Discussion: New Faction Units

Started by ahowl11, February 07, 2014, 05:23:31 PM

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Did a little research and I have decided to exclude the units Sagittarii and Funditores from the game. The Romans never raised or trained these units, they were simply mercenaries. Sagittarii was the name given to the Numidian, Cretan, and Syrian Archers while Funditores was given to the Balearic, Numidian and Rhodian Slingers. So I'll edit the list accordingly. It seems as if we have finished the Roman Roster, now I just need to decide which models I will be using for the units!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: Bercor on February 08, 2014, 04:07:37 PM
Quote from: Alavaria on February 08, 2014, 12:50:15 PM

Well, if you like the (economy is done via income tax bonus) approach, then there's not necessarily a problem.

One could also give it a -trade bonus. (Though I think you can't have a settlement go below 0 trade bonus as well).

Other approaches I've seen include a long build time and/or a high cost for the building. In particular, players will be less tempted to start building it in every frontier settlement because (1) could be building other faster/cheaper buildings for public order and (2) could lose the settlement, which I think means you lose the cash and turns of building the citizenship building.

I see... Well, even if it's impossible to reduce the tax income to below 0%, we can at least ensure that it remains at 0%. For example, imagine that a settlement has 15% tax income and the player decides to build the "Roman citzenship". When it's done, the settlement tax income would go down to 0%, I think that's fair enough. We can also use, as you said, the -% trade bonus. Say, -10% tax income and -10% trade bonus. Also, if the building costs a lot of money and has a long building time, chances are that the tax income rises in the meanwhile.
There is an approach where you make every settlement have say +100% tax income bonus (in say the governor's building) and scale up all costs appropriately.

This means you can have your income cut.


Alavaria, I will PM you and also set up a Discussion thread for the Economy.

The Roman Roster is complete, go ahead and take a look at the final list in the OP. Only one unit will need to be edited and that's the Roman General from EB.

Now on to Carthage which should have a pretty small faction roster, I have the first draft of a roster up in the OP.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I would suggest that Carthage had some kind of building in Carthago were it could recruit and retrain a large roster of mercenaries.

Mausolos of Caria

Thanks! @Bercor

To have something like a mercenary center in Carthage sounds neat, can we give them a bonus to have mercenaries available for cheaper like Rome II does?

As for the rest of their troops the roster looks right enough. Roman style equipment was mostly acquired during the early stages of the 2nd Punic War, when the Carthaginians (mainly Hannibal) defeated the Romans and could pick up their weapons and armours.
''I found a city of bricks and left a city of marble''



How could we simulate that in game though? Win a huge victory on Italian Soil and then you would have access to the new troop types?
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on February 09, 2014, 08:28:54 PM
How could we simulate that in game though? Win a huge victory on Italian Soil and then you would have access to the new troop types?

Maybe conquer and hold the settlements in south Italia? That's easier to script, I believe.


That's a good idea for the player. For the AI I think that the reform should occur when they get down to 3 settlements or less.

Also, the ALX.exe makes it possible for each faction to have it's own unique set of mercenaries. It would be perfect for Carthage but I doubt it could work on the BI.exe. There are ways to get mercenaries though. We could make a Carthage AOR and certain troops such as Iberians, Greeks, and Gauls could be recruited there due to all the trade etc. That's how RTRPE has it.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on February 09, 2014, 08:56:54 PM
We could make a Carthage AOR and certain troops such as Iberians, Greeks, and Gauls could be recruited there due to all the trade etc. That's how RTRPE has it.

That's exactly what I was thinking.


Also, Carthago should have two elephant units, African Elephants and African Towered Elephants, no?


I guess they could, but I don't see the point of giving them a small Elephant with one rider. I think giving them the War Elephant with the tower is good enough. If someone can convince me otherwise I will change it.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?



I'd have the war elephant with tower slow to train; unreliable "levy" elephants would be a good thing to have, after all eg Hannibal at Zama basically just scraped together every elephant he could find, and that's what I'd see the non-tower elephants as representing.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


It's funny because I live by the same saying! Hahaha.
Okay, I'll give it thought, but evidence that they should be in would help.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I agree with Jubal.

Historically, the North African Elephants were smaller than their Syrian and Indian counterparts. Gameplay wise, this would translate in a cheaper and weaker local elephant unit (North African Elephant), that, nevertheless, could give Carthago an edge in some battles, and in an imported bigger towered elephant unit, but also very costly (Syrian Elephant).

Hannibal's elephant was named Surus("the Syrian") so we can assume that Carthago had the possibility to import bigger elephants than the local ones. Moreover, many modern scholars consider that the North African Elephant was to small to be capable of carrying a tower in his back.