Fox Box Barrels (sculpted by Craig "Kiblams" Dolan)

Started by Flamekebab, March 19, 2016, 10:25:51 PM

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As a kid into wargaming I loved miniature barrels. They were great as scatter terrain, accessories, and as ways of making other bits of terrain look good. The problem was that they could only be had as a set with other things. There was always that scarcity. There's only so many tank traps a tabletop needs but barrels? Barrels are the best!

The only problem with buying barrels intended for things like scale models was the fact that they were precisely that - scale models. 28mm "Heroic" isn't a scale - it's an art style. Shorter legs, bigger heads, weapons, and hands. Then there's the fact that everyone is on a base a few millimetres thick. Our eyes don't care that the barrels would look ridiculously large if they were on the same base.

What I'm getting at is that Craig has put together these great barrels that fit nicely with Orcs as well as Orks.

They're now on the site:


I do occasionally wonder in some of these settings quite why on earth there are so many discarded barrels everywhere, but I agree they're lovely pieces :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


It's rather odd, isn't it? Grubby traffic cones and bin bags seem to be rare creatures after the apocalypse but should you want to throw together a barbecue you're set!