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Started by Cuddly Khan, October 10, 2011, 06:05:30 AM

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You get 2 more guesses
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Alas, no more guesses so far. And a sneaky look at Wikipedia suggests it doesn't know what one of these is either, though there are other things with quite similar names.


Ah, 'twas a poor effort.

A winnibego is a very large vehicle that one can drive around, but actually doubles as a home. Used to holiday in road accessible loactions. like a camper van. The difference is here is that it is something exclusively something owned and driven by the inhabitants of Winnipeg
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Ah, understood. Evidently I underestimated how powerful an influence Winnipeg is on your life. (NB. Are you quite sure you're not in the insurance police?)

Still, at least you got some wins in the process.


I am quite sure, I was unaware of the insurance police until you told me about them. As I am of a host of other insurance matters that I'm sure you know of.

You are right though, Winnipeg is a very powerful influence on my life.
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Hmm, I wonder: is it possible to belong to the insurance police and not be aware of it? How might this manifest itself - some sort of post-hypnotic instructions to report in when illicit insurance activity is detected? Mysterious blank periods in memory? Unexpected intercontinental phone calls on the monthly bill? Unexpected reverence for the city of Winnipeg despite never having been there?

I think I begin to see a pattern emerge...


I don't think that reverence for Winnipeg is unexpected.
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Hmm. It sounds suspicious to me.


I find it suspicious the extent to which you seem to want to scrutinise me. Perhaps you have something to hide?

I might guess at a competing insurance thing to the Winnipeg thing that I am apparently in, and you are using deflection.

Problem is that I don't know any.
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As far as I know, all the insurance companies are in Winnipeg. It hadn't occurred to me that they might maintain separate, competitive police forces - but perhaps you know better?


I know very little about it I'm afraid
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Well, I suppose there's no reason for the handlers to tell their "deep cover" operatives about such things.


Still seems like you know a lot more about it than me.

But do you know more about..... winning?
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I'm just hypothesising on the basis of available evidence.

But I'd like to think I know at least a little about winning - like this!


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