Heroes of the Storm!

Started by Clockwork, September 23, 2015, 04:18:57 PM

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If anyone plays and has builds/strategies for maps or whatever post here.

If anyone wants a game I play on EU servers my tag is Rob#2644
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Hero Look: Tychus

Q:AP Rounds: Tychus fires continuously at a target and the area around them for good sustained damage over a moderate period of time. Tychus W and E can be cast while this is in effect.
W: Throws a grenade for low damage and small knockback.
E: Dashes forward a really short distance, good to avoid abilities and to keep a distance while Q is up.
R: Odin - Tychus turns into a mechwalker with massive AoE damage but can be killed just as easily. Laser Drill - Tychus throws down a laser drill doing continuous damage which can be re-targeted to any enemy within range.

Considered average to weak currently I think there's loads of potential behind him. The problem with him is that he needs defensive talents  quickly otherwise he can be stomped by even the weakest heroes.

So far I've found 2 main builds that work with him.

Q build, take the talents which improve the Q and for defense take first aid, stoneskin and possibly relentless depending on the amount of cc the enemy team has. Take laser drill at 10 because you can't use your Q when in the odin anyway. Really simple to play, just play super defensive early game.

AA build, take regen and vampiric attacks first for defense and then pick up talents that improve his aa. At 7, either sizzling or rapid fire works with rf being better on larger maps where everyone needs to do some siege damage and siz on closer, more skirmish maps. Get relentless if they have loads of cc or if you're the most dangerous and are being targeted by their only cc or something. Otherwise problem solver is better over stim pack I find. If you have an ETC, Jaina or other allies with a lot of cc, Executioner is amazing, otherwise lock and load lets you keep up with anyone without a speed boost or blink. Nexus Frenzy at 20 is all right if you need single target damage, bolt of the storm if you're getting focused or Odin if you need more AoE. Harder to play but more damage and more versatile, especially with a cc heavy team comp.

Maps tychus works best on are Battlefield of Eternity, Cursed Hollow and worst would be Sky Temple and Haunted Mines
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


So I've been playing HotS for a while now and I'm coming to the conclusion that the game needs more and more obvious power spikes.

Heroes like Azmodan, Stitches, Raynor, Artanis, Tyrande, Falstad get power very incrementally with their quest talents (seasoned marksman etc) and perform solidly if not remarkably throughout the early-mid game and then exceptionally well in the late and very late game. On the flipside, heroes with power spikes would work well at certain points during the early-mid-late game and then not as well in the very late game. Such heroes at the present I guess would be Kael'thas at 13, Nova at 7, ETC at 10. KT gets his chain bomb thing which everyone seems to hate, Nova gets a significant damage boost from a combo and ETC gets a large aoe stun with a long duration.

I argue that power spike mechanics are more fun than incremental boosts, giving one side a timed advantage that they should use until the opposing team gets to where they spike and the roles of attacker vs defender are reversed. With the addition of Greymane as the newest hero this looks like the trend, even Lunara I guess is a spike hero at 16 with that basic attack range increase even if she is weaksauce.

Actually that brings me onto another point. Heroes like Nazeebo and Lunara that always top the damage charts are way more useless than it appears. Almost all damage that doesn't lead to a kill or retreat (with the loss of lane xp anyway) is wasted. The type of damage that these two champs at least do is so slow due to how poisons work in the game that, although they are doing continuous damage over the entire game and yes they will actually get the kills sometimes due to an actual burst character getting them so low that a single poison tick finishes them, the damage they do does not reflect how powerful they are.

Instead compare with an assassin like Illidan (I would include Butcher if he wasn't so bad) who almost never tops the damage charts but usually ends up with more kills and more 'useful' damage done. Illidan can run down fleeing enemy heroes to secure xp from the kill and has burst damage enough to take out almost all assassins with ease. What I'm saying is damage charts (and healing, tanking, kills, assists stats) aren't reflective of usefulness and players who quote them in an attempt to prove their worth on a team plainly don't understand how the game and strategy in general works.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


None of this info is relevant now. Game has changed too much.

According to hotslogs I just hit Master tier Quick Match. Yay for me.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.