Workshop Booze Up VI - These Are Not The Potatoes You Are Looking For

Started by comrade_general, January 31, 2014, 09:01:47 PM

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Bunneh and I Rule this land in the name of Supreme Lord Krishna.


Give me my green name back!!! I am always Logothetes



Bunneh and I Rule this land in the name of Supreme Lord Krishna.


Give me my green name back!!! I am always Logothetes


I did send out an email before signups started saying an election was imminent :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Bunneh and I Rule this land in the name of Supreme Lord Krishna.


Give me my green name back!!! I am always Logothetes


Oh and sorry for double post, but

1000th post :P

I'm only like years behind......
Bunneh and I Rule this land in the name of Supreme Lord Krishna.


Give me my green name back!!! I am always Logothetes


The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Sorry for being untalkative and useless and stuff - work is very swamping at the moment & have had a rather tiring week emotionally for various reasons. :/
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...



The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Was playing The Oregon Trail and had to stop near the end because Jubal had exhaustion. Then Khan drowned. :P

Cuddly Khan

O.o You named your characters after us? And you got me drowned! So mean! You should learn to take better care of your fellow Exilianites.
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


The last time I played Oregon trail I did really well somehow. Mostly by going at quite a pace for the whole way and ignoring the two party members who died, but hey-ho.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Quote from: Jubal on January 21, 2015, 12:22:51 AM
No I said don't worry. I was attempting to allay your fears that we would grow to revile and detest you for your temporary absence.