Stuff that would fit in the mod

Started by dj_chisi10, May 05, 2009, 05:35:09 AM

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:D The only problem is, that edit tuples change a lot. I've tried them once for the changing of the name of your sword, and it (somehow) turned into changing the name of a... cow! No idea why...


we already are :P

do you know how to code an editable tuple?


Yeah, I'm practicing atm. Its quite a long tuple.



With the pictures urgals would wear a loincloth maybe with armor anyway thats what.... what his name nargarzog or something was wearing in the battle at the burning planes in eldest.

i dont know why but i imagined them to look something like minataurs


darwin can you add basistea. also know as giant bow possibly with wheels in the castles in major towns made for shooting down dragons.

EDIT: and wih dragons when you get one it should be a baby one and is a companion and is weak so you have to protect it, after a month it becomes a full size dragon also with the dragon companion do you have to have seperate items for mount [if it is one] level ups to replace the dragon???   :unsure:


I guess I'll have to describe to you what we have now. You'll get an egg from a quest, and it will hatch at the end of the quest. Presto, you have yourself a dragon! To make it grow up would require some coding which I don't consider my first priority at the moment.


Murtagh used magic to make his grow up. Maybe you could add that to the quest so you don't have to do any coding

The Red Baron

Well that was gallbatiorix and it ws a pretty intense peice of magic, IIRC


Maybe you have access to pretty intense magic at a point in the quest. You might find a hidden stash of eldunari guarded by a powerful elven mage that decides to help and dies in the task of growing you dragon. Hhhmmmmm.

I don't know really. Just thought i'd put it out there


The quest is slightly different. You defeat a strong sorcerer who guards the egg for Galbatorix. And this is only the start of your adventurer!


How about the sorcerer has some eldunari which you take and later on when the egg hatches for some reason you need a fully grown dragons help so force it to grow




the spear, the gloves and the helmet too please sib, and also a coat in red pls
