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Messages - Tusky

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Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 27, 2018, 07:42:42 PM »


Yea there are a few. Google play, itunes, deezer, groove off the top of my head.

I released my one through tunecore which does have a small upfront fee (don't think I've quite made it back actually! oh dear). If you don't mind that though then they can distribute it to pretty much everywhere for you and then you just have one bit of admin to deal with. Plus it centralises reporting & payments in one place


Hello Exilians!

Rich or Tusky (née kinklade). I just changed my forum name from kinklade to Tusky because that's more similar to my game dev nom de plume. Sorry if that causes confusion and/or hysteria

Why you wish to become a citizen.
I'd like to be considered as a citizen because I like seeing what people are working on and chatting about it. I hope to share more about the projects I'm working on too. I've been contributing more actively over the last few weeks and like to carry on spreading the good vibes.

Any things you feel should be taken into consideration
I donated a couple of copies of my retro squirrel-em-up "Escape From BioStation" to the prize pool for the site's 10th birthday competition.
I actually first signed up a couple of years back to get some feedback on it but didn't because I just got too caught up in development.

Application Type

Are you only making the soundtrack available on bandcamp? Or are you going to release it elsewhere. Especially the spotifies. I have an "instrumental soundtrack" playlist I'd certainly like to bolster with some of these tracks!

I've had some more time to absorb the soundtrack, and here are some additional thoughts (other than: well done, It's ace):

I really like the synth wave style. The modem motif that features throughout is great, and I see what you mean about the vangelis vibes - esp in the zenith or superposition. They could almost be put in blade runner somewhere and I wouldn't notice.

  • krome street & Title theme - Love the tracks. The 80s guitar is rad
  • Attach of the SWAT - I like the d&b fills and industrial guitar juxtaposed with the mournful synth
  • the stratoplex - drop dead lovely
  • iconoclast queen - also nice
  • fulcrum fight - nice tempo and melody
  • Neofeud for The Throne - Good track to round it all off

I've not played the game yet, and I do intend to, but I wonder are there spoilers if you read the track titles?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:09:56 AM »

Utherwald Press / Re: March 2018 Update
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:08:18 AM »
I was trying to spot where the link to your kickstarter & general info about the project link was?

Sounds like it has closed from the blog posts but was still interested in learning more about what it is :p

Maybe I'm being blind  8)

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 25, 2018, 09:43:22 AM »

Awesome! Great job
I do like the music you have in the game. Very melodic and sets a good tone

General Chatter - The Boozer / Re: Funny Picture Thread
« on: March 25, 2018, 09:38:12 AM »
This made me chuckle

Uh oh!
Well hopefully it will be worth it in the end

Looks a lot better! I like the extra leaf detail and look like there is more depth in the background of the forest floor. :)

Are you going back though and reworking a lot of you old background art?

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Re: Word Association
« on: March 24, 2018, 07:52:21 AM »

Tabletop Games - The Game Room / Gloomhaven
« on: March 23, 2018, 10:09:29 AM »

I've been playing a great deal of Gloomhaven over the last few months. If you don't know what it is, you can get some details about it here.

My top level summary of it is that it is a tactical combat board game for 1* to 4 players where you have a persistent world, so your all of your actions, especially which scenario to play has a knock on effect to everything else.

Rough list of reasons I think it's great:

  • There are absolutely loads of classes. The game starts with 6 or so available - the rest are all in sealed boxes and must be unlocked. You get given a life goal and once you achieve it you unlock a class, and you must retire your character. This means things keep getting changed up - starting with the obvious fact that you have a new character so abilities, equipment and tactics need to be adapted, which has a knock on effect to the whole party make up and tactics
  • Similar to the above there are loads of other various sealed boxes, envelopes, stickers and logs, so there is a continued sense of wanting to discover what the game has to offer
  • The abilities are represented by cards, and to use the abilities you must "spend" 2 every turn, then once spent you get all but one back. This means towards the end of scenarios you are in danger of having used up all of your cards and becoming exhausted. Essentially this makes for a very interesting set of tactical decisions since your cards are your resource
  • The story itself is well written and intriguing - embellished by some lovely card artwork
  • There is a good range of enemies, and the tactics for each room often need to be thought about very carefully

Things I don't like so much

  • We aren't playing this massively frequently meaning sometimes I have forgotten what happened previously in the different  story arcs, so have difficulty making an informed choice about which scenario to choose next
  • Set up takes ages

We have a regular kernel of 2/3 players. One thing I like (that may be particular to our situation) is that there is a free slot that we can frequently fill with a guest adventurer which means we can see how various group make ups can shift the tactics we need to employ.

So has anyone else played this or interested in giving it a go? If so, any favourite classes / items / ability combos?

* There are a number of solo scenarios and I am aware that there are some people that play through these, and do the group ones in a pretend group but I personally would find that much less fun

Star Trek / Re: The Orville
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:51:15 AM »
Yes please!

I love the orville. It took a little while to get in to because they obviously don't have quite the same budget as Star Trek productions usually enjoy, but the Seth McFarlane style comedic spin is great.

Also agree about the TNG rehash stories, also some just are a bit weak and based on a "wouldn't it be funny if..." style premise. Like the one about Bortus laying an egg for example.

Star Trek / Re: New Star Trek Series Announced For 2017
« on: March 23, 2018, 08:48:46 AM »
I wasn't a big fan of these as continuations of any star trek canon. They really lacked any character progression, and the "ending" was a complete joke.

That being said I did enjoy the high production value some of the episodes had and essentially just started to watch them just as episodes of generic space action.

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