Adding Units Method

Started by ahowl11, March 19, 2014, 11:19:29 PM

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Alright it is finally time to add in the units but there is a process to this. I need others to help me if we want this to go smoothly. There are certain steps that we will need to take to make sure every unit is added in an orderly fashion. If not there will be chaos and confusion.

We only have so much room too so keep that in mind. Our current slots available are: DMB: 124 EDU: 171

Here are the steps of adding the units:

1. Find Unit - ahowl11
2. Add unit to custom battles (EDU/DMB) - ahowl11
3. Name Unit and give description - ???
4. Edit Unit Stats to make unit balanced and realistic - ???
5. Make Unit Cards for Unit - Bercor

Then after the faction units have been added for each faction:

6. Set Recruitment up for Unit - ???

So basically We need someone to name the unit and give it a description, preferably a historian. Then we need someone to balance the unit out so that it has realistic stats, and finally we will need someone to make the unit recruitable. I can add the unit in game to make it work, and Bercor can make the unit cards, but the fancy stuff we will need help with!

Please sign up here.

Also I have made a separate folder in dropbox for this. I will add in the units and then upload their files to the folder. I'll then post here the units that I have added.

Then the guy making the unit descriptions can do his work, the guy setting up recruitment can do his, and Bercor can make the Unit Cards. Just make sure once you are done with your part to post here.

For example I am uploading the Pedites Extraordinarii Unit first...

The person who is doing the description will go to dropbox, download the unit and then edit the export_units file found in the text folder. Once he is done he will reupload the file and then post the description here.

While this is happening the balancer can download the unit files and edit the EDU to balance out the new unit.

When he is able to, Bercor can download the unit files and make the unit cards

And finally whoever is setting up recruitment can edit the EDB and make the unit recruitable. Don't forget to test your work before uploading your changes though!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


First new unit in the RTR Project!

Pedites Extraordinarii :) The models and textures along with the dictionary name are there and the unit works well. It is awaiting a description, UI cards, balancing and recruitment.

Credits go to Maraxus, an old friend who helped me out with units when I first started modding RTR the fall of 2012. He is also responsible for the correct shield sizes of the phalangites and helped me with units for my Mundus Magnus series. I hope I can get into contact with him again or at least learn enough to get to his level. He is responsible for many units in XC and DTW. There is a good chance that we could be using some of those. It's too bad he hasn't been active since July. He said he would help me until R2 came out. I'm sure he was dissapointed like the rest of us, and probably has no desire to mod anymore :(
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Second Unit: Extraordinarii Cavalry
From Caius of RTR6, it was originally Italian Heavy Cavalry

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


A new look for the Hastati. I never liked the Blue uniform, that should be more for the Alae Hastati :)

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


A new look for the Principes as well. New Chainmail armour, it looks better in my opinion. Also, what do you think of the shoulder guards? Are they better being white, or should we go back to the red as seen in the unit card?
Credit goes to the SPQR mod

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Dunno, I kinda like the white, adds a contrast to the unit, to much red would make it look dull.


I think we should use the roman roster from Casus Belli. This one is a bit lacking...
For example, Hastati:

You can see how much better, more realistic, they look. We only need to change their faces.

Mausolos of Caria

Not sure about the Hastati, but the Principes look fine.

I would make unit descriptions, but I had to look up what ''Pedites Extraordinarii'' actually are so that's perhaps not the best premise  :P
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



I'll give those Hastati a look.. Idk about them though. There are a few options from RTR6-PE for Hastati too.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Making units recruitable isn't too hard, though if you check the EDB for some mods  (:D) most of the code there is about recruitment.

How are you planning to set up the barracks line(s) of buildings and the AOR system?


Something similar to RTRPE. The barracks is where I will have all faction units available, stables and practice ranges are required for missile/cavalry troops, and then the auxilia buildings for AOR troops. Also a Mercenary Center of some sorts in certain cities like Carthage and Alexandria.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Here are the new Polybian Romans. The Equites and Italian Equites didn't need to be changed.

Hastati from RTRPE

Principes from RTRPE with Chainmail texture from SPQR

Triarii from RTRPE with Chainmail texture from SPQR

Velites from RTRPE

Italian Hastati from an old unused RTR6 texture

Italian Principes from ExRM. Shield is from AEE

Italian Triarii from ExRM

And Italian Equites. We had this texture

Italian Velites from RTRPE

God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Oh those are sexy, did you retexture  some of them yourself?


Quote from: ahowl11 on March 24, 2014, 04:35:22 PM
Something similar to RTRPE. The barracks is where I will have all faction units available, stables and practice ranges are required for missile/cavalry troops, and then the auxilia buildings for AOR troops. Also a Mercenary Center of some sorts in certain cities like Carthage and Alexandria.
So you want all factions to share the same barracks/stable/archery line?

What kind of requirements do you want for the auxilia building and the mercenary center?

Also, the Polybian reforms, are you intending to use the "marian_reforms" that's in RTW, or one of the script-based methods?

The AOR method, if we're employing hidden resources, the map's regions/settlements should be decided first as the hidden resources need to be set in each region.


Yeah I mixed and matched a few of the textures.

Is it possible to make different lines?

For auxilia building probably a barracks or trader. For mercenary probably a trader and port.

We won't have camillan units so no polybian reform. Just the Marian. However there needs to be other reforms for Carthage and the Greeks

I want to do the RS2 method with AOR. a1r1 a1r2 etc
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?