work in progress

Started by dj_chisi10, May 13, 2009, 11:30:56 PM

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I've done a bridge I'll make some other varieties later:
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Thats cool. I can't wait to see a finished elven town


yeah me too, actually I haven't seen Misho for some time is he ok???


I finished those swords:
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I'll start making their Sheaths/Scabbards then I'll start on those ones:
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I decided not to finish the bow since I didn't want to have to do anything too complicated just yet (the string and animation), so I started working on this axe to continue brushing up on my modeling skill.

It could be used as either a dwarf or Urgal axe but I'm guessing it would be better as a dwarf axe since I'm going to have a lot of stone texture on it.

Maya Screenshot
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AWESOME!!! really happy to see someone using maya too :D


Sweetness. I really need to put more time into modeling. :p

Well.. Sibylla, what timezone are you on? Cause its like definitely four in the morning here. xD


I haven't really done any texturing before so I'm looking up some texturing tutorials. I was hoping there was a way I could use the textures in Maya (solid fractals on lamberts) and just export them. So I'm going to spend some time looking up how to do texturing.


gmt+1 (summer time) right now it's 11:19 am


14.44 here.

Bah, had to send Darwin the source the hard way.


I finished doing the textures for my axe, it's fairly low-res (512x512) but I think it's fairly good for my first try.

In Maya
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In Maya with mesh
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really good just try to adjust the UVs a bit in the lower part.



:o :o awesome!!!

very hard way :(


Does anyone know what the average texture size is for the Mount & Blade items? Will 1024x1024 be too much or should I just keep it at 512x512?


I use all sort of resolutions so I don't think there's a restriction.
PS: native's textures are 1024*1024 if I remember.