MOTION: Absent Staff Procedures Bill PASSED 6-0-0

Started by Jubal, November 24, 2018, 05:51:26 PM

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Shall this motion pass?

6 (100%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: December 01, 2018, 05:51:26 PM


OK, Glaurung suggested we should do this a while back, so here goes:

The plaza moves:

a. That it observes the often repeated lack of holders for certain staff offices.
b. That it observes the necessity of having nominal holders for those offices for certain constitutional functions.
c. That whilst it is desirable to have staff holding those offices on an individual basis, provision needs to be made for times when an office holder cannot be found.

2) Absent Staff Procedures
a. That certain functions are constitutionally required, namely those which a certain post is required to perform in circumstances outlined by other legislation or by the constitution, and some are not, namely those which the holder of the officer would be would be able to use on a discretionary basis.
b. That constitutionally required functions of staff and admins should generally be assumed to devolve to the Basileus in most cases if that post is not filled, with exceptions as defined below.
c. That functions and powers that are not constitutionally required may not be exercised under any circumstances by someone holding their functions via the provisions of this bill.

3) Exceptions
a. If the post of Basileus is vacant, the necessary functions of the Basileus devolve first to the Sebastokrator; if that post is also vacant, any decisions for how to use such constitutionally required functions should be made by majority vote of whatever administrators are in post.
b. If the post of Sebastokrator is vacant, the necessary functions of the Sebastokrator devolve first to the Tribounos, then to the Basileus if that post is also vacant.
c. If the post of Tribounos is vacant, the necessary functions of the Tribounos devolve first to the Sebastokrator, then to the Basileus if that post is also vacant.
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