Troops Items

Started by dj_chisi10, May 11, 2009, 11:29:38 PM

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We need to be more organized, so here we will decide which troop would have which items, weapon, armor, etc.
I made the spoilers so under them, we will add the name of the item, etc. and a picture.

Gigolo Man
Spoiler: click to toggle

If you have a proposal for any troop please edit the topic and post under the specific spoiler, because we all can moderate topics.
If you don't know how to do that and you think you got something ask me or someone else who knows.
when you post under a spoiler please Change the Color of the name of the troop to green so others would know which one you edited
after you have made a proposal, we (All) will debate it and decide if needs modifications or not.

Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle

Swordsman of Alagaesia (replacing Hired Blade)
Spoiler: click to toggle

Nomad Horseman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Nomad Horseman of the Hadarac (replacing mercenary cavalry)
Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle

Spoiler: click to toggle

Ranger of the Spine (an upgrade from Mercenary Corssbowmen)
Spoiler: click to toggle

The Empire

Imperial Conscript
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Ranger
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Expert Ranger
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Soldier
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Veteran|Darwin|And Millenium!
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Guard|Darwin|And Millenium!
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Red-Tunic|Darwin|And Millenium!
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial horseman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Imperial Knight|Millenium!
Spoiler: click to toggle


Surdan Volunteer
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Militia
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Infantry
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan SergeantMillenium
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Cavalry

Surdan Royal CavalryMillenium
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan King's CavalryMillenium
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Skirmisher
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Crossbowman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Surdan Expert Crossbowman
Spoiler: click to toggle


Dwarf Volunteer
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Axeman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Trained Axeman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Veteran Axeman
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Elite Axeman|Millenium
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Berserker|Millenium
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Axethrower
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Veteran Axethrower
Spoiler: click to toggle

Dwarf Elite Axethrower
Spoiler: click to toggle

Elven-still needs troops

Elven Helmets|Chisi
Spoiler: click to toggle

Elven spear(probably cavalry)|Darwin
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The Red Baron

Some people haven't yet had moderator powers activated, if so, just quote the change and I'll update it for now.


Can you find a second picture of the Imperial Red-Tunic Helmet so i could see it better on the back side.( any angle )


Changed a few weapons for the Berserkers and elite axemen- Baron made the dwarf troops, so I'm not sure its right.


Spoiler: click to toggle



@ millenium
do you like this knife so much?


I love the knife!

Added mercenaries.


but its not possible to give a knife and a sword, and kings cavalry with a knife...


I believe a melee character can have a sword AND a knife. Archers can only have the knife.



God this mod is going to look awesome when it's done...


Looking good. Keep up the great work.


Helm looks awesome chisi!


the elven helms look very lotr like ;)