapons... maybe i'll post them later


ok I'll send you some dwemer swords uvs



I included a screenshot for you to see how do the meshes look.
if you think the uvs are way too small or hard to "texturize" just tell me & I'll redo them.


how you make the uv maps??? everytime i try with wings the uv  is too much bigger than the image section


added some details at first as it looks better with them


Do what you will with these. I just thought they were cool. Maybe an elite elven troop. An elf fighting for the empire maybe
Spoiler: click to toggle


Those are pretty cool. Anywho. I'm off to sleep. Got to be at work again in the morning!


ohhh!! this makes me think about starting one or two shields!


here are two trees "still need textures but I'm working on it"
some elven armors "some still need alpha channels"
dwarven helmets "need a descent texture"
dwarven swords ...
as soon as I fix some of the issues, or finish other stuffs I'll send an updated version.