Bathhouse Mini-Mod for Morrowind

Started by Keedo420, April 13, 2011, 07:10:04 PM

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So what is this bathhouse? Just what it sounds like... Like the ancient Roman bathhouses, this is a public building with a large pool of water for bathing and socializing. Unlike the Roman bathhouses however, mine also features two public showers. The showers are something I am quite proud of, though they have little effect on the game itself. When you enter the shower room, there will be a valve on the wall of the shower. When you turn the valve, all of your clothes and armor will be removed, water will come pouring out of the grate at the top of the shower, and you will gain a 30 second stamina spell to reflect the fact that you feel refreshed and invigorated. While it will not be explicitly stated, the shower stalls are also intended to function as public bathrooms.....

The inspiration for this mod came from the fact that while there are sewers in this game.... there are not actually any toilets or visible plumbing that would actually connect to those sewers other than from fountains and that just seems silly to me to have these vast underground sewer systems for no purpose other than fountains...

Version 1.0

This version is merely a modder's resource containing no npcs or creatures, no cell path grid, and only minimal decorations. Modders are free to add Bathhouse to their mod and modify it as they see fit, as long as I am given credit. :)
Download Links for Version 1.0
Source 1 (The Road To Nowhere):
Source 2 (Planet Elder Scrolls) :

Version 2.0

This version is a full mini-mod featuring 3 npcs (1 guard and 2 bathers), more decorations, and a short quest (talk to Selia Demure to start it). The entrance to the Bathhouse is located on the outside lower level of the Vivec Foreign Quarter.
Download Links for Version 2.0
Source 1 (The Road To Nowhere):
Source 2 (Planet Elder Scrolls) :

Silver Wolf

Keddo, you're back ! It's nice to have you around.
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


:) Yeah, now that Thunder Arcade 3.0 was released I've been working on my website non-stop and decided to release this little mod I had been working on. So I'll be dropping in more often now.


"So if you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, and some taste. Use all your well learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste."


lol I actually started work on a Hordelands mod for Morrowind, but it will take AGES to finish. :zegun: