Progress, News, Updates

Started by ahowl11, January 18, 2014, 06:27:29 AM

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Alright now is the time to get this thing moving again. We have been at 0.4 BETA for a few weeks and are almost done testing and implementing everything. I'll try to get the rest into the mod by the end of the weekend that way we can all do some final testing and editing. I'd say that the game plan should be once I get 0.5 out that we test for about a week and make any necessary changes. This also gives time to those who will be doing their AAR's and screen shots, and it also allows time for the development of 0.6 to get started.
If you are a contributing to this modding wise, post your updates and news on your progress here please. This forum may get a little messy so I will try to keep it as organized as possible.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Hi everybody! I'm Mirionis9. I am from Larissa, Greece. I've studied history and archaeology and I'm mostly interested in the hellenistic era. My modding skills are below average, but I'm willing to contribute in any possible way, propably as a historian.
armadillo! Wrong toppic! Sorry!


In the middle of trying to implement the RS2 Settlement trees, it's so frustrating. I'm hoping that I can figure it out. Bercor is doing great work with the Unit Cards so far and initial testing is almost complete. I am awaiting reports from the following:
Julii - Whoever wants to do it can
Macedon - I believe Cyprian has them
Parthia - Sigma
Thrace - Cozmicus
Spain - Up for grabs
Egypt - Up for grabs
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I've been a bit lazy latly, but i will report soon ...........


That's okay, can't wait to see what you have!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Sorry for the delay. I went and got myself sick with the flu. I should have my report for Macedon up tonight.


The flu has been going around where I live as well. Get well soon and looking forward to your report!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


RS2 Settlement trees have officially been added! Finally :)
Also a new EDU made by phalanx_man and edited a bit by me to include the other vanilla units has been implemented. The most realistic and longest battled yet. No more insta-routs!

To do:
Fix Siege Tower Bug (hopefully with help from Aradan from TWC)
New UI from BI
descr_strat edits after all factions are tested
Final testing (testing of 0.5)
Implement UI's from Bercor
Release with an AAR or two from those willing to do one with the finished version.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I fancy myself an adept writer. I will definitely write an AAR for the final release if needed when the time comes. In fact, if there is any demand for creative writing not yet being provided, let me know :)


Actually, I just noticed that some campaign descriptions are needed. For this version, I just need a general introduction about each faction and then some strategy tips. I think that all the BETA testers should get together and discuss this.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Playing around with different animations today. Sword/Spear/Javelin Cavalry will get Prometheus' animations to go along with the two handed lance animation for Cataphracts and other heavy spear cav.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I haven't gotten too far in my Julii campaign unfortunately. I will have a large chunk of time tomorrow to dedicate though, and I'm excited from what I have played so far. Probably 6-8 turns. Two campaign battles, and one custom battle. Everything runs really smoothly, even on my nvidia 6600  :o
I have nothing negative to report actually. I am naturally on the look out for bugs or anything out of place- but yesterday I noticed a list of things needing to be tested still, like specific units in action etc... Anything specific I should look for as I play Julii?
Props again to everyone involved in development thus far!


Yes, I played a Julii campaign for kicks and giggles the last week or so for 20 turns. Every time a battle was loading between me and the Gauls, I'd get a CTD. Then I would load to the same spot, fight the same battle and no CTD at all. Please let me know if this happens to you. Again, it was only the Gauls.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I haven't had any CTD since deleting map_height and such. I have fought two battles against the Gauls, a couple against some rebels, and one against the nearby Greeks.
Everything is so much smoother and faster than any other mod I have tried, I bumped everything to its highest setting except AA, and I can play in 1600x900 during battles and the campaign map. I read somewhere script-intensive mods can slow you down a bit, maybe that has something to do with the lag in other mods. (or does this mod just have really efficient scripting?)
I did notice that the Hastati have a red sprite rendered for outside of the FOV, but upon zooming the men are all garbed in light blue, leaving the far end of the line red still (I am aware the visuals are not yet final.)
Wanted the note that the campaign map is totally sweet, and the mini-map is really well done too. The battle ai hasn't shown any deficiency yet, but I have yet to have anything large scale.

So. The CTD isn't universal, and I haven't found anything major in bugs yet.
I will have a proper beta-test report done by this evening.


Okay cool thanks man.

Sorry for not being active today. Just so you all know for the future, I have a 13 hour shift to work on Thursdays, so I don't get home until 8PM and I usually have to get caught up with the news, family and friends before I look at the mod/forums.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?