Elfurr Race species and main information about it

Started by BagaturKhan, July 30, 2022, 06:52:37 PM

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Elfurr Race species and main information about it

Elf`urr Race is the most ancient, powerful and greatest in my own sci-fi/fantasy universe.
Lets speak about it more.

Varieties of the great Elfurr race, also known as the Ancients, Singhe or Siddhe
(elf-like tall species, who lives in many parts of galaxy)

1. Singalis Ta-Kemetians
Also known as Elfurr the Ordinary. Like all representatives of the race, they have incredible attractiveness and beauty of faces. Hair is usually black, long to the waist. Differ in high growth, from 1.90 - to 2.30 m. Accelerated reaction.
They live in the large worlds of the Elf`urr High Empire, such as Menechfer, Kumbor, Nephrusabek, Sha-Talesh, Akhetaten or Mamkhfis-Thanet. Large ecumenopolis worlds are usually preferred. Often they build multi-level cities up to the stratosphere. They love high technology. As a rule, they are very belligerent towards those who do not accept them.

2. Singalis Elefsinians
Violet-haired subspecies of Elfurr. As a rule, they have purple or pink hair, long to the waist. Differ in high growth up to 2 m to 3.35. Great attachment to nature. They do not like large ecumenopolis cities, preferring quiet and calm "lagoon worlds". Most of the Elephsinians are empaths and thought-hearers. Not warlike, unlike the Ta-Kemetians. They prefer frequent meditation and a solitary lifestyle. They live in "lagoon worlds", such as Elefsin, Diomedes-3, Arche-Cleopatron and Arche-Antiostrakon.

3. Singalis Alvertines
The Alvertines are the "Mountain Elfurrs". They have an extremely belligerent disposition. They are hostile towards other civilizations and races. The best warriors and ambush masters. They make excellent trackers and fighters of special squads. They are distinguished by gray, almost gray hair and eyes of the same color. Growth reaches 2.30 m. Hair can be cut short and even grow beards. They prefer blue tattoos. They live in mountainous worlds such as She-Kelesh, Tariandil, Alkesh or Narmer-hatesh.

4. Singalis Nymphariel
Nymphariel - they are incredibly beautiful, have different hair colors, up to blue and bright yellow. Among other races, they are known as "nymphs", "forest elfurrs" or "naiads". Most of them are removed from hostilities. But their contacts with other civilizations are rare. They prefer green worlds without techno-introductions. They are famous for their long singing, which affects the environment. Growth is not too big, from 1.90 to 2.10 m. Very peaceful. They inhabit green worlds such as Nymphariel, Calmiviel, Nayis-Desentiel, and Nayis-Nayadel.

5. Singalis Osanim
Osanimy are "ocean elfurr". They live mainly in water or island worlds. They are great at swimming. They live in underwater cities and in island "arcologies". The Osanims are excellent builders of robots and drones, as well as "safe" vehicles. Most of the time is spent perfecting technology and the psionic arts. They are in close contact with the spirits of the planets on which they live, and coordinate each of their studies with them. Growth up to 2.20 m. They have different hair colors, mostly bright - yellow, white or blue. Not militant. Found on island worlds such as Levandir or Ochanim Prime.

6. Singalis Khalibem
Khalibem - desert elfurr. They live mainly on the desert planet Khalib-Doshan in huge oasis cities. They differ in that they constantly wear capes or turbans. They often hide their faces from strangers. They reach a height of up to 2.30 m. They have blue-black and just black hair, but differ from the Ta-Kemetians in an extremely arrogant disposition. In wars, their special combat groups are often used, famous for their secrecy and at the same time fierce fury.

7. Singalis Khalfalim
This subspecies is rather not a race, but hybrids. Half-humans-Half-elfurr. They live on the planet Halfalim. They are related to races such as Eladris and Air, descended from the unions of humans and elfurr. Halfalim may look like typical Elfurr, but they have human blood. Most often, it is they who act as ambassadors in different states of the people of the galaxy. Their height can be different, from 2.30 m to the smallest, 1.80 m.

8. Singalis Kariel
Kariel are dark-skinned Elfurr, characterized by extreme militancy. Growth can reach up to 2.40 m. They often live in the worlds of Ta-Kemetians. But they also have a home planet known as Karail-Khofru. This planet is currently part of the Deep Worlds of the Elfurr Empire. Often it is from Kariel that excellent warriors and combat commanders are obtained. The hair is usually very black. But there are exceptions, in the form of dark red or dark blond hair.

9. Singalis Alpharel
Alfarel are the oldest of the Elfurr, close to their Primal Forefathers. They have white or bright blond hair. Usually they are not shown and live in seclusion in different parts of the universe. They have unsurpassed psionic abilities. Known in legend as the greatest mages in the galaxy. Avoid communication with relatives from the Empire. Alpharel, as unique as the White Kinos, the Winged Draconids or the Sun-Eating People.

10. Singalis Droen
Droen are "dark Elfurr", powerful sorcerers of the highest level. Their exact origin is hidden. But Droen can be obtained from all of the above subspecies, except Alfarel. The reason for their incredible destructive psychic abilities is unknown to much of the galaxy. Droen can be born into any Elfurrian family, and this is a reliable fact. Elfurr themselves carefully hide the true reason for the appearance of such "death machines", up to the murder of those who accidentally learned the secret. One Droen in a state of "ultra-rage" can destroy an entire settlement, in the worst case, cause cataclysms on the planet. Their power is extremely dangerous and controlled by the secret services of the Empire. There is a Special Rule for Droen, according to which, if they go out of control, they are neutralized with a cryo-weapon and frozen into special sarcophagi of the "winter rest" class.
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Elfurr race unity

As you know, Elfurr (Sidhe, Singalis)  have many different varieties. But at the same time, they do not fight each other. For 5000 years, not a single case of internal confrontation among the Elfurr is known. Although the legends say that during the time of the Ancient Days, Elfurr were divided into sub-species (aforementioned), which fought among themselves. For example, the Elefsinians have a myth about the struggle with the kingdom of Ta-Kemetis, which also belonged to Elfurr, only to others, "black-haired". However, Elfurr prefer to hide such myths in order to emphasize the prestige of their mighty ancient race.
But historians from different parts of galaxy do not exclude that there were once times when this mighty race was divided into several large empires that fought among themselves. And ultimately, this then led to the unification into a single pan-galactic empire.

For now its united and very strong state, which is having a big power in the Galaxy Coalition.
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- Revenge of Tyrants. Storm of Souls
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Admiral of 1st rank Zariina Menhfidel

At the time of the Acheron War, the most famous of all the navarch commanders of the Elfurr Empire is 1st rank admiral Zariina Menkhfidel. She belongs to the ancient family of Ta-Kemetian Elfurr.
During the war, her battle group of several fleets inflicted at least 200 defeats on the armadas of the Acheronian League.
Around 2595 AD, she gained control of the combined fleet of the Coalition called "Galaxy-1".
Not only Elfurr, but also representatives of other races serve in her armada. Although the high command of the fleet consists mainly of Elfurr.
Zariina Menkhfidel is merciless to the opponents of her motherland. Anyone who in any way encroaches on her ancient race, she considers unworthy of existence in the universe.
He really hates representatives of the Unn-chorr race for repeated aggression against the inhabitants of the galaxy. Recall that the Unn-chorr were never considered loyal beings, even being in the Coalition. When they led the League, their true nature was revealed to the entire galaxy.
Zariina Menkhfidel has at least 400 awards for services to Elfurr, the Coalition and other states.
Her true age is hidden. But it's probably over a hundred years old. Although she looks about human girl 30-35 years old from strength, and in appearance, she is incredibly beautiful (tall, long-haired, dark hairs, blue eyes).
Fully finished stories about "World of Infinitas"
- Revenge of Tyrants. Darkness
- Revenge of Tyrants. Storm of Souls
- Revenge of Tyrants. Dragons Destiny
- Revenge of Tyrants. Not a lucky adventure
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- Potestas War saga
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