Class 2: Cartography Part One (Realistic Worlds)

Started by Jubal, September 12, 2012, 04:42:56 PM

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Cartography and Geography
Part One - Realistic Worlds

The dominance of normality

I'm going to start this section – probably one of the biggest we'll cover – simply by looking at how to make realistic feeling earth-like geography. A lot of this is really highschool level stuff, it's just being applied in new ways. At some point I'll do sections on worlds with geography very unlike our own, but even for most of those this should be useful.

A planet; skin and bones

This is an awfully high school teacher way of looking at things, but the old adage that a planet is kind of like an onion and has layers is actually pretty useful for a fantasy setting designer. The reason our Earth is the way it is and has the geography it does has a lot to do with the way it is made up.
And so this leads us on to plate tectonics.

Our planet is made up of big plates of rock, floating on a molten core of magma (Note: it's magma under the surface, lava when over the surface). The plate boundaries are shown above. Why is this important? The seas and mountains we have are often determined by where the plates are, and so it's by understanding this system that we can work out what's going to look right in terms of our own maps.

The basic thing to take away from this is that any really big mountains, any earthquake zones, and most volcanoes have to occur on a plate boundary or former plate boundary. (I say most volcanoes; Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific plate where some magma has forced its way through the crust, but due to the volcano basically just being a hole through which some magma pours there isn't much in terms of internal pressure.) Secondly, plate boundaries go in lines. This is why it looks weird if you try and make a mountain range that's just circular with mountains in the middle and hills around the edge; imagine taking a piece of paper or cloth, putting your hands flat on the edges, and then pushing it together. That's what the earth is doing, and so you need to make it look like that's what's happened. This certainly doesn't mean you should try and map out all the plate boundaries in your world (though feel free to): if your world is of as old an age as our own there will in any case be plenty of mountain ranges that no longer have active plate boundaries next to them. The key thing is to think in natural lines. Other things to note are that peninsular regions are often bounded by mountains (India with the Himalayas, Italy the Alps, Iberia the Pyrenees)

A planet; the bloodstream

Tectonics are one of the two major factors in land formations; the other is water.  Water, in its various forms, has huge effects on the land around it. The three main forms of water we need to worry about are the river, the ocean or lake, and the glacier.

Rivers are always a key feature. The only really important thing to remember is that water flows downhill, and so any land area can be divided into "river basins" where all the water is heading for one river. Not all rivers have to start in the mountains, but many do; if your river flows in a direction other than towards the sea or a large lake without an obvious natural obstacle, it will look pretty darn odd. Rivers are also notable in that they cause erosion and have different formations in different places; in the plains a river is likely to be deep, wide, and meandering, in the mountains it will be straight and fast-flowing, cutting out a steep-sided valley or gorge. The ends of rivers tend to have wide estuaries or deltas; putting a river going at right angles across the coast into the sea tends to look odd, particularly for large or major ones.

The edge of a river basin is called the watershed; watersheds can be important features in themselves, for example between the Waveney and Little Ouse River sources in the UK lies a thing watershed which is the only land bridge between Norfolk and the rest of England. Watersheds are also a natural feature and it looks odd when they are ignored. So firstly don't have water flowing up into mountains, but also don't have a massive mountain range without asking yourself if it rains there and if so where that water goes. Having mountains/hills where all the water goes in one direction looks odd, because even if you didn't remember that mountains have two sides, the real world certainly did.

Oceans and lakes are important parts of any map. The first vital thing to note is that they are not standalone features; any major body of water must be fed by rivers and streams. Secondly, the rules of gravity still apply; a lake is likely to be at the bottom of a basin of rivers, or along a route to the sea where the way out is only thin (and so the water backs up into a lake). Coastlines are often a more difficult thing to work on, but do not need to be inherently difficult; remembering indentations where the estuaries and mouths of rivers are helps, as does noting that coastlines are rarely straight. They tend to be formed of bays with jutting headlands between them – harder rock forms headlands, softer soils and rocks will be eroded to make bays.

Glaciers are the last thing to note. When visiting many mountain ranges, you will see that they valleys are not as steep as you might expect if a fast flowing but thin river or stream had cut them. Huge U-shaped valleys are more likely the result of long-melted glaciers, huge walls of ice rolling down. These will also have deposited rocks not native to the local area (moraine) and formed canoe-shaped hills pointing in the direction of the glacier (drumlins). This characteristic set of features is common particularly in northern Europe or mountain regions since the ice ages, and remembering these can help add some realism to your features.

Example: Middle Earth

If you take a look at a map of middle earth:

You can note a lot of the above features; whilst plate tectonics was barely known as a theory when this map was drawn, it nevertheless follows the rules that plate tectonics explains simply because these are what gives the map its earth-like feel.

Examples include the long lines of mountains; the Ered Luin are good candidates for being on a current plate boundary, and all of the ranges generally fit together well in naturally flowing lines and curves (the right-angle over the Anduin where the Ered Nimrais meet the Ered Duath is odd, but not impossibly so). Note the water basin inside Mordor due to the Ered Duath and Ered Lithui; the water flows inland and therefore has to form the Sea of Nurnen. The river Lune in Eriador is an excellent example of a river basin lying between two sets of hills; the lake above the falls of Rauros shows how the water would have backed up before breaking through in the famous waterfall formation. The Brandywine, Greyflood and Isen all have large and visible estuaries rather than going into the sea at right angles, and note the large delta at the mouths of the Anduin.

TASK: Map making!

With the exception of those of you who are doing sci-fi or unusual planet formations, who need to wait for Cartography Part Two, anyone who wants to do an earth-like world can now get going on a basic map and geography. Do not worry about settlements or nations at all for now preferably – entirely ignore them and get the physical world looking reasonable, and in the settlements module we'll work on how your naturalised world actually gives you most of the information on national borders and settlements you need.

More on plate tectonics, by moi (includes the different types of plate boundary):

River and coastal processes:

This is a fantastic site for finding historical maps of our own earth and seeing how tectonics can change a planet over time – it gives maps of our world going back to the Precambrian era and even millions of years into the future:
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


This is where I always fall over.

What exactly should I do to draw a map? I take it by hand? And where should I start?
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


I'd try starting at the bottom; the magma etc. Then come up from there and let everything "naturally" come into being. So when the world comes into place, then you can be like "Oh, so that's what that country looks like! Neat."


Quote from: Phoenixguard09 on September 13, 2012, 01:09:23 AM
This is where I always fall over.

What exactly should I do to draw a map? I take it by hand? And where should I start?

The technical and practical side of map-drawing, with examples, is probably going to form Cartography 3. :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Oh right. :P

All good then. Looking forward to it.
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.



Anyone got any questions?  :)

I'm working on the other Cartography parts now I've got my Oulipo entry done.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Waiting on the next part since this one is utterly useless to me. :P