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Started by Cuddly Khan, October 10, 2011, 06:05:30 AM

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Is that posting whilst drinking an "old fashioned"?
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Not necessarily (I just meant an actual human being typing on an actual keyboard, while awake), but if there's a suitable drink out there called an "Old Fashioned", I'll happily drink it while posting.


Yeah, it's a quite pleasant (at least: I think it is) Whiskey based cocktail.

I look forward to hearing how it goes!
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Ah, this was something of which I was not previously aware. Alas I don't have most of the ingredients, so it might take a while. However I could manage at least the 'old' part with some Old Peculier (beer) or Old Rosie (cider).


Fair enough, I'm sure it will suffice
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Meanwhile, I'm drinking some new decaff at the moment. I don't think this qualifies in any category, but hopefully it will allow me to sleep tonight.


I'm having a nanny state alcohol free beer! It's fairly nice, tring out a few different AF ones
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Tempting - but in my limited experience they never taste as good as ordinary beer.

Meanwhile, going back a few steps, I'm increasingly convinced you have a WinBot of your own - not for posting, but for detecting when I've posted so that you can almost always respond within a few minutes.


They are different, it's true. But a good alternative to beer if you feel like one, but dont want to drink any alcohol for some reason

Wouldn't the use of a Winbot™ beagainst the tos surely?
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Hmm, tricky. We're permitted to delete spambots at will, but there's no specific rule about a genuine user setting up a bot to post on their behalf - the user remains responsible for the posts and we deal with them on that basis. So a WinBot in this thread would be OK as long as it posted once, following another user's post, and then stopped again. I'll grant you it feels contrary to the spirit of the thread though.


see? couldn't be a bot
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On which happy note, I win!



WAIT! You inadertantly said beep at the end!


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Perhaps I deliberately said "beep" - does that mean I might not be a robot?


That's just the sort of thing a robot pretending not to be one would be programmed to say
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