work in progress

Started by dj_chisi10, May 13, 2009, 11:30:56 PM

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this will be the modelling topic.

the Knife
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omg hehe I was just thinking about making it.


ok.before you start making a sword you should first announce that you are gonna start making that sword,so we dont have 2 choose betwen 2 models


yeah ok.

empire sword posted by Darwin:
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I finished the main mesh, I'll add details later:
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so what do you think of it ?? :)


its looks super good.i have on my pc lots of pict with swords,armours,and many other things.tomorow i'll make a package and send them 2 you could choose what do you want 2 modell


ok thank you.
about textures do you hand paint??
because some items are made from drawn pictures so we'll need a hand painter if no one in the team can do so, I'll see with a friend of mine.


no i dont do hand paint.but i can do a texture that looks decent in photoshop(sometimes)


ok then I'll see what I can do, also I'm working on a dragon too I'll post some screenshots tomorrow.

ps: I can do some hand painting in paintshop pro XI but iit's kind of hard without a drawing tablet. :)


almost done,just some little tweaks in photoshop and the knife is done

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i can wait so see the dragon screens


the empire sword is done _ don't worry I used the picture as texture to UV map I'll make another one later_
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doublebladed sword:
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:DarkstarOnly: With these modellers, We rule!:D


We are going to be the envy of all middle earth!

Err... huh?


I liked the stone house in the picture that Millenium posted so I gave it a quick try this morning before going to school:
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I'll remake it later with more random shaped pieces of wood used for the door & windows. also I'll add the stairs.



:o  :o  :o these models are great :D  :D  :D