
Started by The Red Baron, December 29, 2009, 12:50:10 AM

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The Red Baron

Contrary to popular belief, i am still around, and very impressed with my (sorry, milleniums') mod team.  I have been actively awaiting the release. Well done peoples.

Also, im available for testing ;)


Ah hello. You don't have access to Taleworlds do you

Alpha has been released

The Red Baron

No, I do not,

Does it work?  Cause Im getting errors


Attempt to reregister texture auvBG.dds"


Oh you need the patch. I'l lgo dig it up

Edit: Here ya go

The Red Baron

Thanks, I can't find anything in my round-a-bout way of looking through tw


Just edited my last post

The Red Baron

im guessing I replace those folders with the ones similarly named in the mod folder?

The Red Baron

im guessing I replace those folders with the ones similarly named in the mod folder?

AHHHH, i got banned again, how do they keep finding me  :(


I think so. Back it up if your worried

What was the name of your account?