where are the modelers

Started by Darwin, August 19, 2009, 09:50:28 AM

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where the hell are sib and chisi???? :(  :(


This is the only place i see her on Taleworlds. Ask for her there http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,62156.225.html


I'm BACK :d sorry guys I was on holidays & didn't have anyway to log in actually I didn't have Internet at all but now I'm home & I just bought 3ds max 2010 :d  which allowed me to import & export smd unlike maya so here is a beta dwarf body I made it still needs some tweaks ((Legs etc...)) as soon as I finish grouping every mesh with their textures & materials I'll send them to you (( my pc is a mess my desktop is full of icons :p ))
well I thin I said it all ??
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Ah & don't mind his head I'll change it later.



yes. why? did OpenBRF's maker forbid using it??  :o


No. I didn't know if you'd spent loads of time figuring out a way to make dwarves and then the open brf editor thing come out


hehe yeah when I first saw it my brain was going at 800km/sec thinking about everything that would be possible now that we can add skeletons & animations :D


Are you gonna have to redo dragons now?


maybe since those I have aren't rigged but if anyone here can rig then I won't have to redo them.

EDIT: also we will have to create some armors for the dwarfs since those for male_body don't fit.


What sword is the dwarf holding?


it's one of the first swords I made you can get it here: "reply #205"


Jolly good! This is definitely good news.

P.S. I hope you had a great holiday!

I, sadly, haven't gotten one this year. Yet... Mwhuahaha.


dwaves need to be a bit wider


And fatter :wink: (oh no, now I'm using the :wink: as well!!)

Okey-dokey, lets get some dragons, urgals and dwarfs!


thx Goromous :)
well let's say a second beta dwarf (( I don't know why each time I finish it I find some think new to change))

I gave him a new face with a big nose & wide jaws etc, I also gave him a new beard, I made the body wider the arms bigger ...
I made this armor from the "lamellar_armor_b".
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still I have to make the nose bigger the beard longer...