Javascript Tutorial 1 - Beginner's Guide

Started by lordryan756, April 30, 2011, 06:09:47 PM

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Hello. I'm Ryan (obviously), and I write in Javascript. It's a fun, flexible system and I thought you guys should try it.

---Chapter 1---
Javascript uses different "commands" that tell different sections to do something. I'll give you a condensed/cut-down version.

document.write() - As the command says, it writes stuff. You can either write a variable(Covered later) or text (Within quotation marks) within the parentheses.
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var  - This is used to set a variable (For those of those who skipped Science and Math, it's a type of "object" that can have any meaning) that can be called upon later on.
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if - This is part of an "If/Then" statement. If you skipped Language Arts, an If/Then statement is like Dominoes. IF you knock down the first domino, THEN the rest will fall down too.
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else - This command is related to the "if" statement. For example, IF variable is equal to (==) 5, document.write(Whatever), but, what if "variable" is NOT equal to (!=) 5? That is where "Else" comes in. It gives a second option.
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---Chapter 2---
Syntax is like Grammar. It is key to the Javascript language. Syntax is what keeps "Else" and "else" apart, just like having "too" and "to" seperate.

{Curly Braces} - These are used to contain command reactions.
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(Parentheses) - This shows the parameters (the "boundaries" of the command) of what the command is to do.
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;Semicolon; - Most people prefer to put these at the end of lines, to make it easier to tell where the line starts and ends.
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~Various Google Resources

---Thanks to---
~Jubal - For helping me learn Javascript in the first place
~Dimos - For ideas and comments - For making that site in the first place and supplying precious knowledge

~~Corrections appreciated~~

Second tutorial to come soon.


Great start. What're you planning to add in tutorial two? :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I think how to actually string them together into an actual working script, along with the more complex commands (Random numbers, etc)