Welcome to Pangolin Games

Started by Jubal, February 04, 2017, 07:18:05 PM

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Hullo there!

I've made this forum to pull together all my standalone game dev projects and keep the forums a bit less cluttered with them.

About me:
I'm Jubal, I'm a medieval historian from the UK, now living in Austria, and a game developer and modder in my spare time. Here you can find some little game standalone projects I've put together, under the banner of "Pangolin Games" (Pangolins tend to end up happening in my vicinity).

My work as a historian includes writing and teaching about how games and history interact, and working on workshops and conferences such as Coding Medieval Worlds and The Middle Ages in Modern Games. I also used to do a lot more game modding: there my credits include being the lead designer on Warhammer: Total War, Narnia TW, Mount & Blade: Southern Realms, and several other projects.

Released Games:
Fenlander - a game of survival, friendship, and eel-fishing in the medieval fens. Pick your tool to take out into the mire each day - reed scythe, peat spade, or eel glaive - and see if you can work out how to make enough smoked eels to pay your rent with.
LIFE - a Doctor Who adventure game where you can scoot between planets, gamble, solve puzzles, and interact with aliens on your way to trying to wreak revenge against the Dalek empire!
A Birthday Game - made for Spritelady's birthday a few years back, this is a silly little text-only text parser adventure featuring various mythical creatures, balloons, and Borflax the Inexorable, God of Death.

Current Projects:
The Exile Princes - a lowish-graphics RPG with strategic elements in which you quest around a world built from the mad margins of medieval manuscripts, attempting to bring the land's various cities under the command of your house.

Hiatus projects:
Adventures of Soros - a text-and-low-graphics RPG set in a classic fantasy setting of my own devising. Available in beta; currently on hold whilst I finish making other games.

Abandoned/old projects:
Raiders and Traders - an online city-builder made with JavaScript/MySQL/PHP. Doesn't work in most modern browsers.

The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...