Wars of Middle-Earth: A Warband Mod

Started by Phoenixguard09, June 02, 2013, 06:59:59 AM

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Okay, I think I'm actually going to be able to do this one. :P

I've scaled it down somewhat so that I should be able to complete at least a beta version by myself in a relatively short time. Provided the computer doesn't decide to be.... irritating.

The idea is that this will allow me to get back into moding so that I can hopefully finish off Extended Factions to a high level. That and give me just a bit more experience in texturing, something I've never been able to do very well.

As you might have guessed from the title, this is a Warband mod set in Middle-Earth. Big surprise right? Now, as a lot of people might know, not many LotR mods for M&B actually get anywhere. This is usually down to the fact that it's quite difficult to get something to live up to the books and/or movies. So that's why the initial premise of this is actually based around an idea had by a company whose prodcuts are far less impressive. :P

EA created a game way back in 2004, based around an "alternate fellowship" who followed the Fellowship of the Ring. Now, I actually thought the game was incredible, and I think it could possibly be considered the reason I got so into Warhammer and by extension, RPG's. Unfortunately, the story was probably not the strong point, though this is really down to the fact that EA had the licence to the movie material, but not that of the books, which really got in the way I imagine.

Moving on,

So, my idea was as follows,

LotR mods are thin on the ground, mainly because they only focus on either an area of the game or an area of Midle-Earth. As such, big sweeping mods which cover both multi-player and single-player are non-existent. The only ones which succeed are ones that focus entirely on at least one area of the two categories. Let's just discuss the released LotR mods.

The Last Days is a single-player mod for the original M&B, which stretches the entirety of Middle-Earth east of the Misty Mountains. It is also completely based on the book. No Gondorian plate harnesses to be found here! :P Unlike the others, at least this one is still being worked on, a good thing too as it is fairly bug prone, though the cinematics and the like are quite impressive.

Battle for the Hornburg was an Invasion based multi-player mod for Warband. It is based around a single map of Helm's Deep and challenges you to survive to the very end of wave 36. As you can imagine, this is very basic, though it is well-made. What's more, Kazzan is no longer working on it, so it will never be finished.

Ak Ela was a Turkish mod for the original M&B, based off the movies. They did not get far and the released beta is often considered quite lacklustre.

I'm pretty sure that's it. The cream of the LotR mods for a game that lends itself distinctly to Middle-Earth. Admittedly, I am somewhat out of the loop when it comes to the modding scene so maybe I've missed some.

So my idea is a multi-player mod for Warband, the initial release at least containing the journey of EA's 'alternate fellowship,' from here on referred to as the Company of the Shield. Players will take the role of one of seven companions, each of which has access to different equipment and abilities to survive a perilous journey through Middle-Earth.

There will be a succession of maps stretching from Eregion to perhaps Minas Tirith which players will have to navigate their way through, coming up with strategies to defeat the parties of enemies which will come their way.

The construction of the maps and the balancing between the different playable characters will hopefully promote team play, instead of competition seeing who will obtain the most kills, each player will have their own way of ensuring the party's survival.

To make the mod work, EA's story will be abandoned. Players will have to come up with their own reasons for the party to be travelling this path. But that's okay, let's not try to think too much about that.

A Citadel Guardsman from Gondor, Berethor has access to the heaviest armour of the companions from the start, along with a shield and an arming sword. He is the 'tank,' if you will, capable of taking a few hits and turtling behind his shield, drawing enemies from his weaker allies. He is also able to deal decent damage with his sword, although his attacks are fairly slow. His weakness however comes from not having any ranged ability.

An elf from Lothlorien, Idrial is one of Galadriel's handmaidens. She is clad in cloth and leather and armed with an elven lhang. Her squishiness is offset by her magic, which allows her to cause great damage with Loudwater Fury, in addition to hopefully being able to heal her allies with Gift of the Eldar. Her attacks are fast, although she does not cause great amount of damage with her sword. Her main ability lies in 'pinch-hitting' with Loudwater Fury.

A Dunedain ranger, Elegost is clad in tough leathers and armed with a bastard sword and a longbow. His armour is not tough, though he is skilled at both melee and ranged combat. He does good damage with his sword, although his lack of a shield means he could be in trouble taking on multiple opponents. His bow is slow to nock and draw but deals high amounts of damage.

A dwarf of the Blue Mountains and friend of Elegost, Hadhod is relatively well-armoured in leather and chain and carries an assortment of weapons. He may carry anything from a selection of throwing axes, hand axes, greataxes, warhammers and even a shield, making him capable of taking on a variety of roles in the party. He is however, slow to both move and attack. (I also hope that I can have a dwarf skeleton available in the multi-player, something a lot of modders find difficult.)

Idrial's brother, a marchwarden of Lothlorien, Aranel is only a gues character in EA's game, but will be playable from the beginning in Wars of Middle-Earth. He is clad in leathers and armed with an elven lhang and a hunting bow. He lacks his sister's ability with magic, however he capable of shooting at considerable speed, making him very good at mowing down large numbers of unshielded enemies.

Though this shieldmaiden of Rohan was armed with two axes in EA's game, Morwen here is represented with a single axe and a Rohirric roundshield. She is relatively lightly armoured, making her fast but unable to take many hits. Her main role is to be used as a 'pinch-hitter' in close combat, using her speed and high-damage dealing axe to take on opponents busy with her allies.

An outrider of Rohan, Eaoden is armed with only a spear, however this makes him very effective at keeping enemies at a distance. It is a quick weapon and capable of dealing high amounts of damage, which is good as Eaoden is clad only in leather and a small amount of chain, making him vulnerable to heavy attacks.

Players will start in Eregion, a heavily forested region filled with game trails. The enemies will spawn at various points across the map, separated from each other. As Warband's AI forces bots to adopt the closest path to their opponents, this will create the illusion of waves of enemy troops. The centre of the map will be dominated by an elven waystation, which will provide a somewhat defensible position for the group to stave off the orcs and Rhudaurian wildmen. Upon surviving the 'level,' a prompt will appear asking the players if they wish to move on to the next map.

The companions then find themselves in the High Pass, a labyrinth of rocky, snowy highland filled with orcs, more wildmen and perhaps a handful of wargs. It's possible to have the wargs act like they do in TLD, however they are a bit basic, acting like horses with high charge damage and an invisible rider... Might skip on the wargs sadly. Eventually however, the party is then asked about the next map.

Leading to having just approached the West Gate of Moria. The Watcher has disappeared after having torn down the doorway, but there is still a small way in, where the rocks have piled up leaving a small access. Inside is a multitude of Moria goblins, which will be weaker than the orcs the party has already fought, although in higher numbers and clad in tougher armour. Moria will also be very dark, leading to archery being ineffective. The door to the Chamber of Mazarbul will be open, though going in there is likely a death-trap, it being far safe to get to the intact bridge of Khazad-Dum. Chances are they will have to then fight off a large wave of goblins and maybe a handful of trolls if a good skeleton can be constructed. They will then be asked about the next map.

The party finds themselves in East Emnet, a maze of caves and rocks. The map itself is in much the same fashion as the Eregion and High Pass maps, though the enemies are the same orcs as before, joined now by Saruman's scout uruk-hai. The uruk-hai will be tougher, stronger and faster than the orcs and armed with powerful, though inaccurate bows, falchions and shields and armoured in leathers. The main defensible position is an elven outpost in one of the caves where the orcs can only come towards the party so many at a time.

The next map is Rohan, which will mainly revolve around a small homestead where the party will be besieged by a small group of orcs, scout uruk-hai and Dunlending wildmen. From there, the party moves on towards a high bridge and into Snowbourne. Snowbourne itself is quite defensible, with high walls and several gates which may be used as chokepoints.

The next map is Helm's Deep, comprised of the Deeping Wall and the Hornburg. Now, while I personally would love to be able to play the Siege of Helm's Deep, I can't think of a way for the players to be able to command the men of Rohan, maybe the elves of Lothlorien and then Gondorians later on. This leads me to think that perhaps we need to invent a second Siege where the players can go it alone, or perhaps that the Siege itself needs to be skipped. The latter would be a pity, but I can't think of a way to do it properly in a way that makes sense to the story.

Regardless of whether Helm's Deep is played through or skipped, play would continue through to other regions, eventually culminating in Minas Tirth, which would be difficult for similar reasons to Helm's Deep, what with having Gondorian soldiers everywhere. Perhaps, those sieges need to be dropped from the list of campaign maps. Perhaps the campaign as a whole should just be wrapped up with the defence of Snowbourne.

First of all, a mapper. I seem to be awful at it, which is a bit of a pity. I assure you, it's not through a lack of trying, I simply seem to not be any good. So someone capable of designing the battle-maps would be great.

Secondly, a modeller. Luckily, not someone for doing the armours, which seems to be something lots of people have trouble with. Not yet anyway, as I hope to be able to get by with just native retextures to begin with, but someone who can create the scene objects the mapper will need. Things like the elven waystation in Eregion will need to be modeled and I lack the hardware to do it myself.

If I can get those two things, everything should be fine. Hopefully. In fact, if everything works out, I hope that this mod could be expanded with extra campaigns, something like the the Fellowship of the Ring or the Companions of the North from the old LotR SBG supplement I helped out on over on the old Last Alliance forums.

I should be able to do all the necessary coding and texturing myself, though offers of help would naturally be appreciated.

One thing EA's game did that many found interesting was Evil Mode, where players were able to control the forces of evil in order to take out this 'alternate fellowship.' In light of this, I think it might be interesting to open up a possibilty for a player to take control of the evil forces in a scenario to try and crush the good guys. I believe the ability to play as a Ringwraith would make this possible, the idea being that the Evil player's commands are akin to how the orcs were always more effective when their masters were cracking the whip at them. An Evil player would be able to do all sorts of things to make the situation easier for his minions, such as opening doors and issuing commands so that the orcs attacked as a cohesive band rather than a series of small parties.

I find this interesting, though I suppose Ringwraiths would only fit in some circumstances. Perhaps orc champions might be possibilities as well for situations when one of the Nazgul would not be in charge.

Anyway, that's all for now, I hope that some people might be able to help out a bit, though I realise that this is unlikely.

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


That sounds pretty awesome to me! I would love to help out if I can be of any use (I almost certainly can't be of any use) but keep us updated anyways :D
like a bruise that would never go away, but she would cherish it for ever.

gellthîr i melethron nîn

nínim in menil


I like the idea. But how would the company get out of moria after G-dawg destroys the bridge? Unless that doesn't actually happen in the books, I haven't read them in a while.
Don't know if you've already heard but TLD went open source, which could eliminate most of the need for new models.
And have you thought about making a Norbayne mod?

Also there's a very promising looking single player LOTR mod which should be out in beta fairly soon called The Veiled Stars.


Thanks Scarlet. If you have any ability at all when it comes to modding, especially scening, that would be excellent. I understand if not though, that's okay. :) The offer is highly appreciated.

Penty, to answer the question about Moria's bridge, I asked myself the same question. I thought I had explained in the post but reading over it I must have incidentally deleted that bit. The only way I can see it working is if the Company is actually travelling ahead of the Fellowship.

I didn't know TLD went open source, thanks for letting me know. May well come in quite handy, although I have to say that I think I might well be going for a more movie feel than they did. From memory as well, I think there might be clipping issues with some of their armours, though I could be wrong.

As to a Norbayne mod, I have thought about it a lot, but unfortunately it would be damn near impossible to get all the new races plus the magic system in.

So I've thought about it, but given up on the idea. :P

Thanks for letting me know about the Veiled Stars. I'm going to go have a look at it now.

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Just a quick status update as work has begun.

Factions have been renamed. :P Very important that. Needs to be done.
Berethor, Idrial and Elegost are all in game. Models are Native models which can be easily retextured. ;) I wish Elegost and Berethor had cloaks, but they never look good in M&B. Idrial's Loudwater Fury is in, although I'm not entirely happy with it. That and I will need to do the particle effect. Which shall be interesting to say the least.

I think that's all I've done, but that's not bad for one night's work, especially when you consider I had to download and setup Python, OpenBRF and the module system on this computer. With my internet, it's actually amazing I got anything done at all tonight. :P

Anyway, things to do tomorrow:
1. Get the other characters in game with Native models.
2. Do preliminary research on how to do dwarves in multiplayer.
3. Start working on the evil guys.
4. Get to work on new stuff for the Three Coins group.
5. Hand out even more resumes around the place.
6. Accompany Ladyhawk to lunch and something else.
7. Show Ladyhawk the basics of texturing and/or scene editing. Though I imagine that this will probably turn into me watching her butcher orcs with magic. :P
8. Go win a tennis grand final on Monday night.
9. Go to bed so I can get up for university on Tuesday.

I have a damn busy 24 hours ahead of me. Off to bed now I think. ;)

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Status Report!

Slept in far too late this morning so I did only the following:
1. No new characters.
2. Did preliminary research on how to do dwarves in multiplayer. Figured out that I might need to get better at this crap. :P
3. Didn't start working on the evil guys.
4. Didn't get to work on new stuff for the Three Coins group.
5. Didn't remember to hand out even more resumes around the place.
6. Accompanied Ladyhawk to lunch and then got a movie replaced cause I couldn't remember that was why we were going out to begin with. 
7. Showed Ladyhawk the basics of texturing. Ended up helping her retexture the Native tabard to have Idrial's jerkin. Now, it's not necessarily any good, mainly because I'm not much of a texturer and I could only show Ladyhawk what I know, but it's better than the olive colour it was. 
8. Lost a tennis grand final. Ah well, there's always next season, though I now have a really sprained ankle.
9. Not getting to bed early (already past midnight) so I can't get up for university on Tuesday. :P

Ah well, productivity! :P

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


I'll give you a hand on this one if you want. I'll have to wait two weeks until my exams are done, and then do tutorials like they're meals but as a prolific player of the Third Age in my youth I'll help as I can. I should be able to texture without much difficulty though.
I am Othko, He who fell from the highest of places, Lord of That Bit Between High Places and Low Places Through Which One Falls In Transit Between them!


HAHA! Brilliant!

It was a great game in it's own way, was it not? ;)

Yeah I did end up doing a little bit on the evil guys last night, making my bedtime even later. :P Ah well, I'm up now and I need to mow the lawn this afternoon, but then I'm pretty well free to mod this afternoon. :)

Thanks for the offer Othko, I'll let you know what's required texture-wise soon.

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


It was wonderful :D SO many hours of turn based combat. Shame it doesn't work on the 360 :/
I am Othko, He who fell from the highest of places, Lord of That Bit Between High Places and Low Places Through Which One Falls In Transit Between them!


Absolutely. :)

I actually hooked up the old Xbox in my room and ordered new controllers off Ebay specifically for Ladyhawk and myself to play through it again. :P

Favourite character and tactics? ;)
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Well then, I had a real hold up today on the modding front as I had just managed to get a taller and less hairy Hadhod in game with Native models, along with some basic retextures to stand in for Orc equipment, when I hit a gamebreaking bug.

So I redid everything, copy and pasting and then testing each segment as I went.

So now I am where I was this afternoon, before adding Hadhod. I'm thinking I might do some of the more human-ish characters, Morwen, Eaoden and Aranel before tackling the dwarf.

If anyone has any ideas on how to get dwarves in multiplayer, I'm all ears. So far my research has only turned up that I need to write a script that kills the player upon picking Hadhod from the menu and then respawning as the Hadhod troop. But I've yet to figure out exactly how to do it. :(

Ah well, I've got some other things to work on I guess. ;)

Othko, just wondering, do you have any way of looking at reference pictures for the Third Age items? You wouldn't happen to have the Prima guide or something? Just wanted to know just in case I will have to obtain reference pictures. ;)

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


I have Google and the game kind of works, it just stops at East Emnet gullies and keeps flashing white for me. So any reference images up until East Emnet I could get from the game (or you could with your still-in-your-possession-and-not-sold Xbox One [Wait, what did you say the new Xbox was called? WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY DO THAT?!!]). Sadly I do not possess any guides or the like.

Favourite character? Idrial because of her vital part in my favourite tactic (and she friendzones Berethor, who annoyed me up to no end). Other than her Elegost, because he was awesome. Favourite tactic? Use Idrial to make herself resurrect when she died, and then use her to resurrect anyone else when they died, and feed her whatever it was what gave her AP if she ever ran out. Alternate the rest of the party according to whose moves you want etc. but keep Idrial as a constant healing machine. This tactic was slowly devised by myself, SotK and Teejackbo back in the days of old Xbox.
I am Othko, He who fell from the highest of places, Lord of That Bit Between High Places and Low Places Through Which One Falls In Transit Between them!


Alrighty then, so references for later stuff, got it. :)

Elegost was a legend. :P Ladyhawk really likes Idrial, we have a running joke about Berethor's uselessness and she treats Morwen like she's some skank they picked up in Rohan. :P

Alright then mate, thanks for your offer and I'll get a list of stuff compiled. :)
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Quick status report:

All the company are in game with Native items, save Hadhod who I am waiting on.

I'm actually contemplating whether it's worth it and seeing if I can recuit a better scripter to the cause. I don't think I have the time to devote figuring out such a hefty piece of code. But we'll see. ;)

On to the evil troops next. :)

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Okay, I spent this evening doing up a basic Orc face texture. It actually turned out alright, but as I am an indifferent texturer at best.... Well, maybe others should be the judge. :P

Now I do have a slight problem with the face codes. I did up faces for the Rhudaur wildmen, but for some ungodly reason, they just are not using them. To top it all off, sometimes the orc champions decide to take human faces. And I still have no idea why. I don't suppose anyone has any idea regarding whether or not there's face code bugs?

On another note, I may have just fixed it, going to test now. ;)

FIXED! Well, sort of. The faces I wanted had big black bushy beards and wild hair, but now they're just the Vaegir faces. Could be worse. :P

Okay, so the company's in, so is the Evils of Eriador bots. Now on to Moria!

The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.