RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing through 0.4

Started by ahowl11, December 02, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

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Yeah, I'm getting the mechanics figured out before I go retooling rosters, factions and maps. Nile Spearmen and many other vanilla units will eventually be removed.

However, to make things look better, I am slowly but surely adding various reskin packs to the mod by warspite and webbird. So far Pontus, Armenia, Numidia and all Mercenaries have been reskinned. Once I get all of the factions reskinned I will release the next full BETA. Until then I suggest we test as much as possible to see if there is anything that still needs to be fixed.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I've just looked up webbirds work, pretty good :), though I can't seem to find anything on warsprite :(.


Look in the downloads section of TWC, type warspite in the search box :)
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on December 05, 2013, 05:17:03 PM
Look in the downloads section of TWC, type warspite in the search box :)

Oh warspite, I thought you meant warsprite, thanks dude. Back to beta testing discussion, I noticed that AI controlled cavalry tends to charge head on into pikes, probably because I'm playing on medium and forgot to set it to VH :P btw the way, what factions do you plan to add to replace the roman houses?


This is my faction list so far

1. Rome
2. Carthage
3. Macedon
4. Seleucid
5. Egypt
6. Parthia
7. Pontus
8. Armenia
9. Gaul
10. Germania
11. Dacia
12. Iberia
13. Sarmatia
14. Illyria
15. Numidia
16. Greek Cities - Athens, Achaean League, Rhodes, Byzantium, Massilia
17. Celtic Tribes - Galatia, Celt-Iberians, Noricum, Britons
18. Greek States - Sparta, Aetolian League, Bosporan Kingdom, Syracuse
19. Hellenic Kingdoms - Epirus, Pergamum, Cyrene, Bactria
20. Independent Peoples - Odrysian Kingdom, Bithynia, Cappadocia, Atropatene, Nabataea, Mauryans, Saba*, Ethiopia*
21. Rebels
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


So I take it Bactria won't be a playable faction, this saddens me  :'(, oh well win some you lose some *sniff*


It will be a swap faction similar to RS2. The list above just gives the main campaign factions
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on December 06, 2013, 12:22:44 AM
It will be a swap faction similar to RS2. The list above just gives the main campaign factions
And with that my tears of sorrow have turned into tears of joy :). Just out of curiosity what other unit packs do you intend to use for the other factions? Is it just Warspite and Webbird or do you have other planned?


Well webbird covers: Gaul, Germania, Britannia, Dacia, Scythia, Spain, GCS, Macedon, Thrace, Seleucids, and Egypt
Warspite covers: Pontus, Armenia, Numidia, Mercenaries
Kali covers Parthia but I don't like the style so I won't use them.
Maximusminimus and webbird cover Carthage
Ferres and Godzilla cover the Romans

So really I just need stuff to fill in for the Rebels :)

Also, I am only reskinning the units for now. No new units will be added, and these skins ARE NOT final. If I find better ones I will use them.

I gave a good hard look at the other units of Ferres, Algaman, and Milner. Not my style. So other than the Romans, those units will not be used.

Casus Belli has some nice reskins. I am still looking.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?

Lenin Cat

I can help you with skins too :)
Anyways ,glad to see Dacia there but aren't there too many Greeks?
Also will you make a faction swap with Britons too? And give'em archers!
You can not haz cheezeburger until all cats can haz cheezeburger.

Lenin Cat

Also sorry for duble-post but I want ahowl11 to see it.
What map are you going to use?
Also I couldn't find time to install it yet , sorry. But I hope that when you get new versions out you release them as patches.
You can not haz cheezeburger until all cats can haz cheezeburger.


I acn help you find some skins too, a couple of hidden treasures perhaps :). Is There a specific style that you are looking for? Also, I'm having fun with the capmaign right now as the Seleucids, though I've been playing mods for so long I kinda miss the AOR, not used to going to battle without horse archers supporting my phalanx and the Militia cav just doesn't do it for me :P, though i'm loving the new animation for the Militia hoplites, especially the Shield wall ability, really guards the flanks of my Phalanx well and its fun to watch them chase the enemy when they route.


Style needs to be similar to how units looked in RTRPE. If either of you or both of you could do that, great progress could be made in the future regarding units. I also need someone willing yo do UI's but I MAY have found someone at TWC. unDa, who is active with DTW helps.

There needs to be many greeks in the main campaign to simulate all the political intrigue at the time. I think the faction list is perfect as is.

I am glad you are enjoying such a vanilla version b257! Care to share some screens?
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I'm gonna have to download fraps again :P, I'm about to engage two large Egyptian stacks with my Army of Pikemen Militia Hoplites, Peltasts, Eastern Mercs,  my mercenary camel cav and my General Being my only Cavalry unit, I left my Militia Cav in Sidon by accident, so yeah it should be epic. I noticed though in one of my siege battles Cavalry has difficulty running and maneuvering in cities might want to check that up.

As for units, I might suggest Extended Greek Mod and Extended Cultures as they have some hidden gem Units similar in style to RTRPE, their Syrian Archer Model is pretty good. Some of their units are taken from other mods Like EB but some are XGM and XCM Originals.


I'd definitely like to see some screens of that battle!

Eh, maybe. I thought EB style would be good, but it actually does not fit well with the RTRPE style. Reskinning certain XGM/XC units to get rid of the vanilla colors is an option though.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?