Welcome to the Beer Garden of Babel! (Guide and rules)

Started by Jubal, January 26, 2015, 05:54:10 PM

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Welcome! Wilkommen! Bienvenue!

This area of Exilian is for posting threads for people to talk in languages other than English. It's pretty much that simple. The aim is to keep these as friendly chat threads.


  • One thread per language. Very different variants will usually be allowed (but only if they're almost unintelligible: Scottish English wouldn't be far enough away to count, but Low German would be).
  • Keep it civil. It is, if anything, more important that you keep things calm here than in other areas of the forum, as the moderators are likely to need to use translation software to adjudicate disputes and may miss nuances in your language. We'd particularly encourage you to conduct any moral or political debates in the appropriate areas of Exilian and in English; this prevents these friendly chat threads getting overrun, and also allows everyone on the site to participate.
  • Novices in languages should be made welcome, where possible - though this isn't in and of itself meant to be a language practice area, people are encouraged to have a go at conversing in new languages that they're learning.
  • The terms of service all apply here as on the rest of the site.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Quote from: Jubal on January 26, 2015, 05:54:10 PM

One thread per language. Very different variants will usually be allowed (but only if they're almost unintelligible: Scottish English wouldn't be far enough away to count
Pish aff ya jakey bastard!


As I'm bored, I'm going to make some main discussion threads for languages :p



I have created threads for some more languages that are likely to be of interest to existing members. The text is mostly from Google Translate, so there are almost certainly errors in vocabulary and grammar - corrections are very welcome.