RGL Error

Started by Eisnarr, May 02, 2010, 01:59:34 AM

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I've reinstalled it like 3 times and when I try to open the game I get " Unable to open file :CommonRes/costumes_a.brf , anyone know what to do ?


hmm, strange. It should work fine as long as you have mount&blade 1.010/1.011 installed in your computer...   :ermm:   ;)

This mod is NOT for warband or older m&b versions.  :P

Thanks for sharing your problem. I would be glad if you posted more in all our topics once your problem is solved, ok?  ;)
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold

Silver Wolf

Try to redownload the mod if you have M&B 1.011 version ...
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


hi dimos nice mod,we  will have a version for warband?


I'm afraid you go off topic here. Here you are :D

For your info, exams are slowing down my work, and being disapointed from TW officials I have no intention in buying warband at the momment. It is almost sure the mod will make at least 1 - 2 more releases since the warband version, which I do not quarantee will ever come out. Just keep in touch with the mod! Keep posting, expressing opinions, ideas, suggestions, thoughts, upload pictures of your game and generally feel free to express yourself here.   ;)

By the way, are you Greek? Eisai  :P  ?

In that http://s9.zetaboards.com/exilian?topic=7151205/9/  ---   http://s9.zetaboards.com/exilian?topic=7151205/10/ topic you will find some new pictures of WIP new items and ideas for the version 0,25.

Thanks for joining exilian and posting.
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold