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Exilian Pub Out Of Context
Jubal July 26, 2024, 10:28:46 PM

The Green Book - Cozy Plant-Growing Game! [DEMO]
theeugene July 26, 2024, 07:16:41 PM

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Jubal July 26, 2024, 03:12:03 PM

Would you rather?
Jubal July 26, 2024, 02:13:10 PM

Word Association
Jubal July 26, 2024, 02:09:06 PM



Workshops for Historians and Game Developers

Coding Medieval Worlds is a workshop series that brings together game developers and historians. Run as a fully online forum for discussing shared problems and ideas, CMW has had attendees from almost every part of the world discussing the issues of representing and encoding medieval themes into historical and medieval-fantasy gaming. The workshops are run as a collaboration between the University of Vienna Digital Humanities group and the Exilian creative and game development collective.

CMW is at the forefront of examining these areas, with academics specialising on medievalism in games as regular attendees and keynote guests from major studios such as Obsidian and Paradox Interactive. Injecting new ideas and inviting new faces is just as important, however, and we also include postgraduate students, smaller independent game developers, and people from neighbouring disciplines in our mix of attendees each year.

The Coding Medieval Worlds workshop format is based on having discussion groups on a range of topics, with a number of keynote talks and panels throughout the weekend and surrounding events to help provoke further thought. The community around the workshops is ongoing between events, including a discord server for attendees and a public web forum space maintained for ongoing discussions.

The next event will be Coding Medieval Worlds 5, held in early 2025: dates and theme have not been announced yet. In the meantime please find the talks and outputs of past workshops at the links below.

Useful key links:

Find out more about past workshops, their programmes, and other details via the below pages.