Spartacus: Total War

Started by neo_deus, March 02, 2009, 03:38:14 AM

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Hello everyone, I am currently developing a mod for Rome Total War; Spartacus Total War.

The mod will focus on the gladiator uprising lead by Spartacus and on the many events taking place at that time.
It will be as historically accurate as possible, having in mind, of course, that his is a game and supposed to be fun, not a history lesson.

The new factions will be:

The Republic of Rome (previous Julii)

The Gladiator Rebels (previous Macedon)

The Roman Rebels (previous Scipii)

The Eastern Provinces (previous Brutii)

The Celts (previous S.P.Q.R.)

The Mauritanians (previous carthage)

The Kingdom of Bithinya and Pergamum (previous Seleucid Empire)

The map will suffer some changes. More regions will be added, as well as the starting territories for the remaining factions, and some tricks I won't reveal so you can be surprised while playing it.

Since I'm no artist whatsoever I'm using the units already present in the game with some changes. You will see on the updates I will be making

If someone is willing, I could really use some help creating faction symbols and making some new skins. If so, give me a word here and we will get in touch.

This is all, for now. I will keep updating!


Looks cool; can't wait for more!
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Thank you, Jubal. Here's something for you, then.


Faction Preview:


Pontus will be a very important faction in the mod, playing one of the major parts. By the time Spartacus and his army revolted, Mithridates the VI had invaded for the third time the roman province of Asia.

Pontic Light Infantry

Bosphoran Infantry

Pontic Heavy Infantry

Pontic Nobles

Pontic Royal Guards

These are the new units for Pontus. They have others that were already present in Vanilla, like Hillmen or Cappadocian Cavalry, wich I didn't put here because I think everyone knows them already.


Mithridates... one of the true legends of the ancient world.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Indeed, Jubal. I find him a very interesting character.


Faction preview:

The Greek Cities.

The Greek Cities will play a secondary roll on the mod. They are supposed to represent the greek city states that still remained with some sort of autonomy from roman authority.

City Guards

Greek Citizen Militia

Greek Marines (all the credit from this badboys must go to SubRosa, who kindly allowed me to use them from her own mod, Amazon Total War)

Greek Spearmen

Sacred Band
(these already exist in the game, but when the mod is ready you will understand why I put them as a new unit)

Greek Cavalry (I am looking for a better name, sugestions will be welcome)

Rhodian Trireme

Also, Cretan Archers and Rhodian Slingers have been added to the Greek roster. I have not included them because they are already known by everyone.

Feel free to post any suggestions, ideas, etc, you may have.


I never know which forum to post on now to comment.

Mithridates was indeed an amazing figure. He conquered everyone around, then had the misfortune of facing the Romans when they were a rising star. I do not think anyone has ever survived so many defeats at Roman hands and continued going. Well, at least for as long as he did. It is something how he always managed to hang on, even after disasters.


Thank you, Aster.

You can reply wherever, SubRosa, I keep an eye on every place I posted the thread  :)
What about the myth about Mithridates being imune to any venon because he used to take them all? Pretty clever of him!


Post here, we most need the activity.  :P
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Well, this is a unit I created today for the Mauritania faction, the Gaetulian Skirmishers.

What do you think of it?

Silver Wolf

the shield looks great... Anyway I like it... Keep up the good work! ;)
"Less of a young professional - more of an ancient amateur. But frankly, I'm an absolute dream."


Yea, proper wicker shield looks cool.  :knight:
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


eheh, thank you, Jubal and Silver Woolf!  :)