New Bugs Thread

Started by Jubal, February 12, 2010, 10:23:21 PM

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Yes, spawn points are done with Edit Mode; I can dig out some good tutorials on it if you want.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Brother Librarian

im also coming across difficulty with attaining a lord and master to be a vassal to. ive even tried shopping round and asking people at random - and doing the jessica renown grabbing thing.

it might have something to do with my having independantly taken over the red Khanate..... but the game has never had a problem with me owning stuff before being a vassal before (not that ive tried it often). although its entirely possibly that its simply my pathetically low honour rating of 13 thats the problem.

also every single king i come across when i meet them for the first time seems under the impression that i have some sort of agreement with a rival claimant to their throne... and i havnt even said hello to more than 2 of the pretenders (i know from the past that pretender quests can get a bit funny - although thinking about it that would be an easy way to get around the lack of leige lord thing - right - TO THE TAVERN MEN TO FIND A TRAVELLER AND PUT A RIGHTFUL KING ON A THRONE).

edit- plans a bingo

further edit: the tavern in Garhias (in the Gorrin Empire) looks very much like it was intended to be an arena. its possibly the two scenes were accidentally switched at some point.


Yea, I need to fix that "tavern". Prolly just the result of a typo in the scenes code.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


I don't know whether or not youve said answered this or not but does this mod work on warbands??

Silver Wolf

Nope ... It's for 1.011 version ...
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


I'm planning to port to Warband in July hopefully.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


This isn't a bug per se but when ever I'm playing the game when movinh across the map, the camera and my charcter move in a very stilted and awkward manner kinda like early stop motion animation, in battle and towns, taverns etc evrythings smooth and slinky, any ideas on why this is so?


I am having problems. For one I was not sure which version your new release is for. So I just put it for 1.011 as I believe that is the current version of the Original Mount and Blade.....Or was it 1.013?...Anyways it says that I have 1.011 and it works, as in it lets me start and play, BUT I bought a bear as I was like HEY...A BEAR! YEAH! B) Then I was in battle and seen the bear....Its head was all messed up. It was caved in on itself and...well I do not know how to explaind it except that it was NOT a head. It was all polygons intangled within one another...I think I seen the bears nose, but I wasnt sure it was such a mess. Then the thing is the map...For some reason the water is all glitchy. Like you overlapped patches of water over water or whatnot. Same with some of the land, and it looks as if some land is missing to the north, , some of the east, in the southern seas and northern seas. Also to the west. It seems also that some towns are missing around I believe Tulga or Humar(I think thats the town :s) I think. Idk...I do not know if I downloaded it wrong, or if something is wrong within itself. I dont truly know. I need help to fix these problems and since this is the bug section I thought you might be able to help here. One more thing. The foreign sword or the Samurai looking sword (the two/one handed labled ones) are pulled out by the left hand over the shoulder and they just appear in the right hand and then it is put back over the shoulder by the right and teleports to its I dont know if thats how it is or not, but it is annoying. Other than that I LOVE this mod. It is big. Just like I like games. So, if you have any suggestions or any offer of help Email me at Thanks. I have screens if you need them. Email me if you need them. Ill try to send them. Thanks :D


Waaah wall of text!

The bears shouldn't be buyable at all, sorry about that. They were made for an earlier M&B version and need major rebuilds to be useable for the current one. My main problem with modding is that I'm a pure coder - I don't do any 3d graphics stuff and never have done - so that's beyond my power to fix except by removing it totally.

As for the overlapped water, that's done because there's a restrictiong on how may polygons I can have on the map. So I figured that if I stretch 1 poly over a large area of water I get more map space. :P

The Khergit area doesn't have any towns missing per se, though I might add a few at some point. It's steppe country, though, which would be one of hte most sparsely populated terrains in the world.

The Samurai swords is an anims/graphics thing that I don't know how to solve, sorry.  :ermm:
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Ah, thanks. So then stay away from the bears...even though they are awesome as hell  :D Lol. Also, the map IS made that way then? It was intentional? There are no missing continents below there or anything? Just looks that way then I guess XD
  Also, there is more than just that in the kerghit area. There is an entire area northwest of there that is all plain. Just blank and it strecthes to the edge of the map....Idk. Sorry if I seem a bit paranoid or whatnot it is just the first time I played this and so do not know how it is supposed to look like.
  Then there is an area of desert to the north and east in the corner. All blank. Was there an old town there or something?
  Then down near some yellow worded towns in the south west corner there appears to be more, but it just cuts off. Again, Im not sure if this is how it is or again if it was lost in script. It is just that I like the mod alot from what I have seen of it.
  Sorry for the "wall" of text XD but I am new to the mod and just want to know how things should be in it so I can get the full epic awesomeness that is this mod :D <3 Everyone should bow to this mod.  :DarkstarOnly:
  Thanks again for helping this new one to your awesome mod XD


Thanks.  :D

The yellow (nord) areas (which are meant to be NW by the way not SW) are meant to cut off like that, yes. And the seas are "meant" to look screwed up.

As for the eastern edge of the map and the deserts, that's space to add extra factions if I ever want to. I do have the last few planned, but I don't know if I'll ever get round to making them.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Cool. Idk, you could go far with this if you wanted to. Just get some 3D modeling help from others and you mod would be Godlike epic. :D I have a question though. Do you have a troop tree at all? One that tells you which is calvary and which is ranged and which is foot? The reason why I am asking is because I leveld troops and found wierd names. I couldnt tell which was which :P Cool mod. Just wanted to say that again XD


I don't have a written copy, I do have all the info in my head, so ask away!  :D

I've come a pretty long way with SR (the early versions literally just added afew troop spawns and 1 Gorin castle), and I've spent aaaages of my life on it. Where I go now depends on demand really; if enough people want me to I'll port it over to Warband, if there's not so much interest I might wander off to some of my other projects (like my poor neglected half-finished book or the standalone game I'm writing).
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Hehe, I'll do whatever I can in my spare time to help you port.

Also, work on some scenes is going alright, a bit slower than before, but last time I worked on this I was unemployed.


Well to be specific. With the Hematite(or however you spell their name. I cannot remember XD All I know is that it is the faction with black lettering) I get the hematite spearman. Then it says Arafi or something and then something else. I chose the bottome one as those are usually archers. That itself has its own two branches. Going into Hafarisha or something. Then to a ranger. My question is this. Which is the actual ranger and which isnt? What is what. I wish I knew so I could make my troops the way they should be. XD