How to fix "Python not recognized..."

Started by Private Clark, May 06, 2008, 05:06:39 AM

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Private Clark

Again, ported from taleworlds


OK so you've got the module system and the first time to try to do anything you get "python not recognized as internalexternal command, operable program or batch file.".

Here's how you getting working for Windows 2000 and XP.

Right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties".  Next select the "Advanced" tab and click on "Environmental Variables".


In the top window, user variables, select "New".  In the pop up window that comes up give the variable a name and enter the path where Python is installed preceded by a semicolon.   Then click "OK".
For this example the variable is given the name "Python" and Python is installed in C:\Python25.


When you're done it should look like this.  Then click on "OK" to close all windows.


If you're using an older version of Windows or can't follow these instructions go to

Instructions for Vista.