What we need

Started by The Red Baron, June 08, 2009, 12:08:08 AM

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wow thats cool   B)  B)  B)  add flying like this and it will definitely be the best mod ever. :D


Yeah, well, I posted a long post on this in the TW thread, but as everyone don't visit it actively, I'll also post it here:

And about the Battleship Galactica-flying kit (used in Festung, Star Wars Conquest and a few others), its already been discussed over at the forge, and most voted against it. One wonders, if after seeing that video, the tables have turned. I myself think it would be an excellent way to do air battles. We'd have to combine the normal fight scene with the air scene, but that shouldn't be too tricky. Also, crashing should be replaced with a landing animation, but I'm sure Sibylla (who's become quite a good animator) can handle that. What interests me is sieges, should the player be allowed to fly in a siege-scene. Imagine gliding above a city, and blasting a bolt of fire at the defenders standing at the battlements. I think that'll add a bit of balance to the difficulty of this mod (I've noticed that many of our additions make this game quite tricky).

Darwin, maybe its time for a new poll about this (on the TW thread AND here).


but i think it's improved quite a lot


It looks kinda similar.
The Battleship-Galactica mod in the whole is a very fun mod to play.


have u got a link 2 this  Battleship-Galactica mod??????


Yeah, go to the pinned topic, Scripts, Codes and other mishmash. In the first post the'll be links.