Answer the last one, then ask the next person a "would you rather" question?
To start...
Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?
Funnily enough I had this conversation yesterday. Definitely knees as without elbows we wouldn't be able to do half the things we can now, such as play most games, musical instruments, EAT :p ect ect.
Knees are just for walking and running, and as fun as that is, I would rather eat :p Plus we could just develop strap in segways (sp?) which could replace walking :)
Right, would you rather be living in present times, or 1000 years ago?
Present day. As much of a historian as I am, I'm also a fan of middle class C21st creature comforts. :P
Would you rather eat a live newborn puppy, or a large box of all your own toenail clippings from the last three years?
The dog. I hear the Chinese do it. :P
Would you rather swim in the Arctic Circle for 6 hours or give up computer access?
Definatly swim. You guys mean too much to me. :D
Would you rather die by fire or drowning?
I would rather drown. It would be painless and fairly quick if you didn't try and stop it whereas fire would be pretty painful I imagine...
Would you rather die a wrong atheist or wrong devout follower of religion.
Frankly, I'd rather not to die. Or to die as a left devout atheist. But since it's not the idea of the game, I'd choose being the wrong atheist... it's better to be relatively neutral, instead of being of the opposing side :P
Would you rather to live somewhere really cold, or somewhere really hot?
I live somewhere really warm, but for some ungodly reason its fething cold. Figure that one out.
Anyway, I'd prefer to live somewhere really warm. I can deal with the heat but the cold just makes me feel my age. :D
Would you rather have a cat or a dog?
Dog. Cause Xzibit says that ("yeah, dawg")
Would you rather play TW or M&B?
Lol M&B. I have to. Part of my job.
Would you rather be damned by Bunneh or loved by Satan?
Loved by Satan. I do not wish to get on the wrong side of the Bunneh. For He is all powerful.
Would you rather eat a raw spider or a raw scorpian?
A raw scorpian, because it doesn't exist :D
Would you rather me spamming the forums or a bot?
A bot, because it does less damage and can be more easily killed. ;D
Would you rather eat debux's cat or the stare llama?
Debux doesn't have a llama. As I pointed out in the other thread, it was a guanaco. Lol I'd go with the guanaco. DJ-Cat cannot be eaten. He's too awesome for that.
Would you rather eat Comrade or Debux's guanaco?
Debux's guanaco won't destroy my stomach from the inside so much, because unlike Comrade it can't carry and use a gun.
Would you rather have your country run by Rick Astley or Leeroy Jenkins?
LOL Comrade's like that song! Cows with Guns!
Um Rick Astley. For the sheer fun-factor of being able to say that, as a country, we just got rickrolled.
Would you rather be surfing on a wave or surfing on the interwebs?
On a wave, except that I can't surf. I do like meatspace, really.
Would you rather burn in muffin hell, or be in Portugal when it next explodes?
Portugal, because it seems to reassemble itself.
Would you rather give up, let down, run around, or desert someone?
Quote from: Phoenixguard09 on August 20, 2011, 09:42:46 AM
Debux doesn't have a llama. As I pointed out in the other thread, it was a guanaco.
Dude, it's a llama!
Sorry for bumping in... Comrade's question still stands.
Stupid llamas....
Oh man tough one... Probably let down someone, as you can redeem that action :)
Would you rather live without music or the internet?
Music, because I'd glitch my way through and hear music through the internets :P
Would you rather be a pizza or brownies?
who wants part of themselves left over to go cold and be discarded, nobody leaves a brownie unfinished
would you rather have no childhood or a never ending one?
I fully intend to have a never ending childhood.
Would you rather play the comic relief or the villain?
Comic relief. I may die, but at the very least, I'm everyone's favourite character and the good guys always win.
Would you rather be a sadistic and maniacal Hobbit or an Orc with good dental hygiene?
Probably the hobbit, as people arn't trying to kill you the whole time. So misunderstood... Except the orks from the Elder scrolls...
Would you rather no cats or no dogs?
I'd rather no dogs. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs but Satan's my little girl.
Would you rather be attacked by 2 Wolves or 1 Lion?
By one lino. There's a good chance he'll be lazy and just decide to take a nap with you.
Would yo prefer to watch "2 Girls 1 Cup" or "1 Guy 1 Cup"?
2 Girls 1 Cup. I dare not to see what "1 Guy 1 Cup" actually means.
Would you rather be eaten by an alligator or by a cannibal?
Cannibal, since I could ask him to make the "killing" bit quick rather than just getting nommed on a lot.
Would you rather be in Tripoli or the border regions of Somalia?
Border regions of Somalia as that means that its not a lot of work to get out of the country.
Would you rather be a shark or a trireme?
Trireme, if I'm around just now I've probably been lovingly preserved.
Police state or anarchy?
Police state, but only if I'm on the side that doesn't get any of the oppression or something :P I'm a very structured person
Would you rather have DJ-Cat or Chinese-Dry-Humping-Guy as my sig gif?
Definitely DJ-cat.
Would you rather be blind or deaf? Oooo original ;)
Deaf. I paid good money to make my eyes 20-15 ;)
Would you rather bathe in fresh blood or poo?
Fresh blood definatly :D
Would you rather be shot or stabbed to death?
Shot in the head. Painless (I am assuming) and fast :)
Would you rather a day on a beach or round a pool?
Pool. I don't like beaches.
Would you rather dive into lava in an invincibility cloak (ie. not dead, just really, REALLY painful) or have ants deposited in your nasal cavities?
That's a hard dilema, but I say I prefer the first option... Empedocles of Agrigentum (Acragas) fell into a volcano to proove he as a God. I think the invincibility cloack gives an epic dimension to the whole thing. I can succed in prooving to all of exilian I am possesor of supernatural abilities! :P
Would you rather be a talented but homeless musician or a rich but disabled buisnessman?
Talented but homeless musician. Any day.
Would you rather be an elf or a dwarf?
Dwarf, epic beards.
Moustache or beard?
Oh definatly beard. So I can stroke it when Im thinking ;D
Would you rather a life without music or a life without furniture?
Without furniture, of course. I don't use it anyway. :P
Would you rather drive Nissan GTR or BMW M3?
I know nothing about cars. I'll walk. :P
Would you rather have a fast car or a warhorse?
Can only use the car on a road.
The Power of Love or The Power of Friendship?
The Power of Love was a great song.
Would you rather a Claymore (the freakin' big one) or a Lochaber Axe?
I'd take Claymore any day.
Fanta or Sprite?
Well Fanta, Sprite is like mineral water, more or less...
Would you rather be a hunter or a farmer? ???
Hunter. Waaaay cooler
Would you rather have to stay in bed on a week day (miss work/school) or on a weekend (can't stand up and use your PC)?
Weekend, can't be asked to catch up from a missed day of school.
Would you rather study History or Physics?
HISTORY!!! For sure.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
Bird, absolutely.
Would you rather be transported to the 16th century in this world or to the equivalent period in a swords and sorcery style world?
Swords and sorcery! I love magic!!!! XD
Hmmmmm Coke or Creaming soda?
Coke of course :D
Laptop or desktop with exact same specs?
Might as well take the laptop if it's exact same specs.
Would you rather have Tarkalean tea or Klingon Raktajino?
The Klingon one. Mainly because I assume its not tea.
Would you rather be charged by a rhinoceros or a bull?
Bull, it's happened to me before.
would you rather have a super computer or a super surround sound system. (I wish I had at least one of them. Oh well, you can't get everything.)
Would you rather make a thread that got lost of posts but died out quickly or one that got its posts much more slowly but stuck around longer?
The longer a thread goes the better. Long threads are more interesting IMO.
would you rather have pizza or sushi for dinner? :o
Pizza. No hesitation.
Sushi is more lunchy :)
Would you rather a cookie or a doughnut?
I've already taken the first bite. Doughnut for me, please!
Rock 'n' Roll or Rap music?
Rock, of course.
Red or blue?
Blue purely chromatically, red all the way if politics comes into it. :P
Red is the color of the Republican party here. ;D
You didn't specify a new would-you-rather-thing.
I know, you guys just do it all wrong colour-wise. :P
Pirates or the Navy?
Pirates! There's the whole freedom aspect. On the other hand, a traumatic childhood event means that I really hate the sea. So never mind, I wouldn't want to be a pirate either.
Beef or lamb?
Duh! ;D
I can never think of good ones... um...
Would you rather explore space or the depths of the ocean?
Spaaaace :D
Narnia or LOTR?
Lord of the Rings. Easily. Narnia's ok, but LotR is just on a whole other level of awesomeness.By itself. Nothing comes close. At all. Ever.
Wheellock or Flintlock?
Quote from: Silver Wolf on September 16, 2011, 06:20:16 PM
Rock, of course.
Excellent mate. Real music and no more c-Rap-s
Quote from: Phoenixguard09Wheellock or Flintlock?
Think flintlock for me, it's more modern and I think our great Greek ancestors liberated our poor country with their Flintlock muscets!
Horse or Motorbike? :P
Motorbike, as epic as riding a horse is, see hot fuzz, the clean up after it is just too much.
Capitalism or Communism?
Democracy, you Communist PIG! Joking :P. Anyways, I think I'd pick Communism, since the whole "Share everything" means I can walk into a Computer store (Or something) and walk out with a super awesome, 500TB Memory and 40000TB Ram computer for FREEEEEE
Would you rather a normal life-span (Die with friends+family) or infinite life (Watch friends+family age and die)?
Normal life span. What's the point of living if its not with other people?
Guanaco or llama?
They are so similar. I'd pick Llama, just because I know it better!
Would you rather be a King in Ithaca [a small place/ King Odysseus] or the Seleucid Kingdom [a bigger state/ King Seleucus]
Small kingdom.
Less to manage, less power struggles and I can still get the fine things by importing them.
Transported to Jurassic period or Spain, during the Spanish Inquisition?
Jurassic period!!! I love dinosaurs XD
Now, for all you boys, would you rather have a piece cut out of your face or a bit cut of your dick?
( Yes, I do have problems XD )
Oh trust me to have to answer this :')
Probably the latter, as if a woman likes me so much as to get to the point where it would matter, she wouldn't care. Unless you're talking a sizeable piece... then definitely face xD For obvious reasons. (Not just vanity, functionality too... :'D)
Would you rather no music or no sports?
No sport, horrible nasty thing.
Recycled in space or recycled in the British Empire?
Would you rather meet Hannibal Barca or Julius Caesar?
(Have you noticed that famous people get called by their last name as well eg. Harry Potter, Lindsy Lohan .ect Hitler is more commonly called by his last name though.)
Would you rather live in a vast space empire or a vast underground empire?
Vast space empire. So I'd live on the surface of some nice, faraway, hospitable planet.
Would you rather take a bullet or a knife?
KNIFE!!! I REFUSE to be killed by a gun.
Would you rather a snake bite or a spider bite?
Snake bite, being killed by a snake is just more impressive.
Would you rather be killed by an axe or a mace?
Sorry if my questions aren't all that imaginative.
Axe I suspect would be quicker, so axe.
Lose a hand or a foot?
Foot. If I loss a hand than I wouldn't be able to post on Exilian any more. Was that a test?
Would you rather loss a head or the rest?
Either way you lose everything don't you? ;)
Would you rather a grenade blew off your body from the waist down or a chainsaw did something similar?
Much better of a question but answered for a different reason. Grenade, because it would be much faster and less painful.
Would you rather have an analog clock or a digital clock?
Analog clock, looks much more awesomer.
Would you rather I was your friend and the People's Republic of China was your sworn enemy, or vice versa?
I would like the People's Republic of China to be my friend.
Would you rather a super computer or the fans need to stop it from over heating? XD
I'll have the fans. The fans can be fun you know. Besides they can keep you cool during the hot Greek summers, which is definately a reason to choose them...
Would you rather study hard or modify your brain with robot parts to achieve easy success??
(iner question... is reading that hard that you should be less human to excell?)
I would rather study hard. That way you can learn something instead of knowing it.
Would you rather be a poor bum or not be allowed onto Exilian?
I'd say a poor bum, has nothing to do with the other choice it's just my career path.
Would you rather no star wars or no star trek?
No star trek. Never seen it before any way.
Welcome back Doomchild, long time no see.
Would you rather the band Red Sparowes or Bluetech. (Look them up if you don't know who they are)
The red sparrowes sound better and they also have a name like jack sparrow... thus I prefer them...
Would you rather play or listen to music? ???
Ummm I'd prefer to listen to it as it's less work.
Would you rather be a mouse or a rat?
Rat, they're big and mean and mice are just small and cute.
Would you rather Skittles or Mentos?
Would you rather a cloudy or sunny day?
Sunny, cloud feels too repressive.
Snufkin or Rainbow Dash?
(Choose carefully)
Um... yes? :P
Red or the white?
(At least you didn't choose Rainbow Dash)
In your area: mild to medium zombie infestation, or Vampire (proper one) on the loose?
I'll rather take the Zombies... they move slower and they can be decapitated... Unlike Vampires that can become bats and attack from everywhere...
would you rather eat fruits or sweets? 8)
Fruits are sweet too, so I'd go with them in the long run to avoid the fats.
Would you rather poo your pants (not visible) on stage in front of a thousand people, or wet your pants (visible) at a smaller social occasion.
I really can't answer that one. I would have to try them first... wait a second... yep, I would rather poo my pants. XD
Would you rather Skyrim or MW3 to be the next Game of the Year?
Skyrim. Who even cares for MW3?
Roses or Violets?
Roses. Roses are beautiful, the deep blood red roses are my favourite flowers.
Would you rather be an oak tree in a lightning storm, or the unlucky cow underneath it?
An oak tree. More likely to survive if/when I get hit, and even if I don't my death will look seriously badass afterwards.
Would you rather live a long, happy, and uneventful life, or do something hugely important but die very young?
Both (
Would you rather be forever alone or continuously experience the fuuu's?
I'll take the fuuuu's, they are adorable after all... ;D
Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous musician?
Famous Musician. They get more freedom in what they do. Actors have to follow a script.
Would you rather Morrowind or Oblivion?
neither, I'll take Runescape anyday :D
would you rather troll a victim support forum, or stay in gamesworkshop with only hyperactive tweens for company (for all eternity) ?
Fetch me my trolling helm.
Big knife or little gun?
Big knife. I spit on your poncey fancy newfangled firearms.
Would you rather be a professional executioner or undertake a suicide mission in a war?
professional executioner, your doing a public service
though the suicide bit is a possible depending on the war
would you rather be chaotic evil or lawful good?
No, no, no. Thats not how you do it. You should have said "Chaotic good or Lawful evil". :P My answer is Lawful Good.
Would you rather dead Chuck Noris or Chuck Noris never existed? You have to answer this one properly.
I've never heard of Chuck Noris. If you meant Chuck Norris then you are already dead for spelling his name wrong. (after all that about no typos KHAN! :P )
Would you rather have lemon juice or salt mashed into a fresh cut on your arm?
Lemon juice. I like sour stuff. :)
Would you rather dead Chuck Norris or Chuck Norris never existed? You have to answer this one properly.
If he never existed that would violate causality, so I'll go for dead.
He's an ageing, bible-thumping moron who's a massively overused trope anyway. There, I said it.
You know what you didn't say?
A question.
Animation or live action?
Live action.
Confusion or depression?
Confusion... I actually don't know. I've hardly ever had either.
Would you rather have everything in the world or world peace.
World peace of course.
Would you rather live a whole life with out hearing or sight?
Well without sight than I can't see the computer screen so I'll go with hearing.
Dragons or Teh Bunneh?
Real Dragons of Comodo... I'll smash their face! :)
Would you rather be Emperor Napoleon Vonaparte I or Lord Nelson?
Lord Nelson. If I were the other than I wouldn't remember my own name. xP
Silver 1 Dollar or Gold 20 cents (real gold)
Gold 20 cents. Cause its pretty :) lol
Would you rather an Spyro or Sonic?
Spyro. He has a cooler name. ;D
Someone giving you a one hundred dollar note or one hundred dollars in 5 cent coins
I'd rather get the first option... notes are cooler IMO.
Would you rather drive a car or ride a motorcycle??
Dark Side of the Moon or Another Brick in the Wall album art.
Dark Side of the Moon easily tops it.
Would you rather fall off a cliff and land on a rock jutting out of the sea, or be eaten by toothless horses?
Weirdo, the rock would kill you faster so that one for me.
Would you rather live in complete rule for a day or live a normal life for 100 years?
Depends how much rule, but probably the 100 years. I'm a historian by nature, after all, so longer life == more history written. :P
Would you rather fight with swords or guns?
SWORDS! of course...
But both ways are painful, that's for sure.
Would you rather travel thought Europe or relax in some hidden island on the Pacific ocean? ;)
I'd travel Europe, I think. So much interesting stuff to see!
Would you rather watch the whole JuVlog archive ten times or watch ten hours of Nyan cat on repeat?
I'd go with the JuVlog, just so I can try and figure out everything you said in the latest edition. ;)
Would you rather be a Jedi, a Dark Jedi, or a Sith?
Jedi, the good people always win (95% of the time anyway).
What would you rather, a fight to the death or a fight for your life?
The latter.
Would you rather own a blue llama or a hermit crab with a shell made out of lego bricks?
The crab, I could build a castle on top of it.
Would you rather there being a heaven or there being no hell?
I'd rather there was no hell, since atheists are prolly banned from heaven anyway.
Would you rather do a jigsaw or play chess?
I'd rather play chess.
Would you rather get lost in the jungle or shipwrecked on a lonely island? :o
Island, I think. Less poisonous animals & hostile tribes, more visibility to possible rescuers, win-win.
Would you rather I finished this question or
*blank* win-win
Would you rather a weeks supply of Skittles or a life time supply of Baked Beans?
Skittles. EVERY TIME. :P
Would you rather I wrote this question, or someone else?
The question, other things are meant for other threads. :P
Would you rather Earth to be in the left hand side of the Universe or the right?
Everything must move to the left! In Soviet Astronomy, space watches YOU!
Would you rather play Pong for 16 hours straight, or play Desert Bus for two entire journeys?
...We come from different countries, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A FREDO FROG IS!!
Would you rather have to eat road kill or a live animal (Still alive when you eat it(raw)).
Would you rather be able to kill the person you most hate, or get the person you most love to love you?
:/ What if the person you most love already loves you and your a pacifist?
Would you rather You have 1 million dollars or Exilian becoming more active with lots of new active people?
The latter, I think, I don't know what I'd do with a million dollars and I'd rather I felt I'd earned it if I had that kind of money.
Would you rather be sitting up a tree or in a cave?
In a cave. The tree was temping because of the smell of fresh air and the birds tweeting but I also like the cave because of complete peace and quite. No noise but the sound of my breathing.
Would you rather the sound of the rain or the sound of a small stream?
I'd say the stream. It's always nice to takes rides next to small rivers and listen to the flowing water...
Would you rather live alone in the forest, up a tree house or live with 10 lads in a small apartment in the heart of London?
Would you rather, given £10,000 to spend, do so in a huge bookshop, a huge games store, a huge replica artefects/weapons store, or a huge music store?
Um - weapons store! (though how would I tote around 5 tons? :P ) (also I know which one you would choose Jub ;) )
Would you rather be a Romulan or a Klingon?
Music... I already got enough, Books... them too, games... my computer won't even run most of the ones I want... SO IT'S ARTEFACT'S/WEAPONS!! They would make an awesome hobby.
Would you rather 1, 6, 4, 2, 5, 8, 10, 3, 9, or 7?
You answered the wrong one Khaaan. :P
I'll take 8 though.
Would you rather A, F, D, B, E, H, J, C, I, or G?
A+ For obvious reasons.
Would you rather be poor and hansom/beautiful or rich and ugly?
What a question!
Poor but handsome, of course! :)
Would you rather have your own island the size of Malta or your own planet the size of Pluto?
Now that's a hard one. A planet. Wait, you said size so you don't mean the same atmosphere so we can have it the same as Earth but just smaller. :) Definitely a planet than.
Would you rather Nachos, Tacos, Pizza, or Spaghetti?
Would you rather a pen or a pencil?
Pencil, it looks neater and you can erase it.
Would you rather a Tank or a Rocket Launcher?
Would you rather Mila Kunis or Jessica Alba?
Jessica Alba (Because it sound almost slightly familiar)
Would you rather Justin Bieber or One Direction?
Beiber. So I cant blow him up!!!
Would you rather chocolate or ice-cream?
Dark chocolate ice cream. Best of both worlds.
Would you rather be a halfling or a gnome?
Would you rather Rome Total War or Mount and Blade?
I don't even need to answer that one. ;)
Would you rather Executor-class Star Destroyer or Dominion Dreadnought?
Executor-class Star Destroyer, I don't know what the other is. :/
Would you rather Khan remembers he has to post a question next time, or better leave it blank again? 8)
Bugger a badger or bother a bear?
Badger, it sounds less painful.
Would you rather Khan remembered to write a question or not?
Not, it so much more fun. ;)
But I'm rather in favor of THE KHAN playing the game right...
Would you rather eat 1 ton of bananas or one tone of swordfish in one day?? :D
Swordfish, more balanced nutritionally and won't give me mercury poisoning which bananas will. Easy.
Would you rather write with a quill pen or a biro?
I'll go with the quill.
Would you rather have loved and lost or never loved at all?
Loved and Lost, that way at least people would feel sorry for you. :(
Would you rather 5 One dollar pieces or a 5 Dollar note?
Both do the work right... ;)
Would you rather become notorious or unknown by everybody?
unknown by everyone
Would you rather lose your sight or lose your hearing?
Hearing, I can't go on Exilian if I'm blind. ;D
Would you rather live on deserted island or in the mountains.
Mountains, I have a dust mite allergy.
Cats or dogs?
Cats, they don't pester you as bad.
Would you rather Me or Jubal... I had a mind blank so I couldn't think of a more interesting question. :D
I'd have to go for Jubal, ive been trying to get into his pants for months.
Would you rather listen to house music or rap.
Ungh... I would say both, since both have really good, intelligent versions, but nowdays, house and rap mean totally armadilloty and simple music that is made to sell and to please the masses, instead of the creators making music for the sake of creating their own music. But I'd say rap, because I believe there is a higher percentage of real "rappers" than of real house producers (besides, house is one of the simplest genres to make, it doesn't have high standards)
Would you rather listen to Justin Bieber's singing while stripping, or Nicki Minaj singing, but somehow reveals that (s)he is a transsexual (dunno, her pants, fall down)? Mind you, both would be on a concert.
I would rather Nicki Minaj, at least there's still he fact that everyone used to think she was a girl... JB on the other hand. ;)
Would you rather a blizzard or a lightning storm?
Lightning storm.
Would you rather this or that?
That, it's on the right side of this so it will take less for me to get there.
Would yo rather Exilian or the Internet?
Exilian ( > internet)
Bus or Truck?
Bus, fits lots of people on it.
Would you rather living in the medieval ages or the future?
Future, im probably less likely to die of cholera or length of pointy steel through the bowels syndrome.
Punch a puppy or bitch slap a kitten?
Puppy, would probably hurt it less.
Would you rather 4chan, reddit, Facebook... OR EXILIAN!?!?!
Facebook. At least there I get bored.
(haha, reverse psychology, I choose you!)
debux or Dimos?
...Dimos... confused yet? ;)
Khan or Markorgus (I think I spelled that wrong)
I choose "Mark the Khan".
Sheriff Gandaba or Megalord2? ;)
XD LOL!! So someone actually remembers. ;D You should feel proud. You got Karma for that. :) Megalord BTW.
Would you rather a .gif in your sig or a .jpg?
.gif. All the way. If not, I wouldn't have awesome and totally-not-getting-old-and-tiredsome DJ-Katzz
Spambots or inactivity?
Spambots, at least a page full of spam is better than a page full of nothing.
Would you rather Tudors or Game of Thrones (The TV serieses)? ;D
the Tudors never watched it, but i dislike the Game of thrones TV series, its just another HBO Slasherporno.
Would you rather infinite wisdom or unlimited knowledge?
Infinite wisdom, for this can lead to unlimited knowledge and moral perfection; even to correct political action.
Would you rather me call Dimos debux or if I call debux Dimos?
debux Dimos :P ;D
Would you rather Khan getting an avatar or getting a ban hammer for Exilian?
An avatar is what he should get now. The ban hammer will come later!! :D
We love you mr Khan, Necroposter and Khagan of Avaria!
Would you rather watch a movie or read a book? [a book for Jubal, I reckon! :)]
[Yes definitely book for Jubal]
But I choose movie.
Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun? (same guy)
Genghis Khan was more of a badass.
Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome?
I'd have to say I am biased towards the Greeks. [Dimos]
Ford or Chevy?
Chevy, it has a much more interesting name. ;D
Powerade or Gaterade?
Powerade, i've never seen Gatorade in good ol' England.
S2TW or M2TW?
M2TW, never played the other.
MW3 or Battlefield 3
MW3 is for the mindless run-an'-gun freaks (besides, it's policy of "hey, let's sell the same portugaling game every year, at full price, but with a new Michael Bay story and nicer, grittier textures! And MOAR SCRIPTS!!!" is so disgraceful and disgusting). BF hasn't got there yet.
TW or AoE?
:o Now that I really can't answer. If I had to choose though I'd say AoE because I haven't really gotten the chance to play TW to it's full extent. I suppose TW has more replayability though.
I really can't decide so would you rather AoE or TW?
AoE being age of empires? TW being total war? AoE, if we're talking the original one. Actually M&B but thats not really in the spirit of this thread i guess.
TW meself but I do prefer Pentagathus' suggestion. ;)
Horse or automobile?
Horse. Saying "I'm on an automobile" doesn't sound so epic or manly.
Bunny or dying in the flames of hell?
Bunny, I'll have plenty of them when I grow up anyway.
Would you rather a Movie or a TV Show?
A political TV show.
Would you rather a hot chocolate in the Alps or a cold lemonade on a Greek island? :D
(You know my choise... :D)
Greek. I'm not so used to the cold.
Would you rather Live for only one day or die forever?
Live for one day because i reckon forever would get pretty damn dull.
Die at 60ish or die at 90 after your brains gone funny and whatnot and you think your a bowl of custard.
Die at 60. As if your description of dying at 90 years isn't scary enough :P
Play old school games or new games?
...Is this a trick question. I mean, who would choose new games?
Would you rather a King or a Khan?
A King. At least he isn't a necroposter (but only a double poster :P )
Xbox or PS3? (my questions are getting geekier than ever)
PS3. I have never been comfortable with X-Box.
(Probably already been asked, but I shall ask again)
Oblivion or Skyrim?
Oblivion. Skyrim is better in every possible detail, except one, which is the most important of them all. And that's Shivering Isles.
Tongs or calipers?
Tongs, because it sounds like "thongs"
/pervert laugh
Neither for the sake of my sanity. :P
I'd probably choose ETW though because it gives a little more freedom. I'd love to do a Temeraire mod for it. Because that period of warfare would be made so much more interesting whne one factors in huge, shipsized DRAGONS!
Would you rather be eaten by an orca or a huge leopard seal?
Neither :3
Would you rather get banned from everything except playing the computer or get banned from playing the computer?
The latter.
Because I don't play games, I merely playtest. :P
Would you rather a world without mathematics or without history (as academic subjects)?
Without history. Too many dates.
Would you rather be really tall or really small?
Really tall.
If I was really small I wouldn't be able to reach the computer chair!
Also off topic: Since when did feet exist in Exilian?
Feet has revived our old story thread (and I thank her a lot for that, somehow it got lost around there :P ), and has started showing up everytime you were offline :P
I'll assume your question was: "would you rather Bunny or no Bunny?" I'll answer by leaving my sig right below me.
Now my question is: would you rather have all five senses (y'know, sight, hearing, all that) except for sight, or all five except for hearing?
I'd rather go without hearing, because it's easier to get cyborg "ears".
Would you rather live in the Matrix unawares, or be set "free" and learn the truth?
Free, so that way I can fly spaceship looking things (So awesome!).
Would you rather me active in the Beer Cellar or everywhere else?
Beer Cellar, because I don't go anywhere else.
Would you rather be handcuffed to a dog or a horse?
Dog, they are lees likely to drag me along the ground. xP (You should really go to the Boozer, it's where the conversation stuff goes on.)
Would you rather hands or feet?
Hands, I can just get a prosthetic leg
Would you prefer me give a question or Sir J de?
Should I jump left or right?
Frontwards up and around to the downwards direction of reverse.
What did I just say?
Something that I am to lazy to copy and paste into this post.
Why don't people worship me?
Because you're Awesome. ;)
What's the definition of 'dog'?
My brother
Would you rather to worship De Gamer or me?
Would you rather SotK sorted out the finances or not? :P
Don't care which one.
Would you rather me or feet to die?
Both >:D Nah, but really, why so morbid?
Would you rather be morbid or depressive?
I'd rather be morbid. Cause being depressed is annoying. Having dealt with both, definitely morbid. Especially if your brand of morbidity is black humour, cause then at least people laugh when you're being weird.
Would you rather worship the Bunneh or the God-Emperor?
Would you rather Halo or CoD to vanish from the universe?
I'd prefer CoD to vanish. I still play Halo every now and then. Modding Ghosts to shoot plasma grenades and stuff is fun. :P
I have never played CoD and as I'm not generally a fan of FPS games, I doubt I'm missing much.
Would you rather being in pain every time you took a step or every time you took a breath?
I don't walk around much, and if it gets too much of a pain I will just get a wheelchair.
I'll prefer a question.
Where did that non existent question disappear to?
Gamer killed it.
Would you rather have an older brother or sister?
Sister, I have one and I can tell you. If they skits at you than you'd have a much better chance of defending yourself than is it was an older brother.
Would you rather chat on the KAG forum or Exilian?
Kag. I can see what I've sent (if you mean messages)
Would you rather get hit or kicked?
Really depends on where :P but usually people have their leg muscles more developed than their arm muscles, so I'd go for hit.
Hip-Hop or Soul?
Probably Hip-Hop.
Would you rather die or be trapped in Jail for 50 years?
Trapped in jail. Some prisons have foxtel and internet.
Would you rather be stuck in a pit of yogurt or jelly?
Yogurt. Tastes better, and must be easier to get out of if you're trying to avoid drowning in it ;D
NTW: Natioonal Tourism Week
Would you rather dig really fast or jump really high?
Jump really high.
Would you rather be Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?
Chuck Norris. He's alive. I'd rather be alive.
Would you rather be a chicken or a turkey?
Turkey.Chickens cross roads.Roads are dangerous.Roads make people dead.
Would you rather be a turkey or dead? :P
Would you rather be a citizen of Exilian or a moderator of the KAG forums and Terraria forums?
Citizen of Exilian.
Would you rather eat your shorts or unexpectedly receive the mother of all wedgies?
Eat my shorts, I have plenty of them.
Would you rather die or be banned from the computer?
Be banned from my computer.
Would you rather be stuck outside or banned from exiting any building?
Your answer is very obvious P:
And for the question, be banned from exiting any building, I hardly ever go outside.
Would you rather eat feet or hands?
Jelly Baby Feet.
Would you rather give birth to a girl or a boy?
Uh... a girl?
That's quite a weird prospect.
If you went to hell and were told your punishment was to answer random questions forever, would you rather be asked easy questions or thought provoking ones?
Thought provoking ones. Easy ones would get boring.
Would you rather be a platypus or a koala?
Would you rather play a guitar or a lute?
Would you rather be moderator of KAG forums or of my lovely forum?
KAG forums? That way I wouldn't mess up your forum with my horribly low activity :P
Jubaaaal I caught you! I can play the lute now as well, you Lute-lover ;) :D ;D
No new question?
Would you rather have a conversation with President Barack Obama or Prime Minister David Cameron?
I'd say Obama...
But they are both clearly average.
Would you rather eat a cheese-filled banana or a marmelade-filled raven? [Upload pics of which you'll choose! :D -If you dare!- ]
I'm scared.
I'll go for marmelade-filled raven, but I'm scared of what may show up in google. Even with filters on. (I hate cheese)
Would you rather a mongolian necroposter or a ban-hammer weilding aussie as an admin?
We need more Mongols playing Total War Games.
Would you use a Pole axe or a Pole Hammer against a charging knight?
Axe, far more versatile.
Would you rather own a new watch or new shoes?
Would you live in the 1 century BC or AD?
Shouldn't really matter so much, but probably go with the BC.
Would you rather be a legionnaire or a hoplite?
Ungh, tough one. Because of my fanboyism, I'd go for a hoplite fighting for Carthage. However, reason would triumph and I'd go for the one that promises a better (and possibly a longer!) life. Besides, I love when stuff is well organized, and it would seem that the Roman army was the best at that in the days.
Would you rather be a tribesman of Iberia or Gaul?
Their + 3 hour poems seem to be fun...
Would you rather be a Athenian or a Spartan slave?
Athenian, so I might be able to learn to read or generally have a vaguely interesting life.
Would you rather set sail under the command of Horatio Nelson or Yi Sun-Shin?
Never heard of Yi Sun-Shin, but sounds a lot more interesting than fighting a bunch a nilly-willy inefficient Frenchies and Spaniards >:D
Would you rather fight in a civil war or a war for independence?
In a war for independence. I was born during one.
Would you rather work as a fisherman or a banana farmer?
Sounds easier to plant some bananas, even if we have plenty of sea down here... But I don't quite favor seafood, I eat very few of it...
Would you rather be King Porrus of India or Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?
[which simply means would you rather be a Leader who lost a war and continued ruling his land under the name of his/her Conqueror, or a Leader who rebelled against an Empire and crafted his own state, defending it for many years, before, finally his dominion was conquered again and he/she died in the siege?]
Porus - it is easy to die for your people, much harder but better to live for them.
Would you rather eat tofu-flavoured toffee or toffee-flavoured tofu?
Both sound rather horrible, but I think toffee flavored tofu would win.
Attacked by an incredibly randy chiwowa or an incredibly angry platoon of squirrels?
Chiwowa would be only one. Besides, I read somewhere that a pack a squirrels were able to kill a dog because they were so hungry.
Music or paintings/sculptures?
Music, I think. Conveys so much more than static imagery.
Theatre or movie?
Chinese or European Broadsword?
European. no good reason though, chinese would be too hipster.
Emo or gothic?
Emo girls. They're so HAWT.
But gothic as a movement. Less self pity.
Chinese or Italian cuisine?
Chinese. I like rice.
A Hoplon or a Scutum?
Scutum sounds like scrotum, which pleases my very immature sense of humor. Also you could use it as a boat. Mabye. Probably not. But you could have fun convincing someone else to try it.
Saxophone or trumpet?
Oranges or Apples?
Bananas or pears?
Bannanas, they're expected to replace wheat as a stable food source in many places whereas pears are close enough to apples and aren't necessary for anything apart from pear cider.
Hippies or Suits?
Hippies. A lot funner. Besides, you always have to worry on your physical state if you want to wear suits, since they are supposed to be tight (and therefore, you always have to remain the same size). Hippie baggy clothes are also very nice and colourful.
Aerobics or sports?
Sports, like running or something...
Would you rather be a helicopter rescuer or an army airbourne?
Helicopter rescuer, dangling out of a flying object is difficult enough without some fool trying to put a bullet in my ass.
Russia or China?
Russia got russian vodka (and russian accents for english). Enough said.
US or EU?
If I must choose,I choose EU.
Many small factions with a few units in a mod,or a few major factions with a lot of units in a mod?
Small factions, because I prefer campaign-level stuff and it gives more interesting geopolitics.
Library or laboratory?
Big army of untrained units or a small band of elites?
Small formidable band of Elite Warriors.
They simply have the metal for greatness. They cut through armies of untrained peasants and they help me establishing my own Duchy at my Module... They are excellent garisson at reasonable cost as well!
'nough said.
Would you rather be a petty King on a baren wastleland or a vassal in an overproductive farmland?
A vassal. The first option doesn't seem very secure, the life of whoever would be in charge of taking care of the land would sure have some impatient subjects :P
East coast or West coast ("nigguh")?
Of the USA,you mean?
Mount & Blade or Elemental War of Magic?
M & B, even though I haven't played either :p
Dog or cat?
Fish tank or a turtle terrarium?
An agressive turtle's portugalbuddy or a relatively passive toroise's bitch?
Depends on the size of the tortoise.
Mouse or touchpad?
I'll touch your mouse ;)
Mouse, can't game with a touchpad easily.
Would you rather I post a question next time or not?
I would ;D
Would you be a British Grenadier or a Greek Hoplite?
Grenadier because I don't think anyone pays hoplites these days. Actually I suppose being a greek hoplite would mean I wouldn't have to go to war at all considering they aren't actually part of anyone's army.
A night of skanking or clubbing?
Neither, but Skanking sounds better IMO.
Would you rather be a medieval swordsman or axeman??
Axeman, so i could have a badass axe, who doesnt like having a badass axe?
Would you rather go to the pub or have a house party?
If I had a house which was suitable for a house party then the second, although usually I would rather go to a pub than someone elses house party.
Early stage testicular cancer or HIV?
Uh, early stage testicular cancer? I'd prefer not to be able to participate in sexual intercourse than getting fatally sick and maybe even die because of it. The question did get me out of place, so extra points for leaving me stunned for like 15 seconds.
Planetside 2 or WoW?
Don't know anything about planetside, but going with that.
Cepheida or Guns Swords and Steam?
Don't know anything about Cepheida (google didn't even help), but the second alternative sounds manly and valve-ish, which are good things :P
(FYI, Planetside 2 is a MMO FPS, and I love it. First game with a futuristic setting that I come to like a lot. Was the first thing that came into mind)
Pure, original Jazz or Jazz-influenced various genres?
Jazz-influenced various genres... I don't know, I don't listen to Jazz.
Would you prefer awesome grammar skills or awesome spelling skills?
Grammar skills... nothing beats being a wise ass on the internet :D You can't be a wise ass spelling bee on the internet, unless you're on Omegle video or something
Would you prefer people remember to ask their questions or we go on like this with questions about people not asking a question?
Pikachu I choose you!
Would you rather answer the questions or follow my lead to glory and barely limited power.
I'd rather answer the questions, Glory will come sooner that way!
Would you rather have a duck or a swan for a pet?
A duck. Swans are scary!
Would you rather the power of attraction or repulsion?
Attract people, in the good way.
Would you rather have a Nuclear Fallout Apocalypse or a Zombie Apocalypse?
I'd rather kick some ZOMBIE ass! hehehheh
Would you rather play football (''soccer'' for the U.S. Αmericans, ''calcio'' per gli Ιtaliani, ''ποδόσφαιρο" για τους Έλληνες) or bascetball?
PS: I'd rather be a duck as well, because Swans have silly necks!! hehhehe! Ducks are faster and more kewl (cool)
Neither, it's Basketball all the way for me. I actually do play it for my school. :)
Would you rather an awesome PC or an awesome Surround Sound Stereo System.
Awesome PC (the stereo system can be a part of an awesome pc, but not vice versa!)
Would you rather ace of hearts or spades in cards?
:) Ace of Shapes sounds good, it used to be better though. ;)
Would you rather Bungie or 343?
343 whats?
Christmas pudding or christmas cake?
Would you rather be cut off at the knee or the head?
What the portugal kind of question is that? Knees aren't essential for living, heads are.
Be called a humbucking badgerbotherer or a doodling duckduffer?
humbucking badgerbotherer, hands down.
Folk music or Rap?
Ska or Jazz?
hmmmm i love jazz but i think i would prefer ska, especially Polish ska because it's awesome.
A talking teapot or a mind reading parrot
A talking teapot. Less sh*t (literally), more meaningful afternoon conversations.
And I don't want anyone to read my mind, ever. For their own sake. Too much weird, unexplainable, borderline insane stuff happening in there.
Accidentally french kiss a person of your own gender or a transsexual?
Quote from: fez-fez on December 27, 2012, 09:12:42 PM
hmmmm i love jazz but i think i would prefer ska, especially Polish ska because it's awesome.
Could you be kind enough to provide some examples of polish ska bands?
Transsexual, I can't really how you could accidentally do so unless you were unaware they were not female. I suppose some hilarious Carry On style plot could be to blame though.
No question? ???
Would you rather I forgot to post a question or I post naked pics of myself?
Naked pics.
Would you rather there were no films or no music?
No films, undoubtedly.
No cheese or no chocolate?
No chocolate, cheese is too useful.
No internet or no phones (of any sort, landline, mobile etc.)?
No phones, there'salwaysskype.
No Africa or no South America?
No Africa. (you're welcome, debux ;D )
No California or No New York (state)?
No New York (State). California is the surfing paradise...
Would you rather be a Pangolin or an Armadillo?
Pangolins aren't profanities so them.
Girl with pretty face and average body or the other way around (hint, the 1st one is the correct answer)
Pretty face and average body, definitely.
Would you rather be a duck or a goose?
A goose.
Much more graceful.
Would you rather be a tapeworm or an intestinal worm?
Intestinal worm. Muahahaha.
Be a trooper in Rome: Total War or a peasant in Mount & Blade?
Peasant at M&B. At least there I could win some bandits, take their equipment, then slay some deserters, take theirs, then sell the rest of the loot and the I could buy some decent armour and become a noble Duke or King. I can't do that being a trooper in RTW.
Heads or Tails?
Not a huge fan of tails and furries.
If you know what I'm talking about. :P
Crocs or red cowboy boots for your next night out?
Owch. Cowboy boots since it's too cold for crocs.
Byzantines or Crusaders?
Eaten by a crocodile while wearing cowboy boots, or eaten by a cowboy while wearing crocs?
Crocodile would probably do a quicker job.
Game of Thrones or LOTR?
Lord of the Rings.
Actually, more of a Game of Colleges girl myself.
Pokemon or Dragons?
Dragons! ;D
Rowan Williams or Benedict XVI?
Rowan Williams
Little Matty Groves or Lord Donald?
Lord Donald, because he doesn't die. And kicks ass better. :P (But probably Matty really)
The Silmarillion or The Hobbit?
The Silmarillion - not a clue why.
Fili or Kili?
Fili because he's not so aggressively Kili and therefore safer to have around :P
Balin or Dwalin?
Balin, because Gimli gets his axe.
Bifur, Bofur or Bombur?
Bofur I think.
Oin, or Gloin (or Loin)?
Sir loin.
Ori, Nori or Dori?
Thorin Oakenshield or Dain Ironfoot?
Thorin Oakendshild, Dain S@ckz!
William Wallace or Robert the Bruce?
William Wallace - his life was a mystery.
Dolerite Dykes or Dalradian?
Dolerite Dykes sound cooler.
Ottonians or Salians?
[You are so much the wrong]
Photovoltaic effect or photoelectric effect?
White or Brown?
Red or(and) Black?
1 or 0?
Science or art?
Admittedly I'm an arts student, but "for A CLASSICAL EDUCATION AND THE ARTS" doesn't have the same ring to it when shouting maniacally.
Adventures of Soros or Raiders and Traders?
PI or O&H?
PI because pi!
Earth or Mars?
Neptune or Pluto?
Jupiter or Saturn?
Europa or Charon?
Mercury or Venus?
Mercury methinks.
Asteroid belt or kuiper belt?
Kuiper belt, it has a cooler sounding name.
Uranus or Sedna?
Uranus, AoM; The Titans ftw!
(Though they spelt it Oranos there if I recall, presumably to avoid butt jokes)
Baldwin or Franklin Roosevelt?
Neither, I choose Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt or Chuck Norris?
Roosevelt. Actually badass, not just cast that way.
Marx or Keynes?
Philosophy can and will change the world. I don't know in which direction, but I hope for the best for all of us!
Liberalism or Socialism?
Batman or Iron Man?
Iron man.
Capitalist democracy or collectivist dictatorship?
Collectivist dictatorship
Stardust or sunshine?
May contain aliens.
Blizzard or Bioware?
Summer or winter?
Basically both, but now it's summertime!!
Summer Rocks!
Day or Night?
Morning or Afternoon?
Dusk or Dawn?
Midnight or noon?
Questions or answers?
Pancakes or waffles?
Waffles :D
Battle of Britain or Battle of the Atlantic?
Battle of Britain.
Acronym is Bob.
X-Factor or Britain's Got Talent?
I don't know
Britain's got Talent maybe?
Third Doctor or Second Doctor?
3rd, SARAH JANE <3
Bears or wolves?
Algae or insects?
Spinal column or no?
Spinal column, just for the feeling of stretching it out.
Alcohol or cannabis?
Coke or Pepsi? (you thought I was going to say heroin)
Heroin. Definitely heroin.
Bananas or staplers?
Bananas - unless it's your staple-less-stapler thingy!
Apples or hole punches?
Holes or pegs?
Alcohol [is (NOT) free]
Beaches or Mountains?
Quote from: comrade_general on May 24, 2013, 09:02:25 PM
Coke or Pepsi? (you thought I was going to say heroin)
I have to do this one.
I don't take drugs. Pepsi.
^That's not even that funny. I don't know why I had to do that one. I just did.
As for above, beaches. I like wadah.
And now we're left with nothing to answer. IT'S ALL FALLEN APART! OH GOD NO!
Oh wait, pegs. Camping is fun.
Hats or scarves?
I used to wear a trilby at each and every opportunity. Unfortunately I lost it gambling.
Arguments or discussions?
Crabs or filzlaus crayfish?
Nothing beats crab fishing at the seaside
Daft Punk or Skrillex?
Daft Punk! Because I know all about that sort of music and am clearly making an informed choice!
Maps or Sea Otters?
An assexual relationship with someone you intensely dislike or a sexual relationship with someone you find physically repulsive?
If I the physically repulsive person was genuinely a really nice person, probably the latter if I had to stay in said relationship for a long time. If there was no set time limit, the assexual relationship as it would be easy to break off quickly.
Daleks or Cybermen?
Cybermen, I really disagree with the concept of Daleks.
Pyjama day or pyjama party?
Really? What's wrong with the concept of Daleks?
Pyjama party, I have pyjama days all the time and they're not that exciting.
They're supposed to be the supreme beings but lack opposable thumbs, or any sort of grabbing instrument. Suction isn't the same, it's not as adaptable. They seem to be really missing a trick or two.
Honeycomb or toffee?
Hmmm, can I have both? I'm starving.
Toffee I guess. ;)
Would you rather be attacked by Donald McBane or Chuck Norris?
I'd rather kick some C-N ass, dude! 8)
Would you rather start a fight for justice, or defend some injust friend of yours in one?
depends on where fight takes place. but defend. unless its a legal issue. but chances are its not. therefor all bets are off and one could easily win an unjust dispute with lies and trickery. if winning is what matters.
purgatory or hell?
Hell. Assuming the furnace is 5000 degrees Celsius my nerves are going to be toast anyway so it'll be painless.
Heaven or Reincarnation
Heaven. WHo wouldnt want paradise and peace forever?
melted: cheese or chocolate pool?
Chocolate. All of the chocolate.
Ampere's Law or Gauss' Law?
Physics or Physics? Eww physics. Gauss doesn't sound like someone who eats cheese and waves white flags around, so him.
A snorkeling dog or a dogfish with legs?
Snorkeling bulldog, 'itches!
No dogfish sharks will sleep safe, no more! ;)
Rambo or Rocky?
bleh! Rocky.
super hairy: arms or toes?
Toes. Hobbit.
Would you rather be a Cyberman or a Borg?
Borg. badass cube and cool uniforms :P
spock or riker???
Sporker. Sounds like a foodstuff that sounds like a euphemism.
Jeg vil dekke deg i honning og late som jeg er en sulten bjørn
Ich micht Ich möchte dich in Honig bedecken und so tun als war, ich bin ein hungriger Bär
They mean the same thing, but which one sounds better?
twie!! (sp) ich can specht Der Duesch.aber nicht spell it haha
groB oder klein rosa elefante??
Klein rosa elefante/small pink elephant (if this is the option...) :')
Would you rather have a dragon, or be a dragon? :)
Have a dragon of course :D .
Which are best, dogs or cats?
Dogs, all the way!
They are awesome, in fact!
Mods or (actual) Games?
Actual games :)
Baby ducks or baby chickens?
Baby ducks, I feel like they are fluffier.
Hot weather or cold weather?
Hot weather :P I may be melting, but I am the Blood of the Dragon! :P
Ketchup or barbecue sauce?
Ketchup, it's just nicer.
Chips or potatoes?
You can boil 'em, mash 'em or even stick 'em in a stew!
Toes or fingers?
White or Red wine?
Rose with the accent thing on the e :P
Rose or Martha?
roses, FTW! :D
Knights or Wizards?
Knights, unless the wizard is Gandalf.
Oranges or lemons?
Loranges... That's not fair... :P
Nestlé or Cadbury's?
Round bottomed or conical flask?
Conical flask ftw.
Guitar or piano?
Guitar - more portable and less horrible memories.
Bat or crazy monster thingy?
Bat, they tend to be less dangerous.
Cheese or beans on toast?
Cheese, baked beans are unpleasant.
Plain or raspberry liquorice?
Raspberry :)
Ice lollies or ice cream?
Ice cream!
Red or black?
The dark of ages past and the night that ends at last!
Cooking or cleaning?
Cooking - you get food :P
Capulet or Montague?
Hmmm... Capulet. He's trouble, is that Romeo :P that, and I prefer the name xD
Fire or water?
Water. ALL the water!
Herp or derp?
Chocolate or strawberry ice cream?
Chocolate :P
Noodles or spaghetti?
Basaltic or Andesitic?
Basaltic, but maybe maths not geology :P .
Sméagol or Gollum?
Sméagol :P
Wine or more wine?
More wine!
Red or white?
White, because bad, bad experiences... :P
Hot or cold?
Moon or Jelly?
Chimpan-Z or Chimpan-A?
The second one, It'd make a nice change.
LotR 1, 2 or 3? Book or movie I don't care.
Heaven or Oblivion?
PC or Console?
Break a shin or break a hand (scaphoid)?
Hand, I don't even want to know how much it would take to break a shin bone, those things take a battering.
Quentin Tarentino or Zack Snyder? You might not be aware, but there is a right answer here.
Neither? I have no idea who they are.
The High Court or The Hidden Plaza?
Hidden Plaza. Sounds more underhand.
Sorry Khan, correct answer was Zack Snyder.
It's the difference between Watchmen and Inglorious Basterds [sic].
Alien or Predator?
Predator, I like the movies better and they look cooler too.
I have seen and read Watchmen though, just not recently.
A stoner or a smoker.
Schmoker. Despite the self loathing it inflicts, drugs are way worse. Don't take my word for it, talk to Frank :P
Sai or Nunchucks?
Sai because it has the same letters as Paint Tool SAI. ;D
Black or White?
Black, it's far more sleek, understated and classy, plus it's nice to draw with right?
Would you rather be tortured by splinters under your nails or being stretched?
Finger nails probably. Ouch.
Would you rather Wireless or Surround Sound?
Suround, of course!!
Eggs or Cheese?
Would you rather be able to float like a butterfly or sting like a bee?
I'd rather have that sting! Buterflies are beatiful, but the sting is thrilling!
Fairies or Dwarfs?
*sigh* I don't know...
Pirate or Ninja? :P
Ninja, because they have all those awesome ninja moves and stuff.
Khan or Nahk
Nahk, bringer of live to all dead topics!
Worship the almighty Nahk!
Dimos or Somid?
Gink Eht Fo Nos or Edarmoc Lareneg?
Edarmoc Lareneg because it sounds like a real name.
Steve or Fred?
Sted or Freve?
Freve. Sted's a dick.
Ukuleles or sitars?
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph or Benjamin?
Reuben and Levi because I know two brothers with those names.
Would you rather Dragons or Snogards?
Would you rather eat worms until you die or be eaten to death by worms?
Would you rather have your own super computer or be awesome at every skill in the world?
Awesome at every skill in the world, then I can build myself a super computer if I wish :)
Would you rather be constantly hungry or constantly thirsty?
Hungry. I love that feeling when I eat something when I'm really hungry.
Would you rather live beside a beach or in a tree, both in the middle of nowhere.
Beach,the whole tree thing must contain a hell of a lot of bugs.
Would you rather be born in the stone age (as a son of a hunter),or in the industrial age (as a son of a factory worker)?
Stone age.
Would you rather eat a pinecone or poop a pinecone?
Well if I were to eat a pinecone I would then have to poop the pinecone anyway, so the second choice. Unless you mean crap out a whole undigested pinecone, in which case the first choice.
Jazz night or a ceilidh?
Stupid question really, ceilidhs are better than anything.
Marrakesh or Eilat?
Eilat. ;)
Boobs or butts?
Well it depends on whose boobs and whose butts these are, but usually I think the butts.
Have your hand eaten by a badger or your face chewed by a bear?
Hand. I like my face too much. :P
Have a really ugly face but beautiful everywhere else or beautiful face but ugly everywhere else?
I am a man,and I don't know how a man can have ugly arms,so I go for the second one. :)
Greek fire or machine gun?
Machine gun. It's got more distance. :)
Solid gold or liquefied diamonds?
Solid gold, since liquefied diamonds would have to be ludicrously hot such that I couldn't handle or use them I think...
Globe or guitar? (The items to my left and right, at present)
Guitar, you can do more with it.
Wall or bed? (Very similar to Jubal's question)
Bed, so comfy!
Acer Iconia Tab Android Tablet or Full Control Lynx Dry Anti-perspirant spray? (Also very similar to Jubal's question)
QMI® Aseptic Sampling Kit or ThermoWorks Thermadata™ Logger? (Not in any way similar to Jubal's question :P )
The Logger, I don't know why, it just sounded cooler.
Wireless headphones or 7.1 surround sound headphones?
Surround sound headphones.
A Dance With Dragons Part II: After the Feast or my college lanyard?
A Dance With Dragons Part II: After the Feast because it sounds cooler.
Cows or pigs?
That's because it is :P
Pigs, because bacon.
Sheep or chickens?
Sheep, lamb chops are the best! *drool*
Abstract or Life (In and art sense)
Life, not really sure about abstract art most of the time..
Oranges or lemons?
Lemons, I love lemons. ;D
Windows or Mac?
Windows or doors?
Doors or Trap Doors?
Trapdoors! ;D
Balloon or steam ship?
Balloon, they're so much fun, as long as they have helium in them.
Would you rather a (giant) war turtle or a war elephant?
Cavalry or camelry?
Camelry. They frighten mounted.
12th century crossbowman or 15th century arquebusier?
I'd say Arquebusier, even if both sound useless units!!
Leader or Follower?
If in a personal perspective I'd prefer being a leader whilst having followers.
Llama or Alpaca?
Llama :D
Platypus or Echidna?
Echidna! I love how they have heaps of spikes!
Kangaroo or Wombat?
Marsupial or placental mammals?
Monocle or top hat?
Top hat.
First man in the village,or the second man in Rome?
Second man in Rome, at least than I'd have someone to talk to.
All the movies in the world or all the music in the world?
All the music in the world, for me please!
All wines of the world, or all the beers of the world?
Wine, beer's too bitter for me.
The Universe all under your command or the ability to travel time and space at will?
Space and time travel. Doubly so if a sonic screwdriver is in the deal :P
Travel in the Serenity with the whole crew for company, or the TARDIS with only the aged First Doctor for company?
The Serenity. I think old classic space travel is for me. :)
Fail at winning or win at failing?
Fail at winning, because you can still come a decent second whereas to win at failing puts you last.
Plato or Aristotle?
Plato... because it starts with P. ???
A question or an answer?
.357 Magnum or .45 ACP?
.357 Magnum
No question. (CG's fault)
No answer (Khan's fault)
Oligarchy or Monarchy?
Oligarchy. (unless I was to be the Monarch)
Monopoly or UNO?
Monopoly, UNO bores me and in Monopoly you get to play with money. ;D
Would you rather a Trophy or a Medal?
Trophy, better for display.
Drinking horn or blowable horn?
Blowable horn... I just like to make noise. :)
Apple or Android?
Android! A bit less imperialistic, or that is my appreciation coming from the third world :P
Lobby gaming or LAN gaming?
LAN, I like to play with my friends and not have to use mics to talk to each other.
Trophy or Medal?
Medal. I associate trophies with sport, which I'm useless at :P
Would you rather be a dwarf or a hobbit?
Hobbit, I like the idea of not having to wear shoes everywhere. plus they get the easy life living in cozy little Hobbit holes living they're days in peace and growing fat.
Would you rather live on a farm or in a city?
I think on a farm, overall.
Would you rather be too cold or too hot?
Cold is easier to remedy, so cold.
Would you rather have a cage fight with a badger, or be attacked by a bear whilst armed with a shotgun?
Badger. For obvious reasons.
Would you rather get thrown in a pit full of snakes,or a pit full of spiders?
Ungh. Hard choice... higher chance spiders are small so you can squash them once you are thrown on them (and yes, squash every each one of them)
Would you rather debux post a question or not?
Yes, then I'd have something decent to answer.
Numenor or Valyria?
Valyria, sounds familiar.
Would you rather Music or Movies?
Music. That way I can see books with my minds eye, and still have a bad-donkey soundtrack to go with it.
Books or films?
Books, usually if you read a book than someone makes a movie of it than the movie sucks. Especially if the movie was very very different from the book. (Poor Eragon)
Be dead or be the only one alive?
Last man standing.
Chase or Foreman? (House)
Guy or Girl?
As of this moment, girl. Subject to spontaneous change.
Good answer cg, Chase is the best :D
Eyes or Ears?
Eyes, I'd rather sacrifice my love for music than my love for great artwork and photography.
Hands or Feet?
If I were to lose one, prosthetic feet wouldn't be nearly so much of a pain and even if I was in a wheelchair I'd still be able to move, and to write/type. If it were a case of gains, faster typing/better grip definitely > an awkward extra foot.
Glass or steel?
I don't put explanations with my answers.
Sherbert or sorbet?
Reason: Mmmmmm Mango Sorbet...
Really funny picture or really epic picture?
Right now, epic. I'm in an epic mood. :P
Spaceships or longships?
Spaceship, you would be able to see more places with one of them.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
Fantasy? (not sure)
Black or White?
(Good to see you back, Dimos :) )
Green or Brown?
7 or 64?
64, it's higher.
Be the best in the world at one thing or only slightly good at almost everything?
Best at one thing, especially if I could choose that thing, if not, no worries :D
Right or happy?
Right. Always.
Paperwork and power, or handicrafts and obscurity?
We're not making that decision for you! :P
Red or white?
Both? They go really well together. But to choose one I'd go with red.
Happy as a homeless person or depressed and lonely as a rich person?
Happy and homeless.
Macedon or Persia?
Syracuse or Alexandria?
Syracuse, purely for Archimedes :)
Thebes (the Boeotian one, not the Egyptian one) or Corinth?
Corinthian Helmets.
Christian God or Allah?
Christian God...
Live underground or in the skies?
See through walls or walk through walls?
Walk through. If I could see through than I'd be temped to look at peoples private life, I'd hate to have that on my conscience.
Have and awesome game made how you want it or an awesome TV series about what you want.
TV series. For show. <-- ha
Poop your pants in public everyday or have the worst possible runny snot nose everyday when you're alone?
I have a dust mite allergy/chronic sinusitis, so I basically already live with the latter and am used to it. So go with that, far less embarrassing and I know how to cope.
Freedom without hope or hope without freedom?
Hope without freedom because maybe one day that hope is the hope of freedom.
Wear gumboots everywhere or thongs/flip-flops with socks.
Gumboots. Always and only. :D
Mouse or touchscreen?
Mouse. No friggin' doubt about that.
A musician or a painter?
Musician, you can enjoy them for longer.
Mango or Chocolate?
Mangoes, you can enjoy them for longer.
An infestation of Marcuses, or syphilis?
Marcuses... they seem to be less recurrent (can't enjoy them for longer :( )
Wibulnibs for breakfast or Bunnies for visit?
Wibulnibs for breakfast! YUUMMMYY!!
A medal or a trophy?
Medal. More space for the others :P
Glasses or contact lenses?
lenses! -provided I can put them in place- Maybe neither! yeah or sunglasses!
Marvel or Disney?
Disney! Heerrrr! Cus I can!! :3
Aliens or Monsters?
Aliens. Higher chance of them being smart, if we go by what is generally understood and thought of when we speak of "Aliens" and "Monsters" (and less monstrous!)
What are your options deebz? :P
What're yours CG? :P
Would you rather a cat's mind in the body of a dog, or a dog's mind in the body of a cat
That's a good one, but I guess I'd go with the cat in the dog routine.
Would you rather Isla Fisher or Amy Adams?
Isla Fisher, selected by d6 because I don't know who either of them are.
Would you rather walk under a mountain or over a mountain?
Under, much less climbing and it'd be fine if you had a light and there weren't any creepy monsters under there.
Would you rather digital or analog?
Digital? Analog is getting too old :P
I forget to make a question when I ponder a question too long :P
Beer or wine?
Beer, if I had to choose.
Jelly or jam?
Jam, all the jam. On toast :)
Globes or maps?
Maps, you can't easily carry around a globe with you.
Drawings or paintings?
Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan?
Uzbekistan, they do a really nice goat's cheese bread.
Georgia in the Caucasus or Georgia in the US?
Georgia in the Caucasus
Mouse or Keyboard?
New Amsterdam or New York?
New Amsterdam.
Old Amsterdam or Old York? :P
The Grand old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
And when the hedonistic Duke reached the end
He started all over again
Original or Parody?
Depends if I like the original. Since we recently had a Weird Al fest at Scarlet's winter party, I'll go for parody.
Ballet or modern dance?
What is modern dance? :P
Ballet. It's beautiful. Also, there is modern ballet :P
Dancing or singing?
Bad sex and good food for a year or good sex and bad food for a year?
Good food, I can just ditch the bad sex and not have it all for the whole year... unless you're suggesting rape...
Be an awesome writer/author or be an awesome artist?
Writer :)
Erebor or Moria?
Erebor. Did you see all that gold?? :o
Also good choice on writer, nobody cares about art anymore. :P
Easterlings or Southrons?
Easterlings WTF!
Would you rather be an Assassin or a Hit-man?
Assassin, hit-men only work for money whereas if I was killing people I'd want to go for morally semi-acceptable targets like dictators and whatnot.
Rhovanion or Eriador? (Geography!)
Eriador, trees, I think.
Zombie apocalypse or Fallout style apocalypse?
Zombies :D
Block of wood or block of ice?
Wood, it lasts longer. :P
Alien apocalypse or Dinosaur apocalypse?
Peasant or Space Janitor?
Space Janitor, a space cleaner. :P
Wool or Cotton? ;D
Wool :)
Mixed Mods or Exilian?
Exilian! If Exilian didn't exist I might not have ever met you guys. :)
Chair with wheels or chair that spins?
Chair with wheels. I would glide along dramatically. :P
Creme eggs, or Lindor chocolates?
Lindor. :)
On a similar note, chocolate orange or ferrero rocher?
Chocolate orange. They're amazing. :P
Would you rather live in Rivendell or Hobbiton?
Hobbiton :D
What about Dale or Edoras?
Would you rather be a cave troll or a stone troll?
Cave troll. :)
Ice-man of Forochel or Haradrim tribesman?
Be Dragonborn or The Nerevarine?
Dragonborn, purely the name is cooler.
Bard or Cleric?
Bard, cooler name.
Cats or Dogs?
Cats. For they walk by themselves, and all places are alike to them.
Lemurs or Slender Lorises?
Chimpanzee or bonobo?
Bonobo. Because sex is better than violence as a problem solving method.
Elephant or Triceratops?
Cockney or corn-pone?
Maze or Labyrinth
Maze, labyrinths are boring.
Stapler or hole punch?
Staple, they have more uses.
Closet or Wardrobe?
Wardrobe; people in closets tend to be repressed about an aspect of their personality, people in wardrobes are much more likely to be fauns who offer people tea.
Tissue paper or sandpaper?
Cheese or bologna?
Cheese :)
Pirates or privateers?
Pirates. Is there a difference?
Which flag would you fly?
Pirates are outlaws to everyone. Privateers have letters of marque from a particular nation, so they're basically licensed to take enemy ships. :)
Calico jack, the other flags are just all non-symmetrical and blagh.
The Maroons or the Brethren of the Coast?
Almost forgot:
Sea-rats or scurvy dogs?
Is Sea-mice an option? :P
Left or right?
Cuba or Hispaniola?
Cuba, like the cigarettes. :P
Country or Rap?
US War of Independence or French Revolution?
The Battle of the Alamo or Custer's Last Stand?
Orange juice or cranberry juice?
Apple or Mango?
Apple :)
South Italy or North Italy?
MANGO!!! (North Italy)
Skittles or M&M's?
Byzantines or Carthaginians?
Curtains or windows? :P
Windows, curtains don't run my computer.
Smeagol or Gollum?
Gollum, without him the story would be more boring.
Legolas or Gimli? (I hope I spelled those right)
Gimli FTW!
He might be short, but he has nice axes! He could slay all f@cking stup1d archersss!
:aragorn: Swordsmaster OR Battlemage :gandalfgrey: ?
Battlemage! Pew Pew magic!
Android or IPhone?
Android :D
Android or human?
Human or Animal?
Humanoid or Paranoid?
Paratrooper or Stormtrooper?
Sturmgewehr 44 or Fallschirmjägergewehr 42?
The 42 one, sounds cooler (Even though I can't pronounce it (Even though I didn't even try))
Up or down?
(The STG is an absolute beast of a gun btw. Its design is a thing of beauty, one of the best developments of the 20th century.)
Porridge or Vicar of Dibley?
Doctor Who or Firefly?
Deep Space 9 or Babylon 5?
I'll go with... DEEP SPACE 9! (Only because it sounds like Dead Space)
Lord of the rings or The Hobbit?
Narnia or Westeros?
Dunlanders or Wildlings?
Dunlendings :)
Redcoats or Browncoats?
Neanderthal or Cromagnon?
Cromagnon! It just sounds less 'mainstream' than Neanderthal.
HP PC or Acer PC?
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Swirls or straight lines?
Digestives or chocolate fingers?
Chocolate fingers, nothing beats chocolate (Except for Skittles).
You forgot to post one :(
Would you rather Khan remembers next time, or this happen again?
Khan remembers!
London or Paris?
London, I can't speak French so I'd be pretty lost in Paris.
(Every time someone forgets to post a would you rather, someone like Othko makes a smart-ass one like that.)
Would you rather one huge chocolate or 100's of small ones?
One big one :D
Mead or cider?
Luge lessons or making meat helmets?
Wrong answer, mead is excellent :P
Um... meat sounds like it'd be a bad protective material. Luge lessons.
Crochet or knitting?
Question or answer?
I don't drink, Joob. Also cider is nom. :P
Would you rather accuse chestnuts of being lazy or claim to have invented the question mark?
Claim to have invented the question mark.
Whom do you serve? Sauron or Sauruman?
Sarumannnnnnn!!!! *cue the music*
Goldeneye or Goldfinger?
Goldeneye! Famke Jannssen :D
Chinese or Indian takeout food?
Indian, and preferably not takeout.
German or Russian language?
Physics or maths?
Essays or Stories?
Geology or Geography? (There is a correct answer)
Geology. (Did I get it right? :P)
Astronomy or Astrology?
Astronomy, the other is witchcraft!
Red or Blue?
Blue as a colour, though my politics are definitely more red :P
1200AD or 400BC?
1200 AD, it's closer to Genghis Khan's era.
Sun or a Moon?
Moon. Without them your Star Wars reference will go to waste.
Jam or Custard filled doughnuts?
Custard's last stand.
Hamburger or tuna?
Ooo, a hard one. Tuna if it's Mango and Chili.
Lasagna or potato bake?
Hamster or gerbil?
Hamster, I can power the house with it's hamster wheel. :)
A long happy life and a slow painful death by yourself or a short happy life with a quick death and family being there for it?
Either. :P
Attila or Genghis?
Genghis :)
Constantine or Octavian?
CoD or Battlefield?
GTA or Arkham?
Elder Scrolls or Fallout?
Elder Scrolls
Bond or Casey?
Alien or Predator?
CASEY IS A GOD AMONG MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Predator, lazor shoulderpads!
Jawas or Ewoks?
Ewoks! Those cute cuddly things. ;D
Clones or Rebels?
Rebel scum! :)
Millennium Falcon or USS Defiant (NX-74205)
Millennium Falcon wins over all!
Blue or Yellow lightsaber?
No Khan! Falcon has superior speed but Defiant has far superior weaponry and defense. I could talk about this all day. :P
A sword made with a cortosis weave or Valyrian steel?
Valyrian steel is the way to go. :)
Very far away for really close?
Far Away.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars (sorry CG!)
Autons or Sontarans?
Zombie Apocalypse or Nuclear Fallout?
Bender or HK47?
See people that aren't really there or hear voices that are in your head?
Dragon or Manatee?
Would you rather be on Gunsmoke or Bonanza?
Red or Green?
Easter or Thanksgiving?
Easter! (I'm Australian so Thanksgiving is non existent to us)
Death by heat or cold?
Cold, I think, most of me would go numb anyway.
Hoplite or Amazon?
That depends; Hoplite if it's fighter, Amazon if it's women. :P
Samurai or Housecarl?
Samurai! They have bad-ass swords and stuff!
Pocket watch and monocle or wrist watch and sun glasses?
The latter.
Flintlock, matchlock, or percussion?
Percussion, I like drums and tambourines and whatnot.
Addicted to bass or addicted to love?
Hmm, I'll have to go with love.
Cologne or Deodorant?
Cologne or Mainz?
(Woot, Archbishoprics!)
Cologne, because I like the picture on Wikipedia more.
Pavlova or Lamingtons?
Lamingtons look amazing! Do they sell them in Tesco?
Be in love with Kanye or Kim?
Kim, but only marginally.
Be a member of the Brazilian football team, or be given £10,000 that you must use to bet on Costa Rica, Mexico, and Belgium (how you divide the 10k between the bets is your call?
Be a member of the team - purely because I'm female and it'd be interesting to see how that worked out (assuming you mean current World Cup team) :P
Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough or Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie?
Dunno, I do really like brownies though.
Have a huge nose or huge ears?
Huge ears I think...
Have something stuck in your teeth or something stuck to the roof of your mouth?
Teeth. Why do we call it a roof? Shouldn't it be a ceiling? :P
Lemon or lime?
Lime :)
Reason or rhyme?
Would you rather Pepsi or Coca Cola?
Hmm, Coca Cola I suppose, it depends what I'm in the mood for really.
Real time strategy or turn based?
Turn based.
Singleplayer or multiplayer?
Single... player...? That's a really hard question...
Age of Empires/Mythology or Anno 1404?
Empires, I never got a chance to play Anno, I got the futuristic one but just haven't played it yet.
A secret base up in the sky or down underground?
Underground. CAAAAVES :D
A meddlesome king or a useless one?
Useless, as long as I odn't have to live in that country. ;)
To be able to move really reall fast or to be able to slow down time?
Move really really fast because im lazy and would like to do everything faster so i can do nothing for longer.
PS4 or Xbox One?
PS4, however I am all for PCMasterRace
AMD or nVidia (Graphics Cards)?
I don't have experience with this as I have never changed my graphics card, but I'll go with AMD.
Watch on left wrist or right wrist?
Sorry Khan, wrong answer :(
Marlboro or L&B?
To be or not to be?
To be!
:aragorn: or :legolas: ?
Aragorn. He gets all the bitches.
:arwen: or :eowyn:
Eowyn, who doesn't like chics with swords? :)
Routine or Change?
Blood or guts?
Blood, guts are a bit too gross. (If we are talking game on the other hand, a nice tibal wave of blood and guts is always fun)
Supper tall or supper small.
Depends on the size.
But still, I'll say super tall, so I can squash all those dickheads in my life
PC or Console? (I hope someone thinks console so I can dish out all my arguments about why PC is better)
PC, but i would need to buy a decent computer to run the games i want so for now i stick with consoles as they are cheaper and run games alot better than my laptop can even run mount and blade. PC master race is the way forward though, i just dont have the brain to work out pc stuff or the money to buy a good computer.
TV series or films?
TV Series. I just think that some books that they turned into movies would've work a whole tonne better if they were a TV series instead. Eragon for example. :P
Square or circle?
Indeed Eragon would of been alot better as a tv series. Although i couldn't finish the second book it got to boring for my liking.
Circle all the way.
Cats or dogs?
Dogs, they're easier to play with.
Cows or Horses?
Horses. Can't effectively ride a cow.
Archery or swordsmanship?
Swordsmanship, I do prefer archery but I just see swordsmanship being more useful.
Black or white?
Black, i do like the darkness!
Fight or flight?
Ready... FIGHT!
Liu Kang or Scorpion?
MK 3 or MK 9?
MK 2! :P
Hodor or Hodor?
Hmm, that's a hard one, I really can't decide. I really like Hodor, but I gues Hodor comes at a very close second.
Sand or Snow?
Snow, it usually melts.
Cardassians? or Kardashians?
Cardassians - I've not seen Star Trek really, but I'd take anything over the Kardashians.
Orange or apple juice?
Orange, as long as it's with pulp and freshly squeezed.
Kiwi or Passionfruit?
Kiwi :)
Tea or Tea? (Think carefully)
eeeer....the second Tea?
Zombies apocalypse or alien invasion?
Zombie apocalypse, it'd be easier for aliens to kill us than zombies. It also depends on what type of zombies. (Also, I think what Jubal was meaning is Tea (the beverage) and Tea (Mother of Dragons).
Too many fingers or not enough?
Too many, I think.
(And actually I was just messing with you all, there was no specific meaning to either tea :P )
Pangolins or Anteaters?
Quote from: Gmd on July 02, 2014, 04:41:47 AM
PC, but i would need to buy a decent computer to run the games i want so for now i stick with consoles as they are cheaper and run games alot better than my laptop can even run mount and blade. PC master race is the way forward though, i just dont have the brain to work out pc stuff or the money to buy a good computer.
TV series or films?
Cheaper, you say?
or US:
Too complicated, you say?
Quote from: The Khan
Dogs, they're easier to play with
What are you talking about? My little kitty is way easier to play with then any dog I've ever met, and loves it a lot more as well
(oh and he's also a lot cuter)
And, to stay on topic..
I.. I.. can't choose. They're both so cute.
Panda or Red Panda?
Panda cuz it's larger and looks more cuddly.
I would have no idea how to deal with any of those components you linked. And putting them together would cause me to break many many things. Price wise a ps4 isn't much more than the total of your two links, I'd pay more for it being already put together. I destroy anything i touch.
Football or Rugby?
Football. Assuming you're talking about soccer.
Cola or Root Beer?
Coca Cola or Pepsi?
Already had this one recently. :P Coca Cola, but I still don't mind Pepsi all that much.
Red or Blue?
Lion or Tiger?
Curtains or blinds?
Blinding or thumbscrewing?
Both those things sound rapey?
They're actually both just tortures/ways to maim someone...
Anyway, since there was no question in your post, I'll do another.
Patrick Rothfuss or Brian Jacques?
Brian Jacques
A way to die or no way to live? :o
A way to die.
An easy but dull life or a rough but exciting life?
Rough and exciting, no but about it. :)
Most intelligent person in the world or the most creative and artistic?
Most intelligent.
Evil or good!?
Hmm, I'd say good is I'm talking about myself, but in games I always like to play the bad guy. ;)
Awesome beard or no beard at all?
Awesome beard. The clue is in the word "Awesome".
Gandalf beard :gandalfgrey: or Aragorn beard :aragorn: ?
Currently, Aragorn beard. When I get to retirement age/go grey haired, Gandalf beard ;D
Jazz or Funk?
Funk, I like the beat more. :)
Left hand side of the keyboard or the right hand side?
Right side.
Left mouse button or right mouse button?
Left, the right side annoys me so much, I just keep on accidentally pressing it. It's the reason why I always run out of grenades when playing games.
Mouse wheel up or mouse wheel down?
Mouse wheel down, it's just easier.
The letter G, M or D?
C or G?
All or nothing?
Nothing, because I don't know what "all" would include.
Left eye wink or right eye wink?
Left, fo sho.
Rick James or MC Hammer?
MC Hammer, I think.
Portal gun or gravity gun?
Portal gun, love to be lazy.
Portal 2 or Half life 2?
I read all that as Portugal gun. ;D
Half Life 2.
Jamie Hyneman or Adam Savage?
No idea so I'll say Hyneman.
Portugal gun or Portal Gun?
Portugal gun, I'm guessing it had the power to make whole countries spontaneously combust?
Mutant monsters or Aliens?
Quote from: Jubal on July 10, 2014, 06:24:56 PM
No idea so I'll say Hyneman.
Quote from: The Khan on July 11, 2014, 01:48:52 AMMutant monsters or Aliens?
Indrid Cold or Mothman?
Toadstools, or the mighty mushroom of Mundifron?
The mighty mushroom of Mundifron. It just sounds much more mighty.
Apocalypse or Post-apocalypse?
Apocalypto or Braveheart?
Braveheart. ;D
Survive a nuclear fallout or die before? :P
Survival is always the way!
Answer this question or go outside?
I went outside first :P
Mice or touchpads?
Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Watson?
Not sure who the 1st one is so I'll go with Watson.
Sardines or anchovies?
Always anchovies.
Ziggurat or Pyramid?
Ziggurat, death to the Pyramid!!
Sandwiches or Paper?
Jessica Alba or Scarlett Johansson?
Scarlett Johansson, I think. :P
No Exilian or no Internet?
No internet. Exilian is capable of re-inventing the internet. :P
Red or Black?
Red. Black isn't a colour.
Pink or light red? :P
Pink, if you're going to do a thing do it properly dammit.
Egypt or Greece?
Greece, I just find the history much more interesting.
Have nails nailed in all of the joints in all of your fingers or have Starry Night ( carved into your back?
The latter.
Printers or scanners?
Printers. Otherwise I'd have to either play piano off of a computer screen or try and find the hard copy original sheet music whenever I want to learn a song.
Short run (1km) or long walk (10km)?
Short run as it be over faster.
Wise duck elders who impart unlimited knowledge or cute ducklings?
Wise duck elders, with unlimited knowledge comes unlimited ducklings.
Super powerful duckling or super cute duckling?
Super powerful duckling would still be cute enough because its a duckling.
A talking duck or a talking spoon?
A talking duck! Every time.
Mallard ducks or Farmyard ducks?
Mallards :)
Pochard ducks or Eider ducks?
Duck or duck (V)?
Goose! :P
Byzantines or Sicilians?
A talking spoon or a talking fork?
Spoon. Obviously.
Spoons or bones?
A Spork or a Knork.
A Spork.
Spork or pork?
Spork or Spock?
Spock. While he is not cutlery, he would provide interesting scientific conversation, and also give us FTL travel.
Spork or cork?
Spork! Spork! Spork! All hail the spork!
Spork or sport?
Hmm, spork I suppose.
Spork or Fnife(Knork) or Spnife(Knoon)?
Beetles or bugs?
Hmm, bugs, beetles creep me out.
Bats or bats? (I feel that this one had been said already)
Bats, obviously. Duh.
Centipedes or Millipedes?
Centipedes, I just prefer centimeters or millimeters, so much more useful.
Oven or microwave?
Oven. Can't make good garlic bread in a microwave.
Cake or Cheese?
Cake, although if cheese cake were an option...
Meat Pie or Sausage Roll?
Meat pie.
Hamburg or hotdog?
Cheese scone or fruit scone?
Fruit. And texting. Texting and scones.
Cookies ( (American) or chips ( (American)?
Cookies. They share a name with our English cookies :P
Cookies or chips (English)?
I thought they were biscuits?
Quote from: comrade_general on October 23, 2014, 04:58:02 PM
I thought they were biscuits?
In the UK "cookie" means a specific type of sweet baked product, roughly round and fairly flat, often 3-4 inches across and a bit under half an inch thick. If the consistency is right, they're slightly hard on the surface, and softer inside. They often contain things like chocolate chips, bits of fruit, or other flavourings. I think these are called cookies in the US as well. "Biscuit" over here would usually refer to something smaller and crisper than a cookie.
On the Wikipedia page (, the photo at the top shows a British cookie; the middle two photos show things that we would call biscuits.
Cookies or Wookiees?
Hoth or Tatooine?
Jawas or Ewoks?
Jawas, as a Jew I feel some sort of kinship with them.
Tickld or Reddit?
Mybook or Facespace?
Mybook. Books are good, and my face isn't.
Anna Komnene's Alexiad or John Kinnamos' Deeds of Manuel Komnenos?
Iliad or Odyssey?
Plato or Aristotle?
Aristotle? Maybe...
Descartes or Kant?
I just Kant decide. :P
Hesiod or Homer?
Homer, that is, if you're talking about Homer Simpson.
Bouncy ball or bouncy square?
Bouncy Ball, much more fun.
Möbius strip or Klein Bottle?
Klein Bottle, I like bottles.
Annoying and painful truth or awesome and fun lie?
Annoying and painful truth, if the awesome is a lie it's just disappointing when you find out.
Awesome and fun truth or annoying and painful lie?
Awesome and fun truth :P
Pinecones or pasta?
For eating? Pasta.
Peanuts or Portugal?
Pizza eating weasels, or the Mighty Mushroom of Mundifron?
The Mighty Mushroom of Mundifron, pizza eating weasels like banning people :P
Walnuts or Wales?
Leaf, we don't need trees! They can all get turned into paper for all I care!
Eggs or Chickens?
Eggs. No eggs would mean no reproduction of anything that's too big to divide by binary fission, no chickens would just mean no chickens.
A question, or no question?
No question.
Wear roller skates for the rest of your life or only get use of your legs for 2 hours a day.
Depends; if it's 2 hours that can be used up piecemeal as I wish, that. If it's a 2 hour block and I can't walk at any other time, the skates.
Leaf or needle?
It would be 2 hours consecutively.
Lewis and Clark or Grigory Shelikhov?
Red and green or gold and silver?
Red and Green, although neither of them I particularly like, a green and red colour scheme is much more creative.
Space or no space?
Somalia or Syria?
Somalia where i would reform their piracy into more of a roleplaying type.
Beef or lamb?
Lamb. But its close.
Turkey or chicken.
Chorizo or ham?
Bacon or bacon?
Bacon. It deserves a capital B.
Constantine or Caesar?
Caesar salad.
Napoleon or Hannibal?
Hannibal (not a hard one) :P
Honey or marmalade?
Marmite or vomit? (tough one)
Marmite. I don't love it, but meh, it's edible.
Plums or clementines?
Plums, never had a clementine.
Scotch or Bourbon?
Moniack or Lindisfarne?
Never had Moniack, so Lindisfarne I guess. Where do you find these fine purveyors of mead?
Mead or Whisky?
Cambridge wine merchants - though the best way to get it is to first purchase a membership of CUSFS, wait for a mead order, and then get it at trade/bulk discount passed on at cost price.
Also mead, always mead.
Glyptodon or Armadillo?
Mead is so damn good, it's a real shame it's hard to come by up here.
Glyptodon, sounds cooler
Megatherium or Megabear?
Megashark or Giant Octopus?
Megashark, clearly we can hope for a film called Megasharknado.
Giant Flying Squirrel or Giant Llama?
Giant Llama, of course. Exilian forever, etc.
Pangolin or Pangolin? (think carefully)
Pangolin or throne?
Pangolin :)
Lamp or lightbulb?
Lamp, it includes a bulb I assume.
Lamp sans bulb or bulb sans lamp?
Lamp sans bulb, bulbs are cheaper.
Glass or mug?
Already had my mug of coffee, everything else drank during the day will be from glasses.
Thanksgiving (USA) or Thanksgiving (Canada)?
I'm going to surprise you and go for USA, not least because it would be churlish to go for the Canadian one given it's the wrong date for it. :P
Georgia or Armenia?
Georgia, USA! You didn't specify. ;D
Ham or Turkey?
Turkey or Chicken?
Bacon or bacon?
Flotsam or jetsam?
Flotsam, nobody needed to sink.
Human flotsam or human jetsam?
Human Jet Sam. Greatest of superheroes!
Table lamp or overhead light?
Table lamp, overhead ones always seem too bright to me.
Table lamp or lava lamp?
Table lamp, lava lamps are pretty but not very useful.
Question or answer?
Question. Questions are more important than answers.
Answer to this or answer to a different question?
Answer to a different question, because that might tell me something useful.
White or red wine?
White wine. Red wine is laced with regret in my experience :P
Blue pen or black pen?
Big Mac or Whopper?
Big Mac
Hysteria or Bliss?
Be the single Genius on a plant of unintelligent people or be the single unintelligent person on a planet of geniuses?
I think probably the single genius, because on a planet of genii they'd probably have their armadillo figured out and wouldn't need help so I could do more good helping people on the giant plant of dim folk. Also I'd live on a plant apparently and that would be cool :P
Sontarans or Rutans?
Marriage or death?
Marriage. More reversible, if nothing else!
Biscuit tin or cake tin?
Cookie jar!
Question or question? :(
Question. :(
Mexican or Spanish?
Haunted or hunted?
Booze or bees?
Beeches or beaches?
Threes or trees?
Thrills or trills?
Trills :)
Guitar or Sitar?
Sax or Trumpet?
Tuba or sousaphone?
Salmon or Trout?
Large mouth bass or small mouth bass?
Large mouth bass, why? Bigger is better... I suppose :P
A world full of pain, or a pain full of world?! Mwahaha!
A pain full of world, because the world has good things in it that can make the pain better :)
Florida or Ohio?
Ohio, the name just sounds more interesting. I don't know anything about them tough. :P
Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean?
Quote from: The Khan on March 16, 2016, 01:22:26 AM
Ohio, the name just sounds more interesting. I don't know anything about them tough. :P
I'm from there. (
Pacific Ocean.
Arctic or Southern Ocean?
Southern Ocean
I'm from there... sort of. ;)
The bottom or theMariana Trench or the top of Mount Everest?
American southwest or Australian outback?
If American Southwest includes Nevada, then yes, simply because of the Burning Man Festival. If not, than Australian Outback it is.
Indian or Mexican food?
It does.
Chinese or Japanese?
Coca-Cola or Pepsi >:D
Diet Coke. Full sugar versions of soft drinks are too sweet for me (also Pepsi Max, as it's so full of sweetener) .
Chocolate digestive or chocolate chip cookie?
It depends on what we're raising, but yeah, raising wins it for me if we're raising the roof!
Left eye or right eye?
Left eye.
Lemsip or strepsil?
Shepherds pie or cottage pie?
Cottage pie.
Cambridge or Birmingham?
Wales or Ireland?
Norfolk or Suffolk? (Think carefully before you answer this one :P )
Norfolk houses one of my best boys so... :D
Nobody likes northants sooooo, Logitech or Sony? :P
Sanyo or Sharp?
Wrong, just wrong. images swayed me.
Bing search or Yahoo search? ;)
Yahoo, but only because it's not Google. :p
ExiliCon or Comicon?
ExiliCon, I'd rather visit and see all you awesome guys you've been my friends for more than 6 years than be amongst a bunch of strangers dressed in weird costumes.
Airforce or Navy?
Speaking as someone who apocryphally may or may not be a trireme; navy :p
Food or drink?
Hmm... that's a hard one. I'd have to say food.
Light switch up for on or light switch down for on?
Dinner or supper?
Dinner, but it's funny, because here in the Aus some people call it Tea. :D
The right hand side of the keyboard, or the left hand side?
Right hand side, has four of the letters of Jubal whereas the left has just one.
Tea or supper? :P
Quote from: The Khan on March 18, 2016, 12:43:59 PM
Dinner, but it's funny, because here in the Aus some people call it Tea. :D
That's cuz you're still limeys at heart. :)
Orange or grape soda?
Grape? No idea...
Mead or wine?
Wine, not red wine though, most red wine is too bitter for me.
Breakfast for lunch or breakfast for dinner?
Root beer or Dr. Pepper?
Never had either but root beer sounds more appetising to me.
Crackers or breadsticks?
My god man! No orange, grape, root beer, or Dr. Pepper??
Mello Yello or Mountain Lightning?
Are those drinks as well? Mountain Lightning sounds fun.
Guitar or Jew's Harp?
Jew Ball.
acidic or caustic?
Folk music or death metal?
Folk metal. :)
Tangerine or nectarine?
Tangerines, less faff.
Light or darkness?
Darkness, feels cleaner, no?
Cthulu or Byatis?
Byatis, mildly more niche and somewhat less deadly :P
In or Out?
Well both obviously.
Family Guy or American Dad?
Family guy
buffy or angel?
Buffy I guess, no idea about any of the things I'm getting asked here :P
Iced Bun or Fridgecake?
Some nice, iced buns.
Cinnamon roll or éclair?
I can do this one! Eclair :)
Time or space?
Gravity. My pet physicist says so.
Meatloaf or Bon Jovi?
Meatloaf. The food.
AC/DC or Guns n Roses?
Guns n Roses.
Glue or tippex?
Glue. We call the other white-out.
Duct tape or WD40?
Duct tape, because you can't built a boat out of cardboard and WD40 :P
Walls or Windows?
Swordsmith or armourer?
Swordsmith I think :)
Red grapes or green grapes?
Daffodils or daisies?
Daffodils :)
Pasta or rice?
Pasta, although rice goes well with some stuff that pasta doesn't, if we're talking about the food by itself, pasta is preferred.
Fish or Chicken?
Chicken, generally.
Walnuts or Pine nuts?
Walnuts. Never tried Pine nuts, but if they're anything like pine cones, then no thanks.
Briton the only person to leave the EU or Briton being the only one to remain in the EU (All other countries leave). ;D
Us as only ones to leave - as much as I hate the fact we've left, I'd rather for the sake of the world that the rest of it stayed together.
Tankard or wine glass?
Tankard because it can hold more wine than a wine glass.
Bowl or plate?
Plate I think it slightly more versatile.
Allosaur or Plesiosaur?
Plesiosaur! It looks like a carnivore sea giraffe... carnivore sea giraffes are the best!
Koala or Wombat?
Wombat because it's like a womp rat and Luke used to bullseye them in his T-16 back home, and they're not much bigger than 2 meters.
Birmingham or Manchester?
Birmingham :)
Lemons or Lemonade?
random wars in long periods of peace or random peace in long periods of war
Random wars in long periods of peace. More peace is good.
Doctor Who Soundtrack or Pirates of the Carribean Soundtrack?
Bloody Pirates.
Hans Zimmer or Jerry Goldsmith?
Trumpets or Tubas?
Clarinet or Oboe?
Spoons or Bones?
Be given 1,000,000 dollars, for sure
Would you rather assuming both were finished
Get night game and a wii for free
Get project Q wiiware version and a wii for free?
No idea.
Chaucer or Shakespeare?
NW or SE?
Attack that sumbitch.
Betelgeuse or Sirius?
Beetlejuice :D
Zaphod Beeblebrox or Ford Prefect?
Beemer or bimmer?
I have no idea what either is, but we'll go with beemer?
The "Would you Rather" thread or the "Word Association" thread?
(BMW motorcycle vs BMW automobile)
WA for sure.
Arizona or New Mexico?
New Mexico :)
Principality of Antioch or Principality of Edessa?
Celtiberia or Galaitia?
Celtiberia. All Iberias are great (though Caucasian Iberia is best Iberia)
Become POTUS or become the Pope?
Prez. I'd use my power to get Britain their Empire back and then take it from them again. :)
Florin or Gilder?
Florins, the word sounds nicer.
Trapezuntine aspers or Byzantine solidi?
Caesar or Antony?
Caesar or Waldorf?
Westeros or Essos?
Middle-earth or Numenor?
Numenor, but long before the thing.
Elrond or Elros?
Elladan or Elrohir?
Irrelevant. :P
Thanksgiving or Easter?
Easter. Cuz were english.
Fight one horse sized ant or 100 ant sized horses?
The 100 for sure.
Chipotle or Taco Bell?
Taco Bell, though I have no idea.
Father Christmas or Santa Claus?
Would you rather BE Santa or Satan?
Tolkien or Lewis?
Sam Gribble or Jeremiah Johnson?
Lights or tinsel?
Long or short needle?
Trees or Stockings?
I'd take stockings any day.
Toothache or migraine?
Migraine, those tend to go away sooner and are more likely to be stress related whereas toothache is more likely to mean I have a hole in my tooth which would cost money to fix.
Lungs for dinner or intestines for dinner?
Intestines: they're much better at digesting things than lungs are :P
Train or coach?
Train all the way!
Know when you're going to die or know how you're going to die?
Ooh, deep one. If I know I can't avert either, I'd want to know when, I think. If I knew how, I'd be terrified of that thing for the rest of my life. If I know when, it might suck when it gets close to it but I can at least plan ahead and map out my life accordingly*.
*although it does lead to a significant issue which is that if I HAVE to die at a certain point and no later or sooner, I'd be de facto immortal until then, which might rather affect my life planning...
Blinds or curtains?
(Lol I like the idea that you know when your going to die, but the date and time constantly changes from your actions. You could probably work out what kills you)
Blinds! Because I'm lazy and pulling one string is easier than 2 curtains.
Always been to hot or to cold?
I guess too cold, though either would drive me mad.
Jasmine tea or Peppermint tea?
Peppermint, 'cause I've never tried it...
Meet Hades or Zeus?
You've never tried peppermint tea? I thought you'd said you didn't like it at some point in the past, or was that just a dislike of peppermints as mints?
I guess Hades, so I could try and arrange some interviews with people's shades for my research work...
Actually I quite like mint, we have that in our garden (mentha carinthiaca), we don't have peppermint though, so my exposure to that has been limited... I might have said I don't like it as much as normal tea though, since it's pretty rare for me to find anything that I like more than normal tea, could that be it?
Cerberus or the Hydra?
Oops, I forgot a question!
That's possible. I think sometimes you express pre-emptive dislike for things, which is fair enough but can be a little confusing at times :)
As to your next question, Cerberus, I think. Probably easier to run away from since he actually has a job to do guarding the gates of the underworld and stuff.
Kobolds or Hobgoblins?
Kobolds, since I know more about those...
Remus Lupin or Minerva McGonagall?
Lupin. Always one of my favourite characters.
Hippogriffs or Gryphons?
Hippogriff. Buckbeak is always a win... :)
Andals or First Men?
Eh, I'm much of a muchness on this one, though I'll say First Men.
The more important combination beast run-off: Hippogriff or Owlbear?
Definitely the Owlbear... :)
Stark or Martell?
Martell :)
Tully or Tyrell?
Family. Duty. Honor.
Venice or Rome?
Venice! :) Even if I do have a bone to pick with them about 1204.
Paris or Prague?
Prague, I love Paris, but I've been 6 or 7 times now, and Prague (as I remember it) is less crowded...
Shepherd or Retriever?
Shepherd :)
Pirates or Ninjas?
Pirate :)
Dragon or Wyvern?
Skeleton or Zombie?
Owl or Cat?
Ooh, that's difficult. I think owl, though I love cats too.
Echidna or Platypus?
Echidna, because real life nifflers are a thing... :)
Faith of the Seven or Old Gods?
Eh, Old Gods I guess but faith isn't really my area.
Teapot or teacup?
Teapot, cups are too small... :)
Strawberries or blueberries?
Strawberries, though blueberries are nice too!
Axolotls or Olms?
Blanket or pillow?
Blanket :)
Fish or Bird?
Bird, although breathing underwater would be nice too... :)
Mountain or cave?
Squid or Octopus?
Piano or Organ?
Organ, because I can live without functional pianos... :P
Earl grey or Lady grey?
Lady Grey
Woods or Fields?
Woods :)
Glasses or mugs?
Mugs, far better for handling hot beverages... :)
Cookies or biscuits?
Biscuits :)
Olives or breadsticks?
Breadsticks (because I only like green olives, so I'm playing it safe...) :)
Moon or stars?
The Man in the Moon or Father Christmas?
Never believed in either, but as a proud Austrian, I've got to go with the Man in the Moon... :)
Fairies or pixies?
Fairies, I think...
Redcaps or boggarts?
Redcap (and Leaf) ;)
Pan or Hermes?
I like both, I think I'll go with Pan though because folk music playing goat-people sound like my kind of people to hang out with.
Frog or Newt?
Newt Scamander is always a win... :)
Ice or snow?
I knew you'd say that :P
Snow! All the snow :)
Snowmen or snow angels?
Am I that predictable?
Snow angels, if I make those, they look at least remotely like they're supposed to....
Ocean or space?
Ocean :)
Desert or moon surface?
Desert, there's at least oxygen there, though I doubt I'd survive long in either place... :D
Morning or evening?
Morning - I like mornings and really should make better use of them, I see far too many late evenings and I'm sick of them.
Borgio or Lucrezia?
Crisps or crackers?
Crackers - more versatile.
Lemur or llama?
Lemurs, they're basically fluff with googly eyes...
Wings or gills?
Galagos or Bushbabies? :P
Same thing, but bushbaby sounds cuter...
Dream or fantasy?
Fantasy, I can't control dreams so well.
Peace and quiet or achievement and fame?
Peace and quiet, definitely...
Italy or France?
Italy, I think...
Boromir or Denethor?
Boromir, Sean Bean is great... ;D
Face Oberyn or Arthur Dane in a duel?
Arthur Dayne - less likely to use poison, therefore a less painful death!
Hurdy gurdy or hammered dulcimer?
Hammered dulcimer, kind of more of a regional thing over here...
Tulips or daffodils?
Tulips, I think.
Rosemary or Oregano?
Oregano, I never build bombs without oregano, makes such a nice boom... ;D
Parchment or papyrii?
Papyri, more eco
Cushions or pillows?
Pillows, I like things I can sleep on... ;D
Grandfather clock or cuckoo clock?
Grandfather clock, better disguise for a TARDIS :)
Speaking or listening?
I have been told I like listening to myself speaking.... ;D
Hedwig or Crookshanks?
Hedwig, I like wols
Tyr or Ares?
Ares, he was the best dog in the world... :)
Padfoot or Snuffles?
Padfoot :)
Shacklebolt or Firebolt?
Firebolt, since the Minister for Magic can't fly and even if he could, he probably wouldn't qualify as a mode of transport... ;D
Blinds or curtains?
Carpet or hardwood?
Hardwood (easier to clean...)
Bread or toast?
Bread :)
(To be fair, we don't *know* that Kingsley Shacklebolt can't fly. I suspect one shouldn't jump on him to find out though.)
Anteaters or Alpacas?
(We do, flying is a unique ability in the Potterverse, only exhibited by Snape and Voldemort [unless you argue that the Cursed Child is canon, which it isn't] and yes, my point exactly) ;)
Neverending Story or Momo?
Neverending Story? I don't know either, but I like the idea of neverending stories.
Cutlass or Hand Cannon?
Cutlass... Hand Cannons remind me of guns and they are a coward's weapons...
Nightowl or Early Bird?
I'll ask you not to call me a coward, kthnxbai.
Early owl maybe? Somewhere in between.
Early worm or second mouse?
Definitely second mouse, I'll attribute it to myself to be around the corner waiting for another mouse to die so I can have cheese... (yes, I'm evil...) ;D
Harp or piano?
Harp :)
Vole or shrew?
Chocolate or nougat?
Dark or milk chocolate?
Milk Chocolate (although it really depends on what you do with it, I usually bake with dark chocolate, because those things are sweet enough as it is...)
Light or darkness?
Light :)
Plants or stones?
Plants, I'm a woods witch... :)
Left or right?
Up or down?
Down, I'm headed to hell... ;D
Christmas or Easter?
Christmas by far.
Same trend of thought,
Giving gifts or receiving gifts?
Giving... People get that twinkle in their eyes when they're happy and that is the best thing ever... :)
Lemons or lemonade?
Lemons because you can use them in more things.
Would you rather have a hand made of good quality ham which regenerates fairly slowly (sustenance for you for about a day, then you have to wait 2 days) or an armpit which dispenses suncream (a medium factor, enough for you and a couple of other people every day)
Suncream, because I'm a vegetarian with a major susceptibility to sunburn...
Would you rather be dead for a day or live forever?
Not sure what the first one means. Do you mean like you die for one day then wake up and you have a normal length life?
Are the life lengths guaranteed, or might I still get hit by a bus / get cancer / go mad etc?
I guess I'll opt for dead for a day so that I can release a load of books about how I met god and make millions from bible belt types.
Would you rather punch a nun on the arm for no reason, causing her to be so upset she renounces her faith - and nobody knows you did it, or would you rather have everyone think that you go around punching nuns on the arm for no reason, but you dont?
The second option, as I don't care what people think of me, as long as I know I'm doing the right thing...
Kill or be killed?
Depends on who the other person involved in the question is. If we're assuming "random person attacking me and this is self defence" then kill, if it's "kill a random innocent person or have someone else kill you", then be killed.
Toast or cereal?
Toast, doesn't seem too nauseating at the moment...
Blue bells or buttercups?
Bluebells :)
Castles or Dragons?
Dragons, they make great pets... :)
Cocoa or hot chocolate?
Are they not the same? Oh no cococa is the constituent part of all chocolate, right? So I'll go with that because it's in wispas, and wispas are nice.
Jason Vorhees or Freddy Krueger?
(It depends actually, but in Viennese coffee culture -which, yes, is a thing - hot chocolate is made with water, while cocoa is made with milk. HC is also generally made with dark cocoa powder and cocoa with lighter one...)
Freddy Krueger (that name rings a bell...)
Flowers or trees?
Trees. I like flowers but I've always loved trees, they're wonderful things.
To roll with the theme of my day, Armenia or Byzantium?
Byzantium (I know more - albeit still far too little - about that... :))
Milk rice or risotto?
Risotto I guess.
Android or Apple?
Android :)
Fire or Fusion reactions?
Fire, I can make that myself... :)
Fire of Water?
Fire of Water? :o
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... water. :P
Dirt or Air?
(Oh come on, it's late over here, and my brain has been buzzing all day...)
Air, I like breathing...
Werewolf or Cards Against Humanity?
CAH. Are they both games? In any case I haven't played either but I am aware of CAH.
Euchre or hearts?
Hearts, humans don't work well without them, I have been told...
Fox or Owl
Owl. Rly.
Tortoise or hare?
Pencil or ruler
Rain or snow?
Guitar or Sitar?
Trombone or baritone saxophone?
Would you rather that everything you eat tastes really nice, or that you don't ever have to eat at all if you don't want to
Don't have to eat at all, it would be so nice if I no longer needed that stuff...
Leaves or petals?
Cutlery or silverware?
Cutlery, doesn't blacken up with time...
Bed or couch?
Couch. It can be used as both.
Macinsoft or Microtosh?
Macinsoft. If you have to ask why then you don't deserve to know.
Would you rather be in a zombie apocalypse with an Axe or a Sword
Sword. If I am to die, I'm going to go out in style... (but I definitely wouldn't say no to a flame thrower... ;D)
Phone or laptop?
Phone. :( The convenience has taken me. Although I still regularly use my pc.
A nice warm lager and a packet of crisps or a frosty ale and some chips (as in crisps)?
Augh, I dunno. Probably the ale? But it would depend a lot. I don't really drink either much.
Tortoises or Snakes?
Supper :)
Breakfast or Second Breakfast?
Probably more like Second Breakfast by now (seeing as I haven't had a first one...)
Ice tea or cake?
I'll go with cake. Because it's cake and cake is awesome.
Would you rather be able to turn into a spider or a chicken
Spider. Even though I hate them.
Would you rather be a fungus or algae?
Fungus: algae just sit around and photosynthesise, while fungi produce this fascinating range of things, some very tasty, and some excitingly poisonous :P
Would you rather travel across space or through time?
I have a long list of supplementary questions about how I'm travelling and how easy it is to get back again... I think I'll say through time as the novelty value seems greater, but it's a tricky one without a more detailed scenario.
World map or map of Arda?
World map, seems slightly more helpful in the current situation...
Charades or GuessWho?
Poker or Blackjack?
Poker, I remember playing that once...
Jedi or Sith?
Neither but Sith I guess.
Would you rather run over Jar-Jar or 8 year old Anakin?
Wow, brutal much? Anakin, I guess, since JarJar gets way too much hate imo (they both do, actually) - he would have made a great sith lord, if people had not totally overreacted...
Midsummer Night's Dream or Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo, although the other sounds really interesting I'm just unfamiliar with it.
Macbeth or Othello?
The Scottish Play, there's witches... ;D
Niccolo Machiavelli or John Dee?
Da Vinci or Tesla?
Da Vinci.
Thriller or crime novel?
Sci-fi or fantasy?
Same thing, just deprnds on the "furniture"... but I like magic being addressed as such, so I guess fantasy?
Detective or inspector?
Sheriff or Highway Patrol?
Sheriff, has more fun historical connotations (albeit a higher likelihood of being shot by reggae singers).
Pig or Pirate?
Army or Navy?
Chreaster or Reastmas?
I'm not sure what just happened but it seems k was looking at the wrong page.
Island or highland?
Lol Pent you're like 4 pages behind bruh.
Chreaster sounds good.
I say again, army or navy?
I already edited. This is a nightmare
An island with highland on it.
Marines or Air Force?
Marine force in the Air.
Royal Marines or the other Marines?
The few. The proud. The Marines.
Mexican-American War or Spanish-American War?
Moonlight or starlight?
Leaves or petals?
Petals, when they fall, it always means there's spring and I like spring... :)
Whistling or singing?
Hey you can't just deny the choice. :(
Henry Ford or the Dodge brothers?
I can, I have and I will. You just watch me. ;D
Midnight or high noon?
Dawn or dusk?
Dusk, more radiant colours.
Dracula or Frankenstein?
Dracula :)
Humidifiers or dehumidifiers?
Humidifier, I have been told my instruments would technically need one...
Vikings or Vandals?
Vandals. Great band. ;)
Would you rather have to get all your hydration via falling snow or your feet made a loud distressing shriek with every footstep you made (however lightly you trod)
Snow, I like snow... :)
Black Sea or Caspian Sea?
Caspian - I like the whimsical name.
Would you rather that when you ran over 5 miles you then sweated exactly 1 bottle of nice red wine, or you can voluntarily break a bone to receive a gold orb the size of a hens egg
Struck by lightning or bitten by shark?
Struck by lightning.
Theseus or Hippolyta?
Would you rather have a lego brick permanently glued to your cheek or a pea permanently stuck up one nostril?
The lego. I think it's something I could... build on.
Raining moderately all the time or so hot that you can't stand to be outside for more than 5 minutes?
Raining moderately... I love rain, I hate sunshine and heat is the worst thing ever (I spend summers locking myself in the basement...)... Rain is the best thing ever!
I would rather _ because _
High five from Matt LeBlanc or hand shake from Gary Numan
Oups, sorry, totally forgot...
I don't know either of these gentlemen, but I feel like a handshake would be more respectful...
Mission Impossible or James Bond?
JB or Indiana Jones?
Indy, because a) archaeologist, b) harrison ford and c) I don't like JB...
Witcher or Skyrim?
You don't like JB? :'(
Skyrim I guess, though I've played neither.
Sigillography or numismatics?
*rolls eyes* you know who I mean, don't pretend otherwise...
Sigillography, though I find both interesting...
Tucumé or Piramesse?
Tucumé seems cool :)
Pizza or beer?
Pizza, personally, I find beer awful..
Sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise please. I am much more of a morning person.
Alexander the great or groot
Groot, he only has a fictional body count...
Atlantis or El Dorado?
Would you rather only be able to communicate through mime or have the head of a chicken, but can speak normally?
Mime, it'll be hilarious...
Cupcakes or doughnuts?
Pretzels or pop tarts?
Pop Tarts. I have a sweet tooth
would you rather be saved from a perilous situation by carlton from the fresh prince of bel air or Cameron from ferris beullers day off?
I don't know either of these, but I guess it doesn't really matter, as I'm quite capable of saving myself... I don't need saving especially not from a man...
Suffolk Strangler or The Devil's Disciple?
Suffolk Strangler
Quote from: Caradìlis on May 15, 2018, 03:01:55 PM
I don't know either of these
Carlton Banks is an intelligent yet sometimes annoying relative of Will "Fresh prince" Smith in the tv series: Fresh prince of bel air
hopeless hypochondriac Cameron Frye Was is best friend of Ferris Beuller who was unwilling to go on an adventurous day off, and despite suffering a number of calamities, had a good time
You are trapped under a log that you can not move. Unless someone helps it is likely you will starve to death. Would you rather that you were helped by carlton or Cameron?
Do you know how much adrenaline the body produces in a moment of crisis? If I can't lift the thing, why would some guy be able to do it? Sticking with my answer from earlier on: I don't need help and there isn't any possible scenario which you can come up with in which I would need a man to save me.
Basil or oregano?
Oregano :)
Rosemary or Thyme?
Depends with what, but thyme is great against colds, so I'll go with that...
Parsley or sage?
I use Parsley in more of my recipes, I choose that.
Would you rather have a small invisible ghost can bring you your favourite beverage 5 times a day, (but that's all it can do) or the ability to create the best crème brûlée on earth
Tiny ghost. Tiny ghosts are cute... :)
Written or spoken?
Hamster or parakeet?
Epigraphy or Palaiography?
Palaeography, because the inscriptions will probably last longer so you may as well get the palaeography done while you still can!
Red or Yellow?
Red, even though I'll always prefer blue...
Candle or lantern?
Lantern as in flashlight? I'll go with that.
Would you rather only be able to jump everywhere you go or only be able to walk on your hands?
I'd jump everywhere. Seems to be alright for tigger
Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere one way and you can't take anything with you (including the clothes you are wearing); or float, but you can go no faster than 1 mile an hour
Nude teleportation.
Would you rather have to live in a forest with as many conveniences as you want just no permanent buildings, or inside a building that has plants and trees but you can't ever go outside?
I'm a witch, I'll take the forest, thank you ;D
City or countryside?
Countryside x9001
Mountain cabin or beach house?
Depends on where the beach house is, but most likely mountain cabin...
Desk or table?
Desk, because it has a flat surface I can put my laptop or my food plate on AND it has drawers. It's like a table with pockets!
Earl Grey or Green tea?
Earl Grey - hands down
Would you rather have a balloon for a head or custard pies for hands
Balloon head.
Have a cone head or be mute?
Probably be mute, might save me from all those situations my tongue gets me into when she runs away with me and my brainfilter is too slow to catch up... :/
Palace or Castle
Palace. Seems like it'd be more clean and fancy.
Live in 3001 or 1003?
3001, I don't want to be a peasant farm worker and die young :/
Budgies or lovebirds?
Maybe by 3001 we've reverted to feudalism again lol
Live in the Persian Empire or Imperial China?
Persian Empire I think
Would you rather have someone write a famous poem about you or novel
Novel. That's a novel idea.
Be a cow or a chicken?
Got called a cow once, never been accused of being a chicken... ;)
Old or young?
Do you mean: What age would you rather your antiques be? Old.
Would you rather people keep coming up to you and asking a question you don't know the answer to, or that you can't explain the answer to.
I mean, the first one keeps happening and I'm dealing quite well with it...
Be able to stay in bed forever without any consequences, or never feel tired or have to sleep?
If literally no consequences - including that the ageing process stops while I'm in bed - then the former, immortalise sounds nice. If just no social consequences, then the latter.
Would you rather get all your choices from "Would you rather" come true, or the ability to conjure up any noun you've ever played in Word Association? :)
(Wow, really? Immortality?)
The noun, cause I'm pretty sure that so far I have mentioned dragons a couple of times... :)
Would you rather be allergic to sunlight or never be able to hug a cat ever again?
(I wasn't being serious - I think I'm feeling overly fretful about mortality recently for a variety of reasons and overcompensating!)
That's difficult, but probably the cat thing, since other fluffles exist and becoming a ferret aficionado seems less of a problem than becoming wholly nocturnal...
I would rather choose the absence of a question, since the other absence of a question might be considered to be nothingness - which as we have learned from the never ending story can be very dangerous
Would you rather be called Mary and have a small lamb with white fur follow you everywhere so insistently that you kept tripping over it or a relentlessly altruistic sheep with black fur that was constantly forcing your parents and neighbours to accept a bag filled with it's wool?
I have a soft spot for black sheep (being one myself), so I'll go with that...
Fox or tortoise?
Eff oh ex.
Hound or turtle?
Spades or Pick axes
Spade, blunt force trauma makes for less of a mess than a pickaxe...
Painful truth or beautiful lie?
Painful truth.
Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?
The real question is "what team is it?", because if it's anythinh like the ones I'm in atm, it doesn't matter who's best, who's worst and whether or not we're winning. What matters is the team, being a team. :)
Ignorance or bliss?
Um, bliss, bliss sounds quite nice and I can't see much upside to ignorance?
Wolverines or Hog Badgers?
Wolverine! I love the X-Men... ;D
X-Men or Avengers?
Uh... X Men? I guess? I honestly don't know enough about either superhero team, but the X-Men seem pretty cool, and more like they have actual team dynamics/plots which I like whereas the Avengers are more "let's stick a bunch of separate superheroes together because that sounds cool".
A hero team mashup of fantasy heroes: Gandalf, Arya Stark, Kvothe, Archmage Ged, and Puddleglum
Or one of sci-fi heroes: the 13th Doctor, Captain Picard, Luke Skywalker, River Tam, and Marvin
Just because I'd like to meet Luke (and also finally get new WHO episodes), I'll go with option b... :)
Wolf in sheepskin or sheep in a wolfspelt?
awwwww, that's adorable. definitely sheep in a wolfspelt.
Would you rather run a high class bureau de change, or a two-bit Punch and Judy show on the seafront at Margate
I don't know what either of those are, but I heard "seafront" and I like the sea...
Orthodoxy or Catholicism?
Well if an option was neither I would go for that. I'll pick catholicism because many of their churches are pretty baroque and gothy looking.
Would you rather be a bit part in Oliver twist or the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Oliver Twist - my accent might be rather out of place in Huckleberry Finn!
Cleric or Bard?
Hhehehe please sir can I have some more xD
Cleric. They can shoot fire lol
Old York or New York?
Old York, definitely. It's a really nice city :)
Boston, England, or Boston, MA?
England... I'm not ever going to America, if I can help it.
King Lear or Macbeth?
Awww :'(
Carl or Lenny?
Carl I think would have a less annoying voice over time
Would you rather have your face permanently pained with bad clown make up, or every time you coughed a small spider flies out of your mouth
The second one - I don't have much problem with spiders, and I had a childhood phobia of skin markings and signs on me which, whilst no longer a phobia, still makes my skin crawl a bit at the thought of face paint.
Kakheti or Hereti?
Hereti? I know nothing about either, but Heretia seems to have a bigger sort of pond, and I like water... :)
Death by fire or death by freezing?
Fire. It's over more quickly.
Be a potato or a cucumber?
Potato, I love potatoes!!! :)
Thessaloniki or Constatinople?
Thessaloniki, I have a personal loyalty to that city :)
Salzburg or Vienna?
Salzburg, spent most of my childhood summers there, more mountainy, more foresty and more dreamy than Vienna... :)
Grimm or Hauff?
Hauff, mostly because I know less about him and he sounds interesting.
Dawn's Beauty or The Land of Stone?
Dawn's Beauty... Elder Scrolls is the best and Lorcan is definitely not the worst deity in those games... :)
Dawnstar or Falkreath?
Falkreath, it seems smaller and has trees and I like trees.
Chain lightning or Fireball?
Fireball, I like playing with fire... :)
Conjuration or Illusion?
Conjuration I think is more the honest
Rock or Roll
Roll. You can eat rolls. You can't eat rocks.
Paladin or Rogue?
Quote from: Jubal on June 23, 2018, 03:31:41 PM
You can't eat rocks.
(Well, maybe you can't, but I can certainly think of some people who can... :))
Paladin... (I don't think I need to explain this)
Sorcerer or Druid?
Druid, I like trees :)
Willow trees or Birch trees?
Willows, they make good nature tents... :)
Cypress or Cedar?
Cypress :)
Ebony or Mahogany?
Ebony. I've never heard of Mahogany Armour, have you? :P
Alder or Elder?
Alder, it's a wetland tree so it's a bit of home for me :)
Chalk or Clay?
Chalk, us wolves use that thing all the time... ;D
Snow or Rain?
Snow :) Though both are nice and necessary at their own time.
Shells or scales?
Scales, I've always been more of a fish than a clam... ;D
Fur of feathers?
Both! But I think fur if forced to choose, sticking with my mammalian roots.
Ducks or geese?
Geese, I wanted to be the Goose Girl when I was little... :)
Birds or Fish?
Carrot or Stick?
Carrot! You can't eat sticks.
Bed or shower?
Showers are always good... The rain ones are the best though... :)
Cyril or Methodius?
Methodius :)
Earth or Sky?
I mean, I see myself as a mountain, with my feet firmly on the ground and my head in the clouds and impossible to topple, but if I had to choose one, I'd say the sky... :)
East or West?
East, I seem to keep heading that way...
The Rat-demon Agalba'thauth, or a suspicious looking jar of something that smells like cheese?
The Rat-demon, just because you keep bringing him into this and I'd like an explanation...
Insanity or dullness?
That's a good one. I'll choose dullness because properly losing ones mind is a scary thing
Would you rather have access to Narnia or be able to turn into a Griffon
Turn into a Griffon! Wings for flying, and a sharp beak and razor claws for ripping apart the flesh of my enemies... :) What could be better?
Apples or Oranges?
Apples, Oranges are often hard to get the pith off.
Starlight or Lamplight?
Starlight. I don't know wheter it's the poet inside me, who believes that it's more romantic, or the cat whose currently thinking about picturesque walks over rooftops and sitting beside a chimney top, looking up at the night sky... Or maybe I jusg like stars... They're twinkly... :)
Water with or without sparkles?
I'll choose: without, because I spend time underwater as a hobby so don't want my vision impaired with sparkly-ness
Manga or Marvel
Marvel, big Fan, right here... :)
Order or Chaos?
Order for myself, chaos for everything else. :P
Curly or Shemp?
Curly (had to do a web search)
Would you rather win a reality TV show, or win a nobel prize but then have it stripped from you because you are wrongfully accused of bullying a swan
The second, I'd never EVER take part in a reality TV-show. I wouldn't want to be seen dead in one...
Dance on the Moon or fly close to the sun?
Dance with the devil in the pale earthlight.
Be caught outside in a snowstorm or inside a populated mall - in each circumstance only in your skivvies.
Snowstorm, I don't like being around humans under any circumstances...
Bus or train?
I like trains.
Be Voldemort or Vader?
Hmmm... Vader, better character arc there...
Dolores Umbridge or Joffrey Baratheon
Dolores. Nobody wants to be Joffrey.
Spock or Data?
My head says Data, but my heart says Spock. So Spock. yeah, Spock. He's much more cool.
Would you rather have a load of money* but you have to permanently move to Chile** (and never leave) - or you can do what you want, but you can never earn more than a low income***
* Like, 3 million USD, 2 million GBP / EUR
**Unless you are from Chile, in which case: South Korea
*** like 12k USD, 9k GBP / EUR per year****
**** These conversions are rough guesses by the way
The second, I like doing whatever I want... :)
Ancient church or old castle?
Definitely old castle
Theater or movies?
Theatre, I've enjoyed the plays I've seen in the last few months more than most of the films...
Wasps or mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes, wasps are pure evil.
Greek or Roman history?
Quote from: La Ciguapa on July 07, 2018, 10:43:00 AM
Mosquitoes, wasps are pure evil.
I dunno - mosquito bites hurt less but I get a LOT more of them.
Greek History, always Greek.
*shakes angry Punic fist at the Romans*
I would rather angry Punic fist
Would you rather have a bunch of flowers for hair or feathers
Feathers :) Flowers might be kinda cool though, I think it may depend on the feather colour and flower species I was allowed.
Would you rather graphs or spreadsheets?
Depends on what they're needed for... but usually spreadsheets.
Would you rather have a brilliant soundtrack that accompanied your life that only you could hear (you can turn it on or off), or your favourite musician writes a famous song dedicated to you.
The soundtrack... Hearing the Imperial March every time I'd enter a room would be awesome, even if only I could hear it... :) Although, I could name you a couple of songs about me... ;)
Arthur or Merlin?
Merlin :) (A shock, I'm sure)
Easter Island or St Helena?
St. Helena - there's a really old Napoleon-obsession hiding behind that... :)
Morgana or Guinevere?
Cherokee or Iroquois?
Iroquois. They were the large tribe in my area if I remember my history correctly. *edit: Were they a large group of tribes? I really should go back and learn more about native history because I'm sure what our curriculum did teach us was incredibly biased
Westworld or Shogunworld
Yes I believe they were a confederacy of tribes.
Sioux or Apache?
Aztec or Inca?
Mayan or Olmec?
Nazca or Toltec?
Would you rather have a teaspoon permanently glued to one eyelid or a clowns nose instead of the little finger on your non writing hand
I guess the nose? Both would be horrible.
Stressful excitement or relaxed boredom?
Stressful excitement, always. My brain needs stimulation...
Arctic or tropic weather?
Stranded in the middle of the desert or middle of the ocean?
Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck
The little ones. Those legs would be like mechanical pencil graphite.
Sealed underground or trapped in space?
I think trapped in space. Might have a better view.
Would you rather own half a square km of land in the middle of the Atacama desert or once a day for 2 minutes you can turn into a chicken
Constantly mildly painful heart, stomach, and intestines, incurably, or painlessly lose a limb of your choice?
Since I've already seen what the other stuff looks like, I'll go for the second option... Does my left little toe count? It currently hurts in my shoe, so I'd love to be rid...
Have a sword or a spear?
I'm fairly sure that's a digit not a limb - sorry!
I'd like to own a sword - I might rather fight with a spear, but I'd rather have the sword, they're a lot cooler.
Hand cannon or arbalest?
Big fan of the arbalest and any crossbow related thing.
Grylls or Mears
Mears. No contest.
Stroud or Thoreau?
Belgian bun or Crème caramel
Crème Caramel
Quiche or pie?
Berry pie or apple pie?
Apple pie - with plenty of cinnamon :-)
Summer or winter?
Winter! Jumpers, fluffy socks, cocoa, cookies, snow, moooore cinnamon and above all: NO HEAT!!!
blueberries or plums?
Pears or pineapple?
Fruit or vegetables?
Fruit, I think.
Bloop or bleep?
Beep or boop?
R2D2 or C3PO?
R2D2 :)
Depression or anxiety?
Depression, because in my case anxiety leads to not eating, and I'd rather write and sing about jumping out of the window than starve myself...
Lose your left arm or your right leg?
Right leg, I need both hands fully functional to type or play guitar, the leg is comparatively replaceable.
Eagles or Condors?
Vultures or crows?
Regular crows or hooded crows?
Beak or bill?
Would you rather invent faster than light travel or a food replication device
Depends what inputs the FRP needs - if it's a "feed the world for free", then that, if it's just "you can replicate the taste of anything but it takes inputs", then I'll go for the FTL travel.
Glaive-guisarme or poleaxe?
You were right to ask, you would have needed to use all of the resources on Earth to generate 1 grain of rice.
I will choose Glaive-guisarme since it's got more pointy bits
Mortal Kombat or Tekken
Mokujin, but that's purely based on the words as I don't know what the things are.
Wool or linen?
You chose the wooden log man, so you chose right.
Liberty City or San Andreas?
Liberty city. Cos muh freedoms.
Julii or Brutii?
Octavianii. (So by extention probably more Julii... hmmm...)
Varus or Arminius?
Would you rather be hackerman ( or Heart guy from captain planet (
As a digital historian, I think I have to go for the guy who literally hacked time. That's kinda my thing :)
Essos or Westeros?
Westeros (being a half Dornish Tully, where else?) ;)
The Kindly Man or the Waif?
Oooh - I'll go with kindly man pls
baikonur or houston
Houston. Even though the launch site is Cape Canaveral. ;)
Today or tomorrow?
Tomorrow... That's a Sunday... I like Sundays...
Past or Future?
Future! Flying cars, space mining, so many exciting developments!
Ants or spiders?
We were supposed to have flying cars already. :(
Beetles or flies?
Pelican or Toucan?
Spongetron or Spongegar?
Spongegar? Maybe? No idea.
Gryphon or Sphinx?
Peter Griffin or Stan Smith?
Oxfoot Stone or Selfgrown Stile?
The Stile one.
Canada or Mexico?
Canada :)
Scotland or Wales?
Kind of conflicted, but Scotland I think.
Dogs or hot dogs?
Right now, hot dogs, regular dogs would upset my beloved smol cat.
Axes or Poleaxes?
For general usefulness: axes
Would you rather have the power to make anyone's hair flap about in amusing ways from any distance, or do a completely flawless impression of Morgan Freeman
Hmm, the hair thing I think? I bet I could adapt it as a means of long distance communication.
Eriador or Rhovanion?
I think Rhovanion had more going on.
You go a road trip that lasts for eternity. Would you rather have a brilliant sound track that never got old, but have nothing but nutritious, but nevertheless boiling and foul tasting tar dripping endlessly into your mouth to sustain you. Or have your favourite snacks and drinks but have to listen to "can you feel the force" by the real thing on repeat
The latter I think, boiling tar sounds really horrible and there are (having gone and tracked "can you feel the force" down on YT) considerably worse songs out there. It would still drive me mad, of course, but even so, I think I'd last longer with that than with the tar.
Drawing or painting?
Dirty Harry or Clean Bob?
Dirty Harry
meghan markle or a ford megane
Uh, kind of depends on the circumstances? If I get to own one, the ford, because slavery is wrong. If I'm inviting one round for tea, Meghan, because I don't have petrol in the cupboard for the car and I don't know what kind of biscuits cars like.
Rose lemonade or Dandelion & Burdock?
Rose lemonade, my mum made that once and it was delicious. Rose jam is more exquisit though...
Gingerbread or Chestnuts?
Hm, probably gingerbread, though I must admit I've not eaten chestnuts nearly enough.
Echidnas or Porcupines?
Porcupines, the shipper in me is waiting for it to be Newt's patronus... :)
HP or Lenovo?
HP, Lenovo was a considerably less good wizard :P
Tom Lehrer or Flanders & Swann?
Based on a quick google, and as such based on appearance alone: Tom Lehrer.
Would you rather that you had a breeze block instead of a shoulder, or around every tenth poop instead of normal it was a medium sized pine cone.
Neither sounds pleasant, but I feel like the pine cone might be less debilitating? Or at least would kill me faster from blood loss.
Try to get to sleep with a very noisy appliance in the next room that you can do nothing about, or a bouncy and intermittently whiny dog in the same room who you can at least attempt to give commands to?
The appliance, mainly because I'm used to the street and my neighbors, so I guess it wouldn't make lots of a difference, whereas the dog could actually bounce on my bed and stuff...
Would you rather always be faar too emotional in every situation, which ends up causing fights with everyone, because they don't understand why you're so upset all the time, or be overly analytic and never have any emotions, causing everyone to be angry and annoyed with you and refusing to talk to you cause they don't understand how you can be so apathetic all the time?
People who's emotional processing is destroyed by damage to the relevant brain area are basically unable to make any real decisions and there lives fall apart so I'd go for the first I think. And then maybe just live in a smallholding far away from people.
Would you rather be a beloved dog owned by a good family or a wolf in the wild?
I would be a Good Dog. It would be warm and I would get hugs and it would be nice.
Spend a day in a pretty city, but you're on your own and it's freezing, or spend your day at a conference, but you only understand 30% of the talks?
I've done both, and can say with confidence that I preferred spending a day in a pretty city, on my own and it was freezing*
Would you rather discover you were in a game concocted by jigsaw (, or in a Romero style zombie apocalypse
* Much colder than I had become accustomed to
Difficult - I'd be more personally relieved to be in the zombie apocalypse, as I'd always prefer a fighting chance and don't like psychological horror at all. On the other hand, if I were to choose one or the other to happen to me, I'd be morally obliged to pick the horror game, because at least that only affects me rather than involving huge numbers of people getting killed by zombies.
Would you rather have a waist-length beard or a really nice top hat?
Since I have always wanted to be a wise wizard, I'll take the fabulous beard please... :P
Would you rather go to the Tropics in the middle of Summer or to Antarctica in the middle of Winter?
Ooh, difficult. If I can get to choose where in the tropics, then the tropics, because there's more interesting historical stuff there.
Penguins or Porcupines?
Porcupines... Tina Goldstein for the win!
Angels or Demons?
Fallen Angels.
Would you rather eat a juicy slice of Jabba the Hutt or have to fight the Rancor with a stick?
Does a lightsaber count as a stick?
Voldemort of Grindelwald?
Grindelwalf. Voldewald or Grindlemort?
Quote from: Caradìlis on December 02, 2018, 05:11:17 PM
Does a lightsaber count as a stick?
It does not. :P
Mort Goldman or Kirk Van Houten?
Atlantic Ocean or Irish Sea?
Atlantic Ocean
Be haunted by a scary ghost or anger a demon
The scary ghost. There are better protocols for getting rid of them, and it's not like I can sleep anyway.
Befriend a cyclops or a centaur?
Centaur. A) They are great archers (meaning they super don't care about physics - awesome), B) Second coolest way to get from place to place, after a dragon, C) Their blood is a great way to set people on fire without getting done in for arson and D) Stargazing just got waays more interesting... ;D
Druids or Witches?
Mice or mooses?
Porcupines or Tenrecs?
Porcupines (since I won't have to google those...)
Rocking chair or armchair?
Googling Tenrecs is such a good idea though...
Armchair, definitely.
Sofa or three armchairs?
Sofa, can't sit in three armchairs at once, Im not that fat... Yet...
Stained glass or painted glass?
Stained glass, though either is cool.
Existence or nonexistence?
Real life or imaginary life?
Real life, for some reason, hell knows why though.
Exilian or Not Exilian?
(I asked around and hell doesn't know why, maybe try heaven next time... :P)
Exilian, since well, I'm still on this site after all...
Breakfast or Dinner?
I don't think heaven wants me at this point, I'm too awkward and ask all the wrong questions..
Dinner, because it's late breakfast time now and I really don't feel like eating so hopefully later will be better.
(Great, but me not eating is a problem, is it?)
And I guess I pick option b, sounds gar more fun... ;D
Eveningstar or Morningstar?
(Yes. Me not eating is also a problem, eating is good.)
Also, morningstar, you can't hit people nearly so effectively with an eveningstar.
Rice or Pasta?
(This is me not contributing anything useful to the parenthetical conversation.)
Rice-A-Roni or Hamburger Helper?
Hamburger I guess?
Eagles or Condors?
Eagles... Ravenclaw has one, Austria has one and I know where my allegiances lie... ;D
"In the Hall of the Mountain King" or "Morning" by Edvard Grieg?
Hall of the Mountain King :)
Green tea or Fruit tea?
You know I need mor information for that... On principle, fruit tea, but that is dependable on time of day, emotional and phydicsl state, and the blend of tea we are talking about...
Fir or Cedar?
Cedar :)
Oak or Ash or Apple?
Maple or Beech or Hickory?
Exhaustion or Hypothermia?
Exhaustion, hypothermia doesn't leave a pretty corpse...
Stabbed or poisoned?
Electrocuted or burned?
Burned. At least is warms.
Hibernate or sleep lots and lots through winter?
If I could afford it I'd love to try hibernating through the winter... unfortunately the need for cash and the film "click" makes me think sleeping more than normal would be the better option.
Hairy palms or voice like bane from that batman film
I can shave the palms I guess.
No Christmas, or Christmas but you have to spend a whole week in advance wandering badly organised department stores?
No Christmas.
Die now or spend many years being miserable and die anyway?
Spend many years being miserable. You can be miserable and still do useful and worthwhile stuff.
Ravens or Writing Desks?
Ravens, I have a desk and I am missing Hugin and Munin...
Hugin or Munin?
I think as a historian I'm obliged to say Munin...
Fire or Radiator?
Fire... More alive... More destructive... Also, chaotic, untamable and gets out of control quickly - oh, but hey, that's meee! :P
Jumper or blanket?
Blanket. Is bedtime.
Hugs or high fives?
Hugs. They're the only human interaction I can master well...
Humans or aliens?
Humans. I don't know if aliens would appreciate hugs.
Christmas Tree or Christmas Dinner?
Christmas Tree. No one ever judges me for eating/not eating it...
Pistachios or Almonds?
Almonds pls
narcissism or arrogance?
Arrogance. You can recover from that, narcissism screws you up for life much more.
Candlestick or Fireplace?
Fireplace, that one can't fall over and burn down everything you care about... (It's best you don't ask...)
Hell or a woman scorned?
Hell. By all means. :P
Saxons or Danes?
Eh, Saxons.
East Angles or Mercians?
East Angles.
Britain or England?
Brecks or Broads?
Broads, because in North America that means women. :)
Mississippi Moundbuilders or Corded Ware Culture?
Mississippi Moundbuilders. I love mounds of stuff.
Work for Donald Trump or John Dillinger
Trump. Dillinger got his ass blasted outside that theater in Chicago.
Work for Al Capone or Pablo Escobar?
Al Capone I guess?
Work for Pompey or work for Crassus?
I like Pompeii... It was quite nice there, before that little incident with the volcano...
To study or not to study, that is the question
"Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of the textbook..."
I guess it turns out I would rather study, given the PhD thing.
Tea or tea? (Choose wisely).
Tea with a capital T, for it is a most capital thing!!!
Sleep, or To-Do-list?
House of Generals or House of the Phoenix?
Generals of course.
Run for election in a city or simply conquer it?
Either is cumbersome, and I'd rather not bother, but I guess election... Less chance of being overthrown and loosing my head over it...
Freud or Saussure?
Saussure, because it sounds more like a form of french cooking.
Quarequares or Kinklades?
Kinklades :D
Overly needy cat or can never find your keys when you need them and must spend 3 minutes searching
I am an overly needy cat....
Hurting soles on both feet so you can barely walk or really bad headache?
Foot problems, at least then I can sit and read a book.
Chocolate or Toffee?
Chocolate toffees, of course!
Breakfast or Lunch?
Lunch, I keep not feeling like breakfast lately. :/
Artificial intelligence or human foolishness?
(Oh, so not feeling like breakfast is fine, when it's you, but it's a problem when I do it?)
AI... I have learnt human stupidity is an infinite source of my misery...
Honour or Vengence?
I'm acknowledging that it is a problem when I do it, that was my point...
Honour I guess? I'm not very attached to either concept.
Curl up and be sad, or try and keep working in a grey depressive haze?
Keep working, self-pity has never got anyone anywhere...
Self-pity or self-doubt?
Self pity
Have Elon Musk or Banksy as a close relative
Elon Musk. More of an embarrassment, but also more chance of getting funding for things.
Henry V or Love's Labours Lost?
Heinrich der funf.
Ohio in winter or New Zealand in the summer? (Someone I know already made this decision :P)
New Zealand in the summer sounds nice :) Is that the decision the person you know made?
Be Theresa May for the next 3 months or change your name by deed poll to Waspy McWaspington and have to shake a wasps nest once a week for the next 3 months
Be Theresa May. I dislike wasps, and I could actually start fixing our screw-up of a country whilst pretending to be its Prime Minister.
Laptop or tablet?
@Tusk no, they chose the other xD
Tablet I guess.
Firestick or Roku?
Firestick? Dunno what those are.
Pochard or Gadwall?
Didn't know what those are, but after a quick image search I have decided to choose Pochard for it's more distinctive colour pattern
Skiing or rock climbing
Skiing, I'm Austrian...
Tennis or Volleyball?
Judo or Karate?
8 or 9?
Be hunted by a wolf pack or be hunted by a lion pride?
Wolf pack, they're more reasonable and I can talk them down... ;D
Kore or Persephone?
Persephone is a nicer name, I think :)
The Misty Mountains or the Blue Mountains?
(It does mean "to bring about death", so well duh it's a fab name!!!)
Misty Mountains (queue Ed Sheeran singing somewhere in the background...)
Be Zeus or Hades?
Hades. If Erebus suddenly has a large population of dwarves, you'll know what happened.
Bears or Tigers?
(Right answer... Zeus is a - unleashes string of censored curse words)
Bears, I like Atalanta...
Olympus or Elysium?
I mean, Hades is hardly perfect either... it's easy with Greek myth to do the "oh but this guy's OK, he only committed a small fraction of the number of rapes and arbitrary murders that Zeus did!"
Olympus. The place needs someone with slightly more morality and decency than the current occupants, and whilst I don't think I'm the best person for that job, better me than nobody!
Towels or Bowels?
Well, depending on honuch agency you let Persephone have, he didn't commit any rapes, was never unfaithful to his wife and the really sadistic Tartarus stuff is all on Zeus, Hades just supervises... His punishments are stuff like glueing someone to a chair with snakes, and that guy really deserved it...
Towels, so I can wipe up the guy I disem-boweled... (laughs about own joke)
Plans or dreams?
There are a lot of variants of the Persephone story in which it's pretty clearly rape. You can pick the ones or rewrites where it isn't, but if you're going to do that then why not do it for any other God? Secondly, "I was just supervising" is not an excuse for torture (again, you can justify it in myths with "but it's OK, they're gods/the moral code is different", but then again you could do that for all the deities).
Dreams. Always. :)
sh or gh?
He's still got the moral high ground over like 98% of men in greek mythology...
Ph or th
Ph, because th should be a thorn, it's a good letter.
Light or darkness?
Darkness, because Light cannot exist without darkness, and without the night we would never see the stars... :)
James Bond or Ethan Hunt?
James Bond.
Martini shaken, or stirred?
Stirred, if you shate it, the ice melts and you have watered down alcohol, what kind of peasant orders their martini watered down? Answer: probably a light-weight wannabe....
Garlic or onions?
Chocolate or Jam?
Chocolate, always...
Food or sleep?
Gosh that's a tricky one. If I could do away with one forever (and not die) then sleep, since then there's plenty of time to do things in. So I choose food.
Would you rather be Atlas or Sisyphus
Atlas of course. If you're going to be perpetually condemned to an awful task, make it a good one that helps everyone (holding the sky up) not "rolling a rock up a hill arbitrarily forever".
Be an owl or a hawk
Quote from: Jubal on January 28, 2019, 12:25:23 PM
Atlas of course. If you're going to be perpetually condemned to an awful task, make it a good one that helps everyone (holding the sky up) not "rolling a rock up a hill arbitrarily forever".
Although you would get a breather when it rolls down again, before having to start over
Hawk! Just because it's associated with more cool human world things. In terms of owl benefits I can see being nocturnal; being able to rotate my head very far; and people assuming I was wise would all be good virtues. But then, there was never an "owl the slayer", or "owleye".
Fishing or Kayaking
Kayaking, I have done that successfully before for a few times... The one time I went fishing went down terribly...
Palmoil or Soy?
Soy? Maybe? I don't really know.
Explosion or implosion?
Exlosion, cooler cinematic shot if you walk away from it... :P
Missile or Bomb?
Missile, it's like a bomb with a travel plan!
Spatula or spork?
Spatula, better sound pattern... :)
Tea or biscuits
Biscuits are good too, but TEA
Monitor lizard that behaved like a lap-cat, or lap-cat that behaved like a monitor lizard?
To me I think a monitor Lizard behaving like a lap cat sounds like more fun than a cat strutting around, looking askance at things and going "mlem" with it's tongue a lot
One more day of weekend or one less weekday
More weekend. More time. Always more time.
Headache or backache?
Backache. I can lie down on my bed and work on... Headache will keep me from working until I have cured it, and that will take some time, which I don't have...
Paper stress or work stress?
Paper stress. There are good reasons why I don't have a 9-5 job.
Goose or gander?
Black or white?
Black I think? I don't really have much opinion on those two colours.
Hopefulness or incisive reasoning?
Reasoning. Hope has been getting the better of me for pretty mucb all my existence and that's maybe not as great as it sounds..
Silence or Sleep?
Forests or shores?
Forest. All the shore holds is longing and the empty promise of a better world beyond the horizon. The forest is home...
Daisy or dandelion
I choose Dandelions! They are brighter, used as an ingredient, and get a fun ball of seed parachutes once they're done flowering.
Book shop or library
I've always wanted my own private library...
Chocolate cake or gummybears?
Cake, gummy bears are too gelatinous and artificial tasting.
Rest and healing but incapacitation, or getting things done and pain?
I would recommend the former, however I have known you for long enough to know it won't make a difference..
Oatmeal biscuits or walnut cookies?
Everything's better with walnuts.
Scales or spines?
I'd certainly like to see more people grow a spine...
Blue or grey sky?
Blue, it's a nicer colour.
Robin or Greenfinch?
Greenfinches. Robins can be pretty boisterous or downright nasty sometimes when it comes to territorial affairs, although I do prefer their aesthetic.
spectre at the feast or elephant in the room?
Elephant in the room, you're a much better guest than the average spectre :)
Palaiologan or Komnenian dynasties?
Komnenian, the Palaiologian politics and infighting where the reason for the sack of Constantinople in 1204, which was super stupid, since after that the whole Empire never really found its footing again...
Tywin Lannister or Doran Martell?
I instantly did a prefer for Doran Martell when I was watching the shows because the actor also plays Doctor Bashir in DS9 which I am currently plodding my way through and enjoying. But also if it weren't for that reason I think I prefer the character as well.
Ring of Brodgar ( or Ġgantija (
Ring of Brodgar because it doubles up as a potentially cool RPG artefact name.
Cyril or Methodius?
I had a bit of a read of their wikipedia page, and there seems to be a "Methodius alone" section, but not a Cyril alone one, so Methodius.
monster trucks or destruction derby
Monster Trucks. With real monsters.
Eagles or Falcons?
Falcons, because there is a falcon subspecies called a Merlin and Merlin is awesome!
Sirens or Mermaids?
Sirens. Mermaids don't let you know in advance when a police car is on its way.
Bats or Badgers?
(Since when are you the one who needs to be warned of police cars?)
Badgers, I like Hufflepuffs, and Batman is a douche...
Fire or Water
I am torn, but must choose water
lasagne or bolognese
Viennese or Salzburger?
I am part Viennese, and know where my loyalties lie...
Bread or Toast?
Bread, though I actually eat toast more.
Hills or flat?
Rustic or modern?
Rustic. More opportunities to use wood which I like
Spend a day on a beach or in a forest
I could go for a beach. I spend most days in/around the forest.
Roaring 20's or Swinging 60's?
The Mighty Manticore or the Malevolent Morglathax?
Mighty Manticore!
George Weasley or Rubeus Hagrid
George Costanza or Kelsey Grammar?
Herbs or spices?
Spices please
Floating city or subterranean labyrinth
Ooh, both sound cool. I'll go with labyrinth though.
Paperwork or Other Paperwork
Paperwork, hands down
Beer or Cider?
Bow tie or tie fighter?
To own? Tie fighter. To wear to a dinner party? Also tie fighter.
Get a nice antique oak desk or have lunch with Barack Obama
Lunch with Obama. I already have a serviceable, albeit less nice, desk, and I don't know what I'd do with a second one. And Obama seems like he'd be an interesting guy to chat to.
Jo Swinson or Ed Davey (the big question in Lib Dem world right now!)
Jo Swinson - I get the (completely uneducated) feeling she would do better
Would you rather that every time you saw someone you had to do a rude gesture at them, or vice versa
Vice versa. (Also, your uneducated feelings are probably right).
Bittern or Egret?
Boomdakka snazzwagon or Shokkjump Dragsta
The snazzwagon!
Cloud or airship?
Coconut or Pineapple?
Buzzard or Goshawk?
Buzzard pls
Kingfisher or Hummingbird
Hummingbird :) Though that is a tough one!
Rat or mouse
I was about to say rat, because they are cute and brainy. But then I remembered the various real and fictional horror stories involving rats, so have changed my mind to mouse.
Would you rather that someone delivered a perfect replica the titanic to your house tomorrow for you to do with as you please (or as you are able, considering you'll need to get it to the sea and moor it somewhere), or the Bismarck
The titanic. Much comfier.
Would you rather attempt to handwrite formally in a new alphabet despite the fact you can't do in your native one, or try to pronounce words in the relevant language despite the fact you have no idea how to physically form the required mouth shapes? (I may be doing both :/)
I suppose the latter, since the worst that is happening is your mouth looks a bit odd. I don't think that is an issue for someone speaking in not their native language in my opinion! (hope you get it)
Would you rather never be allowed to use anything as a towel again and have to drip dry whenever you are wet, or you can only wear Christmas jumpers on your top half - the kind that have little flashing LED's going all the time
The latter of course - since I didn't want to wear Christmas jumpers on my bottom half anyway :P
Yellowhammer or Redstart?
I think I'll punt for Redstart
Your favourite Games workshop offering - or Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone Fighting Fantasy books
Mordheim all the way it is.
GURPS or Savage Worlds?
Savage worlds.
Cake or chocolate bar
Cake, I think. Though it's nonspecific about the cake type and the chocolate bar type and those make a lot of difference.
Last of the Mohicans or Treasure Island?
Treasure Island.
Dread Pirate Roberts or Jack Sparrow
Dead Pirate Roberts, no contest.
I am fine as a non-cow entity, thanks. I choose FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE
Would you rather....
1. Every 3 months you can go back in time and have a one-hour conversation with the historical figure of your choice, in the setting and context of your choosing (being able to understand each other perfectly).
The cost of this power is that when you are in the present a tearful person will forever more follow you around, looking very concerned at you as if you are terribly upset but are managing to bear it well. Generally, they will keep their distance but from time to time they'll come over with a hanky and dab it at your eyes as if they have just managed to prevent a sudden upwelling of tears and blow their own nose. If someone asks you or them what is wrong, they won't speak, but begin to noisily weep and break down as though the very thought of it can't bear repeating - and the asker should know better than to bring it up. You will not be able to tell anyone what is going on.
2. Once per day you must summon 500g to 1kg of 1 item of food. For example, some truffles, pastries, carrots, rice or anything. Full meals don't count. They can be cooked or uncooked and must be consumed by you.
The cost of this power is that the food item is brought to you by a very swarthy looking person. They will follow you around for 10 of your waking hours. You will need to share the food with them. They will evilly chuckle and look at you knowingly (and the food whilst it is near you) as if to suggest that there is something very sinister about what you have done or where the food came from. If anyone asks you or them what they are doing there they will laugh in quite a maniacal fashion and look from you to them in astonishment that you haven't explained what's going on. You will not be able to tell anyone what is going on.
Power 1. Makes my job easier, and I can deal with "permanently kinda sad" better than the awkwardness of sinister.
Rock Golem, Metal Golem, Folk Golem or Freestyle Rap Golem?
Bach Golem?
Blanket forts or pillow fights?
Blanket forts. I am very much a defensive strategist by nature.
Folklore or folk music?
That's tough to answer - would I rather what about them?
Is it: what's your favourite out of listening to someone reading aloud folklore based facts / stories, or listening folk music?
Similarly is it: are you interested more in history or music? I suppose I probably listen to more music than I do read about history.
However if it's: what would you rather have, assuming the other ceased to exist then I'd go with folklore since it regards the historical background of a community. As such underpins what folk music is.
Someone that is a pedant or someone that is lackadaisical
Right now, the latter, I am too tired for pedantry.
Have a horn in the middle of your forehead, or have a tail like a beaver's?
Tail. Might be useful for balance or swimming or something.
Jam up your nose or peanut butter in one ear
I think jam up my nose, as it'd be easier to remove (by blowing my nose) whereas you might need to use a pressurised water jet to clean the ear if it was really blocked, and I'd rather not have to go through that again.
Your saliva turns into good quality mead when you spit it, or your phlegm turns into golden syrup when you blow your nose?
I prefer golden syrup, it's useful as an ingredient in a lot of recipes. I think that I could get over the grossness of how I obtained the golden syrup if it's hidden in a cake mix or something.
Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver
Gordon Ramsey, the voice of Captain Avatar in the 1970s-80s US version of Star Blazers? Absolutely that guy!
Outer space or inner space?
inner space for nostalgic reasons.
Dwayne "the rock" Johnson, Alcatraz (aka "the rock"), or an actual rock
Actual rock. I like rocks.
Sashes or bandoliers?
bandoliers I think
Coffee or Tea?
One decent sized chocolate chip cookie, or a 2kg jar of raisin cookies?
2kg jar of raisin cookies!
Flying Fortress or "Avro" Lancaster
Flying fortress :)
Fiddle or violin?
Gulf of Thailand or Andaman Sea?
Andaman Sea
Tang Dynasty or Song Dynasty?
Tang. From what little I have read the general consensus seems to be that China under the Tang dynasty heralded a period described as "glistening" and "glorious".
Successful completion of ITER (or Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak or other promising startups) and widespread adoption of fusion reaction energy... or ubiquitous replacement of traditional combustion engine vehicle manufacturing and use, with electric.
I think I've got to go for fusion power. Much larger long term solution, and ultimately will underpin eventually achieving the second part and also make rail cleaner and much much more besides.
Be governed by the parliament of a randomly selected country from among the UN member states, or be governed by a parliament of owls?
I must go with owls, since the UN member states includes the UK and there is a chance that we might pick them. If you meant after the election - when presumably the new government is formed parliament is reconvened, then I also go with owls
Boneitis or spontaneous dental hydroplosion
The latter, I think?
Paris or Rouen?
Rouen, since I don't think I have been there.
Ghosts or Gremlins
Gremlins :)
Pullman's Iorek Byrnison, or Tolkien's North Polar Bear?
I had more enjoyment hearing about Iorek Byrnison, I have to admit.
John Denver or Lynard Skynard?
John Denver because he seems to be spelt right.
Own a tiny, house-trained woolly mammoth, or a capybara big enough to ride upon?
I think I am obliged to opt for the mammoth. That would be a very awesome pet.
You find yourself abandoned and lost in the yukon. Would you rather have a rubiks cube or a 3 juggling balls?
Rubiks cube, given my lack of hand-eye coordination that's the one I'm more likely to be able to learn.
Have to wear a full medieval jester costume one day a week, or have to wear a medieval forester/more everyday costume for six days a week?
Full medieval jester costume one day a week. Then it fits in to my usual plans
Go for a milkshake with Donald Trump or smoothie with George Bush Jr.
Smoothie with Dubya is a win-win - I like smoothies much more than milkshakes, and, as much as I don't think I ever imagined saying this in 08/09, Dubya was actually a better president than his GOP successor, which given how low he set the bar is really pretty eye-opening.
You will get an unspecified quantity of coins, and must choose whether to get chocolate coins or real coins. The value of the coins will be the same monetarily whatever you select: you don't know how many coins you will get, or any further details about type, chocolate variety, denomination, or currency. Chocolate or real?
Given the chance that there might be loads of coins, I would opt for real. I would not want warehouses stuffed with chocolate coins I couldn't shift before they went mouldy...
Flip Flops or Sandals?
Sandals, they might stay on at least and the bit between your toes in flip-flops is odd at times.
Feed the crows or feed the fishes?
Is this literally which animal would I rather give food to? Then fishes. If there is a more sinister idiom for "feed the crows" then I don't know what that means so I'll take a punt on that since feed the fishes definitely means: deadtimes.
H.G. Wells or Jules Verne
Jules Verne, I think.
Monotheletism or Monoenergism
Well, I like to go along with the majority. So I will choose Monotheletism, since it has 6300 results from a Bing search, compared to 5280 for the other one. Skim read what they mean and that probably is fine. I have no strong opinions about that man.
Buddy Christ or Jesus & Mary Chain
Buddy Christ, because Dogma is a good film.
Odysseus or Beowulf?
Have to fight a professional boxer or have the participants on the show "jackass" play pranks on you for a day (unfilmed)
Probably the fight. It'd be a cool thing to say I'd done, and it wouldn't last long anyway. And I hate pranks and the anxiety of the latter would be horrible.
Pocket Universe 1: Beginnings, or Pocket Universe 2: Momentum ?
Pocket Universe 1: Beginnings
Catapults or Trebuchets
Catapults. Trebuchets have become over-memed.
Arbalest or Lián Nŭ?
Arbalest - prefer the name
Trebuchets or a peevish looking cat being shouted at by an upset blonde lady
The cat, because I want to stop it getting shouted at and give it fuss and food, which I can't really say for the trebuchet.
Vizima or Minas Tirith?
Minas Tirith
Doctor Robotnik or Bowser
Robotnik, I think :)
A fire breathing tiger, or the planet Mercury?
A fire breathing tiger pls.
Caves or Forests
Caves, at the moment. Tricky one though.
Paracetamol or ibuprofen?
Ibuprofen all the way
Pangolins or Georgia
...I'm going to say pangolins? Since I think one could have Kartvelian landscapes, culture and history without Georgia per se, whereas you can't have pangolins without pangolins.
Pancake day or cake day?
Pancake day!
Have Leonardo Da Vinci paint your portrait or be the main character in one of the Canterbury tales (I'm not sure of the logistics of this, let's say a one off time travel event where you bomerang back for a couple of weeks)
I think the Canterbury tale sounds more fun.
Go monster hunting with Geralt of Rivia or Van Helsing?
Ooooo I think I might enjoy hunting with Van Helsing more.
Articulate or Taboo
Taboo, staple round format of Oxford-Cambridge Tolkien quizzes as it is :)
Small ceramic tortoise or small metal game-bird?
I think a small metal game-bird would please me most. Is that a reference to anything btw?
snowdrop meadow or bluebell wood
Bluebell wood, I like trees :)
:ghulam: or :ashigaru: ?
I'm gonna pick the weird wizard...
black dice or white dice?
Neither was meant to be a wizard, I apparently did not make them so well...
Black dice, I prefer reading light colours on dark background. As you may have noticed from this forum's colour scheme.
I choose because of it's air of mystery.
A nice mechanical pencil or nice fountain pen?
Mechanical pencil, lower explosion risk. Jubal's law of pens: if it can get ink everywhere, it will get ink everywhere.
The moon or the stars?
The stars :)
Pandas or Koalas?
Pandas, because they're not drop bears in disguise.
For an antipodean theme on Anzac Day: "the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended" or "the wond'rous glory of the everlasting stars"?
I like the sound of the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended.
Almonds or Macadamia nuts
Lute or Fife
Fife - there's no Kingdom of Lute that I know of, nor even a county of that name.
Bacon butty or burger?
Bacon butty! Not to be shared with any Liberal Democrat Councillors at present under any circumstances :P
Carpenter bee or beefly?
Carpenter bee. We have lots of them in our woodpiles and I love them.
Purple or Calendar
Purple. I don't like calendars.
Molotov cocktail or prawn cocktail?
Prawn cocktail: I know how to make one, and I won't get horribly burnt if I try to eat it.
Anduin or Sirion?
Sirion, before the world was marred and the lands lost under wave.
Get the power to turn into a woolly mammoth, or the power to turn into a triceratops?
Triceratops, I think; woolly mammoths would probably not cope well with current UK conditions.
Hobnobs or Jaffa cakes?
Hobnobs. I don't care about the jaffa cake biscuit/cake debate at all, but I do care that they're kind of mediocre, whereas hobnobs are excellent.
Suddenly turn irreversibly purple, or suddenly have a nose (which will continue to remain attached and more or less function) made of gold?
Gold nose, to avoid the inevitable Thanos / Barney / [insert purple character pigeonholing here] nicknames
Win a Grand Piano or 3 washing machines
A grand piano. My washing machine has plenty of warranty and I don't need to open a laundrette. I'd struggle with where to put a grand piano, mind.
Butterflies or songbirds?
Butterflies. The look quite nice and don't make a bloody racket first thing in the morning! *old man grumbling*
To as bad as the seagulls, mind.
Seagulls or cockrels?
Seagulls :)
The Greenpeace Empire of Carthage, or Wibulnubniblia (No Marcuses Allowed)?
Carthage, definitely. My name is too close to "Marcus" for me to be allowed Wibulnubniblia.
Spaghetti or fusilli?
Fusili, definitely. Not a huge spaghetti fan (I'll eat it very happily, but I'll go for other pasta shapes first). Fusili is basically my staple diet pasta.
Crocodiles or zombie pirates controlled by parasitic catfish?
Crocodiles - parasitised things just make my skin crawl. And it's not like choosing a thing here means I actually have to do anything with it, is it?
Dragons or unicorns?
Catnip or dognip
Catnip because it's an actual thing.
Snakes or lizards?
I think I prefer lizards
Be cursed with having a dead pixel on any screen / monitor you ever use again (even when it technically should not be able to have one) or a crack on any bit of crockery / glassware you ever use again
Dead pixel. As long as it's on a big enough monitor I'll hardly notice it, whereas crockery cracks are risky.
Whittle mallards with the Dark Secret, or do SCIENCE with Professor McBlusterFluff's Highly Trained Titmouse?
They both sound pretty nice, but I feel starved of fun so I will choose SCIENCE with Professor McBlusterFluff's Highly Trained Titmouse
Raisins or sultanas?
Sultanas. No raisin ever successfully ran the Maldives.
Joy or happiness?
Happiness, since it strikes me as being a state of being that might stick around a bit longer than a joyful peak. Especially if I'm picking this to be my permanent state from now on. You can't go around feeling joyful all the time can you? You'd go mad wouldn't you? Or drive others mad....
Yep, happiness.
Narnia is real or the wizarding world from Harry Potter is real?
Ooh, that's actually really difficult, both being interesting but also icnredibly flawed additional-world constructions. I think it depends on the question of whether just Narnia is real, or whether the full cosmology around Narnia is real. If the latter, I arguably shouldn't want Narnia to be real because in the wider Narnian cosmology, atheists are inherently unicorn murdering mouldy turnip eaters who are condemned eternally to that state after death which doesn't sound ideal. If the former, Narnia is the obvious choice, because Narnians generally don't come over and murder us over here (whereas dark wizards absolutely 100% do murder muggles).
I'll opt for Narnia being real, I think. I actually do like Narnia more as a setting.
Have all your clothes washing and ironing automatically magically done, for the rest of your life, or have a guarantee of good sleep for the rest of your life?
Guaranteed good sleep, absolutely - in fact I'd probably trade rather more for it given the chance.
π (pi = 3.14159...) or e (Euler's / exponential constant = 2.71828...)?
I always wondered what was out west of the map, and what everyday history in Narnia looks like. When there were feasts and tournaments at Cair Paravel, what did that look like?
The Wizarding World is odd because JKR can see so much about her Britain, but her stories don't ask whether those things should be changed, they take a more pessimistic view that as it was, so shall it ever be (with some fiddling at the edges like liberating a house elf or creating scholarships for poor students). Her rigid, incompetent bureaucrats promoted by the Old Boys' Network look very timely. I hear that the new films play up the imperialism and apartheid which are implicit in the setting, and someone I respect does not think they ask the right questions (JKR's's wizards don't think erasing a Muggle's memory or keeping magical healing for themselves is a big deal, but JKR is pretty clear that slavery is bad and tossing muggles around the sky for fun or murdering them to practice your curses is bad).
Mod note: The above discussion is now continued at
e because I can replace π by using tau.
Hairbrush or comb?
Sundried tomatoes or capers
Sundried tomatoes, as I'm growing a good variety for that. Though I won't actually get enough sunlight to do it, alas.
Divans or four poster beds?
Divan for the storage
Bran or wheat?
Wheat, because if it's not milled I get the bran with it.
Paris or Berlin?
Ooh. I've not actually been to either. I think I'll go with Paris.
Ljubljana or Bratislava?
I've been to Ljubljana and had a great time, so I will choose Bratislava for something different.
Be able to sing like an opera singer or dance like Fred Astaire
Dance, I think. Opera isn't my genre and my singing voice is passable for what I need it for, whereas the dancing would be a good party trick.
Be followed by a cloud of friendly butterflies or a cloud of friendly bees?
Friendly bees, it'll be one more step toward my life's goal of becoming Beorn.
Be a hobbit, or be an elf?
Hmm, that's actually quite difficult. I think on balance I'd be a hobbit, but it's close: being an elf would mean I wouldn't have to worry about not having enough time to get everything done in life, given the immortality bit, but at the same time I think the less human nature of them doesn't appeal to me.
Fight with a spear or with a staff?
Spear if I'm unlikely to have legal repercussions, maybe staff if I am, or if I have other reasons to avoid fatalateeeeeees. Spears have sharp stabby ends you see.
Oin or Gloin?
Shocked by the revelation that spears have stabby ends! I will pick Oin, because he had the unhappier ending and I feel sorry for him.
A world in which Covid no longer exists and nor do any alcoholic beverages, or a world that retains both Covid and booze?
I'm very much not a fan of Covid, so I think I'd regrettably have to take the alcoholic beverages down with it (as sad as that would make me).
A choice between some animals that always give off the impression of having a good time: capybaras or quokkas?
Capybaras seem more chill, I'd feel I was depressing a quokka with its manic smile whereas a capybara seems like it would just quietly understand.
Bandits or ravenous wolves?
Bandits. I think I would stand more of a chance with them.
count your chickens before they hatch or cry over spilt milk?
Count my chickens, if I'm wrong I miscounted, and I don't have any spilt milk to clear up.
Hear a tale told by an idiot, or one full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?
I think the tale full of sound and fury sounds like fun, I'll choose that.
Brown mushy snow or that really heavy fog that makes all your clothes damp?
The fog, just because I loathe brown snow.
Go to Dushanbe or go to Norwich?
Norwich. Less people.
Would you rather be cursed by a mummy or by a witch?
I think I have to go with the Witch: she's far more likely to be persuadable to lift the curse again, and far more likely to have a language in common with me to begin with, whereas the Mummy poses a much bigger challenge on both fronts.
Would you rather become modestly proficient at a randomly selected Olympic sport, or at a randomly selected circus skill?
I think I'll opt for the circus skill, as I'm not a big fan of sports. The circus stuff would probably prove more useful in everyday life, too.
Would you rather live in a city on the moon, or under the sea?
I think I'd go under the sea, I feel like it might be fun to watch fish going past the windows and it's closer to home.
Would you rather have an avocado green bathroom, or have your windows have badly made venetian blinds that get stuck at least twice a week?
Blinds. Because I could just put some curtains up and voilà, problem solved. The avocadoness isn't as easy to fix.
Would you rather be a sailor on a poisonrat-infested ship or a shepherd responsible for radioactive glow-in-the-dark sheep prone to randomly blowing up?
I think I'd have to go with the sheep because at least I can see them coming better than the rats? Also, very good pseudo-Fallout concept, I feel like that has legs. Or at least will do until the explosion.
Would you rather a really fancy swivel chair or a not-super-fancy throne?
Throne! Sturdy, reliable, stylish.
You're cursed to spend the rest of your life as a sentient vegetable. Would you rather be bell pepper or turnip?
Bell pepper, I would like to not be buried while alive.
Would you rather have magic powers over lemons, or be able to produce fancy plasterwork ceilings with the power of your mind?
Lemons, solely because it would be funnier.
Would you rather time-travel back and talk to your past self, or go to the future to talk to your future self?
Assuming I can't affect the timeline by doing this, I think I'd like advice from my future self who will know something of where things are going. If I could affect the timeline, I might be tempted to give advice to my past self...
Would you rather have to keep a duckling in your home, or have a pig living in your office (which you don't have to look after per se but would have free rein in the place)?
I work from home and there are the bunnies who I think wouldn't be too pleased about a duckling, so... the pig? But even if I had an office, probably still the pig. They're allegedly quite intelligent, so I trust it wouldn't get us both into too much of a mess.
Would you rather eat a bowl of the spiciest near-deadly chili on the planet or never cut your hair again?
Never cut my hair again, that's very easy given my tolerance for normal chili is basically zero. I would look horribly colonialist-appropriative once my hair got long enough to require a turban, but I'd manage.
If you had to go to a course taught by one or the other, would you rather learn from a great medieval alchemist or a great medieval astrologer?
I think I'd choose the alchemist, probably more interesting.
Which magical ability would you rather have: read other people's thoughts, or be invisible at will?
Uch. Reading other people's thoughts is the more useful one, but also one I'm extremely uncomfortable with because it's so incredibly invasive. But I'd probably have to take that, career switch into investigative journalism, and then go around visiting over-deserved consequences on The Worst People by mind reading where the proverbial bodies are buried.
Same question, but your options are the power of flight (at a fast running pace, and you don't get altitude survival benefits), or the power to pass through solid objects for limited periods a few times a day (so you can walk through walls but not necessarily through mountains, and you can get a few seconds of immunity to bullets by "phasing out" but not for much longer than that).
As long as I'm able to influence the altitude, if not the speed, being able to fly would be great. On the other hand, walking through walls opens a lot of possibilities, like going into buildings at night when no one else is there - I could go to museums, for example, without tons of tourists blocking the view, or sneak into archives to just browse and look at ALL the things.
Would you rather be abducted by aliens or by mutated poisonrats? Both would use you as their spokesman negotiating the terms and conditions of their respective reign over humanity.
I'm going to be an optimist and say the aliens: in that given we know less about the aliens I think that's rolling the dice more, and the aliens might give us interesting new technology as part of their overlordship or something, which seems less likely with the mutated poisonrats.
Would you rather visit the warren of the easter bunny or the home of the tooth fairy?
Easter bunny. It's a bunny! And there might be chocolate.
You're hired as an actor, would you rather be a side character in a tragicomedy or the lead in a three-hour fantasy epic?
I kinda think I have to go with the epic. I can't claim I'd be good at it, but I honestly do think I'd have a lot of fun being the lead in a bad fantasy film. I mean I periodically get itches to try making short films regardless, but I don't have good enough kit or know enough actors.
Would you rather learn to play the lute or the lyre?
Lute, definitely. I actually regret that I never learnt to play an instrument when I was younger, despite trying piano and guitar.
Would you rather learn carpentry or blacksmithing?
I'd use carpentry more, but I feel it would be cooler to be a blacksmith. I think I'd be more likely to sign up for a blacksmithing course, because I sort of can do basic carpentry already (not like furniture, but I could make a nestbox that would hold together assuming I had a normally equipped toolkit).
Would you rather have a really nice letter-opener or a very fancy set of paperclips?
Letter-opener. Tiny sword! Besides, I don't really have much use for paperclips, I'm not McGyver, after all.
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or to run at 100 km/h speed?
Breathe underwater. "Things that help me survive" will basically always win out over "things that might lead me to end up accidentaly running into something at a speed my body would not handle well and other people might handle even less well".
Would you rather visit Hobbiton or Moominvalley?
I haven't read the Moomin books (yet), therefore I don't know much about Moominvalley. So Hobbiton it is, bonus if it includes friendly hobbits, comfort, and food.
Would you rather be head of the radioactive glow-in-the-dark sheep breeders' association, or be a (non-radioactive) sheep yourself?
I think I can be head of the association: I have handled sheep in the past and could probably do so in a hazmat suit if needs be. I don't think I'd make a very good sheep, I'm relatively fluffy but not sufficiently so.
Would you rather move to Thailand or to Nunavut?
Nunavut. It's really cold there in winter, too cold even for me, but the alternative +40°C Thailand experiences would be far worse. When it's cold you can wear warm clothing, stay inside, hide under piles of blankets. But +40°C and floods? No thank you.
Would you rather be Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson?
Depends on the adaptation! But I think Watson... a lot of my earlier life I'd have said Holmes without hesistation, but the coldness of his character no longer appeals even if I'd quite like to have his memory and observational skills.
Would you rather spend five full days a year on tax paperwork, but pay 5% less tax, or do no tax paperwork and pay 5% more tax?
No tax paperwork...
If you had to wear historical (repro) dress as your everyday wardrobe, would you rather choose 1840s or 1740s clothes?
Quote from: The Seamstress on July 30, 2024, 11:41:20 AMNo tax paperwork...
My thoughts exactly, especially right now :(
I'd go with the 1740s. I think the 18th century coats look more fun and I want an excuse to wear a tricorne hat.
If you could bring back a silly clothing item into modern dress, would you rather see the return of big neck ruffs or of shoe points that tied round and up at the knee?
I'm not a huge fan of pointy shoes in any time period, so: ruffs! I like their particular ridiculousness.
Would you rather go on a quest to find the mythical Emerald of Effortless Eccentric Engineering, or search for the legendary Ruby of Refined Ruthless Revelations, assuming you already own the mysterious Sapphire of Substantial Supernatural Shenanigans which would combine its power with the other stone you choose?
(Yes, I used a dictionary for this one.)
I think I have to go for the Emerald of Effortless Eccentric Engineering. It is eccentric (which I am) rather than ruthless (which I am not), and I feel like humanity might need quirky solutions more than harsh truths right now. Also because it's green.
Would you rather have an hour-long chat with Athena or with Demeter?
Athena, definitely. She's the more interesting character of the two and I think we'd have some common ground for a chat.
Would you rather be stuck in an elevator overnight with 20 parrots, or with 120 hamsters?
Quote from: The Seamstress on July 31, 2024, 12:39:49 PMI think we'd have some common ground for a chat.
Just don't over-sell your sewing ability unless you want to be left with a few more legs than you started with :)
I think the 20 parrots are actually the better option. I think 120 hamsters would have started trying to eat each other by the end of the night which would be really grim.
You can only drink one thing other than water for a month: you can pick ayran or coca-cola. Which would you rather?
(I'll heed your advice if I ever meet her. Two legs are enough for now, thanks...)
Hm, I've never tried ayran, but according to Wikipedia, it's similar to kefir, so I can vaguely imagine the taste.
Both aren't very appealing, tbh, but I guess I'd have to go with cola, it seems to be the safer choice. Too much of the yoghurt stuff and I'd probably be sick.
Would you rather time-travel to witness the 1789 French Revolution, or the 1848 Revolution in Vienna (assuming that in both cases you're protected by magic so can't be harmed)?
I think the French Revolution? It feels bigger and more historic to me, and I have no greater attachment to either.
Would you rather all your bookmarks made disparaging comments about your choice of books, or that your books all made disparaging comments about your choice of bookmarks?
Both would be rather annoying. I think I'll choose the bookmarks, though, maybe they'd be more likely to just shut up if put aside while I'm reading.
Would you rather attend a drawing lesson with Maria Sibylla Merian or a music lesson with Ludwig van Beethoven?
Merian sounds more interesting! Though I don't know if either of them spoke particularly good English which might make either exercise less fruitful.
Would you rather train to be a cobbler or a cooper?
Googling tells me that a cobbler might not be the same as a shoemaker? One does repairs, one makes new shoes, if I understood that correctly. Or are the words synonymous nowadays? If the latter, then I'd be a cobbler because being able to make my own shoes would be really cool. And if I could just do repairs... probably still cobbler. I'm not that interested in barrels.
Would you rather be the test subject in a mad scientist's questionable experiment finding out what's inside a black hole, or in an experiment swapping your brain with that of an anteater?
I think it's one of those things where definitions have become muddled through time - AIUI a cobbler repaired shoes and a cordwainer/shoemaker made them, but also sometimes the distinction was in leather type (so a cobbler could make shoes, they just couldn't use fresh leather to do it) and sometimes they became synonyms, especially in modern parlance. I'd probably still think of "shoemaker" as fancier than "cobbler", I guess, but I'd expect a cobbler to have basically every skill needed to make a shoe.
I am absolutely going for the anteater brain swap. I could be SO FLUFFY.
Would you rather get given the gift of prophecy & foresight, or of immortality?
Everyone's going to have to call you Floof-bal, then, so are The Rules.
(Thanks for explaining the cobbler vs. shoemaker thing!)
I guess always knowing what's going to happen has the potential to a. make life boring, or b. turn me into a nervous mess if I see bad things coming and am unable to change anything. Unless I could change things, but still, that would probably involve getting a government to act fast which we sadly know isn't what governments are usually willing to do. I think it'd have to be immortality, at least then I could learn every trade, or language, read every book I want etc. so that would keep me busy & occupied for quite a while.
Would you rather go into the cave of Greg The Killer-Grizzly (who loves to invite people over for tea, and maybe for making them his snack), or into the den of Bert The Murder-Badger (who has no tea, but beer, and might get a little agitated and claw-y if he thinks you rude)?
I think Bert, in that I think I could survive a round or two with a badger. Not win, but survive. Whereas I flat out couldn't with a grizzly.
Would you rather be a centaur or a merperson?
Centaur, I think, because I'd at least have legs and could gallop from A to B, live in the woods and be gloriously weird. Though how I'd wear pants I'm not sure.
Would you rather live in a world without electricity or in one without any kind of motorised/public transport?
I think no motorised transport: horses and sailboats could still get me home occasionally, albeit slowly. And I wouldn't want to condemn all the people who'd die without electricity, though I guess the lack of motorised supply chains would also be a huge deal. There's really two very big alternative histories to write there!
Would you rather langos or goulash?
Langos! With garlic. (Now I want langos. With garlic.)
Speaking of food... You're only allowed to eat nothing but one of these for a week, would you rather choose Germknödel ( or the classic Kaiserschmarrn (
I think I mostly got introduced to langos via medieval markets around Vienna. It's a while since I went to one, I want to try and go to one or two of the ones happening in August :)
I quite like both Germknodel and Kaiserschmarrn, and I think I would be very sick eating either for a week, but I think Kaiserschmarrn is the better bet for me.
Would you rather read an as yet undiscovered play by Shakespeare, or hear a previously unperformed piece by Palestrina?
After having listened a little to previously-unknown-to-me Palestrina, hm... not bad, just not really my thing. *shrugs* So I'll go with Shakespeare, I guess.
Would you rather eat food prepared for you by Giovanni the Italian Cryptid or by Pierre-Louis the French Spectre? Neither of them has functioning tastebuds. (Giovanni has none at all, in fact.)
Giovanni, absolutely. A spectre will just serve up what it remembers of human food, a cryptid might do something more exciting and I want to know what.
Would you rather be in Buda or Pest?
Buda, because I've already seen a bit of Pest.
If you were a wizard, would you rather command water or fire?
Water. Both by quantity and utility it's the stronger option I think.
If you had a companion who was an elemental, would you rather an argon or a sodium elemental?
I'm embarassing myself with my nonexistent chemistry knowledge here, but from what I gathered online about argon & sodium I think I'll go for the argon. Seems a little less potentially lethal when exposed to the world ???
A secret society has advertised the following jobs:
1. Zookeeper - You're looking after their menagerie of more-or-less-dangerous cryptids, malevolent spirits, trapped demons, man-eating butterflies, and very cranky sentient giant potatoes. Work hours are Mo-Fri 8 pm to 5 am, in their secret dungeon, for a salary of 15€ per hour and a box of candy or chocolates at the end of every week. Other benefits include accident insurance and 4 weeks annual leave.
2. Magic Assistant - You help prepare and carry out magic rituals, such as hell-freezing, demon-trapping, sacrifices, initiation of new society members, séances, etc. You handle more-or-less-dangerous magic ingredients, equipment, and cursed objects, some of which might be angry. You have to stay in the room during the rituals in case anything happens requiring your assistance. Work hours are Mo-Sat 11 pm to 4 am, in the secret society's headquarters or occasionally outdoors at some magic location. You're expected to work overtime on Halloween. Salary is 25€ per hour, no other benefits but 5 weeks annual leave.
Would you rather apply for the job as zookeeper or as magic assistant?
Zookeeper. Honestly it's the accident insurance that swings it, I think I'd need that in either job.
Would you rather have a sofa that was a transformed duck and occasionally quacked and needed feeding bread, or a toaster that was a transformed polar bear and occasionally roared, tried to hold onto the toast, or demanded to be put in the fridge for a bit?
I guess the sofa would be less hassle, it could even be practical, swallowing up any accidental crumbs when I sit there while eating. Looks like a win-win situation for both duck-sofa and me.
You need a last-minute gift for a coworker's birthday, but the shop has only two options left: would you rather get them the 1,2 m tall garden gnome dressed like a thug, or the 10-volume complete edition of "Doctor Horsington B. Horsebottom's Encyclopaedia of Equestrian Elegance, for the Ambitious Horse and Their Owner, with 40 illustrations"?
The Encyclopaedia, absolutely :) It sounds a lot more fun.
Would you rather dance like nobody's watching, or think to yourself "what a wonderful world"?
"Thinking to myself" is more in line with my personality, generally.
Would you rather like to be able to talk with cats or with birds?
With birds. There's a lot more diversity of them and a lot more of them in total, and they're somewhat more likely to have useful information given the aerial bit.
Would you rather have a personal assistant hired for you who can only do office tasks and paperwork, or a personal assistant hired for you who can only do household tasks (washing, cleaning, etc)? Assume you have to pay them nothing, and they can do up to 20h/week work with flexible timings Mon-Sat.
Household tasks, definitely, because for me it's the more exhausting thing and it involves cleaning devices making annyoing noises I'd like to be able to avoid. Also if household stuff is piling up it's often quite visibly piling up, cluttering my space, leading to me feeling worse and even less motivated to do anything.
If you'd win a large enough sum of money to never have to work again, would you continue to live like normal or would you do something else?
Hhm, a bit of both, which I guess doesn't fit the "would you rather" model well but: I'd like to keep a part-time academic job for academic access, but I'd spend a chunk of money on other people's time to help me with all sorts of things: research assistants, people to sort my paperwork, etc. And I'd probably start an actual little business/game studio to do my creative projects on a much more swish footing. And we'd have someone hired for an hour or two a week to help with running Exilian so I could finally not be feeling like I'm constantly failing to run everything here at once.
Would you rather never have to cut your nails again and have them always stay the ideal length, or gain immunity to bunions?
Hm, given that no one in my family ever had or has bunions afaik, my risk of getting them is probably low. Whereas constantly having to cut your nails is annoying. If I'm able to choose what the ideal length is, then that would be one thing less to worry about, I guess.
Would you rather go skydiving or get a tattoo?
Go skydiving, I'd hate either but skydiving absolutely ten times out of ten and a hundred times out of a hundred.
Would you rather bread or rice?
Uh... pasta? But with only these two options: bread, simply because I have it more often than rice.
Would you rather live on a mountain or by the sea?
Oh that's super difficult. I think the sea very marginally, but that might just be because I've been inland for too long and some part of my fenlander soul prefers the world a little less dry beneath my feat.
Would you rather: candles or battery-powered torches?
Candles, preferably beeswax. (I just wish they were a little less expensive...)
Would you rather drink 2000 year old Roman wine found at some dig site, or drink a sickly-yellow magic potion of unknown origin?
I'll go for the Roman wine. Fun thing to say I've done and the worst outcome is probably a stomach pumping. I don't mind magical experimentation but I don't want any random tentacles etc really.
Would you rather own a rather small woolly mammoth or an unusually large butterfly?
Probably the mammoth. I could use the wool and it looks cute, at least more than a butterfly.
A magic timeline-hiccup makes you Emperor of Vienna. Would you rather permanently live in the Hofburg or in Schönbrunn? (One of the two is needed for showing off to the tourists, so you can't have both.)
The Hofburg: better public transport links and it's easier for me to get to the Rathaus etc. Also the library is very pretty, and I actually slightly dislike aspects of the Schonbrunn decor (heresy I know).
Would you rather be memorialised in a statue or a folk song?
Song, I think. Statues are nice, but they don't say much without context, and are probably more likely to be destroyed. Songs don't even need writing down to be passed on.
Would you rather do without sweet or savory food?
Without sweet food. I'm very savoury toothed!
Would you rather not be able to say or write any words containing the letter p, or not be able to say or write any words containing the letter m?
P. I need my Ms to call the bunnies.
Would you rather subscribe to a magazine titled "Outrageous People and their Outrageous Habits" or one called "Yuck!"?
Oh, the former, absolutely.
Would you rather have dinner with medieval Italian lawyer Marinus da Caramanico, or with a very tolerant plumber called Dave?
Would you rather have a dragon or a gryphon as a pet?
Hm. A gryphon, in that dragons are usually sapient and I wouldn't be comfortable having a creature that intelligent as a pet.
Would you rather dance the night away in figurative terms or literal terms?
I can't dance...
Would you rather have the orange or the green half of a Twinni (
I have never actually had a twinni so I don't know, I'm loosely aware that they're somewhat embedded in Austrian culture but it's something I've never got to. I'll say green but solely because green is My Colour.
Would you rather the earth were invaded by Space Dwarfs From The Moon who have come to demand a cheese tithe, or Elezolg, The Gestalt Many, who have come to demand sole access and distribution rights over Taylor Swift's music catalogue and any other music that they can show inspired or influenced it?
(The green half is pear, the orange half is, surprisingly, orange. You best eat them together imho, but there've been debates about which half is the better one since the dawn of Twinni, I guess.)
I think I'd choose the Space Dwarfs, when cheese is all they want, I'll gladly share. I don't really care about Taylor Swift's music, but Elezolg sound quite sinister. Who knows what they're going to do once the have the rights, maybe it's all a conspiracy led by Taylor Swift herself so all of humanity can be brainwashed to... ahem, next question...
Would you rather go on an Arctic expedition or go investigate The Most Haunted House In The Entire World?
I think seeing the arctic would be pretty interesting: I might be nervous of a full polar expedition but there's plenty of reasonable places one can safely go within the arctic more generally.
Would you rather wear a full suit of "leather armour" like the ones rogues and assassins get in fantasy RPGs, or one of those silly loincloths-and-furs "barbarian" get-ups you'd see in an old swords-and-sandals film?
The armour, definitely. More protection, looks much better, can have pockets & stuff. Whereas the loincloth/fur-thing... no, just
You're the new apprentice of Evelina "Evil" Eldritch, the famous witch, and you need to choose a special skill: Would you rather learn to make the best potions ever, or learn to use telepathy to transform people & objects into animals?
Potions, hands down no question. Wildly more varied possible uses!
Would you rather dreamy or dreamless sleep?
Hm, depends on the dream, but generally, dreamy. Some of my dreams have been funny and/or surprisingly creative, I wouldn't want to miss that.
Would you rather play/sing a duet with Kermit the Frog or with Miss Piggy?
Kermit. Green colour coordination!
Would you rather be hunted down for a 19th century style duel of honour by Winnie-the-Pooh, or by La-la from the teletubbies?
The teletubby, I think. Because if I win, Pooh will be shot, and we can't have that.
Would you rather be an advisor for a progressive & friendly king, or a scholar in some monastery?
Advisor: I am a scholar to some extent by nature, but I'm always someone who's pushing to see what that means for people and how I can help people with it so I think I couldn't turn down the advisory role.
Would you rather have a pirahna tank or a death laser installed in your basement?
I guess it'll be the death laser. I'm too polite to use either for getting rid of unwanted guests, so the laser seems the more useful option, for cutting things, or burning trash, or something like that. Whereas the piranhas would need more maintenance and then they aren't even cute.
Would you rather have your head transformed into a pumpkin or a water melon?
A water melon. It's green!
Would you rather try to fix a crack in a window or a crack in space-time, if whichever you don't try and fix will definitely be left unfixed for quite a while?
Quote from: Jubal on August 12, 2024, 06:11:08 PMIt's green!
I should have guessed that by now... :)
Hm, space-time would probably be the more important & urgent one, if we assume that an unfixed space-time crack causes trouble in the timeline & could alter any course of events. And I could live with a cracked window for a while without major consequences.
Would you rather be friends with a humorous ghost or with an adventurous vampire?
A humorous ghost wins this one. I'd rather laugh than get pulled into adventures that, notably, a vampire is probably pretty well equipped to survive on account of all their magic, and I am not because I am basically a slightly oversized hobbit.
Would you rather be placed under the military command of Napoleon or Hannibal?
I'd prefer not to be placed under anyone's military command and I wouldn't survive long in any case, but I think I'll go with Hannibal. At least I'd get to see the Alps.
Would you rather live in a real fortress or in a (sufficiently large) blanket/pillow fort?
A real fortress. I like blanket forts but I think permanently living with a very squishy unstable floor might be bad for my muscle problems, and I do not think the Giant Blanket Fort would do well in rainy and stormy weather. Also I want my own castle.
Would you rather own a novelty giant credit card that's the size of a large book and heavy to carry but always gives you a free 10EUR of credit to buy things with every week, or a tiny novelty teapot that holds about a shot glass worth of liquid?
The giant credit card.
Would you rather change your name to "Branwell Bumble The Bearded Bard" or "Hercules Holbrook The Hatted Humanist"?
I have a beard more of the time than I have a hat, so I think I'm becoming Branwell Bumble.
Would you rather be able to turn into a duck, or be able to "fly" but only to a maximum of 1m above the ground?
Hm, as a duck I could fly and be a good swimmer, so: duck.
Would you rather start a strudel-baking business with your business partner being an emperor penguin or a draught horse? Both are fluent in English and have an MBA degree. In addition, the penguin speaks French and Spanish, whereas the draught horse has experience in farming.
The penguin. Much easier for it to attend business meetings or take public transport, and it already looks like it's wearing a suit.
Would you rather fig jam or cherry jam?
Would you rather dye your hair neon yellow or neon pink?
Oh god that's a horrible choice. Neither! I would probably have a panic attack! I'm going to say neon pink, because I think I could probably get people to sponsor me for charity if I did something that out of character, and if I'm going to be miserable at least someone would benefit...
Would you rather buy a kitchen from Vance Miller, or sign up for a Hare Krishna cult based on the recommendations of a spambot from the internet?
I think I'll have to choose the kitchen, though from what I read on Wikipedia, that Miller guy doesn't seem very trustworthy. But I think I'd prefer buying a terrible kitchen from a terrible person over being part of any kind of cult.
Would you rather be transformed into a chunk of quartz every night or into a ball of yarn every day?
Quartz every night, absolutely. I'm not supposed to be awake at night for the most part anyway so I think being a rock for a bit would be fine.
Would you rather your taps and other water pipes in your buildng started pouring only hot English Breakfast tea, or only cold Gruner Veltliner?
I don't like alcoholic beverages very much, so the tea it is. (I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of black tea, either, but if the only alternative is wine, give me the tea.)
Would you rather win "get everything you want for free" at a shopping mall or "eat as much as you want for free" at a restaurant of your choice?
I would rather win "get everything you want for free", because that gives me things that I can keep and that can be used. Food as much as I want for free is not too special. I cannot use eaten food or something. So why would I wish to be able to eat as much as I want for free when I can also have all the stuff I want to buy for free? Only one of the options is truly profitable...
Would you rather get turned into a dragon with all the possible dangers that could brings you, or live a completely boring, yet safe, life?
I think I'll opt for the boring, but safe life. I'm usually not someone to seek out dangers.
Would you rather have your portrait painted by John Singer Sargent or by Gustav Klimt?
I think I'll go with Klimt.
Would you rather have a desk made of ebony or walnut wood?
Would you rather have antique or modern furniture?
Broadly aesthetically, antique, though there's a lot of antique stuff that feels too twiddly to me and I'd rather something with a more solid hobbity vibe.
Would you rather befriend a spirit of urban waterways and pipe-ways or a spirit of city administration halls?
I think the waterways spirit, they'd probably have more interesting stories to tell.
If you could choose your personality, would you rather be more introspective & reserved or more outgoing & bold?
I guess that depends on absolute scale or relative to now: if relative to now, I'm probably too introspective and could do with being a touch bolder, but on an absolute scale if I wasn't quite introspective I wouldn't be me.
Would you rather live in a house carved out of a giant radish, or drive a car carved out of a giant radish?
Radishes can be quite spicy. Spiciness could be likened to speed. Therefore I choose the car option please.
Would you rather have to defend a moderately armed merchant vessel against blackbeard, or be a defender at the seige of helms deep
Both don't sound very pleasant, but I think Helm's Deep? I may be able to hide in the loo until the battle is over.
Would you rather be famous as the inventor of The Magical Contraption That Turns Stones Into Candy or The Wondrous Machine That Transforms Sand Into Sugar?
I'll go for sand into sugar, I think sugar is perhaps more directly useful and sand is easy to find.
Would you rather be the front or back end of a pantomime horse?
Judging from the photos of pantomime horses I looked at, I wouldn't want to be any end of it, but if it has to be, the front.
Would you rather be King of the UK or Emperor of Austria?
I'll be King of the UK so I can campaign for the abolition of that post most effectively: Austria already lost its Emperor and I don't feel the need to bring the post back!
Would you rather be followed around by a cheering crowd of tiny fairies who are your biggest fans but kind of useless, or a slightly dour crowd of tiny gnomes who are rather ambivalent towards you but actually do help with any chores and work you might have to do?
I definitely could use some cheering now and then, but I think I'd still choose the grumpy gnomes.
Would you rather live in a LARP world as if it were real, or in the world of a 1990s fantasy video game?
I feel like this is unanswerable without knowing which LARP and which game respectively, but I'm going to say LARP because I don't think pixel art would look good on me.
Would you rather a ukulele or a mandolin?
Mandolin. I like the sound of it much better than that of an ukulele.
Would you rather be test subject in a study researching the effects of prolonged soaking in a very foamy bathtub (which is re-heated regularly to keep the water warm) or in a study focusing on how long humans can be teased & provoked (with things they hate) before they explode?
Would you rather have to include pauldrons or greaves in your day to day outfit?
I usually don't wear broad-shouldered or huge-sleeved stuff, but I think pauldrons would be more versatile than greaves. And probably useful in crowded places or on public transport.
Would you rather be able to make all plastic disappear globally (except for medical or other life-/health-essential use) or to replace all people in positions of power with muppets?
Ooh interesting. I don't actually think I know enough about the muppets to make the calculation, and what a position of power constitutes is quite arguable... I think I'll do the muppet thing because I feel like muppets can be relied upon not to make wars at least.
Would you rather coach the Moominvalley lacrosse team or the Planet of the Clangers water polo team?
I haven't read or watched either, but I'll choose The Clangers simply because they're cute.
Would you rather have rabbit ears or antlers?
Antlers, as long as they're appropriately sized and I can just have lil muntjac antlers rather than walking around with moose antlers and a neck pain problem and an inability to fit through doorways.
Would you rather have to write all emails as handwritten letters, or have to use actual reference books rather than looking things up online?
I think I'd write my e-mails as letters. I like writing things by hand, actually. Using reference books for every little info would be a bit tedious.
Would you rather have the ability to freeze time, or be able to speed it up? Both would last a few minutes and you could use the ability 3 times a day max.
Freeze time (assuming I'm not frozen). Anything to squeeze a bit more time out of existence.
Would you rather be able to shrink yourself down to 6 in tall at will or grow yourself to 6 metres tall at will (assume you can switch back any time you like)?
Hm, I think I'd rather be tiny. Being 6 metres tall would just be really inconvenient, I guess, apart from being able to pick fruit off tall trees without needing a ladder.
Would you rather be able to masterly play 5 instruments or fluently speak 5 languages?
Aaaaugh such a difficult one that is a horrible choice. I think I have to say five languages for work reasons, but I would be Very Sad at passing up the instrumental mastery :( And now I'm sad I have neither skill.
Would you rather cockatrices were real or basilisks were real?
From what I understand they're pretty similar in their looks & abilities to kill you, but I think the cockatrice. Solely based on me having read a Viennese folktale about a basilisk when I was a kid and found it scary.
If you were transported into a novel, would you rather be a detective solving murder mysteries, or a scientist on a spaceship travelling to other dimensions?
A scientist. I've never been a murder genre sort of guy.
Would you rather live in a house based on a Scandinavian stave church or on a typical Byzantine domed church?
I'd say the Byzantine dome (if it isn't too dome-y). Though ideally, I'd go for some sort of combination of the two. I like stone buildings, but a bit of wood & carvings would make it feel more homelike.
Would you rather swim in a lake or a pool?
A lake, just the surroundings are likely to be prettier. Though I'd prefer a warmish lake if possible.
Would you rather have great courage or great stoicism?
I think I could do with a little more courage. :-\
Would you rather get life advice from Grizelda The Fortune Teller or from Gregory The Old Grump?
Grizelda: I don't believe in fortune telling but I do believe that anyone doing it professionally is likely to have a pretty good intuitive read on people and their lives.
Would you rather malachite or amethyst?
Amethyst, I've always liked that one. (Though both are pretty.)
Would you rather make a deal with a lemon or with a demon?
With a lemon, certainly. I don't think lemons want my soul.
Would you rather have permanently slightly sparkly eyelids or permanently slightly pointy ear tips?
Pointy ear tips! Sparkles would be nice, too, but I usually don't wear makeup, so I think the ears are the better long-term option.
Would you rather have a giant sheep living in your garden, or be a giant sheep living in someone's garden?
If I got a bigger garden I'd happily have a big sheep. But I think I have to say be a giant sheep because I couldn't bear to keep a giant sheep being very sad on my little terrace :(
Would you rather hang out with pirates or ninjas?
Ninjas, I think, they seem slightly less brutally murderous? :-\
Would you rather have chocolate cake or strawberry macarons right now?
I'd have thought of ninjas as less brutal but more murderous: pirates are just really there to take people's stuff, ninjas have killing as their primary function.
I think chocolate cake for me!
Would you rather your house was painted mint green or duck egg blue?
(I wasn't sure which were worse, as pirates might also kill you. At least on land I'd have a better chance of escaping?)
I'd like a duck egg blue house, though mint would be okay, too!
Would you rather be able to memorise everything ever, or be able to completely delete memories of your choosing from your brain?
I think I have to go with the perfect memory: a bit of a curse, but a curse I think I could make use of.
Would you rather ceiling lights or standard lamps?
IRL I have both, but definitely standard lamps. I use those more often because they make a room feel cosier.
Would you rather have a free, unlimited supply of apples or of potatoes?
Absolutely apples: I don't really like potatoes, except as crisps or gnocchi!
Would you rather have a beak or a long snout?
A beak. I think I'd look terrible with a snout.
Would you rather want your workplace transformed into a forest or into a mountain meadow?
A forest: I don't want to climb over a half a kilometre to get to it! And the wind in high mountains would make paperwork a pain.
Would you rather Exilian secretly took over the world, or Exilian openly took over the world?
Hm, if you ask me, I don't really care. But "openly" might get more people onboard who'd help establishing world domination.
Would you rather have all roads magically turned into Roman era style roads, or all cars magically turned into horse-drawn carriages?
I feel like I have to go with Roman roads because I don't want lots of people to die due to being stuck with only a horse drawn carriage in a life-or-death situation, doubly so because most of those people won't own horses.
Would you rather befriend a mole or a stoat?
Though stoats are cute, they eat rabbits, so I don't want them anywhere near me & the buns. I'll befriend the mole, it could maybe even help me with gardening.
Would you rather be an 1890s bank clerk or an 1870s coachman?
I feel like I'd rather be a bank clerk. I doubt I'd excel at either.
Would you rather chronic joint pain or chronic anxiety?
Oof, that's a tough question. Neither, I guess, but if I'd have to make a choice, probably anxiety. Solely because I think I'm better equipped for dealing with that one.
Would you rather have your flat filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies, or with cheesecake?
Cookies, I think that's a much easier mess to clean up afterwards on balance.
Would you rather wear a top hat or a tricorne?
I think a top hat would look better on me.
Would you rather have your own private cinema or theatre?
Theatre! It would be a cool place to do poetry readings and things.
Would you rather go for a run or a swim?
Swim! I hate running.
Would you rather have to break up a fight between two angry bunnies or between a pack of angry chihuahuas?
The bunnies. Not that bunnies can't be aggressive, but chihuahuas are at least as vicious on average and there are more of them in the scenario.
Would you rather read an Elder Scroll and run the risk of being blinded by the power of its transcendental knowledge OR read a thousand of the very worst quality romance novels the English language has to offer?
The Elder Scroll. I'd go for being blinded and gaining transcendental knowledge rather than dying of cringe.
Would you rather watch humankind's most terrible monster horror film, or play the monster in humankind's most terrible monster horror film?
Oh I would absolutely play the monster, that sounds like fun.
Would you rather do crosswords or sudokus?
Crosswords. I have little patience for sudoku and am very bad at it.
Would you rather be surprised or surprise someone with a party and/or present?
I think be surprised, I'd be too anxious about surprising someone else.
Would you rather armadilloes or anteaters?
Hm, both are kinda cute, but I think I'll choose the floofier one, so anteater it is.
If you'd partake in some lottery, would you rather win an electric car or a prefab house?
I don't drive so I guess the house? I don't hugely want to move but the house also will have higher sale value.
Would you rather be put in charge of your country's environmental protection agency or its immigration office?
That's hard to decide, both are rather important matters. But I think environmental protection. I'd ban so many things that would need urgent banning.
Would you rather be the subject of a microhistorical study or the main character in someone's book?
I think a book character, it sounds a bit more fun.
Would you rather live in a giant snail shell or under a huge acorn cup?
I don't like snails at all - that leaves the acorn cup.
Would you rather spend a night in a room full of ticking clocks, or in a room full of dripping faucets?
Both sound like hell, I think the drippy taps would actually annoy me less.
Would you rather have hands that could be temperature controlled between 0 and 50 celsius, or hands that could emit a normal lightbulb level of light at will?
The light sounds quite good, no more lamps needed when reading in bed, and it would be very easy to find stuff in the darkness when there's a power outage or something.
Would you rather have chocolate or pistachio ice cream?
Pistachio, usually. Either can be good, but pistachio is marginally less likely to be oversweetened.
Would you rather have crispy duck flavoured or salt and vinegar flavoured ice cream?
Crispy duck... though both don't seem very appealing as ice cream flavours, tbh.
Would you rather live in eternal autumn or in eternal spring?
Eternal spring, though it's pretty marginal. Flowers are nicer then though, and I get to keep having birthdays.
Would you rather be followed around by an excitable tambourine playing acrobatic rat, or a mysterious hooded mouse with a lantern who just occasionally tolled a tiny little bell every hour on the hour?
The tambourine rat would probably drive me mad if it kept tambourining all the time, so I'll take the mouse.
Would you rather be a fluffy cloud or a sparkly rainbow?
Fluffy cloud. I'm not very sparkly.
Would you rather march under a banner with a unicorn on it or a gryphon on it?
Unicorn! I think it's the friendlier of the two. (Also aesthetically, I'm rather Team Unicorn.)
Would you rather share your flat with a slightly grumpy & lethargic fairy, or with an overly joyous & hyperactive troll?
I think I might actually need the troll energy, as much as I'd resent the hyperactivity at first.
Would you rather :tusky: or :bard: ?
Would you rather have a chocolate fountain that has fresh chocolate 24/7, or some cheese fondue that automatically refills every 24 hours?
Cheese, always cheese.
Schefflera or spider plant?
Would you rather have to hire a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolf's clothing as your assistant?
Sheep in wolf's clothing, I think.
Meet a panicked cow or a grumpy boar on a walk?
Uuh, knowing that both scenarios might end very badly, that's not easy to decide. But I think the cow, because it might just want to get away from me instead of attacking, whereas the boar might get angrier.
Would you rather own a horse or a donkey (assuming you have the space to accommodate them)?
Donkey :) Assuming I can't choose the horse. I might go for a smol pony over a donkey. But probably a donkey anyway.
Would you rather manage an unexpected US write-in election campaign for the zombie of Theodore Roosevelt or the ghost of John F. Kennedy?
Oof, I don't feel qualified to do anything related to politics, even if it involves zombies or ghosts. I think Roosevelt, though. He at least did some progressive stuff I could get behind. And if there's going to be a zombie apocalypse, he'd probably have greater chances than a ghost to be re-elected.
Would you rather find out why time exists and progresses, or figure out if there are other dimensions?
I think the existence of time? Multiverses scare me. And create way too many film plot holes.
Would you rather four cheese pizza or four seasons pizza?
Four cheese, because I don't like some of the stuff that's on the traditional four seasons pizza.
Would you rather be snowed in at some mountain resort or stuck on a tropical island?
Mountain resort I think.
Would you rather be able to temporarily die for periods of up to 12 hours at will, or be able to contract any infectious disease of your choice whenever you wanted?
Why would I want any of that?? NOOOoooo *runs*
Would you rather own an apple orchard or a pumpkin field?
I dunno, I've been feeling quite like the temporary death thing would sometimes help when one doesn't know how to Be on particularly bad days... the option of temporarily Not Being has something to it.
Dr. Doom or Dr. Octopus?
I don't know either of them, but Octopus, I guess? Doom sounds so... doomed.
Would you rather write with a fountain pen or with a quill?
I think the point of Doom is supposed to be that doom comes for his enemies, but admittedly I'm not enough of a comics guy to have done the maths there.
Quill, though I'd be crap at either.
Fennec fox or arctic fox?
Arctic fox!
Chamomile or peppermint tea?
Peppermint! I wrote a poem about peppermint tea once!
Drunk or disorderly?
I've never been drunk in my life, so: disorderly. Maybe also disordered. Disoriented? Whatever.
Stuffed animal or real animal?
Real animal (though I like both!)
Owls of Athena or Ravens of Odin?
I think the owls. Maybe they'd share some much-needed wisdom with me.
Would you rather be 10 years older or younger than you currently are?
Younger: I wouldn't say no to another decade and better health. A human life isn't long as it is.
Would you rather become an expert on gemstones or on rare spices?
Gemstones! They've always interested me, ever since I was a little kid, and I have a small collection of fancy rocks of my own. (I blame holidays in the mountains including guided tours through mines.)
Would you rather travel by steamboat or sailboat?
Sailboat :)
Would you rather travel by raft or by coracle?
I had to look up what a coracle is and... raft.
Would you rather have shark teeth or wolf teeth?
I guess wolf? Either seems pretty bad given that I like some foods that need herbivore teeth.
Would you rather have an octopus tentacle or a crab claw replacing your left arm?
Both seem inconvenient, but I guess I'd have to choose the octopus arm, for the fine motor skills.
Would you rather have an identical twin or a clone?
Twin I think. A clone would feel weird.
Would you rather be able to perfectly mimic the song of a nightingale, or be able to emit the scent of a lilac flower?
Imitating a nightingale would be funny, I think. Lilac is nice too, but the scent can be overpowering, so I guess I'd rather chirp.
Would you rather have your brain transferred into the body of a pigeon or that of a magpie?
Would you rather become a bird-person or a fox-person?
Hm, in this case, probably the fox. I'd rather have fur than feathers, and I think reddish hair wouldn't look too bad on me. (Though being able to fly would be cool.)
Would you rather have the magic power to control the weather, or be able to make huge trees sprout anywhere just by snapping your fingers?
I am guessing this is controlling weather locally, rather than just climate... So I'd go with tree finger snaps - because I could go to deforested areas and maybe do a little good
Would you rather be able to alter gravity by plus or minus twenty percent in a localised (adult sized) area, or be great friends with David Attenborough
While I'm sure I could learn some interesting things from David Attenborough, I think it would be more fun to be able to reduce gravity now and then.
Would you rather try an opossum's or a seagull's dietary habits for a week?
Uh... gull? I guess? Unless that means I'm obliged to swallow the stuff without chewing as much as they do. Neither sounds great.
Would you rather only have green-tinted lamps in your house, or only have lots of fairy lights and no other lighting in your house?
Lots of fairy lights! :)
Would you rather immerse yourself in a mud bath or a Heubad (
The heubad just because it sounds a more interesting/unusual experience.
Would you rather live in the giant skull of a prehistoric beast, or in a very very large shoe?
The shoe, but only if it hasn't been worn before.
Rocking horse or rocking chair?
Rocking chair, alas: I would love to say rocking horse, but I must accept the ravages of time now and that a rocking chair would be far comfier and more useful to me.
Rock salt or rock guitar solo?
Rock guitar solo. Normal salt is sufficient.
Spooky season or Christmas season?
Oou, difficult. I think Christmas for me, I'm a curl up by the fire sort of hobbit. But I quite like both!
Plague or famine?
Argh, neither! But I've had quite enough of plagues, so... famine, I guess.
Would you rather spend a week being followed around by Winnie the Pooh or by Tigger? They'd go with you everywhere and constantly talk to you & ask you things, if you want it or not.
Pooh :)
Would you rather a sling or atlatl?
I don't think I'd be good at handling either and probably just hurt myself trying, but I think the sling.
Would you rather be in a TV debate with a politician of your choice or compete in some baking show?
I'd probably enjoy the baking show more but I'd probably do better at the political debate, so I might go for the latter so as to not embarrass myself.
Would you rather be a mad scientist, or simply be in the employ of a mad scientist?
I guess I'd rather be the mad scientist in this scenario, because working for one would probably be quite unnerving. (In fact, I think that's how they train mad scientists; make them work for one until it drives them mad themselves.)
Trick or treat? :)
trick, I do not feel deserving of treats this week.
shattering or melting? (of what I don't know)
*slides plate of cookies across the table* Have one anyway.
Melting. Chocolate. To put into cookies.
Hazelnut or almond?
Ooh, hazelnut, that's fairly easy.
Walnut or pine nut?
Pine nut. Toasted and in a salad - Very tasty.
Six month trip to circumnavigate the globe in a floating mansion you get to keep, or a six month retreat in the Algarve which results in you being able to converse with birds
Hm, depends on the size of the mansion, I think... I don't really have much use for a huge house, so I think I'll rather go to the Algarve to relax and chat with birds.
Would you rather be hired to dress up as Bigfoot and walk through the woods (scaring hikers is optional), or as Santa Claus in a shopping mall where kids will climb all over you and tell you their wishes?
I feel like bigfoot, I just like the woods.
Heavy rain or just overcast grey?
If it's just for a short-ish amount of time, heavy rain (too much of it and we're in trouble). But overall, I think overcast grey is my preferred state of things; and if there's also some gentle rain, perfect.
If you had an extraterrestrial being land on your doorstep demanding to be let inside, would you rather invite it in or tell it to move on?
Invite it in. This is a household that believes in moomin values.
Would you rather be able to summon a wren or a tortoise at will?
Since I've now learnt to chat with birds in the Algarve, a wren would make a good companion, I think.
Would you rather have an army of normal-sized pangolins that accompany you everywhere and act as your bodyguards, or have one single huge magical pangolin you can ride to work every day?
I am not sure how I would feed all the pangolins, and normal size for a pangolin is 2kg for a long-tailed and 36kg for the biggest south african ones, so there are a lot of variables here. I think the huge pangolin might get quite destructive so I'll have some little pangolin friends though.
Would you rather meet Professor McBlusterFluff's Highly Trained Titmouse, or the Mighty Mushroom of Mundifron?
The Mighty Mushroom of Mundifron, I think. Then I would finally know what it actually is or does.
Would you rather participate in a spaghetti-eating contest (the person who can eat the most spaghetti wins), or in a cherry-picking contest where you aren't allowed to use ladders to climb the trees (the person who picks the most cherries wins)?
I think the mushroom is ineffable even to me, and I think I came up with it, though I can't really remember at this point.
The cherry picking contest sounds more fun, I think, I don't get to climb trees enough as an adult. I do like spaghetti though.
Would you rather be on Noah's Ark (from the bible) or Noah's Island (from the TV show)?
I've never watched the TV show, afaik (can't even remember if it aired in Austria), but I'd definitely go there.
Would you rather live in a treehouse or a houseboat?
Treehouse, though either would be cool :)
Would you rather go to Mars or Venus? (assuming you have sufficient safety gear and can sightsee on either).
Both would be quite intriguing, but I think Venus. Simply because I don't know anything about it and would be curious to see the surface.
If you had to make a living with one of the two: would you rather own a flock of sheep or an apple orchard?
Hm, in practice I think I'd do better with apples, but I do like sheep, sheep are nice. So I'll say sheep here.
Would you rather have to wear a survival suit all the time when outside buildings to survive, or only be able to eat paste-style food?
Hm, that's tough. I like my non-paste food, but I'd also like to be outside now and then without needing a survival suit... Still, I think the suit it is. Going outside is not as necessary as eating, and when everything is paste, eating would be quite boring.
Would you rather receive a Medal for Great Heroism or a Trophy for Great Good-Naturedness?
Hm, I think the Medal for Great Heroism, because it would be more of a pleasant surprise: I hope I am generally good-natured, so I think I would like to alternatively surprise myself by doing something heroically worth doing.
Would you rather have your feet replaced with prosthetics made of glass or prosthetics made of wax?
Glass. Wax wouldn't last as long, I guess.
Would you rather have tons of popcorn or tons of crisps?
Crisps. One of the two truly valid forms of potato.
Would you rather live after a nuclear apocalypse, or before settled civilisation was invented in the first place?
Before settled civilisation, I think. It wouldn't be easy, but at least nothing would be contaminated or polluted. I wish I could see a world without pollution of any kind.
Would you rather be The Chosen One or The Chosen One's sidekick?
Sidekick, I am not up for the workload of being a Chosen One right now.
Would you rather play a hurdy gurdy or a theremin?
Theremin would be cool.
Would you rather be hugged by a giant bunny or a giant chicken?
Bunny, I think they'd be cuddlier than chickens.
Would you rather get 1000 euros to spend on a very fancy new desk or a very fancy new chair?
I think the chair, because all the chairs I currently have make my back hurt after a while.
Would you rather be addicted to chickpeas or to beans?
Beans I think, unless I'm allowed my chickpea addiction entirely in the form of hummus in which case fine I can eat hummus every day forever.
Would you rather occasionally turn blue for an hour for no reason, or occasionally have a little imp appear and sing a 1 minute song about your day? On average either of these things will happen a couple of times a week, but not reliably, and sometimes much more than that, and you have no way of knowing what hour of day or night they'll occur.
I think I'd rather turn blue, the imp would probably annoy me more.
Would you rather be magically transformed (permanently) into an intelligent rosemary shrub, or into a clueless tomato plant?
Intelligent rosemary, I think? Though it might depend how much control I had over anything. If I was just stuck as a sort of trapped human intelligence in a plant horror style, the tomato so I wouldn't know, but if I had some capacity to express my intelligence, the rosemary.
Would you rather be known for justice and fairness, or kindness and generosity?
Justice and fairness, I guess.
Would you rather live a minimalist life in some remote & quiet place, or go for the maximum and try literally everything the world has to offer?
Sort of both, but ultimately I think I kind of have to do the latter: I do want to see the world, even if I like having a quiet space to go back to, and my curiosity is one of the things that drives me.
Would you rather go to the temple of Borflax the Inexorable, or the temple of The Least God?
I think I'll go see The Least God. Borflax doesn't seem too friendly.
Would you rather be able to walk on walls & ceilings or to walk on rainbows & clouds?
Walls would have a lot more utility - clouds are quite hard to get up to!
Would you rather your walls were covered in frescoes or in mosaics?
That's why you'd need to walk up rainbows - to get to the clouds :)
Frescoes, I think. Because if I ever got tired of them, they could just be painted over and/or I could have new ones. I'd rather have mosaic floors.
Would you rather have a huge amount of tomatoes or tons of zucchini growing in your garden?
Tomatoes, I think, I definitely eat a lot more tomatoes.
Would you rather have a padded, carpeted, super-soft floor or a mosaic one?
Hm, generally mosaic, but the super soft floor would be better in areas where the bunnies are. So maybe both?
Would you rather be washed by a cat or by a bunny? :P
Uh, either seems like it would be pretty strange. I think I'll go with the bunny? Maybe? I have no frame of reference for how to make this decision.
Would you rather visit classical Rome or Han China?
(Cats' tongues are bristly, rabbits' are not, that's the main difference. Lol. This question was brought to you by the buns attempting to wash my arms.)
I'd go to Han China, definitely.
Would you rather learn to sew by hand or by machine?
I feel like machine would let me do a wider range of things more efficiently, so that.
Would you rather this was the real life, or this was just fantasy?
(Being caught in a landslide with no escape from reality, or opening your eyes to look up to the skies and see, are both optional).
I prefer real life, I think...
Would you rather gather madder or would you rather blather sadder?
I do too much sad blathering as is :( And madder can be used to make nice natural dyes. So I would definitely gather madder, given the option.
Would you rather haul the oars or climb the rigging?
Realistically, I wouldn't be capable to do either, but considering my fear of heights, I'd rather haul the oars.
Would you rather your neighbours were human-sized anthropomorphic bees or ants?
Bees I think? They're fluffier.
Would you rather attempt to become a world champion tiddlywinks player or a world champion shove ha'penny player?
I have never played either (I had to look them up, in fact), so I choose the one that has the funnier name, hence tiddlywinks.
Would you rather be a creepypasta narrator on Youtube or a hobbit fashion influencer on Instagram?
I'm much better as a hobbit. Though that would mean I had to actually use Instagram which doesn't seem a fun time.
Would you rather post in the would you rather thread or the ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer thread?
Oh no, I like both... Though the stupid question/answer thread is maybe slightly more fun. But I can't decide, really.
Would you rather all cars transformed into huge bugs (that can still be used for transportation purposes) or all trains transformed into huge millipedes (same)?
Bug cars! They'd be fun to watch and I don't use cars much.
Would you rather cough ten percent more often or break wind ten percent more often?
Oh gosh, lol. The coughing, most definitely.
Would you rather smoke a pipe or a cigar?
A pipe, absolutely! I generally can't stand tobacco smoke, but my sole sadness about the fact that I don't smoke is that it means I can't smoke the pipe I own, which is handed down from a great-great-uncle (I think) and is an absolutely lovely old wooden one with an enormous bowl just polished up from a section of cherry-wood that still has the bark on. :)
Would you rather swear, on pain of painful death, to never eat avocado toast, or to never have a pumpkin spice latte?
I've never had either, but I guess in this case I wouldn't need to do anything because I like neither avocado nor coffee, just keep it, thanks. :P
Would you rather win a Giant Vegetable Championship or a Fancy Rose-Grower Competition?
Fancy rose growing I think, but either is good.
Would you rather sell fruit to the heroes of an adventure, or sit in the background while they have drinks at a tavern?
Hm, depends, I guess. If selling fruit means I have to be in the danger zone, then I'd rather not (or if possible, set up my shop somewhere safe). But I think I'm generally more the "sit and listen" kind of person.
Pesto alla genovese or pesto rosso?
Genovese, but you break my heart making me choose.
Brick or concrete?
Would you rather go ice-skating or sledging?
Sledging, I can usually stay on a sledge :)
Ancient temple or ancient theatre?
I don't think I have any preference there, it's 50:50 really. But let's say theatre.
Analogue or digital watch?
Analogue watch.
Red grapes or white grapes?
White grapes.
Blueberry or chocolate muffins?
Margarine or butter (on toast) ?
Butter. Always butter.
Would you rather be able to grow roots and absorb nutrients from the ground, or be able to get twice the energy from half the amount of sleep?
The sleep thing. I'm so bad at sleep. :(
Would you rather I turned into a force ghost or a human-level-intelligence squirrel?
The squirrel, of course. Who needs The Force when you can have The Floof. Besides, it was all foretold in The Ancient Anime.
Would you rather be able to talk with rocks or with plants?
Ooh. I think with rocks. Longer memories. Though I would love to talk to trees, too.
Would you rather all wombats wore top hats, or all badgers wore mitres?
Wombats with top hats. And little monocles. And bow ties. (I think I need to draw that some day.)
Would you rather eat a meal containing snails, or insects?
Snails, probably, since garlicky snails are an actual French delicacy: though I would not actually have much of an issue with the idea of eating either if prepared well.
Would you rather all your tears turned to wine, or all your fingernail clippings turned into chilli flakes?
The wine. I don't eat chili because it would probably burn a hole into my guts (and I don't really like very spicy food in general), so I'd have even less use for it than for the wine.
Would you rather ride a roller coaster or ghost train?
Roller coaster I think, neither sounds appealing though.
Would you rather get free taxis for life, or have every city you visit get a fully upgraded modern public transport system?
Both would be cool, I admit, because I'm not a huge fan of being on crowded public transport and it would be nice to just go from A to B relatively stress-free, but I'd definitely vote for the public transport system as it would benefit more people.
Would you rather be able to control electricity or atoms?
Atoms, I think, that has a larger total scope of possibilities.
Would you rather own Saruman's robe of many colours or Joseph's amazing technicolour dreamcoat?
Saruman's robe.
Would you rather have grass instead of hair or (movable) roots instead of legs?
On balance, the grass: I'd be more green and photosynthesis might be useful.
Would you rather be a sciapod or a blemmye?
Blemmye, I'd like to have all my limbs. (And finding shoes for that one huge sciapod foot would prove quite difficult & expensive, I suppose.)
Would you rather be Spock or Cmdr. Data?
Spock, I think.
Would you rather ride a donkey or a camel?
Peas or chickpeas?
Chickpeas but only if I can make hummus out of them
Visit Bree or Lake town?
Your office is infested: poisonrats or poisonturtles?
Poisonturtles, much slower and easier to remove.
Scimitar or cutlass?
Would you rather have a real mouse employed as your computer mouse, or a hedgehog as a hairbrush?
Real mouse. I've held a hedgehog, they are actually surprisingly hefty and would not make good hairbrushes at all.
Would you rather sleep lying on a hard, roughly made stone floor, or in a hammock with half the ropes removed so the remaining ones kind of dug in uncomfortably?
Both don't seem very pleasant, but I guess I'd go for the stone floor (unless that one's very cold, then I'd prefer the hammock).
Would you rather work as a circus pony (in a pony costume) or as a superhero (in appropriate superhero attire)?
Superhero I think? I could do a decent line in spouting silly technobabble if needed etc.
Would you rather find yourself in an accidental marriage to a hyena, or have a giant blocking all your region's main water sources with big rocks and demanding payment for you to access them?
I'm not sure if being married to a hyena would go well, we don't have much in common except the occasional hysterical laughter, so I'd have to choose the rocks... I just hope the giant demands a fair & reasonable fee.
Would you rather be unable to hear anything but birdsong, or unable to see anything but trees?
I think birdsong? Probably? People could still talk to me through a sufficiently well-trained parrot or lyrebird at least...
(I am sorry to report that the giant's fees were not reasonable: the above were both problems faced by protagonists in Somali folk-tales :) )
Would you rather English breakfast tea or Irish breakfast tea?
Uhm, chamomile tea? (Sorry, I don't like black tea that much...)
Would you rather give away all your earthly possessions and move to a mountain monastery worshipping The Great Unknown Deity, or become an itinerant preacher of the Temple of Torpedo-Bees?
Oh, itinerant preaching, definitely. A chance to see the world? And I get to talk about bees? :)
Cloak or cape?
Writing or talking?
Hm. I'm probably better at writing, but I actually quite like talking to people solely because I don't do it very much, and because human voices are quite pretty and interesting things. So on balance talking.
Teatowel or beach towel?
Beach towel. Anything I can wrap myself into is preferrable.
Fight 40 wibulnibs or 40 angry sheep?
Wibulnibs because they'll probably already be drunk, and because forty sheep is actually a lot of mass of sheep: if that many animals go for you in a herd it'd be very hard not to just get trampled.
Elevenses or midnight snacks?
Midnight snacks.
Would you rather travel to Tokyo or to Seoul?
Ooh, difficult. Both seem scary and big honestly, I'd rather be in a smaller city in either country. I'm going to go for Tokyo I guess?
Would you rather work in a mine or on an offshore oil rig?
I think I'll have to choose the mine, if it doesn't get too claustrophobia-inducing. At least I'd have a chance to find some cool crystals.
Would you rather be a chamois terrorising mountain climbers, or a trout biting fishermen's calves?
Chamois! It sounds a good life.
Would you rather be a runesmith or a master engineer?
Hm, after I googled definitions... I think I'd rather be a runesmith.
Would you rather have perfect handwriting/calligraphy skills or perfect manuscript-illuminating skills?
Calligraphy I think! But either would be cool.
Would you rather be a river or a lake?
A lake, somewhere in a beautiful mountain landscape.
Would you rather teach a bunch of sentient potatoes or oranges?
Oranges, my relationship with potatoes is largely antagonistic.
Would you rather have frog's legs or dragon's teeth?
Dragon's teeth. I hope they come with a good jaw because my real one isn't.
You're invited into a fairy castle and they give you some food: Would you rather eat the slightly yellow looking greasy meat dish, or the wobbling blue jelly with unidentifiable chunks of... something... in it?
Meat dish, definitely. Even regular jelly is not great in my view.
Would you rather have one a Chinese jade burial suit or an ancient Egyptian style sarcophagus?
The sarcophagus, I guess. Those jade suits look creepy.
Would you rather live without internet or without running water for a month?
Without internet, easily. I wouldn't enjoy it but I could do it. I'd get so many books read!
Would you rather square dice or all the other polyhedral dice?
I've never played anything requiring polyhedral dice, but I've seen some pretty cool looking ones online, so...
Would you rather like to study astronomy or medicine?
Oh difficult. I think astronomy? I nearly did physics at university as it was, I technically had better grades for it than for History...
Would you rather shave your hair or rainbow-dye your hair?
Rainbow-dye, absolutely. I've never dyed my hair in my whole life, actually, but maybe I'll go rainbow when I'm old and it turns grey. :)
Would you rather wear only linen or only woolen clothes?
Linen I think. Wool only in an Austrian summer sounds tricky, I could at least layer linen in winter.
Would you rather your home had added crenellations or added flying buttresses?
Crenellations. I'd have my own little fortress!
Would you rather be thunder or lightning?
Thunder! The sound of rumbling sky :)
Would you rather gain half a potato or two small tomatoes?
Potato. I like potatoes.
Tiger's eye or labradorite?
Tiger's eye!
Malachite or lapis lazuli?
Silver or gold jewellery?
Oou. Gold I think, I'm more a warm colours person. And gold tarnishes less and takes less looking after iirc. But I don't really wear jewellery of any kind.
Have six toes or have webbed toes?
I don't know what I'd need a sixth toe for, so webbed, I guess.
Run for president or run away?
Latter always tempting but at the end of the day I'd do the former.
Would you rather experience great fear and great hope, or experience neither?
A life without hope wouldn't be that good, and fear isn't only bad, it also protects you from danger, so I guess I'll vote for hope & fear here.
Would you rather be a hedgehog with magical abilities, or a badger capable of solving the greatest mysteries of space?
I think I'm just more of a badger person. So badger.
Would you rather your floor was carpeted in loose sheets of paper, or in dry leaf-litter?
The sheets of paper would probably not stay in place and annoy me, so I'm all for the leaf litter. It would feel like a forest, but inside!
Would you rather be able to transform your thoughts into actual real things, or make things disappear by just thinking they should disappear?
Both sound very dangerous indeed! I think making real things out of my thoughts? Probably? I'm more a create than a destroy person. But also, thinking "all the Russian army's tanks and all the planet's nuclear weapons should disappear" has something to recommend it. Still, creation not destruction on balance.
Quail egg or ostrich egg?
Quail egg. Ostrich eggs are kinda creepy in their huge-ness. It doesn't seem normal, like the eggs came from some giant lizard that's not supposed to exist, according to science.
Paint with watercolours or oil colours?
Oou, oils I think? I'm bad with either.
Sculpt with clay or modelling putty?
Hm, I think it'll be clay, as I'm more familiar with it. But I've never tried modelling putty, so I'd be curious about that, too.
Make a sci-fi film or a documentary?
Sci fi film would be more more fun, let's do that. Documentary more realistic I think.
Do stone carving or quill pen on parchment writing?
Ooh, both would be tempting. But I think quill pen on parchment writing.
Would you rather all natural light came from the sun or from the moon?
I guess the sun, on account of I don't think plants would survive in only moonlight. But I'd miss moonlight.
Would you rather learn fluent Coptic or Syriac?
Hm, Syriac I think. From what I gather reading about it on Wikipedia it seems to have been relatively wide-spread, so I'd have more to read/explore. Though both look interesting.
Would you rather have strawberries grow on your head, or beans growing out of your ears?
Strawberries I guess? I feel like I could get a more useful quantity of strawberries on my head in exchange for the inconvenience.
Would you rather be revered as a living saint now, or be revered as a saint after your death (and thus never know about it or have a chance to shape how people thought of you)?
I would feel rather uncomfortable with people treating me like a saint, I'm just a human with flaws & some annoying traits, like every other human. The older I get the less concerned I am about what random strangers think of me, these aren't the people that matter. So I'd rather be important to people who are equally important to me now. Or something. I guess?
Would you rather, through some heinous experiment, be merged with another person, or be able to see through walls with laser eyes you can't turn off?
I guess the laser eyes but I am not a fan of either at all.
Would you rather workship a bull cult or a fire cult?
No cults for me, thanks, but I guess in this case, fire. Fire is quite useful for cooking stuff.
Would you rather go about your everyday life with stinky flowers sprouting everywhere you step, or with a constantly nagging tiny ugly gnome clinging to your leg?
I think I'll go with the stinky flowers. Rafflesia this city up a bit.
Would you rather fence with an umbrella, or have a fence made of umbrellas?
Fence with an umbrella, but I'd not be very good at it.
Would you rather paint all your walls bright yellow or dark red?
Ooh difficult. Depends on the shade of dark red. If it's nice and rich and a bit towards purple it might be nice, if it just looks like I did it to hide blood stains I might go for yellow.
You're going to get a soundtrack band when you speak. Celtic folk or chamber orchestra?
Celtic folk. Every food order I place would be really epic.
Would you rather visit Baden ( or Laxenburg (
Probably Laxenburg because I've still not looked around the town much, just the grounds and the mittelalterfest.
You have discovered that heaven and hell don't exist. Instead the two afterlives are a) the Afterlife That Is A Perfect World As Imagined By Dormice, and the Afterlife That Is A Perfect World As Imagined By Pigeons. Would you rather spend eternity in afterlife A or B?
Judging from the nest-building skills (i.e.: the lack thereof) of pigeons and the dietary habits of the city-dwelling variety I've witnessed so far, I can't imagine this would be much fun, so I guess I'll go to Dormouse Heaven.
Would you rather share your food with Mothman or with the Loveland Frog?
The Loveland Frog, I think. We are fellow wetland creatures so we can bond over that.
Would you rather the government funded free painted eggshells for everyone, or created three new public holidays a year of which you would have to spend at least one on mandatory folk dancing?
Depends on the type of folk dance... I'm very untalented in this regard however, but I guess two days to do whatever I want would be worth the one day dancing & making a fool of myself.
Chocolate muffin or chocolate bar?
Oou, difficult. Depends how over-sweetened the muffin is, and what type of chocolate bar. Muffin wins I think on average, though I do probably eat more chocolate bars than chocolate muffins.
Would you rather end up in a selkie story or a frog prince story?
Well, that would depend on which character I'd have to be in either story, I guess. Selkie? I think not. Selkie's husband/wife? Also no. Princess? Hm, not sure. Frog? Maybe. I think I would be brilliant in the role of the Golden Ball, though.
Would you rather have a little glittery star permanently stuck to your nose, or a glowing yellow mushroom permanently sticking out of one of your ears?
Contemplating either of those makes my brain react viscerally badly. I guess the mushroom because if I dealt with the situation by removing my ear, that'd be less obvious than removing my nose.
Would you rather visit The Cow People or The Okapi People?
Okapi. They look funny & cute.
Would you rather all plant life were huge (think grass as high as average trees or strawberries the size of small cars), or all animals were tiny (dogs would be the size of hedgehogs and elephants the size of dogs)?
Giant trees might be a good anti climate change measure? Let's go with that.
Would you rather be the comms officer or the mess officer on a spaceship?
I think comms officer? Probably more interesting.
Would you rather be lost in eerie fog, or lost in a creepy cornfield maze? (Yes I've been listening to creepypasta again)
Eerie fog, that's just home for a fenlander:)
Would you rather have some psychic abilities (mind reading, a bit of telekinesis, that sort of thing), or world-class level tech coding/hacking skills?
Psychic abilities, I think.
You accidentally summoned a demon and now have to choose: Would you rather do high school all over again (no time travel, just repeat everything), or live two years without having/getting any money, but a reward of your choice after the two years are over?
I could probably have no money for two years: like, if it's "reward of my choice" I can potentially repay anyone who helps me out afterwards, or achieve something sufficiently big with the reward that I won't have to worry thereafter.
You misspelled summoning a demon. Would you rather summon a lemon, or a desman?
If the lemon is just a normal lemon, no sentience or magical powers involved, I think I'd want a lemon. I could use it for lemonade or tea or something.
Would you rather be haunted by Franz Schubert's or Franz Liszt's ghost?
Liszt probably? But I'm not sure I know either well enough to be sure.
Would you rather witness the dawn of time or the end of time?
The dawn. I'd like to know where everything came from.
Would you rather know what's really inside Area 51 or be given a lifetime supply of every cake you can think of?
Hm, difficult. I would have far more cake than I could ever possibly use. I guess the Area 51 stuff might be interesting?
Would you rather watch the sunset where you grew up, or watch the night sky and sunrise in a randomly selected location which could be anywhere in the world?
If I want to watch the sunset where I grew up, all I have to do is look out of the window in the evening :) So I think I'd go for the random location to see something new.
Would you rather explore an abandoned building or a mysterious cave?
The cave but only up to a point. I really really like caves, but once I get to a point where I feel like it's getting tricky or the space is too small, they're not somewhere I want to take risks.
You have misspelled another request from the supernatural. Would you rather get the scents of purpose, or a sense of porpoise?
The scents of purpose might be the better choice here, I think.
Would you rather spend a day at a huge food market or flea market?
Oou difficult. I'll say flea market? But either sounds quite nice.
Would you rather fusili or spaghetti?
Spaghetti. But I like both!
Rainy day or snowy day?
Snowy day!
Cushions or pillows?
Blanket or duvet?
Duvet (though of course the correct answer is "both")
Woolly mammoth or woolly rhinoceros?
Woolly mammoth.
Marigold the flower or Marigold the bunny?
The bunny, the flower won't bite me if it's offended at not being chosen.
Lime or tangerine?
Ketchup or mustard?
Ketchup, most mustard is terrible (some wholegrain mustards are acceptable).
Barbecue sauce or ketchup?
Barbecue sauce, though both are fine.
Would you rather have twice as many shirts as you currently own, or twice as many ties?
Shirts. I almost never wear ties, and I nonetheless own several. I do wear shirts and go through the elbows of them rather fast.
Would you rather start modelling and painting a Warhammer army of your choice, or a model railway & surroundings of your choice?
I know nothing about Warhammer, but I guess painting little figurines might be fun? Still, I'd go for the model railway. So many possibilities!
Would you rather win a literature/poetry nobel prize or be knighted and get your own castle/estate?
Oh, the nobel prize, definitely.
Wear a silly little hat or a silly big hat?
Hm, I think the big hat. If I have to be silly, I'll do it right.
Would you rather Vienna had canals instead of streets (like in Venice), or would you swap all asphalt/concrete for lawns?
Hm, tricky, because lawns per se aren't something I actually like very much, wild grass is nice but lawn grass is often a rather dull monoculture. And if we weren't able to get rid of the cars, the middle of every street would just be a muddy quagmire anyway. Still, I think I'd like to have grass under my feet more often.
Would you rather attempt to make an accurate sculpture of a historical building, or make an accurate sculpture of a historical person?
Would you rather become ungovernable or govern unbecomingly?
I would rather become ungovernable. I may or may not have already achieved it.
Would you rather become a diplomat in Brazil or in South Africa?
I'd rather not become a diplomat at all... But I guess Brazil? Just because it seems the more interesting country to me from a historian point of view.
Would you rather have an eagle's eyesight or a dog's sense of hearing?
Dog hearing I think?
Would you rather have 1000 pounds paid to you in free food, or in one pound coins?
If I don't get all the food at once so it doesn't go bad before I can eat it, definitely the food.
Would you rather be able to hibernate, or have your hair change colour with the seasons (going white in winter)?
Ooh. I think if everyone hibernated, I'd happily live in a hibernating society (though I'd get winter FOMO), but I think realistically hair colour changes make more sense and being able to do a really neat Geralt cosplay during the winter months is something I could go for (not that I have the build or stature for it...)
Would you rather spend three months starring in a series of very dull corporate training videos, or spend three months learning tort law?
Definitely the dull training videos, I reckon it'd be possible to have fun doing that.
Would you prefer to not have to sleep, or not have to breathe?
Ooh tricky. Not having to breathe feels more actual superpower territory, but then I'd be obligated to go become a diver or firefighter or something. No sleep is more my style.
Would you rather live in a giant's doll house, well cared for but required to obey a giant child, or live in a crack in the giant's walls, scavenge, and be treated as a household pest.
The latter, because being subjected to the whims of a giant child would probably not end well.
Street vendors offer you a magical trick to get rid of a thing that bothers you - at least that's what they promise. Would you rather give your money to the tiny old guy, smiling politely, in an old-fashioned suit who looks like he's seen better days long ago OR purchase a trick from the grinning man-sized frog wearing a Hawaiian shirt who looks a little too eager, but seems generally friendly?
Always trust frogs. Even if they are a bit slippery.
Would you rather have a bard assigned to write songs in your honour or a ranger assigned to scout out anywhere you were likely to go to check for danger?
Danger ranger? Doesn't seem too bad...
Would you rather have all the things you own turned into plushies, or all plushies you own turned into gold?
Oh no that's a terrible choice: losing my guitar, computer, printer, etc would be really really armadillo, but my soft toys all becoming metal would really hurt :( Either way I'd end up losing/wrecking a lot of stuff with big sentimental value. I think probably the plushies becoming gold has to make sense: it produces a lot more value and doesn't wreck any historical artifacts or heirlooms. But ooft.
Would you rather only communicate via pigeon post, or only communicate via semaphore towers?
Pigeon post! I want to hand-write little messages.
Would you rather be obliged to wear an owlbear or pangolin suit whenever you leave the house? Only your face would be visible.
Hm. I feel like the owlbear suit would be easier to use actually: the pangolin tail would be a pain given I don't have a way to manipulate it prehensile style like the actual creatures.
Would you rather quatrefoil or cinquefoil?
Would you rather live in a house built in the 16th or in the 19th century?
16th. Always here for some big wooden beams!
Would you rather live in a Monastery, or a Tueastery? (What a Tueastery is you can only speculate)
Hm, in this case I think I'll live in the Monastery, at least I know what to expect there.
Would you rather be friend-shaped or fiend-shaped?
Friend-shaped. I think I may in fact be friend-shaped. I hope I am friend-shaped.
Would you rather whales or elephants?
Very friend-shaped. :)
I think elephants. They're on land, so I can more easily pay them a visit.
Zebras or gazelles?
Zebras I think. :)
Barbegazi or Knockers? (The comparable little folk folkloric creature in the latter case, not the door or euphemistic anatomical versions of that term!)
Both skiing and mining creatures could be equally useful acquaintances for someone living in Austria, I guess, but since I only ever tried skiing as a young teen and hated it, the knocker it is.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Ooh tricky. I like both, in moderation! I think these days probably dark chocolate slightly wins, though younger Jubal would be horrified to hear that.
Would you rather own an old blue cloak or a new grey dress?
If this is some kind of folklore thing I'm unaware of, I probably end up transformed into a frog or something depending on what I choose, but I'll risk it and say the dress.
Would you rather run a magic shop (selling spells & potions & questionable artefacts) or a tavern (selling drinks & food & questionable gossip)?
No, I just made that up, but I am taking it as a compliment that my random brain noodles sound like folklore:)
I'd run a tavern, I think. I'm too clumsy to run a shop, and I like food.
Would you rather be able to turn into a cloud of butterflies, or be able to turn into a compact granite block?
A cloud of butterflies. Unless they don't stay together as a cloud because that would be A Problem.
Would you rather have a huge pet shield bug who is very loyal, follows you everywhere and will defend you, or a huge pet fly who doesn't give a d*mn but eats all your trash and the leftover food you don't want?
Shield bug friend!
Would you rather be a ghost or a ghoul for a hallowen party?
I think I like ghosts better than ghouls. (Though I could call myself "Ghoulia", which would be funny.)
Same question: evil mad scientist or sinister spirit hunter?
Would you rather own a gramophone or a typewriter?
I think I'd like both... The typewriter wins this round, though.
Cornflakes or oats (in milk) for breakfast?
Cornflakes I think.
You have to have a unique colour as a wizard but all the main ones are taken. Would you rather teal or tyrian?
Would you rather magically transform all your coworkers into pigeons or into mice? (They still would maintain their human intelligence and ability to speak.)
Mice? I think?
Would you rather be a Hanar ( or an Elcor (
Hm... Elcor, maybe. But since I have no in-depth knowledge of either, it's really just a 50:50 thing.
Would you rather meet a cryptid or be a cryptid?
I'd probably rather meet a cryptid, unless I count as a cryptid already, which is not impossible.
Would you rather be gifted a vial of moon-dust or a vial of silt from the bottom of the Mariana trench?
Moon dust!
Mozzarella or Grana Padano?
Difficult. I'm going to say grana padano because I find it more interesting, but I actually use a lot more mozzarella because it's so versatile.
Yarg or brunost?
I didn't know either and had to google - so judging from the descriptions, yarg. Brunost seems to be sweet-tasting and that's not what I want cheese to do.
Spend an evening watching horror or sci-fi films?
I wouldn't say sweet is quite the right word for what brunost is, but it is deeply weird. Like, genuinely interesting and super worth trying sometime if you get the chance, but it's not something you'd often want to it much of. You are in any case correct, yarg is excellent.
Sci fi films, absolutely: I really can't watch horror (I could probably watch old-school Hammer Horror but largely in a funny pulp way - when someone says "horror films" I often assume they mean gory/psychological/taken-seriously horror which is a big nope, my brain has enough mess in it as it is).
You are to be given a possibly unwanted trait from another species. Would you rather be able to defensively projectile vomit corrosive orange puke, like a baby fulmar, or would you rather be able to be safely put in the fridge to slow your metabolism down while you get over minor illnesses, like you can do with axolotls?
Oh 100% agree re: horror films. I can't stand the gory stuff, either. But silly 1960s plastic bats and very obvious monster costumes? Sign me up. Other stuff only when it's more mystery-focused, like ghost stories.
I think axolotl power would be a good choice here. Projectile vomiting doesn't sound very pleasant for everyone involved.
I would rather have a question than not have a would you rather question to answer :p
If you were a book character, would you rather ask the last question in the book or give the last answer in the book?
Oh gosh, sorry XD I had not even noticed that I didn't write a question, lol.
So, I think I'd rather be the book character asking a question.
I will ask a question, now.
Would you rather be absorbed by alien goo, or bathe in 100% pure chili sauce of the spiciest variety known to man? Results unknown in either scenario.
Both sound horrible, but I'll take my chances with the alien goo since I actually think bathing in the hottest known chili sauce might more definitely kill me.
Would you rather be in a society that headbutted as a standard greeting, or one that required the giving of drops of your own blood as a greeting?
I guess the headbutt? Though I'd probably hate it. But I'd rather keep my blood, thanks.
Would you rather have an invisible (not imaginary, just invisible) friend, or an invisible pet?
Invisible friend - at least I can talk to them to work out where they are!
Would you rather wear a red spotty mushroom cap hat, or a black drippy mushroom cap hat?
Red spotty mushroom cap!
Would you rather permanently grow a few inches, or have the ability to make yourself ant-sized whenever you like?
Oh the ant sized thing sounds much more interesting. And I'm used to being hobbit shaped, even if it makes reaching the top shelf and finding dates a lot more difficult.
Would you rather visit Krasnoyarsk or Novosibirsk?
(Nothing wrong with being hobbit-shaped!)
Hm, I don't have any preference there, so I'll just say Krasnoyarsk. *shrugs*
You win a restaurant quiz and now can choose: have free pizza delivered to you every day for a month, or free schnitzel?
Pizza has more variation possible than schnitzel. OTOH if it's uncooked schnitzel I could freeze it and make it last longer. But if it's eating-ready only, then pizza.
Would you rather be the only living triceratops, or an additional member of the population of a relatively endangered rhinoceros species?
The triceratops. Dino friend!
Would you rather have random music playing inside your head at all times, or be able to tune into any non-music radio communications on the planet?
I already have random music playing inside my head at all times, so unless I'm being threatened with that being taken away, I'll get the additional bonus of the second option.
Would you rather own a goose that laid golden eggs, or three magic beans?
The goose, definitely. Steady income.
Would you rather have a duck make a nest in your hair, meaning it would sit there until the ducklings hatch, or have ducks follow you around who quack one of your songs nonstop?
I think the hair nest? Both sound inconvenient.
Would you rather live with the moomins or the clangers for a couple of months?
The Moomins win this one, I guess. Moomin valley looks like a good place to be.
Would you rather everything you touched turned into a glittery version of the same thing, or be all glittery yourself?
Oh no, being glitter-midas sounds bad, I don't think I would want everything to be glittery, but I'd also hate being glittery I guess. I think maybe I have to be glittery because at least then everything is a bit more under control.
Would you rather grape juice or pear juice?
Grape juice.
Chicken curry or chicken skewers?
Chicken skewers.
Command a loyal army of chickens or a loyal army of rockhopper penguins?
Rockhopper penguins. They look fierce enough to thrash anything that comes their way.
Would you rather create a new video game or a board game?
Ooh! I think video game? But I like making either!
Would you rather have a new water butt or a new archery butt?
Do archery lessons come with the archery butt? If so, yes please.
Would you rather learn horse-riding in full armour, or just sword-fighting (armour optional)? :knight:
Swordfighting I think. Ironically probably the less dangerous option and I feel like it might be a good way for me to keep fit.
Would you rather be a priest in a fantasy setting, or a thief/rogue in a fantasy setting?
Hm... I'm neither religious nor feel particularly rogue-ish, but I guess the latter? Then again, if the priest character had any magic abilities, I might reconsider.
Would you rather start an alternative career as a hairdresser for dwarves or as a tailor specialised in making combat suits for rats?
I'm probably marginally closer to having the skils to make rat armour? Which is not a sentence I thought I'd say when I got up this morning.
Would you rather have a drinking contest with a blemmye or a sunbathing contest with a sciapod?
I'd definitely lose spectacularly & be miserable in both scenarios, so it doesn't really matter, I guess... but I think I'd rather be drunk than sunburnt.
Would you rather have your own private forest or private island?
Private island: I like forests, but water feels like home.
Would you rather duct tape or superglue?
Depends on what I need it for, but generally, duct tape.
Lilac or lavender scent?
Back pain or neck pain?
Ugh, back pain I guess; neck pain usually comes with additional headache.
Beans or lentils?
Chickpeas or chicken?
Chickpeas. But both are OK.
Pride or prejudice?
Pride :)
North or South?
East or West?
Whispering or humming?
Wear a panda or koala onesie?
This or that?
Here or there?
King's side or queen's side?
Queen's side. Girl power!
Would you rather every material thing transformed into wood or into stone (while still maintaining its shape & function)?
Wood I think. Though I do like stone as well.
As much salt water as you like, for any purpose, forever, or one cup of really nice fresh spring water to drink per day?
Hm, I think the fresh spring water. At least I can't think of anything to use a large amount of salt water for, except maybe fill a pool and pretend it's the sea?
Would you rather have the ability to change your voice to megaphone-volume at will, or to perfectly imitate any voice or sound?
Quote from: The Seamstress on October 22, 2024, 07:59:29 PMI can't think of anything to use a large amount of salt water for
Making large amounts of concrete? Being like that Dwarf from Klagenfurt and vengefully flooding the homes of the sinful? Making a salllamaer ocean on Mars just because you can? Driving around in a constantly waterwheel powered vehicle? Various options :)
Ooh, both of those are useful, but I think perfect imitation is too good to pass up. Especially as I can do other sounds: I could do multitrack instrumentals for my songs just by singing the violin lines or whatever, that'd be amazing! And I could voice-act a whole cast for something if I wanted to which would solve a bunch of issues.
Would you rather red shift or blue shift?
Okay I can see it now. :) Waterwheel power wouldn't be that bad actually!
Red shift? Just because I like red shades of colour a little more than blue...
A great-great-great-uncle you never knew makes you his heir surprisingly, but you have to choose one of the following, the other goes to animal welfare: Accept the mysterious 400 years old mansion in a remote forest area, or the locked storage unit which hadn't been opened in decades so no one knows what's in there?
I think I go for the mansion? Higher guaranteed value, and when else am I going to get on the property ladder?
Would you rather have to wear an eyepatch at least three days a week despite not needing one, or have slightly poorer eyesight requiring thick glasses but be able to use both eyes?
I already wear glasses 99% of the time, so I wouldn't mind the slightly poorer eyesight, I guess. The patch would probably be more irritating.
Cold pizza at midnight or cold pizza for breakfast?
Ooft, difficult and probably depends on timings of alcohol consumption, which I think I just assume is involved if I'm making cold pizza choices of this kind. I guess breakfast hangover cold pizza somehow feels better in my head, I don't know.
Graptolites or belemnites?
So I googled pictures and... eww, I'd rather not. But the thread demands an answer, so: belemnites. They look less creepy.
Hang out with a troll or with a goat?
A troll, in that if I want to hang out with goats that's more likely to happen some other time. Unless it's like an internet troll in which case I pick the goat.
Water purifier or air purifier?
Luckily we have good quality tap water here, so the air purifier. Air purifiers everywhere! (If only.)
Brown bread or bread rolls?
Bread rolls
Guitar string or silly string?
Silly string is that foamy stuff from a spraying can, right? Well, nope. I hated those even as a kid. So the guitar string it is.
Mint or fruit bubble gum?
Ew, neither, bubble gum makes me feel profoundly ill, though mint if I'm forced to choose.
Ham or salami?
Depends on the type, but generally, salami.
Thunderstorm or blizzard?
Blizzard. Snow day potential afterwards!
Mug or teacup?
Lemon or orange?
Lemon - both are nice, but lemons are very versatile for cooking.
Tardigrade or centigrade?
Hot water bottle or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate.
The Invisible Child (by Tove Jansson) or The Invisible Man (by HG Wells)?
I think I've read The Invisible Man, so The Invisible Child because I don't know it yet.
Burger or kebab?
Tudors or Stuarts?
I don't like Henry VIII, so Stuarts.
Be half bear or half fox?
Oooou. I think half bear. I could half hibernate!:)
Be half frog or half sparrow?
Sparrow, if I get the wings.
Green tea or black tea?
Black tea.
Ebony or mahogany?
Have your living space and all things you own magically turn greenish-yellow or violet with white polka dots?
Greenish-yellow I think.
Would you rather get the ability to re-do five days a year (you have to choose to re-do the day within an hour of it finishing) OR would you rather have an extra five days of wormhole time in a year, in which you can't interact with other people (time is effectively stopped around you), but can write or craft or sleep or do whatever else you want?
I think re-doing days would prove the more useful option, in case I cause some kind of mess and/or make a fool of myself... Or in case something good happens, so I could experience that twice.
Would you rather learn some obscure dead language, or learn some obscure forgotten trade?
Dead language - easy one for a historian I think! I'm sure there are very cool forgotten trades, though.
Would you rather be the Minor Deity of Tomato Plants, or the Minor Deity of Missing Thimbles?
Missing thimbles? My (very old) thimble is quite important to me, so if I were to lose it I'd be rather sad. If I can be helpful finding thimbles with my Minor Deity powers, that'd quite okay with me, I guess.
Would you rather be a monk in the temple of the Goddess of All Cheeses or a monk in the monastery of the Brotherhood of Particular Party Pesto?
I think All Cheeses sounds like a broader palette to work with.
Would you rather spend a day as a public statue, or spend a day as a painting in an art gallery?
Painting. At least I would be better protected from any kind of hazard, including humans.
Gaslight or candlelight?
Candlelight :)
Be visited by the ghost of a drowned sailor or the ghost of a remorseful priest?
The sailor, he'd probably have the more interesting stories to tell.
Nutella or jam?
Jam :)
Chutney or mustard?
Chutney I think... more varieties to choose from?
Would you rather be able to transform into any human or any rabbit at will?
Any human would have so many uses... though I guess there's a lot of questions here about whether I'd just be wearing their face, or does that mean I also get their brain chemistry etc? Disconcerting possibilities.
Would you rather have disconcerting but mysterious secrets under your floorboards, or disconcerting secrets you knew but were sworn to secrecy about?
Hm, difficult. Knowing the secrets and not being able to talk to anyone about them doesn't seem that good, but on the other hand, not knowing the secrets but knowing they're there might be worse? I think I'd rather know what's going on.
Lasagne or cannelloni?
Goose or pheasant?
As a meal? Uh, I don't like the taste of game, so goose I guess? Though I tend to get sick from eating duck, so that's risky as well.
Poppy seed or nuts?
Nuts :)
Don the Cape of Owls' Dreams, or the Dress of Water-Songs?
The Dress of Water-Songs. *swirls*
Grow the world's first 10-kilo giant tomato or invent a device for instant-changing human emotions?
The device sounds... too powerful, I don't think anyone should have one of those. I'll go for the tomato.
You must take a companion to venture into The Dark Ruins of Azhtheorgh. You can take Verity, an Australian nail salon owner who chews a lot of slightly odd smelling gum and thinks that alligators are a type of shoe, or Bertram, an American furniture repairman who keeps his money in a large sock and doesn't believe that the government exists. Would you rather take Verity or Bertram?
I take Verity. Because that odd smelling gum she's chewing? It's a home-made recipe of gum that can be used for everything from ladders to sealing leaks in boats.
Write a letter to the future US president after the election or a letter to a medieval monarch of your choosing? (You'd get a guaranteed answer in both cases.)
Medieval monarch: far more interesting!
Would you rather fish could produce cheese, or ducks gave humans bread?
I think I opt for the bread here, fish cheese seems a bit ...fishy.
Would you rather accept an invitation for dinner from Gollum or from Sauron?
Would you rather own a hovering chair or have an orange juice tap?
An orange juice tap would be nice, I think.
Would you rather be able to fall asleep any time anywhere, or to go without sleep entirely (assuming it would have no negative consequences)?
Have the capacity to drop sleep I think, if I didn't need to do it.
Would you rather half your stuff got broken in annoying but repairable ways, or ten percent of it got irreparably broken?
I think I'd rather have the option to repair things.
Would you rather owlbears became real, or pangolins became as intelligent as humans?
Oooou, difficult, but I think real owlbears wins. As much as I'd love to have tea with a pangolin.
Would you rather pine or teak floorboards?
Would you rather be a penguin or a seal?
Would you rather all uses of i got changed to y in the English language, or all uses of w got changed to v?
Y'm not sure vhat vould be less strange, Y can't decyde! Nov Y feel lyke some medyeval veyrdo. But Y thynk the y sounds more natural?
Vould you rather be fryends vyth a medyeval veyrdo or vyth a normal person?
Alvays the medyeval veyrdo:)
Would you rather ducks could vote, or beavers could vote?
Ducks. I don't trust beavers.
Would you rather go on a camping trip somewhere in the wilderness, or stay at a luxury spa for free & however long you like?
In general the camping trip, though honestly right now I probably ought to pick the spa because that may be more what my joint/muscle issues need.
Would you rather meet the protagonist of the last book you read, or the subject of the last news article you read?
The book protagonist, definitely. That would be this one (
Same question - book or newspaper article?
I think the last book I properly read was Rose of the World, in which it's arguable who even is the protagonist and I'm not sure I'd get much out of meeting them, whereas I would probably like to yell at/commiserate with whichever Georgian politician would count from my news reading this evening, so I'll do the latter.
Would you rather have to wear elite 1300s dress or elite classical Roman dress every day for a week?
Definitely 1300s!
Would you rather be a cat living in a witch's kitchen, helping do some minor magical tasks, or a dwarf employed as a worker in a mine who is about to revolutionise the trade by making an Awesome Invention?
I think I could be a dwarf :)
Would you rather be the spirit of a river or of a forest?
Forest, though river would be fine, too.
Would you rather try some really weird and slightly disgusting looking food, or wine from a bottle that has been lying around in some random guy's basement for who-knows-how-long?
The weird food, as long as I had some guarantee it was edible and fresh.
Would you rather befriend Prometheus or Pandora?
Hm, Prometheus I think?
Cats or bunnies?
Ooh, difficult. I think bunnies, because they're endangered and cats aren't.
Tortoises or lizards?
I'm not a huge fan of lizards, so I'm gonna say tortoises.
Would you rather stay where you are or boldly go where no one has gone before?
Currently, boldly go, because where I am feels empty and the news is depressing and I could do with being Elsewhere. BUt I am probably at other times more of a stay and be cosy person.
Wagons or chariots?
Bicycle or unicycle?
Bicycle, and keeping someone with my sense of balance on that is hard enough.
Glaive or Lucerne hammer?
Tea with honey or sugar?
Sugar I guess? But ideally neither.
Rosehip jam or rosewater jam?
I haven't tried either, but I'd say rosewater.
Have a robot housekeeper or robot research assistant?
Huh, difficult. Probably housekeeper.
Have your clothes warm every morning before you put them on, or your duvet already warm when you get into bed?
The clothes!
You're in a mysterious abandoned building. Would you rather follow the ominous knocking sound into the basement or investigate the strange light in one of the rooms down the hallway?
Basement! (Sounds very Betrayal At The House On The Hill, which is a very good boardgame indeed).
Would you rather have the power to speak to a dead body, but only in the mental state they were in precisely one hour before death, or have the power to speak to any wild animals, but only if it happened to be the animal's birthday?
Speak to animals. I don't even speak to 90% of living people, so why should I want to speak to dead ones...
Would you rather have an action drama or a documentary made about your life?
Action drama! I know my life from a documentary perspective, and I'm interested to see how on earth anyone would write an action script.
Would you rather the sky became dotted with images of Nicholas Cage in various roles, or that the sky occasionally had advertisements for turnip oil emblazoned right across it?
(There's a documentary about your life...?) It could actually be fun to try writing one's life story in different genres, btw.
Both would be annoying, I guess, but: turnip oil.
Would you rather be abducted by wibulnibs or by turnip oil salespeople?
Quote from: The Seamstress on October 27, 2024, 08:53:38 PM(There's a documentary about your life...?)
No, I just mean I know factually what happened and can narrate it myself in my head if needed :)
I'll be abducted by the turnip oil people I guess? Though maybe the wibulnibs wouldn't be so bad. They have cider. And I haven't seen Pentagathus in a while, if they choose to take me to their king.
Would you rather be room-mates with a scuttling disembodied hand, or an overly chatty hovering skull that made a lot of bad puns and occasionally hinted at having a past with you that you had no memory of?
Quote from: Jubal on October 27, 2024, 09:10:14 PMNo, I just mean I know factually what happened and can narrate it myself in my head if needed :)
Ok, suspicions confirmed. :) (And there I was, thinking I could watch "Jubal: The Movie"...!)
I think the hand, though it would probably creep me out, but a constantly babbling skull seems worse.
Would you rather swim in a pool filled with chocolate or one filled with milk?
Both sound icky. I guess milk, in that chocolate to be liquid enough to swim in would also be burningly hot.
Would you rather learn python or learn to handle pythons?
I think I prefer the option that doesn't involve living snakes...
An eldritch horror appears behind you! Would you rather a) scream and run, or b) offer it a drink?
Offer it a drink. If it's that close I almost certainly can't outrun it anyway!
Would you rather play the Ocarina of Time (the game) or play the Ocarina of Time (the eponymous fictional instrument)?
Play the game. The only Zelda game I played through so far is A Link to the Past, so I'd like to try others!
Would you rather walk on stilts wherever you have to go, or walk normal but somersault every ten metres?
I can do neither, but if asked to learn one I actually kinda think stilts sound fun.
Would you rather chess bishops reverted to being elephants again, or that chess was standardly on a 10x10 board and had additional pieces for lions?
I know next to nothing about chess, but elephants instead of bishops seems to be a good deal.
Would you rather every medication tasted like gouda or every chocolate bar functioned as all-in-one medication?
I feel like medicinal chocolate would among other things make medicine a lot cheaper and would therefore be an enormous boon to humanity so let's go with that.
Would you rather Mandarin or Esperanto became the international lingua franca instead of English?
I think Esperanto would be easier to learn?
Would you rather ban all annoying noise ever or send people who make annoying noise to the moon?
I don't want to do either, but given we can't currently maintain a habitat on the moon, I'll just ban annoying noise rather than send people to their deaths.
Would you rather be governed by a cockroach with memory loss issues, or a random number generator?
The cockroach, probably. You can't count on a random number generator.
Would you rather learn the best-kept secret of Esmeralda the Elf (who allegedly knows a lot about human politics and can see into the past as well as the future) or of Dave the Dwarf (who knows a lot of tales from all over the world and also has cookies)?
Dwarf friend!
Would you rather be an an admirable admiral, or be a generic general?
Uh, generic general, I guess? I don't feel very admirable usually.
Would you rather be stranded on an island with Winnie the Pooh or with Donald Duck?
Pooh, I think. More comforting.
Would you rather the alphabet changed tomorrow, but the script stayed the same, or the script was totally novel but the alphabet was entirely different?
I'd rather keep the alphabet?
Would you rather jump into a fountain in the city and dance around in it, or do something that's only revealed after you accept, as a dare? The latter involves water, too.
I would like to check the legality of fountain dancing before answering that, but I'd probably take the fountain jump, depending also on who was giving me the dare.
Would you rather be a member of Robin Hood's or Song Jiang's famous bands of medieval outlaws?
Robin Hood I guess, it's more familiar. And they're in a forest, which is nice.
Would you rather write a novel about a real historical person or about one you made up?
I think my ideal is "real but we know almost nothing about them", so I'll go made up since that's probably closer.
Would you rather be given a shiny pebble or a particularly large and neatly formed pinecone?
Pebble! I like fancy rocks.
Have tea with Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple?
Miss Marple I think.
Have to send all your texts in caesar shift ciphers, or have to send all your texts in semaphore with little flags that attach to the side of your phone?
Caesar cipher, I think, it seems to be more fun.
Be a bee or have a hare?
Have a hare!
Duck a duck or badger a badger?
Badger the badger, for a photo?
Build a huge model of a real city, or build a model of a fantasy city of your choice?
If I can do a historical period of a real city, that, if not, fantasy city over modern city.
Would you rather be haunted by ghosts or pursued by slow, shambling zombies?
I think the zombies, because they're slow? I always wonder why people in horror movies get caught when they could easily outrun the zombies??
Would you rather be jury member in a pumpkin growing competition or in a pumpkin eating competition?
Growing, I think I could judge pumpkins.
Would you rather have a radio interview about something you knew a modest amount about but enough to know how much you didn't know, or something you absolutely clearly knew nothing at all about so you can be blissfully unaware of how badly you're doing at it?
Hm, I think the former. Not knowing anything at all is worse because I doubt I would be unaware of it, just going mute out of embarrassment, probably.
Would you rather have five characters (of your choice) from The Exile Princes come to life, or five characters from your favourite film or tv show?
I'm not sure what my favourite film or TV show is, so I'll go for The Exile Princes purely to shut off my own indecision problems :)
Would you rather have a map that updated with things you needed to find, whether you knew you needed them, or pointed you to people you ought to talk to, whether or not you knew them?
Hm, in this case, I think the people map would be the more important one. Maybe I'd meet The Best Person Ever,... or something.
Would you rather basically live the same life you live now, but everything would take place in the 1970s, or live the same life but it would take place in the 1950s?
The 70s I think. Twenty more years of medical advancement compared to the 50s for one thing! And I'd be the right age to make a much bigger mark on the games industry than I'll ever actually achieve...
Would you rather drink (regardless of which liquid is involved) from a tumbler or a wine glass?
Tumbler, probably, because I can just put it in the dishwasher whereas a wine glass would need hand washing to not get ruined eventually. But I don't mind, really. My arsenal of drinking vessels includes a bunny mug as well as a kitschy glass goblet, so...
Would you rather be wise or cunning?
Would you rather own a model peacock made of copper or a stone carving of a moose?
Would you rather interview a fern plant or a mushroom?
A mushroom. Death made life incarnate! Potentially glowy or spotty!
Would you rather be in an arranged marriage with a randomly selected billionaire or a randomly selected Scottish farmer?
Not a fan of arranged anything, but: the farmer. (OR marry the billionaire, terrorise him until I get a divorce and one half of the billions, end world hunger and help fight climate change, and then live happily ever after with Scottish Farmer. And if the farmer turns out to be a jerk, repeat and get half of the land, all the sheep, and the fairy living in the wall.)
If the world turned medieval tomorrow, would you rather be hired as a jester or a bard?
Bard! Absolutely.
Would you rather settle down sharing a flat with one of the aforementioned sheep or the aforementioned fairy living in the wall?
The sheep. Because floof. And the fairy lives in the wall anyway.
Would you rather have the ability to know someone's favourite food or favourite colour just by looking at them?
Favourite food, I think, easier party planning :)
Would you rather own a crane (the thing for lifting objects) or a crane (the large bird)?
I wouldn't know what to do with a crane (the thing for lifting objects), so I guess it's got to be the crane (the large bird).
Healing powers or revealing powers?
...does that imply you do know what to do with a crane (large bird), and if so what?
Healing powers for me!
Learn songs from stone or songs from sky?
Quote from: Jubal on November 04, 2024, 06:16:18 PM...does that imply you do know what to do with a crane (large bird), and if so what?
Uh... living garden decoration? Might eat snails. Can be a friend? Or deliver mail?
As for the songs... depends on what they sound like? Stone, perhaps? Sky seems like it's probably a soprano and best I can do is a wobbly mezzo-soprano. Maybe. On good days.
Would you rather be gifted a slightly dubious parcel wrapped in tinfoil, or a slightly dubious jar wrapped into a piece of black fabric?
Tinfoil parcel, I think. More possibilities!
Would you rather live in a city where you had to get around by zipwires, or a city where you had to get around by dubiously interlinked magic portals?
If the zipwires aren't too high above the ground, then that's what I'd choose. Who knows where I'd end up when being dubiously magic-portaled.
Would you rather have vegetables grow on all the walls in your flat, or a wildflower meadow instead of floors?
Ooh, difficult. I think I'll live in a meadow :)
Would you rather have colourful crystals growing out of your walls, or have beautifully formed stalactites coming down from the ceiling?
Crystals! Definitely crystals. <3
Strawberries or raspberries?
Oou! Hard one, but raspberries on balance. Though strawberry jam in particular is a very good thing.
Elderberries or lingonberries?
Apricots or peaches?
Apricots (I think I'd get thrown out of Austria if I didn't say apricots, but I do actually like them more)
Go down fighting the darkness, or go down tending to a garden in the face of the darkness?
I think I'm going to tend to the garden. The fighters will need the garden, too.
Would you rather remove one event or person from history, or reset time to start again from a point in history you choose?
Remove someone, I think, if I have to do one of them.
Would you rather hug a fluffy toy mammoth or a fluffy toy owlbear?
Owlbear :)
Would you rather be able to see what's in a random galaxy faaaar away from here, or explore if the whole universe has some kind of limit? (In both cases, you'd be magically transported where you need to go, without needing any equipment.)
I'll go to the end of the universe. Partly to see if there indeed a restaurant there.
Would you rather live one storey underground or at the top of a very high building?
Hm, I think I'll rather stay on the ground (or underground); if I have windows, I'm fine.
Would you rather have a cookie or a cup of tea right now?
Would you rather sleep or meditate?
I never really understood how meditating works,... So I'll sleep. Sleep is good.
Baked apples or gingerbread?
Hm, baked apple I think, it's a long time since I had one.
Chutney or gherkins?
Chutney, I guess?
Tell spooky stories by a campfire in the woods, or in a blanket fort with a torch for dramatic effect?
Campfire in the woods, I don't get out enough. And I'd just rather curl up in the fort than tell stories, lately.
Would you rather be a member of an order of necromancers who are very ethical about helping the dead, or of assassins who never actually assassinate anyone and mostly just pose on rooftops with swooshy capes?
I think I'd look good in a swooshy cape. Though my fear of heights would probably interfere with posing on rooftops...
Would you rather be transported into a novel by Charles Dickens, living through the story as the main character, or into a film adaptation of a Jane Austen novel, being a character of your choice?
Dickens novels are often rather long in terms of how much of a character's life is involved, so I'll go with Jane Austen.
Would you rather be remembered in little writings etched in a script barely readable upon the lowest stones of walls in small villages, or remembered in the echoing dreams that people have on days when the leaves fall dry but the air still hangs with the still warmth that recalls summertime?
Hm... the latter, I think.
Would you rather follow a stinky swamp creature into the darkest corner of the swamp, or accept a challenge from a wild-haired witch? Both would grant you a wish.
Stinky swamp friend!
Would you rather live in a lighthouse or a houseboat?
Would you rather timetravel to visit Pompeii and see it like it was before the volcano, or visit 14th century Rome?
I think C14 Rome probably, but that's a tricky one.
Same question, but Egypt during the building of the pyramids vs Ohio during the building of the Hopewell culture earthworks?
The Hopewell culture earthworks, because I didn't know about them and am curious now.
Would you rather work as a costumed interpreter in a Victorian pharmacy or in a Regency era cloth merchant's shop?
Quote from: The Seamstress on November 10, 2024, 09:57:10 AMThe Hopewell culture earthworks, because I didn't know about them and am curious now.
They're enormously interesting! I saw several in 2018 though at least one sadly had a golf course cut through it.
I think the Victorian pharmacy sounds fun, I like silly old timey bottles with weird labels :)
Would you rather have big cow horns or tiny little muntjac deer antlers?
The antlers, definitely!
Would you rather be invited to a banquet at robber-chief Gustav the Golddigger's fortress, or to a fancy cocktail party at Calvin the Clown's circus-themed mansion?
The banquet. I am not messing with clowns under any circumstances.
Would you rather have three additional moles (as in the body growth) or three additional moles (the small talpid mammals, which you would be held personally responsible for looking after)?
I already have approximately 43272653 moles (as in the body growth) and would rather get rid of a few instead of getting additional ones, so the answer is clearly the animal-moles. I guess they're not very high-maintenance when I'm providing them with a garden or field to live in and occasionally feed them earthworms.
Would you rather have a second head (with an independent mind) or wings like a bat (which, for reasons unknown, would require you to sleep upside down like bats do)?
Assuming I could sleep upside down and had the necessary physiology changes for that not to screw me up, the bat wings. If not, the second head.
Would you rather have a fairly pointless seeming job coming up with silly names for food products to help sell them to tourists, or have a job cooking the said food knowing that, however much you put into your job, most of its value was going to be added by the silly name that made the tourists pay a wildly overinflated price for it?
I think coming up with silly food names would be something I'd be reasonably good at, so that.
Would you rather live a week being another gender, or being another species (both randomly selected)?
Another gender. If I could be changed to any species, and assuming we're alone in the universe, then the overwhelming probability is that I would end up as a bacterium, average lifespan maybe 12 hours, so I probably wouldn't last the week, or I'd have self-replicated a bunch of times during the week and would come back with, if every doubling was successful, up to a bit over sixteen thousand of me (assuming I can double twice every 24hrs, so 214), which is Too Much James. Gender is very complicated, but it is simpler than working out what to do with 16,000 Jubal clones.
Would you rather wear a tricorne or a bicorne?
You won The Farmingshire Cheese Championship! Now choose your prize: a cow, 3 litres of milk and a cowboy hat, or a goat and a 20 kilogram goat cheese loaf?
The goat one. Hirqunity for the win!
You have two buttons for deciding the fate of the world, one says "Reset" the other says "Bugfix". Would you rather hit the first or the second?
Hm, that's difficult. Reset would probably be a chance to start over with a clean slate and then doing things better, though I doubt it would play out very differently from what it did already if the same people came into power and thus the same mistakes would be made etc. etc. And we would maybe lose some good things, too. So I guess it's going to be bugfix.
Would you rather meet King Arthur or Robin Hood?
Robin Hood, I think.
Would you rather be a sentient bowl or a sentient plate?
A bowl, I like bowls.
Would you rather involuntarily transform into an aggressive bird or into an aggressive grasshopper whenever you feel angry?
Aggressive bird.
Would you rather be a fungus or a bacterium?
Fungus. I could just sit quietly in a forest, minding my own fungus business.
Would you rather be a waterfall or a chunk of ice in a cave?
A waterfall. If computer games are to be believed, I might have treasure behind me then!
Would you rather live in a deep cave or a high treehouse?
Hm, depends on how high the treehouse is and how much it would trigger my fear of heights, but living among trees would be nice, I guess. Though ususally I like to stay on the ground.
Would you rather be taught a new thing or teach a new thing to someone?
I tend to enjoy teaching more as a process, even if I'd gain more from being taught.
Would you rather plunder (pirate treasure obtained from capturing ships), or plunder (certain sorts of pastry, auf Deutsch)?
Plunder (the pastry) :) Plundering all the plunder.
Nougat or marzipan?
Not super hot on either, but nougat I guess on balance?
Cows with big horns or sheep with big horns?
Word or Excel?
New York or New Amsterdam?
New York, I think.
Wear ridiculous shoes or ridiculous hats on a daily basis?
ridiculous hats - unless I could get guaranteed on the comfort levels of the ridiculous shoes!
Have a story about you go viral for ages because you did an distasteful impression, or be visited 12 times during your life by a very scary ghost
Assuming the ghost only visits to say hi and be scary, and doesn't harm me: the ghost.
Would you rather have a huge library of books about a single topic that interests you, or a huge library of all kinds of books that someone else randomly put in there?
Hm, really difficult. I think I need to be an academic and go topic focused but it's very difficult I do like my miscellanies.
Would you rather lose access to half your kitchen cupboards for a week, or all of your bookshelves?
The kitchen cupboards!
Would you rather live in a world where everything is cake, or everything is gingerbread?
I feel like it depends on the type of cake. Gingerbread might have more structural integrity? I'm honestly not sure what happens to the physics of the planet if it's all cake but presumable nothing good.
Would you rather physically walk into your dreams, or physically walk into someone else's dreams?
I admit it would be interesting sometimes to see what's going on in other people's dreaming minds, but then again... it would also be an invasion of sorts, so I'd probably stay in my own dreams.
Would you rather find the answers to all your yet unanswered life questions, or be able to magically answer other people's life questions (whatever those are)?
I think magically answer other people's life questions, because if I picked it for me I'd feel guilty about being selfish about it the rest of my life.
Would you rather have a new mattress or a new sofa?
New sofa. Probably a much bigger one than I currently have, for enhanced cosiness.
Would you rather listen to music you absolutely hate or to creepypasta nonstop for a full day?
Music I hate I think wins that grim choice.
Temperature just slightly higher than you like or just slightly lower, in your home for a week?
Lower. Because duvet.
Would you rather look like a demon or like a fairy?
Would you rather your home filled with smoke or filled with dust for three hours?
Uh... dust, I guess? Both sound awful.
Would you rather go unnoticed or notice ungoing?
I'll go unnoticed.
Would you rather have a big bushy beard or have a wispy little goatee?
I'm not convinced a beard would look good on me, but if I have to, I'll go the whole hog and say the bushy beard.
You're trapped in a tower by an evil wizard. Would you rather wait for your pangolin army to rescue you, or try climbing out a window and escaping that way?
I think the pangolins can handle it :)
Would you rather own a chain-mail shirt or a Roman style block of segmented chest armour?
Chain-mail, I think.
Would you rather learn to drive a tractor or a truck?
Tractor! You can take the boy out of Norfolk, but never the Norfolk out of the boy:)
Would you rather live in Norfolk or Suffolk?
I probably get expelled from the forum if I say anything that isn't Norfolk, so Norfolk. Realistically I'd be fine with either, I think.
Would you rather live in Vienna or Lower Austria? :-P
Vienna, because I don't like having to move or commute more than absolutely necessary:p
(And I was actually born in Suffolk and grew up in what might be just about the southernmost house in Norfolk: I do still identify very much as from Norfolk and will occasionally make jokes at the expense of our terrible southern cousins who are two fingers short of the full dozen God intended, but I'm not actually vehemently anti-Suffolk. They have some very nice castles and coastlines!)
Would you rather hold onto things or let go of them?
(Can confirm the commuting is indeed quite annoying.)
Hm... depends on the things? Some I'd gladly let go, some I'd like to keep... But I think "let go" wins; more often than not you need to let go of things so there's room for new ones.
Would you rather drink undiluted elderberry syrup or raspberry syrup instead of water for a week?
I think raspberry syrup, because I prefer elderberry and I think if I had to drink either for a week I'd never want to look at the stuff again so I'd rather gain a dislike for the one I already like less.
Would you rather recieve generosity or trust?
Trust. I value that one very highly, though I'm also not averse to generosity.
Would you rather be the star of a TV show titled "Millpond Mysteries" (in which you'd be a detective investigating strange and otherworldly occurrences involving millponds) or one titled "The Secret Lives of Lobsters" (in which you'd be a marine biologist discovering a lobster conspiracy and now needing to save the world)?
I feel like I'm a millpond guy.
Would you rather dust (the knowledge/sexuality/original sin concept particles from His Dark Materials) or dust (literally just some regular dust)?
Having never read/watched anything His Dark Materials related, I only have a vague Wikipedia-based idea of what the dust concept actually does, so I guess I'll rather play it safe and choose the latter. At least that one can be taken care of with a vacuum cleaner if need be.
Would you rather get thrown into wizard jail for trespassing (exploring an abandoned castle in search of legendary plants rumoured to grow there) or for damage to property (setting another wizard's hat on fire because they insulted your beard)?
Trespass is very much my MO out of those options!
Would you rather be the private owner of an eluvian (magic travel mirror) or a mass relay (sciencey spaceship hyper jump machine)? In either case you don't get to pick where the other end of the portal/wormhole/etc points to.
I think the mirror, if that means I stay on earth if I travel? That seems preferrable to possibly ending up at the other end of the galaxy.
Would you rather live in a burrow or inside a tree, Winnie-the-Pooh style?
A burrow I think.
Would you rather eat humble pie (in the metaphorical sense) or eat humble pie (the actual food)?
I eat metaphor-pie whenever necessary, but right now I'd rather have food-pie.
Would you rather be unable to move because of lower-back pain, or because a sick pixie is clinging to your shoulders and pukes every three minutes?
I think it depends how long I'm expecting the sick pixie to stay there, and whether it's actually helpful to the pixie to be on my shoulders. I would probably make myself into a pixie sickbed if asked.
Would you rather all food had to be eaten with cheese knives, or all food had to be eaten with sporks?
Sporks, they're more practical & versatile, I think.
Would you rather witness an avalanche or a volcano eruption (assuming that in both cases, you'd be a safe distance away)?
Volcano! I think that'd be prettier.
Would you rather be followed around by a flock of twenty rosefinches or a flock of twenty goldfinches?
Ooh that's hard to decide, they're all cute. But I'll choose according to personal colour preference and say the rosefinches.
Would you rather involuntarily chirp like a bird or bleat like a sheep whenever something or someone surprises you?
Would you rather have a hat made of dry grass or a tunic made of fig leaves?
Hay hat! Though I guess it wouldn't last long with the bunnies around.
Would you rather have one huge eye on your forehead or four eyes with two in the usual position and two at the back of your head?
I'll be a cyclops I guess? Though losing depth perception would suck. Maybe four eyes is actually better.
Would you rather have a 30cm long butterfly that lived in your house very quietly, or a 30cm long elephant that lived in your house very noisily?
The butterfly, I think, since it's the quieter option. Besides, Mini Elephant would probably get itself into trouble when confronted with two annoyed rabbit ladies who are both bigger than Mini Elephant.
Would you rather be a gardener in The Garden of Terrible Man-Eating Plants or a farmer responsible for 100 Raging Radiation Geese?
Tiny Elephant v Normal Size Rabbit is a pulp Hollywood B movie I feel the world kinda needs now.
I think I'll garden the man eating plants, at least I'll die faster if I'm eaten.
Schnitzel or fish & chips?
Quote from: Jubal on November 27, 2024, 09:46:54 AMTiny Elephant v Normal Size Rabbit is a pulp Hollywood B movie I feel the world kinda needs now.
Would watch.
I go for the fish & chips. It's actually on my comfort food list. :)
Would you rather be decorated like a Christmas tree or dressed up as Christkind ( all of December?
I actually think Christkind is the play here: I'd hate it but at least it's actual clothes. Hanging glass baubles off someone with my level of coordination would probably go much much worse.
Would you rather ride a camel or a donkey?
Would you rather wear a kilt or Lederhosen (Austrian traditional leather breeches)?
Kilt, I think.
Would you rather practical but heavy scale mail or silly but cool looking fantasy style leather armour?
I guess I'll be fantastically silly. More design options? Though scales look cool, too.
Would you rather have the ability to go back to being a kid whenever you like, or to get sudden random glimpses into your future life?
Being a kid I think, the future glimpses sound disconcerting
Would you rather be Batman or Iron Man?
Batman, probably.
Would you rather have four legs or four arms?
I think four arms, assuming my brain could adapt to use them properly.
Would you rather lilies or hyacinths?
Not a huge fan of either, but when given the choice, hyacinths.
Lavender or forget-me-not?
Forget-me-not! I think. I like the colour better at least even if lavender is nice for the smell.
Pasqueflower or Adonis flower?
Adonis flower.
Would you rather have a huge chocolate fountain installed in your flat, or have your own horse-drawn carriage (coachman included) to get around the city?
Chocolate fountain! Though if it was huge there might be some space issues.
Would you rather rabbits were 40% bigger or 40% smaller?
Bigger, of course. Marigold would be a real giant then. More floof to cuddle!
Would you rather start a second career as a baker or as a mechanic?
A baker. Being better practiced at giving people baked goods is, if not as useful a life skill, one that wins one more friends!
Would you rather cross-stitch or running stitch?
I'd like to try cross-stitch! It's on my list of approximately three million creative projects I'd like to try at some point...
Would you rather do a trip around the world and see as many places as possible, or choose just one location and explore it thoroughly?
Both sound good, I think it depends on timings. Like, I'd hate to have the sort of rapid-fire trip where I only got a day in any given place, but a month of three-day stops in eight different world cities would be cool and I might take that over a month in a randomly selected city. Though given the chance I'd get ill by city 3 or 4 somehow that might not be sensible...
Would you rather have the gaze of Medusa or the touch of Midas?
Ugh, would I be able to control the gaze/touch? Otherwise both would lead to Major Problems. Do I just keep my eyes closed all the time and look at no one and nothing to keep them from getting turned into stone? How far does the goldification go, could I touch a fork and then eat without the food turning into gold, too, or does the gold-touch work through the fork...? And that's only the tip of the iceberg of Major Problems. Argh
Would you rather be tasked with finding answers to the Major Problems resulting from gold-touch and stone-gaze, or tasked with cleaning up the mess resulting from gold-touch and stone-gaze accidents?
I guess I'll try and find answers? Maybe?
Would you rather be the inventor of Augustuschmarrn, an improved version of Kaiserschmarrn, or be the inventor of Elizabeth II Sponge, a longer lasting and updated version of a Victoria sponge cake?
Since I'm not very keen on Kaiserschmarrn usually, I'd say the sponge cake.
Would you rather be a very famous Hollywood actor in the 1950s or a not-so-famous guitarist in some obscure 1970s rock band?
The actor. I could do sword and sandal movies, it'd be fun!
Would you rather sing to the forest or sing to the sea?
Forest. Though I'd probably scare half the animals away.
Would you rather work as a Super Mario or Elvis Presley impersonator?
I think I could pretend to be Elvis for a bit maybe. My hips don't move like that though!
Would you rather live in Watton or Downham Market?
Having never even heard of either before, I can solely judge from pictures and maps, but I guess Watton? There seem to be a few hills and forests nearby. I'm pretty sure they also have sheep.
Would you rather have BRAIN MOLES or Limestone Fungus from Outer Space living in your fridge?
I'll take the limestone fungus, at least it doesn't want my brain.
Would you rather employ the BRAIN MOLES as couriers or as accountants?
Accountants. If they'd be couriers, they'd eat* the brains of everyone they meet? Probably? So keeping them in an office somewhere would be the safer option.
(*Do they eat people's brains? Or people's BRAIN WORMS? Eww. What do they do? Do I actually want to know?)
Would you rather be a care-free blob of candyfloss or a care-less blob of pasta carbonara?
I think I'm just not a very candyfloss person, I'd be uncomfortable being that sugary. So I'll go carbonara.
Would you rather have three days where you're not allowed to lie down (you can sit but not lie on your side/back) or three days where you're not allowed to get out of bed?
I think I'll stay in bed.
Would you rather jump into a huge pile of snow or into a huge pile of leaves?
Hm, leaves I think :)
Would you rather marmalade or nutella?
I'd be fine with either, but at the moment I'm in nutella mood.
Would you rather be the first human to try some newly discovered kind of tea or the first human to try some dubious new concoction of pastry?
Given the tea is not dubious I'll go for that
Would you rather befriend a very large cockroach or a very large stink bug?
Oh my gosh, neither? Or maybe the stink bug? If they leave my food alone, that is.
Would you rather be responsible for keeping a single snowflake from thawing, or for keeping glass Christmas tree baubles from breaking in a room with 45 cats?
I think I can deal with the snowflake as long as nobody minds me just putting it in the freezer. It might end up with too much ice to still count as a snowflake, but it won't thaw!
Would you rather a president with poor spelling skills accidentally declared marital law instead of martial law, or accidentally passed a budgie instead of a budget?
Okay, I got a plan, hear me out: If the budgie is trained to steal money from the rich and drop it everywhere it is needed more (fairly), it could set an example for lots of other budgies to be trained, thus starting a social revolution and large-scale redistribution of wealth. Ultimately this would, of course, lead to a state of utopia, with the budgies being revered as saviours of humanity.
Would you rather be a budgie trainer in this coming utopia or a tour guide in the Museum of Budgie Revolution?
Tour guide!
Would you rather a chevron or fleur-de-lys as the core of a coat of arms?
Fleur-de-lys I think, looks a little fancier than a chevron.
Would you rather be a pigeon or a seagull?
Seagull. I've seen a seagull literally murder a pigeon in front of a group of horrified tourists in Venice: I'll put myself a step higher up the food chain I think!
Would you rather lace or velvet?
Ideally, both. But I'll say lace wins this round. It's quite versatile. And velvet produces an annoying amount of fuzzy lint while cutting & sewing.
Would you rather tweed or tartan?
Would you rather Klimt or Hundertwasser?
Klimt, I guess.
Neon or pastel colours?
Forest palette or sky palette?
Ooh I like both, how should I decide! Maybe forest? I usually gravitate towards darker and more muted colours, but still like my pastels & white, too. And glittery night-sky-themed stuff. :)
Would you rather have a fireplace or an indoor swimming pool?
Would you rather have a jacuzzi or a walk-in fridge added to your home?
Hm, that's actually not easy to decide: A walk-in fridge would be a blessing in summer, when it's too hot outside, I could just live in there, lol. But I guess I'll choose the jacuzzi. My own mini spa! Now that would be quite nice to have.
Would you rather live in a tent or in a caravan?
A caravan, any day.
Would you rather never be allowed to wear gloves or never be allowed to wear hats?
I think I can live without gloves as long as my coat/clothes have pockets to keep my hands warm. I like hats, though I actually never wear any... maybe I should change that.
Would you rather give up wine or tea (forever)?
Oh that's genuinely very difficult. If "tea" is specifically taken to just mean drinks derived from tea the plant, then I think I give up that and learn to drink a lot more peppermint - the lower caffeine might even be healthy in the long run. On the other hand, if no tea means also no herbal bags, fruit teas, etc, then I maybe lean towards giving up wine because that's a lot of comfort drinks to lose. Though no wine would also be difficult in work contexts (Georgia and wine is... a thing).
Would you rather go to Uzbekistan or Tajikistan?
Tajikistan, I think.
Would you rather be the editor of or a journalist writing for a newspaper?
Ooh, difficult one again! I think I'd probably be better at being a journalist, but I'd actually quite like the chance to set the editorial line of a news outlet as a senior editor... but overall I think journalist wins.
Would you rather be a sports commentator or a sports pundit/analyst? You get to pick what sport.
If the sport is Rabbit Show Jumping (yes, that's a thing), I'd like to be an analyst :)
Would you rather be a Lionhead ( or a Hotot (
Lionhead. More floof!
Would you rather play yak polo or elephant polo? (Yes, also both real sports)
Yak polo, yaks are smaller than elephants and therefore my distance to the ground is shorter.
Would you rather tour Southeast Asia or South America?
Oooh, hard. I think South America very narrowly but I'd love to go to either.
Would you rather be an ammonite or a belemnite?
Uh, not a fan of either, but I think the belemnite. The only acceptable form of snail is cartoon snail, real ones tend to creep me out.
Would you rather be given funding to make a 2 hour documentary film about raisins, or to write a 500 page bestseller about the life of a dust mite who has somehow taken on human form?
I feel like they're both more squiddy than snaily, but fair enough!
I'd absolutely make the raisin documentary, if only in that it'd be a lot quicker to make and thus take up less of my life than writing 500 pages.
Would you rather green glass or clear glass?
Green. Though both are fine.
Would you rather write or illustrate a book?
Write (which I can do, unlike illustration!)
Would you rather be a voice actor for a game character, or do the motion-capture for a game character?
I don't think I'd be good at either, due to being awkward and not a perform-something-for-other-people person. Motion-capture sounds like it could be fun, but I'm totally un-sporty, so I guess I'll have to go for the voice acting.
Would you rather replace all the plates in your kitchen with flat stones, or all your towels with giant leaves?
I think if the stones were flat enough then flat stone plates could be kinda cool.
Would you rather redo your kitchen as a fantasy dwarf kitchen or a fantasy elf kitchen?
I think I'm more of an elf person than a dwarf person, so the fantasy elf kitchen. Just not too fancy.
Would you rather have a secret library behind a rotating bookshelf door, or secret tunnels in the cellar that run under the whole city and through which you could go anywhere?
Oh, secret library, absolutely.
Would you rather live by a meadow-glade in the wide woods or a waterfall in the high hills?
Hm, both sound lovely, but I guess the glade wins.
A wizard traps you in his lair and tries some new concoctions on you. Because he's polite, he let's you choose: Would you rather eat the purple cookie-like pastry which might turn you into anything (no one knows into what, that's what the experiment is for), or drink the clear potion which is glittering menacingly and will (probably? maybe?) make you invisible?
I could live with invisibility, I don't look like much as of now anyway.
Would you rather suddenly have pointy ears or suddenly have lilac coloured eyes?
Pointy ears!
Would you rather go on a two-week holiday in the 1810s or in the 1710s (any location you like)?
1710s. Probably Georgia. Might get a few manuscripts as souvenirs and reinvent the modern field of kartvelology:)
Would you rather an increase in the amount of Chalcedony or the amount of Chalcedonianism in your life?
Chalcedony, definitely.
Spaghetti carbonara or spaghetti bolognese?
Antimony or Bismuth?
Parsley or sage?
Basil or watercress?
Basil. Though I've never tried watercress so I'm just choosing the familiar one here.
Black tea or green tea?
Black tea.
Black tea with milk or black tea with lemon?
Lemon. I can drink black tea with lemon and lots of sugar, but am not really a black tea person. Never had tea with milk, actually. I think it's not as common here as it is in the UK? Somehow my brain can't compute the idea of mixing tea with milk, lol.
If you were a game character, would you rather live in a 2D world or in a 3D world?
3D. I like having enough dimensions for hugs.
Would you rather be held responsible for a trojan (computer virus making backdoors into people's systems) or a Trojan (an ancient Anatolian displaced in time and presumably horribly confused and angry at finding a world totally beyond their comprehension)?
I think with the trojan I could more easily prove that it wasn't really me who's responsible because I know nothing about that stuff and how it works... Whereas a Trojan is history-related, making me a clear suspect. Besides, I'm not sure if I really want to make the acquaintance of Angry Ancient Anatolian.
Would you rather do professional debugging (in the somethingsomething-computer-problem-solving sense) or debugging (in the remove-actual-insects-from-people's-houses sense)?
I already do a bunch of the former, so I guess I'll keep playing to my strengths.
Would you rather cheese with pickle or cheese with grapes?
Uhm... I don't know. I'm not really keen on pickled things in general, so I think the grapes? Though in my mind grapes are strongly associated with sweet stuff so pairing them with cheese was never something I considered.
Would you rather be surprise-visited by the largest pangolin that ever lived, or by Gary, a Gandalf impersonator who knows a few magic tricks?
Would you rather be illustrated for a fictional work about your life by a 19th century book illustrator or an ancient roman mosaicist?
Quote from: Jubal on December 09, 2024, 09:12:52 PMBIG PANGOLIN FRIEND! :pangolin:
Why am I not surprised :)
19th century book illustrator, definitely!
Would you rather have your life story written in the style of a 17th century pamphlet or in the style of a very pompous 18th century novel?
I think I would enjoy the 18th century pompous version.
Have the ability to make it rain marmalade or snow cornflakes
I think the cornflakes, marmalade would likely result in a sticky mess I wouldn't want to find myself in.
Would you rather be a medieval king or medieval pope?
Instinct says king but I feel like Pope is a marginally safer bet on average?
Would you rather trams were all pulled by small dragons or cars were all replaced by large grumpy tortoises?
For climate's sake I think the tortoises would be the better option. (And yet... small dragons pulling trams - assuming the dragons are friendly and well-behaved and don't burn everything down every two days - is a concept that's kind of appealing.)
Would you rather be cursed by The Glitter Ghoul, resulting in glitter popping up everywhere in your flat, on your things, on yourself - an endless amount of glitter you can never clean away; or cursed by The Goo Ghoul, resulting in strange glow-in-the-dark goo dripping from your ceilings nonstop, which can't be cleaned away either, but once it's dripped down, will disappear within a few hours so the endless goo can continue dripping endlessly?
I don't like either of these curses. I think I pick the Goo Ghoul and then, given the caveat is that it's my ceilings, simply find ways to never rest in a place I have any ownership of ever again.
Would you rather take a class in pancake-flipping, or a class on how to cook kohlrabi?
The pancakes, probably? I know a few simple ways to cook kohlrabi already, so I think I'll go and learn something new.
Would you rather be a sentient frying pan or a sentient baking tray?
I feel like I'd rather be a frying pan but I'm not sure why.
Would you rather have a Demon of Sour Jelly Beans or a Spirit of Residues In The Sink haunting your thoughts?
The Demon of Sour Jelly Beans seems preferrable here...
Would you rather have additional room in your flat or just own the whole house?
Own the flat, absolutely.
Would you rather have a friendly little lamp with legs that followed you around your home and talked to you gently when you needed it, or a 25% reduction in electricity bills?
I want a lamp friend.
Your guitar is cursed: Would you rather that every time you play, it might randomly squeak, or that if you ignore it for more than five hours, it would scream at you until you finally pick it up and play?
I think the former and I just switch to playing mandolin: I sleep badly enough as it is without a screaming guitar in the mix.
Would you rather not be allowed to wash your dishes or your clothes for three weeks?
I'd probably run out of clean dishes sooner than I'd run out of clean clothes, so the latter, I guess.
Would you rather write the music for a fantasy or a sci-fi film?
Fantasy, naturally :)
Would you rather find the Ancient Archive of Great Wisdom, or the Ancient Book of Sewing Patterns?
I think I could do with some wisdom, but I'm much too curious about the sewing patterns so definitely that one.
Would you rather own a bookshop or a café?
Bookshop :) I'm better with book than with cook.
Would you rather have magical powers granted by the gods or by the faeries?
Depends on which gods I get them from, I guess? Or which faeries? But generally, I'd say faeries.
Would you rather have the ability to see other people's greatest wish or greatest fear just by looking at them?
Greatest wish, I think
Would you rather become the surrogate parent to a baby peacock, or to a child who behaves like a normal human child but is in fact clearly and visibly made out of beach-pebbles?
Beach-pebble kid seems a bit creepy, tbh. So I guess the peacock? Though those are a bit creepy, too. Ugh.
Would you rather share your flat with a wibulnib or a lanfych?
A lanfych, easily. They're tameable unlike the wibulnibs, and not permanently drunk on cider!
Would you rather meet Saint Oraphas the Wood Sprite or Balderdash the Blemmye Pirate?
I think Saint Oraphas, at least I know him from the song already and he seems quite relatable (not in the religious but in the hermit in the woods kind of way).
Would you rather have one real owlbear or two dozen plush owlbears?
Depends. If it is The Little Owlbear, a curious, kind and talkative little friend, I'd like her to be real. If it is a D&D 1e Owlbear, 10 foot tall and eats people with its huge serrated beak, I'll stick with the cuddly toys.
Would you rather befriend a grey heron or a grey warden?
Hm, grey wardens are a Dragon Age thing? So all the info I have is 2nd hand google info. Which means I'll probably better go with the heron for now.
Would you rather get a jar of wishes to use on whatever nice things you like, or a jar of nice things which are random and you can't choose?
Quote from: The Seamstress on December 19, 2024, 04:20:38 PMHm, grey wardens are a Dragon Age thing?
They are: they're essentially an order/mini-army formed specifically to fight creatures that come from an evil magic called the blight.
Spoilers for Dragon Age: Origins if anyone worries about that
They specifically drink blighted blood, and if that doesn't kill you (death is common) it gives the surviving wardens the ability to sense blighted creatures and most importantly the ability to actually kill them and their lead creatures, the Archdemons, properly. So they're very much necessary, but also the blight is not pleasant stuff to have in your body and will eventually drive a Warden mad, so most of them eventually go down to where tons of blighted creatures hang out underground and have an honourable death taking as many with them as possible.
Other than that bit, Wardens are just people - with all the potential for love and care and also fallibility and screwups that that implies!
I would rather the jar of wishes probably?
Would you rather have more fairy lights, or give all the fairy lights back to the fairies who would like them returned?
If there actually are fairies who want their fairy lights returned (?) they should come and say so. Otherwise I just get more fairy lights. I put fairy lights on the fairy lights if no one's gonna stop me.
Would you rather it snowed on New Year's Eve or Christmas?
This year, New Year's Eve, because that's when we'll have family all together :)
Would you rather meet a mammoth or a mastodon?
There doesn't seem to be much difference at first glance, but I guess the mammoth? Though I don't think I have a clear preference here.
Would you rather watch the most cheesy kitsch christmas movies or listen to the most annoying terrible christmas songs ever created for 24 hours?
Songs, I can do other things during that time I guess.
Would you rather travel whilst sleeping (assuming no chance of missing your destination) or travel whilst awake?
Depends... If I'm on a train for only a few hours on a pretty scenic route where I can look out the window, I'd rather be awake. Otherwise I'd rather sleep I guess, esp. on planes as I'm prone to fear of flying.
Spring rolls or gyoza?
Gyoza :)
Log fire or many candles?
Both! But since I don't have a fireplace, candles.
Wool or cotton blanket?
Wool :)
Big goat or smol cow?
Smol cow? In my experience, goats eat everything, so I'll be safer with the cow I guess.
Hand-write letters or a diary?
Letters, I think :)
Acid or Alkali?
Alkali, I think?
Tap water or fizzy mineral water?
Tap water, I do not generally like fizz in my water unless I'm making spritzers.
Fens or bogs?
Fens. (If I translate fen correctly as "Niedermoor" as opposed to bog = "Hochmoor", we actually have some of the former in Lower Austria.)
Go searching for fancy rocks in the mountains or for fancy pebbles on a beach?
Pebbles! I love beachcombing :)
Cut (by hand) a whole field of tall nettles or half a field of bramble patches?
Quote from: Jubal on December 23, 2024, 09:16:39 PMPebbles! I love beachcombing :)
See that's the one thing I don't like about Austrian landscape: no beaches to comb. Otherwise I'd go collect fancy pebbles and these pretty little pieces of sea glass all the time :) (Though I'm all for fancy mountain rocks, too.)
I think I'd cut the brambles, they're less stinging than the nettles, I suppose?
Would you rather be the protagonist in a story about a gene experiment gone wrong resulting in a) a flock of dragon-dinosaur-chicken mutant creatures on the loose or b) a swamp-mould crawling everywhere and eating all the bricks and concrete it encounters?
I feel like the dinochickens would be more fun.
Would you rather spend a day as a red kite or as a puffin?
Christmas cookies or regular cookies?
It's Christmas so Christmas ones :)
Holly or ivy?
Holly! I'll take a prickle over a rash
The Belsnickel or krampus?
I think Krampus is more fun.
Hang out with the shepherds or the magi from the Christmas story?
Shepherds, of course. They have sheep. Sheep are fluf. Fluf is good.
If you'd be the main character in a TV series, would you rather be Hercule Poirot (French Belgian accent included) or Inspector Barnaby in "The Midsummer Murders"?
I'll be Poirot, I'd be a terrible Poirot but it seems fun.
Would you rather be made of flint or sandstone?
In a nativity play, would you rather be the donkey or the ox?
The donkey:)
Would you rather have tinsel or strings of shiny beads?
Oranges or apples?
Apples for me
Snowman or elf
Snowman (assuming Christmas elves)
Random encounter: 1 Christmas Treant or 1d3 Feral Holly Bears?
I assume this is some RPG (DnD?) thing, so I've no idea what the numbers mean, but I think I'll choose the Holly Bears? Seems to be a less menacing option than the Christmas Treant.
If you had to, would you rather change your hair colour or your eye colour?
It is a bit - a "random encounter" is just, as it implies, a randomised event, sometimes but not always combat, usually put in to provide some interest to travelling between actually important locations. Treants are basically walking trees, and I think the name was picked to avoid overlap with ents. The Holly Bears are a joke from a children's book - there's a line of a carol that goes "the holly bears a berry" so some bears dress up in holly having misunderstood the line. And 1d3 is 1-3 randomised (you roll a six sided dice and halve the result). In conclusion my brain is a bit chaotic sometimes.
I'd change my eyes I think, though I'd rather change neither.
Would you rather badger a badger or outfox a fox?
Outfox a fox so I can feel smart.
Would you rather talk to a random fish from the Atlantic Ocean or to a random hedgehog from Italy?
Random fish. I miss the ocean.
Would you rather live under a hill or over a forest?
You're cursed by an evil entity: from now on, you can only use a single word to communicate and aren't able to say anything else. Would you rather the word was "spaghetti" or "lemonade"?
Spaghetti means I can still use the last syllable to ask for tea, so we'll go with that :)
Would you rather be able to spin straw into gold, or be able to spin straw into kevlar?
The gold seems more sensible here, I think.
Would you rather be a dragon or a lake monster?
Dragon, I think :)
Would you rather take up pipe-smoking at least once a fortnight, or drink at least one port glass sized unit of port at least twice a week?
I guess it would have to be the port though it would probably not end well. Ideally I'd do neither.
Would you rather be friends with a chamois or a goat?
Chamois :)
Would you rather have to always wear royal blue socks, or have to always wear a hat when outside? You get given the relevant garments (and you get to pick the free hat, though you're stuck with one type of free hat).
The hat, I guess... though it would limit my hairstyle options.
Same question, but you get to choose either rubber boots in bright yellow with polka dots or a red bucket hat?
Would you rather play (in a stage play) the part of Medusa or the part of The Minotaur?
I guess The Minotaur? At least I get to be spooky in a labyrinth.
Would you rather have a falcon head like Horus or an ibis head like Thoth?
Falcon head. I mean I'd rather be Thoth than Horus, but solely on the basis of the heads I'd rather the shorter beak as I think it'd be more versatile.
Would you rather your toenails grew 50% slower or your hair grew four times faster?
I think the hair growth thing would be cool.
Would you rather be trapped in a creepy lighthouse or a creepy hotel with unexplainable ghostly things happening?
Lighthouse sounds much cooler.
Would you rather see one very very rare cute creature or get better views of five much commoner cute creatures?
More cute creatures, even if they're common.
You won some lottery and are now allowed to go into a shop and get everything you want for free, but can only do so for two hours (the things you choose will be delivered to you, so you don't have to carry anything): electronics retailer or furniture shop?
Electronics I think just makes more financial sense.
Would you rather ring the bells or raise the banners?
Dunno, ring the bells maybe? Unless I get eaten by wereworms if I do so.
Would you rather start a second career as an archivist or an archaeologist?
Archivist. Summers spent at digs ain't happening in my life right now.
Eternal summer or eternal winter?
Winter, definitely. Summers are way too hot nowadays.
Would you rather be able to magically influence people's thoughts and behaviour, or transform them into toads?
The former seems like a power nobody should have access to, so I'll just toadify a few people. :)
Would you rather lose your phone or your wallet/purse?
Oh gosh, that's tough. Neither! The wallet would really be annoying because I'd have to get copies of all my documents like driver's license & stuff... But the phone has photos and chats and contacts, so I think I'd rather keep that one.
Would you rather be able to switch on your head to glow like a lightbulb, or to record videos with your eyes so everything you see gets sent to your computer in mp4 format?
Video eyeballs would actually be extremely useful, though I'd need an awful lot of extra storage unless the resolution was very poor.
Would you rather have a new fan (of your work) or a new fan (a very pretty one for keeping oneself cool in summer months)?
I like fans (for keeping myself cool) but already own a few, so a human fan (of my work) would be a nice change I guess.
Would you rather your flat was haunted by the ghost of a shrimp or the ghost of a lizard?
Shrimp ghost, they move less fast.
Would you rather move to Colombia or to Kenya?
Colombia, I think. Kenya has a bit too much desert for my taste.
Ravioli or Tortellini?
Pompey or Antony?
I dunno. Is this about people or about places? I'll just make a random guess and say Antony.
Would you rather be a freemason or an alien?
(People - both were some of the losing leaders in the various civil wars at the end of the Roman Republic :) )
I'd rather be an alien: if taken in the sense of foreign presence, or in the sense of deeply weird, I already am one, and to become a Freemason I'd have to convert to a religion which I'm not super keen on.
Would you rather be a cryptid or a stonemason? :)
Well, I might already be a cryptid depending on who you ask, so I'll just be a cryptic stonemason.
Would you rather play chess with Winnie the Pooh or with Paddington Bear?
Hm, I instinctively think Paddington would be the more competent player of the two though I wouldn't expect either to be actually good per se, I'll play against Paddington though.
You visit the castle of a giant. You can take away one oversized item: would you rather a pair of silk gloves each big enough for you to fit into, or a couple of dice big enough to be used as side-tables?
I could cut the silk gloves to make a dress or something, but I think I'd rather have dice tables. My fabric stash is already bigger than it reasonably should be.
You accompany me to the castle. What would you rather take: a very spacious pair of shoes or a huge apple from the giant's kitchen?
Hm, these seem like less useful options :) I guess the apple, in that I could actually use it and I have nowhere to even put the shoe (unless I could profitably sell it to a shoemaker as a window display). But using the apple would be an operation: I guess I'd have to hire a big kitchen and get several friends to be cutting it up and processing it simultaneously so as not to waste it through browning.
You're getting a personal bard. Would you rather an alto bluegrass banjo singer or a smooth jazz bass singer who plays jazz cello?
That's actually rather difficult to decide. I think it would have to be the cello though I'm not 100% convinced I'd like it in the long run, but I'm even less sure I like banjo music enough to be constantly exposed to it... I'd probably go mad sooner or later from all that rapid deedle-deedle-dee-ing.
If you'd learn another instrument, would you rather learn harp or saxophone?
Harp, absolutely. I could sing along with a harp, can't really do that with the saxophone.
Would you rather spend three days living with a giant anteater in your flat, or living with an eagle owl in your flat?
Hm, probably the anteater? Seems a bit friendlier, judging from the looks.
Would you rather be a human in a chicken's body or a chicken in a human's body?
Human in a chicken's body, my brain is more important than my corporeal form.
Would you rather have a rainbow-colourful or a matte black computer keyboard?
My current laptop one is black which is okay, but I think I'd like a colourful one. Pastels? And maybe some glitter.
Would you rather be able to stare actual holes into walls or to stare into The Void seeing everything past, present, and future, gaining cosmic enlightenment and wisdom?
I could probably do with the enlightenment and wisdom as I feel a bit smol and dim lately. :pangolin:
Would you rather join MyStuffed, a social media site where every account is for a verified soft toy or plushie, or Lacebook, a social media site which only accepts verified tailors, weavers, and other textile workers and artists as members?
Aaaah both if I could! Lacebook sounds really cool. But at the moment I think I need the plush cuteness more, so MyStuffed it is.
Tea and sandwiches or tea and cake?
Tea and cake :)
Saffron rice or barberry rice?
Hm, saffron rice I think?
Fruit or vegetables?
Cold morning-after pizza or cold morning-after kebab?
Pizza I guess, kebab would probably be a bit soggy due to the salad/veg.
Would you rather have a big rooster or a tiny goblin with a trumpet instead of your normal alarm clock?
I'll go with trumpet goblin. Probably less dangerous than keeping a rooster.
Would you rather have a pyjama day or a full historical costume from the period of your choice day at your workplace?
Historical costume day!! :)
Would you rather have more blankets or more plushies?
Hm. Probably right now I'd go for a couple more blankets as I have numerous plushies.
Would you rather wear a bicorne or a tricorne?
Ferrero Rocher or Raffaello?
Ferrero rocher, ten days out of ten and twice on Sundays
Crisps or chips? :p
I like both. But the fries-chips will always win. ("Pommes" are comfort food!)
Would you rather be a squirrel or a dormouse?
Would you rather be extremely tall or extremely short?
Uh, that's difficult and depends on how "extremely" is defined. Both would have their advantages and disadvantages, I guess, but I think I'd rather be short. I'm more of a stay-closer-to-the-ground person.
Would you rather eat nothing but dried raspberries or dried apple slices for a week?
My instinct is that apple slices would feel more filling.
Would you rather have a bad left wrist or a bad left ankle?
Ankle, I think.
Would you rather meet Bigfoot or Mothman?
Mothman! Flappy friend!
Would you rather have one day a week paid to LARP, or one day a week paid to play boardgames?
I never tried LARP but anything that requires making costumes & stuff seems interesting to me, though I'm fairly convinced I'd be really bad at acting/pretending to be a fantasy person, so... I guess the board games win.
A slightly dubious looking wizard offers to sell you some books but you only have money for one: Would you rather buy "666 Spells & Curses for Every Occasion" or "Create your own Menace: A step-by-step Guide to Demon Summoning"?
Spells and curses I think.
Would you rather receive mysterious visions of an uncertain future, or receive hitherto unknown revelations about the past?
Hm, as a historian I think I'd go for the revelations about the past, could be useful or at least interesting.
The king of the wereworms feels insulted because you looked at him! Now you're challenged to a duel and quickly need to choose a weapon: Fight him with a soup ladle or a tea towel?
Tea towel. Always know where your towel is.
Would you rather own new plates or new cutlery?
New plates I think, I already accidentally broke two soup plates so could use new ones.
Would you rather be able to climb trees like a monkey or to dig tunnels like an earthworm?
Depends just how much like an earthworm: tunnelling powers would be cool, wriggling through soil would not be fun. I'll go monkey just to be safe with my taxonomic brethren.
Would you rather be able to turn into a dove or a jackdaw?
Do I keep my human mind? If not, then I think I'll be a jackdaw. They seem a bit smarter (though, admittedly, not as cute as doves).
Would you rather have the ability to create snowfall or sunshine at will?
Ooooou. I think snowfall is actually the higher utility option here, though I might then be morally obliged to spend the rest of my life living in places under threat of climate change causing unseasonal snowfalls to ensure there's enough precipitation and fires don't break out... :/
Would you rather join a highly secret society where membership is illegal but which comes with a very nice set of member benefits and is free to be part of, or a reasonably well known society that you have to pay a modest annual fee for and mostly just sends you a regular magazine?
Well I already have a subscription to an academic society/journal, so I guess I'd try the secret society for a change. Unless it is illegal in a way that contradicts my moral values.
Would you rather teach your friendly neighbourhood seamstress or a random grumpy pangolin how to play D&D? :p
As much as I dearly love pangolins, their dice-rolling abilities are not one of their notable fine qualities. And you're welcome to join sometime when I get round to running games again :)
Would you rather learn a water-walking spell or a spell to add 50% to your running speed?
My normal running speed is zero, so adding 50% to that would make me get around a lot faster. Whereas I don't have many opportunities to walk on water, so that wouldn't be as useful in day-to-day life I guess.
Would you rather own a huge garden with a tiny house or a huge house with a tiny garden?
Huge garden, tiny house :)
Would you rather own a falcon or an eagle?
Falcon, I think.
Would you rather see what's inside the moon or what's inside the sun?
The moon, since it would hurt my eyes less I think.
Would you rather be more elfy or more hobbity?
I guess I am hobbity generally, but like... a hobbit who's into elfy stuff and sometimes cosplaying an elf? So maybe a bit more elfy? I don't know, lol.
Would you rather be more elfy or more dwarfy? (Dwarvey?)
Dwarfy :) I think I am likewise a hobbit, but very much dwarf-leaning rather than elf-leaning!
You have to let another mythical creature into your fantasy world. Fauns or mer-folk?
My personal fantasy world already prominently features mer-folk, so I guess I'll put some fauns into the woods and see what they'll do. They might get eaten though, but who knows.
Would you rather write a whole novel about anthropomorphic pigeons or about a group of intelligent turnips?
The turnips. Norfolk representation!
Would you rather go to Buchs in Switzerland, or read books about Buchs?
I think I'd read a book about Buchs? If Buchs is short for Buchsbaum (boxwood).
Would you rather take a risk with unknown outcome now and then, or always be sure about what's going to happen?
Occasional risks. 100% certainty would actually be sort of existentially horrifying after a while.
Would you rather have a mahogany desk or a teak desk?
You loose a bet, and now have to do one totally silly and out-of-character thing: Would you rather dye your hair neon-yellow and talk with a squeaky duck-voice for a week (going to work and all), or climb a tree in a park and yell "Dingdong I'm Big Ben" really loudly for an hour (or as long as you can without being arrested)?
Tree climbing!
You have been elected to a random parliament, but can choose whether to be a parliamentarian in Bhutan or in Uruguay. Which would you rather?
Hm, I'm definitely not qualified for any political position anywhere, but I guess Bhutan sounds not too bad a place to live and work? So I'd go there.
Some evil wizard turns you into a teapot, irreversibly. Would you rather spend the rest of your teapot-life in a café or in the home of a friendly old village witch?
Hm, the cafe, more people and more interest.
Would you rather eat a sugar-cube size block of salt or of sugar?
Would you rather own a dustbin that turns everything you put in into crystals, or an oven that turns everything into bricks?
Crystal dustbin, definitely.
Would you rather have a henchman who is an orc or who is a goblin?
I think the goblin might be less evil-minded than the orc, so I'd say goblin.
Would you rather learn to write with your non-dominant hand, or to speak backwards fluently?
Hm, I'd use neither skill unless it was Arabic or Hebrew I was learning to write and I know neither: I think backwards speaking sounds a good party trick.
Would you rather live in a giant snail-shell or a giant hagstone with a little roof on top?
Hagstone. I don't like anything snail.
Would you rather be a ruler (a leader of people) or a ruler (the thing you use to measure stuff)?
I will lead people. Do I think I'll be good at it? Probably not, but I'm also not sure I can do a worse job than the current options.
Would you rather I be a leader, or a measuring device?
Be a leader, so you keep your human form.
If you were software, would you rather be MS Paint or Powerpoint?
I could keep my human form and be a measuring ruler, it's just you can now only measure lengths in Jameses, and can't measure lengths shorter than an approximate James:)
Oh that's really difficult. I think I'd like to be MS Paint, because I associate it with a sort of arbitrary childish creativity.
A less pleasant choice: if you were a browser, would you rather be Chrome or Microsoft Edge?
Well that could actually work, lol. Like ells or something. What's one James converted into ells?
I think I'd rather be Edge... Both are not nice but I've never used Chrome so I'd stick to what's at least a little familiar.
Would you rather make ends meet or meet ends make?
I think making ends meet is a good starting point.
You get the chance to rid the world of one annoying but usually non-fatal disease. Would you rather hayfever or eczema didn't exist?
Oof, tough question, because both affect a lot of people and can be quite stressful. But hayfever is seasonal whereas eczema isn't (as far as I know)? Sensitive skin is a p-i-t-a in general, so let's get rid of eczema.
Would you rather be a chip or crisp?
A crisp, because crisps are nice, and chips are less nice, and I would like to bring people joy
Would you rather get rid of all the world's apples or all the world's oranges?
Oranges. Though I like oranges, I definitely couldn't live without apples.
Would you rather get rid of all the radishes or all the cabbage?
Probably all the radishes.
Would you rather have a goosander teach you how to catch fish in your teeth, or have a kestrel teach you how to grab small animals with your foot?
The foot-grabbing seems more useful in daily life, so I'd go for that.
Would you rather have your flat filled with liquid cheese or with candyfloss?
Both sound terrible, candyfloss sounds a much easier cleanup so we'll go with that.
Would you rather have a guarantee of perfectly functioning legs forever, or a guarantee that you'd never get a sore throat again (you could still get an illness that would normally cause a sore throat, but you're guaranteed to never have that symptom)?
Hm, I think I'd prefer the functioning legs in that scenario.
Would you rather have lettuce grow out of your ears three times a day, or have multiple arms like an octopus?
Assuming my arms were all wired up and I could make use of the extras properly that does actually sound potentially useful
Would you rather have to try and live in a giant birdcage or a giant set of hamster tunnels?
I'd probably get claustrophobic in the tunnels at some point, so I guess I'd have to live in the bird cage though that doesn't sound very appealing either.
Would you rather never be able to feel angry or anxious again?
Never anxious I think. I'm very rarely angry in the conventional sense. I'm anxious a lot.
Would you rather live in a house modelled on the Colosseum or on the Hoover Dam?
Would you rather try teaching a hedgehog how to run a marathon or try teaching a parrot how to read the phone book?
The hedgehog I think, I like hedgehogs in general.
Get static shocks whenever you touch a tap, or have to sneeze aggressively several times first thing every morning when you wake up?
The sneezing, definitely. Gosh I hate getting static shocks. I've actually involuntarily conditioned myself to recoil from my parents' garden gate and the post office door handle because nine times out of ten I get a static shock there, lol.
Classic salted or paprika crisps?
And yes, I've been getting loads of static shocks lately at home for some reason, it's annoying.
Would you rather read a book of fantasy short stories from Singapore, or a book of sci-fi short stories from Panama?
Both sound interesting, tbh, but I'm in fantasy mood lately.
Linen or cotton?
Yeah sadly I don't think either book exists to my knowledge but they do sound cool. I should read more I've read no fiction since the start of 2025 :(
I think cotton is more flexible (in use not in material terms) IME, I like linen but linen trousers don't seem to last long as much as they are quite nice.
Worsted or Fustian?
Ice tea or hot tea?
Hot tea
Bolas or atlatl?
Read a study about 18th century Austrian food or about 16th century Italian merchants?
The Italian merchants (with no disrespect meant to traditional Austrian food, except for the salads which are generally terrible).
Would you rather wear whatever style of clothes you wanted but in lurid fluorescent yellow and lime green, or wear whatever colour of clothes you wanted but the styling had to be modelled on high charting pop bands' stage outfits from the early 2000s?
Ugh, no early 2000s style please and thank you. I think I'd rather dress and look terrible in yellow and lime green.
Would you rather join a cult devoted to everything apricot or a secret society protecting brussels sprouts from being eaten by caterpillars?
All hail the Apricult! Presumably based in the Wachau.
Would you rather this site had 10 new artists or 10 new writers join?
Oh I'd welcome both, so I don't really have a preference here. Maybe artists, so we get a few nice pictures to look at.
Would you rather publish a book of poems or a novel you wrote?
A novel. I would, alas, need to finish the novel first :(
Would you rather learn to be a plumber or an electrician?
Quote from: Jubal on January 23, 2025, 04:23:33 PMA novel. I would, alas, need to finish the novel first :(
You can do it! *cheer* You don't need to run at hare speed though, turtle steps are fine too :)
I think I'd rather be a plumber, electricity is scary.
Would you rather learn to be a confectioner or a cook?
Cook, I'm not sweet toothed
Would you rather have salt-pans of your own or an oast house of your own?
The salt-pans. I could use & sell some of the salt I guess.
Would you rather own a vineyard or a few wheat fields?
Vineyard :)
Would you rather have three knightly retainers, or fourteen archers & spearmen that you can levy a few times a year?
I don't know what I'd do with fourteen archers & spearmen, so I guess the knights? One does the cleaning, one the cooking, and the third is assigned to do the grocery shopping and running errands. :p
A delivery guy shows up with two parcels and refuses to leave until you take at least one, both are from unknown senders. Take the tiny blue box with "Fragile" written on it, or the larger plain brown one with mysterious symbols painted all over?
Tiny fragile thing I think.
Would you rather have some woodland mainly of walnut trees or of cork oaks?
Hm, I think walnut trees. You can't eat cork. (I mean, theoretically you can, but I suspect it might not be advisable.)
Would you rather be able to talk to (or ask a few questions) to walls, or to the ground?
I think the ground has more to say.
Would you rather be granted mysterious and unspecified powers related to bacteria, or to fungi?
Maybe if I had powers related to bacteria, I could banish bacteria-related illness? Give me the bacteria magic.
Would you rather be Lord of The Rings or Lord of The Squirrels?
Lord of the Squirrels, as much as I love LOTR as a book, I did take the message that there is only one Lord of The Rings - and he does not share power - on board.
Would you rather cry sugar tears or cry vinegar, instead of crying salt water?
Sugar probably, I'm not sure what vinegar would do to my eyes.
Would you rather be abducted by aliens or by pixies?
I suspect neither sugar nor vinegar would be at all good for one's eyes! I'm not actually sure which would be worse.
I'll be abducted by pixies I think. I feel like I know how to deal with them better, having met *checks notes* about half my friendship circles.
Would you rather amble or saunter?
Based on the translation the internet gives me it's basically the same activity? So I guess I'll just choose the word I find sounds better, which would be amble.
Would you rather be able to communicate only in silly jokes or in silly proverbs?
I feel like fundamentally I'm a silly proverbs person.
Would you rather become a stand-up comedian or a flamenco dancer?
I don't have any talent for dancing, but I'm also not funny enough to be a comedian... Being a dancer would probably be less embarrassing though, so I'd try that.
You're transported into some medieval world and now you need a job. Would you rather be a weaver's or a doctor's apprentice?
Doctor's I think. I might have enough modern medical knowledge to be useful!
Would you rather have pigeon-post or semaphore towers set up near you?
Italian or Indian food?
Indian please!
Sitcom or romcom?
Neither, really... but if it has to be: sitcom.
Fantasy film or mystery TV series?
Fantasy film :) I am a predictable lil bean.
Be unable to see your own hands or your own feet (they're still there in either case, just invisible to you specifically)?
Feet I guess? I sit and/or am a blanket-burrito most of the time anyway.
Would you rather accompany an explorer to the Arctic or to a rainforest?
A rainforest :) More wildlife to see! Though the arctic would also be cool. Literally.
Would you rather write accounts or risk assessments?
Risk assessments. I'm pretty good at imagining potentially dangerous scenarios, that could come in handy.
Would you rather be a dentist or a surgeon?
A dentist. If I screw up working on someone's teeth that's bad, but generally less bad than if I screw up on handling their lungs or their liver or something.
Would you rather have a new baldric or a new tabard?
A tabard, more fabric for burrito-ing.
Would you rather own a sword or an axe?
Ooh, actually tricky. But I would pick a sword for cool points, even if the axe is actually more useful.
Would you rather own a glaive or a bardiche?
Glaive, it looks more elegant. :8):
Would you rather be covered in scales or feathers?
scales :pangolin:
would you rather your skin was tree bark or that it was brass (assuming in either case that it's got significantly more flexibility than you might expect from those things)?
Tree bark maybe? I could hide among trees and be invisible.
Would you rather have one of your plushies come to life, or be transformed into a plushie yourself?
I'll have a plushie come to life :)
Would you rather be challenged to an unexpected poetry slam or an unexpected game of Mario Kart?
Mario Kart, definitely.
Lemon or strawberry flavoured candy?
Lemon I think. Strawberries are nice, strawberry flavouring is usually an abomination.
Hurdy-gurdy or zither?
As an Austrian I should probably say zither, but I actually prefer hurdy-gurdy I think.
Learn stained glass making or goldsmithing?
Hm, my instinct is stained glass, but I'd possibly get more utility from goldsmithing so let's say that.
Would you rather have floors covered in slightly damp tissue paper or in slightly undulatingly ridged porcelain?
The porcelain. The tissue paper would be... eww.
You need to hide from a villain! Go to a monastery wearing a hooded cloak or pretend to be a forest animal wearing a furry costume 24/7?
Own a small metal quail or a small pottery tortoise?
Quail! They're cute.
Magically know all recipes humans ever created, being The All-Knowing Cook, or know all technical stuff, being The All-Knowing Mechanic?
I think it depends on what classifies as Technical Stuff, but I'd probably go for that, if only because I feel like knowing the recipes would not actually help me very much as my lack of technical cooking skill is a bigger problem.
Would you rather bread or circuses?
Bread. More sustainable I think. And probably tastier.
Hiking or biking?
Hiking, I can stay on my feet better than on a bike :)
Bowler hat or top hat?
Top hat.
Buttermilk or yoghurt?
Yoghurt I think, but I don't really use/know buttermilk as well in general
Ayran or Sekanjabin?
Uh, both don't sound like something I'd like, but I think I'd rather try ayran.
Pastry with poppy seed or with nuts?
Nuts :) Esp. if walnuts. Pecans also good.
(I actually think both Sekanjabin and Ayran are worth trying - I'd say ayran is a more acquired taste though I really like it myself, sekanjabin is kinda similar to drinking cordial or squash, it's a very good cool/minty summer drink).
Would you rather meet jackals or hyenas?
I'm not sure I'd want to meet either in case they're hungry... but generally, jackals.
Choose a familiar: Black cat or raven?
Aesthetically, a raven, but in practice, a cat is floofier.
You have a thing that needs applying to skin for a condition: roll-on ball or spray-on bottle?
Hm, probably depends on what it is I'm applying it for, if it's a skin condition painful to touch then I guess the spray-on bottle would be the better option. But if it's something else, either is fine I guess?
Have magical powers to make all the world's bees follow your commands or to make all plants talk?
I don't feel like I want to force anything on either, but talking plants I think is a more interesting one.
Would you rather goat milk or yak milk?
Goat milk I know already, so maybe the yak, out of curiosity.
Have your greatest secret wish fulfilled or have three wishes but only for mundane things?
Three mundane wishes I think, but mostly I'm saying that out of anxiety and fear because I'm not sure what my greatest secret wish is and I'm worried that trying to find out would cause a huge guilt trip if the wish was terribly selfish, and/or a wish so complex it would backfire horribly.
Would you rather play professional backgammon or professional senet.
Senet seems more interesting!
Write with a ballpoint pen or a fountain pen?
Always ballpoint. I'd like to be the sort of person who writes with a fountain pen, but I know my limitations.
Have a new improved dishwasher or a new improved wishdasher?
I'm not sure what the wishdasher would do and probably don't want to find out, so I take the dishwasher.
A deal with a demon who wants your soul! Trade it for the perfect voice or the perfect hearing ability?
Perfect hearing I think, in that I would like my voice to be a better version of itself, but I'm not sure I'd want a totally different voice that was perfected in and of itself. Also, I'd ideally not sell my soul for either!
Andrewsarchus or Hyaenadon?
Andrewsarchus I guess? It looks funny.
Have your whole flat magically deep-cleaned and organised, or everything on your To-Do-List magically done?
The to do list. My to do list contains months if not years worth of work, deep cleaning my flat is a few days at most!
Powidl or mohn?
Ideally, both, i.e., Germknödel. :) But otherwise: Mohn.
Be a bat or an owl?
Hmmmmm. Difficult. Today my gut instinct is bat. I would like to remain fluffy. Also, better maneuverability.
Be a bat or a racquet?
Bat, that gives me a certain ambiguity.
Wear a bathrobe or ceremonial robe?
Bathrobe. Ceremonial robes can be pretty for a bit, chaotically fluffy and comfortable is better for regular use.
Be obliged to do a dramatic pretend faint anytime someone new walks into your office, or be obliged to yell "AND NEVER DARKEN MY DOOR AGAIN, HEATHEN DEMON" whenever someone new leaves your office?
"AND NEVER DARKEN MY DOOR AGAIN, HEATHEN DEMON" is the funnier obligation imho, though yelling is something I very rarely do. (Besides I'm the kind of person who'd be capable of accidentally breaking a leg or something while doing dramatic pretend faints, so expelling demons is probably also the healthier option.)
Wear a chicken costume to work but pretend everything's normal and there's no costume whenever someone points it out or asks about it, or wear a pigeon costume delivering mail to everyone in your district, pretending to definitely be a pigeon and just coo at people who try to talk to you?
Pigeon post! :)
Be communicated with by the ghost of St. Bartholomew, or by the ghost of Amelia Earhart?
Amelia Earhart, definitely. I'd like to know what really happened to her plus I think she's the more interesting person of the two. Saints can talk to clerics, no need to bother me.
Sing a cover version of a Florence and The Machine song or one of a Kate Bush song?
I know very few of either, but I'm going to say Florence and the Machine, that feels like an interesting challenge.
You're going on an adventure! Deposited in middle-earth with relevant travel expenses etc, would you rather visit Angmar or Umbar?
Hm, I don't know much about either one, but I guess Angmar? It's supposed to be snowy afaik and it would be nice to see some snow again.
Middle-earth holiday for you, too! Spend it with dwarves or hobbits?
Hm. I think actually dwarves, hobbits actually often aren't super fond of Big Folk (which I sadly am, comparatively speaking).
Spend a holiday with vampires or werewolves? (You have a guarantee they won't attack you for the duration.)
Vampires have probably many historical details to tell me if they've been around for a few hundred years, so that would be interesting. Though werewolves have the floof. Well. Maybe werewolves.
Be Aragorn or Boromir in a LOTR stage play?
Aragorn! I'd suck as either, but Aragorn.
Would you rather have a jar giving infinite supplies of sage or of sumac?
Never tried sumac actually, so I think I'll go with the sage.
Would you rather be the new God of All Cheeses (assuming the Goddess of All Cheeses retires) or the new King of the Wibulnibs (assuming they're willing to accept some changes you'd make)?
God of All Cheeses. I don't want to put Pentagathus out of a job :)
Would you rather be cast in a film remake/reboot of Sharknado or of Kung Fury?
Sharknado, I think. A timeless classic. (Haven't watched Kung Fury, though.)
Would you rather be hired as Mothman's hairdresser or as Bigfoot's pedicurist?
I've not seen Sharknado myself - Kung Fury has a certain bizarre surrealist charm though.
I'd rather be Mothman's hairdresser I think, not that I'd be good at it.
Would you rather mysterious glowing crystals or free-flying fireflies as a new home lighting system?
Both sound nice, but: crystals.
Would you rather a house came to life, or a street came to life, constantly commenting on everything humans do?
A house and ideally not my house, I judge myself harshly enough without the brickwork joining in...
Would you rather U2 (the Vienna tube line) or U2 (the band)?
Hm, U2 the band has a few good songs but overall I'm not a fan, so I guess the U-Bahn wins.
Would you rather cosplay Maximilian I. (Holy Roman Emperor) or Albrecht Dürer?
Durer. I want to carry around a big picture of a steampunk rhino to show people, that sounds great.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Salman Rushdie?
Don't know any of either's works, so it's basically a no-preference 50:50 situation. Maybe start with GG Marquez.
Chocolate- or cheesecake?
I'm not as well versed in either as I'd like, but both very worth reading at some point!
Chocolate cake :)
Parrot or Chicken?
Chicken I think. It could just run around outside and give me eggs, seems rather useful and low maintenance compared to the parrot.
Cow or goat?
Goat :)
Sheepskin or dragonhide?
Does the dragon have to be killed for that? If not, the dragonhide. Otherwise I guess the sheepskin, as sheep are part of the food chain anyway and I'd rather use the skin than let it go to waste.
Open a window or open a door?
Open a door! Go places! Opening a window just lets the cold in (though I should remember to air the flat more often, but still, 6pm when it's dark and cold is a bad time).
BIG HAT or tiny hat?
Depends on which kind of hat I guess, but at the moment I'm in BIG HAT mood.
Fried rice or noodles?
For the rest of your life you must wear a tutu or tap dancing shoes
Probably the dancing shoes, the tapping would be annoying but at least I'd have more outfit options.
Frog or toad?
Isonzo river or Texel island?
Texel!! They have THE DRESS ( (and other fascinating objects) in Kaap Skil Museum, from that shipwreck discovered a few years ago, and it would be really cool to see it IRL. Also: beaches to go to & look for treasures.
Be the protagonist in Ocarina of Time or in Spyro the Dragon?
Ocarina of Time, I think. I like my thumbs opposable and my body shape broadly humanoid.
Learn magical singing from the sirens, or magical riddles from the fairies?
The singing probably, I'd very much like my singing to be better and the sirens might have some advice. (Though I've no intention to lure anyone to their death.)
Wear a mushroom hat or a moss cloak?
Moss cloak, that sounds AMAZING and very very my aesthetic.
Visit Minas Tirith or Cair Paravel?
Minas Tirith I think.
Live one month as a fictional character of your choice, or have said fictional character share your flat with you for one month?
Oh difficult. I think I get a flat-share arrangement, and get someone magical to solve a lot of my life problems in that time in exchange for food.
Would you rather select 1 free book from a random antiquarian bookshop in Cecil Court, or 1 free book from the entire catalogue of everything the folio society has ever published?
Ooh, that's a tough decision! I want both! But I think I'd try my luck in Cecil Court (which I had to google because I hadn't heard of it), that sounds like a cool place to explore.
Would you rather live a week as a troll or as a sentient rock?
I haven't been to Cecil Court in years for probably obvious reasons but yes, it's very good. I wish Vienna had an equivalent, though I guess even if it did the books would mostly be in German.
I'd be a troll. I could see myself relaxing under a bridge for a while.
Would you rather lose the bottom half of a leg and have a beautifully carved wooden leg, or lose an eye and have a large free selection of very fancy embroidered eyepatches?
Personally I only know of a few antiquarian bookshops in the 1st district but yes, mostly German (and mostly rather expensive).
Hm, I guess the leg would be preferrable in this case.
Communicate with an unknown entity who claims to be a saint, or with the ghost of a raccoon who eats aethereal trash?
If I can properly communicate with the raccoon ghost - like, it speaks, or I get taught to speak raccoon - then that, if not, the saint.
Would you rather meet the most deviously cunning person in Gloucestershire, or the most sarcastic person in the city of Hong Kong?
I'd rather go to Gloucestershire than to Hong Kong, but I don't want to meet the most deviously cunning person in case they mean me harm, so I guess the sarcastic one would be the safer option.
Be a centaur or merman?
Difficult one, both would actually be really awkward. Merman I guess? Though unless there were other merfolk it might be a lonely life, so maybe centaur so I can still have all my land friends.
Would you rather go skateboarding or roller skating?
I don't know how to skateboard but used to do some roller skating (inline skates) when I was a kid, so I think the latter? Though I'd probably hurt myself either way.
Would you rather explore a castle ruin or do research in some family archive no one's ever been to before?
Hmmm, difficult. If it's a family archive that's guaranteed to have some relevance to me, the latter, if not, I love tootling around castle ruins so that'd be my default choice. There's often cute little lizards, and ruins are cool.
Would you rather pheasant feathers or jay feathers?
Jay feathers (assuming no birds are harmed to get them).
Campfire or fireplace?
Campfire. There's something comforting about warmth + open air.
The fairies have stopped making fairy lights? Of the alternative mythical creatures trying to get into the market, would you rather Gnome Lights or Selkie Lights?
Hm, I think the selkie lights, that seems more of a similar aesthetic.
Now or never?
Regular crab or horseshoe crab?
No crab... But regular crab in this case. (I'm not a fan of crabs. Even less so since I learnt that the Japanese spider crab exists. Nightmare fuel. I'm sorry, crabs, but Nope.)
Get new furniture for your whole flat for free, or get a new flat but keep the old furniture?
New furniture I think? I like my place but I hate my dining room chairs in particular. (Though that said if the new flat came with a new landlord but the same costs/space, I would be tempted!)
Would you rather grassland or moorland?
Orange or apple juice?
Fire or Earth?
Depends on what I'm supposed to do with it, I guess, but fire seems the more useful option.
Silly memes or silly videos?
Silly memes :)
Cat pics or miscellaneous fluffy animal pics?
The misc floof, I like some variety and it probably includes cats anyway.
Have a secret tunnel system under the city only you have access to, or be part of a secret society dedicated to spreading the wisdom of Olaf of Ye Olden Days, patron saint of nostalgia?
I am not sure nostalgia is always a good thing to spread, and I'm not sure I've got time for another secret society, so I'll have my secret tunnels, they sound cool.
Would you rather visit ancient India or ancient New Zealand?
Both sound interesting, but I think India wins this one.
Would you rather be a tiny magical woodland creature or a tiny magical lake creature?
Hmmm. Woodland, I think. I like being by water but not necessarily of or in water.
Flamberge or bardiche?
Grapefruit or pineapple?
Odysseus or Achilles?
I don't really know much about either, so I'm not sure. Odysseus maybe; there could be some interesting conversations. The guy has stories to tell.
Be part horsefly or part earthworm?
Part worm
Have wings or gills?
I've a soft spot for merfolk, but I think I'd rather stay on dry land, so I'd get the wings. That would make commuting a lot easier, I guess!
Have grass grow on your head instead of hair, or have grass grow under your feet wherever you go/stand?
I feel like the sheer power of having grass sprouting from under the pavement would be very cool. Impractical and damaging to buildings I enter, possibly, but cool.
Would you rather Descartes or Plato?
Meet them? Then Plato I think. I'd like to meet a person from Ancient Greece.
Likewise or wiselike?
Pots or pans?
Pots. You can fry something in a pot, but pans aren't that suitable for cooking water i.e. pasta or stew or something.
Be triangle- or rectangle-shaped?
Triangle. I would prefer not to h u n g e r
Would you rather this website added a games arcade, or a music player?
Music player!
Would you rather your life was built like the Dragon Age or DnD game/universe?
Hm. D&D has a lot of universes, and whilst the best ones are probably better than Thedas, the worst ones are considerably worse, so I think Dragon Age. I would not survive well in D&D's Dark Sun, or indeed in Ravenloft.
Would you rather live in The Anterious Realm or The Depths of Merrianitude? (You know nothing about these places other than the names)
Uh... I think The Anterious Realm. Who knows how deep The Depths of Merrianitude are, I could end up not liking them and being unable to escape.
Would you rather get rid of all the world's bad-tasting or bad-smelling food?
Bad tasting: there's a lot more bad tasting than bad smelling food.
Would you rather quail in fear or fear all quail?
I do some quailing in fear already so I'm used to it. I don't want to fear all quail because they're cute. So the former.
Would you rather have an euro-coins-producing houseplant or a gold-cube-pooping wombat?
Gold cube wombat is objectively the more cost effective choice I think. Though also harder to care for. But I could probably hire someone to care for it with the money I got from selling gold poo cubes. Maybe do a deal with an Australian wildlife sanctuary where they took care of it in exchange for half its poop.
Would you rather own Rockall or Sealand?
I think I'll be the owner of Rockall. I looked at pictures and kinda like it. All rock. Rock all. Cute.
Would you rather learn to speak an Austrian dialect of your choice, or learn to speak Hungarian?
Austrian dialect, dear goodness, being able to speak German of any kind would be a significant advantage. And it would be pretty funny if I could be indignantly Styrian at people (and for the record I would pick Styrian).
Would you rather German moved to using the Georgian alphabet or to using the Glagolitic alphabet?
(What's so special about Styrian? *pouts in Lower Austrian* Though afaik they're not too different.)
The Georgian alphabet, it looks prettier!
Would you rather be a medieval knight or an early modern diplomat?
Quote from: The Seamstress on February 13, 2025, 10:16:11 PMWhat's so special about Styrian?
Styria has a better colour scheme and makes cider. Sorry to Lower Austria!
I'd be an early modern diplomat, some small part of my brain would like to imagine Knightly James but I am a small chronically ill man and putting me on a horse encased in metal would be a bad plan.
Would you rather be a perfume maker in ancient Mesopotamia, or a local religious practitioner in some central Asian mountains in the medieval period?
Fair. :P
I'd be a perfume maker! Perfume is nice. Though the quiet mountain life has its appeal, I'm not religious. And I'd rather do something creative.
You're magicked into an RPG! Would you rather fight Ronald The Cave Beast (attacks with boulders and smells really bad) or take the King's quest to find Olga The Elusive (last seen in a very dubious tavern and rumoured to sneak poisonrats into the clothes of people who annoy her, which is basically everyone)?
Ronald. Do not like the idea of lots of small creatures attacking me.
Would you rather change the red in the Austrian flag to green, or the white to light blue?
Green. Looks better combined with white than red combined with light blue. Also I like green.
Would you rather eat a whole jar of Nutella or a whole jar of peanut butter in one go?
Either would make me very sick, but also, nutella.
Would you rather attempt to eat a whole wheel of cheese or an equivalent weight of roast hog?
Roast hog. I like cheese but too much of it and my body will say "No, absolutely not".
You're lost in the woods! Would you rather be adopted by a badger or by deer?
Badger. They are fluffy. Also scarier if I need my adoptive animal parent to stand up for me. Also, badger is badger and thus good.
Would you rather stronger arms or stronger legs?
Stronger legs I think, that would enable me to take more walks or go hiking without feeling tired quickly.
Blackberries or blueberries?
Steamer trunk or ye olde style medieval chest?
Both are kinda nice, so I don't really have a preference... If ye olde chest has pretty carved decorations though then I think I'll go for that.
Fruit tea or herbal tea?
Herbal tea
White chocolate cocoa or dark chocolate cocoa?
There's white chocolate cocoa...? I didn't even know this exists, lol. If the dark chocolate is really dark dark chocolate (the bitter kind), then I guess I'd rather try the white one.
Swim in a lake or in the sea?
In the sea, I think. Though ideally a warm, calm sea.
Desert or Tundra?
Be a polar bear or a panda?
Polar bear, I think.
Be a Coati or a Red Panda?
Red Panda! They're really cute.
Travel to Peru or to Nepal?
Oou... Nepal, I think. I'd love to do either honestly.
You must choose an Alternative Bun. Mara or Pika?
Pika! (I had never heard of maras, tbh. They look like some strange doghorsegoathare? What is this animal?? lol)
Career change! Radio host or (TV) news anchor?
Yeah, they're South American rodents, I think they're quite cute but they do have a bunch of shared features with a lot of different more familiar animals, it's true!
And hm, difficult. I think I'd get more chance to insert my own views as a radio host and I'm fairly opinionated so let's go with that.
Revive an old social media feature! Poke buttons, or selected friends on profiles?
Honestly I had to google both of those :-[ (Are they a FB thing?) Then again, I wasn't on non-forum social media until about a decade ago and then only on the former birdsite, so... Maybe I'd bring back pokes, since I sometimes feel the urge to poke people. (In a friendly "Hey there" manner!)
Would you rather have the ability to influence what happens in your dreams (in a lucid dreaming sort of way), or the ability to make daydreams come true?
They were both things on FB and some other similar sites in the 00s, so yes, you probably missed them. Pokes are the correct answer, the Top Friends feature was a horrible social nightmare.
I guess I'll make daydreams come true, assuming I can control whether or not this occurs.
Would you rather play poker or bridge?
I don't know how to play either, but I think bridge? I probably wouldn't manage to maintain a proper poker face.
Would you rather learn tablet weaving or naalbinding?
Tablet weaving I think. I'm not sure who naal is but they sound ike a daemon and I'm not sure I'm up for that sort of dark magic today.
Would you rather suddenly smell strongly of pine or of lavender?
Hm, I think lavender? I'm mostly flower- and herb-scent inclined.
Would you rather play Worf or Geordi LaForge in a Star Trek TNG remake?
Worf, I think. I have no specific reason why.
Angry bun or sad bun?
Depends on what I'm supposed to do or who the bun is? A real bun? They've mostly angry energy anyway because not getting leafy greens 24/7. I think angry bun is less complicated, I just need to get them more food.
Have an unlimited supply of Lego or of modelling clay?
Hmm. Lego I think makes more sense - I'd take unlimited modelling putty, but I don't really scuplt clay per se.
Bun with unexpected beetle wings or bun with unexpected third eye?
If the wings make the bun capable of flying, then I think I'd rather have the three-eyed one. It's bad enough when they try to jump out of their enclosure to get to food; if Marigold could fly it would be mayhem.
What would you rather take with you to a desert island (assuming that you have the most essential tools and find food & water to survive there): a journal & pen, a duvet and a plushie; or a camera, a carving knife and a sleeping bag?
Hm. Sleeping bag and knife I think are more practical, so I'll go with that set.
Would you rather good quality spread on poor quality bread or poor quality spread on good quality bread?
I think I'd rather take the good bread.
Find a treasure map and follow it, or find a secret magical recipe and try making the concoction it describes?
Treasure map! I am OK at navigating and awful at cooking to instructions :)
Turnip tart or beetroot cake?
Judging from the pictures I googled, beetroot cake. They're chocolatey.
Listen to ghost stories or to mystery/detective stories?
Ghost stories!
When you sneeze / yawn - it sounds like a scream & your neighbours knock on your door to check everything is ok each time... or you are forbidden to use any method to mark where you got to in any book - and all page numbers from books in your possession are removed
Hm the sneeze thing would be very annoying for everyone involved I guess, and I'm an introverted recluse, so I'd rather take the books.
Sugar or honey?
Honey. Sugar is more versatile but in and of itself honey wins.
Daylight or twilight?
If it's cloudy daylight, then daylight. If sunny, then twilight. (I'm not a huge fan of bright sunlight.)
Get uncontrollable laughing fits whenever you hear the word "paper" or get the uncontrollable urge to punch a wall whenever someone says "Hello"?
Probably the laughing fits though both sound really bad.
Barn owl or Tawny owl?
Barn owl. They look like they came straight out of a fantasy novel, kinda weird but also cute. :)
Be a lizard or a wizard?
Wizard, I could do with solving my problems with magic since nothing else seems to be working lately, and I don't have a huge desire to trade in my opposable thumbs for a tail. Since the median number of legs for a lizard species is, I think, zero, I would probably be trading in all my limbs too, which would suck.
Do maypole dancing or morris dancing?
Having grown up with that maypole thing I can say it's a rather boring event, so maybe I'd try Morris dancing? Though I'm bad at dancing in general.
Jigsaw puzzles or card games?
Card games, I think.
Cotswold morris or Border morris? (Cotswold is what most people quintessentially think of as Morris Dancing, white dress, hankies, etc: Border is a different style which is a bit looser and more energetic and involves more big thwacky sticks).
After some serious scientific investigation (i.e. watching two videos per dance tradition) I think Border morris has the better music, lol. (Also more women dancers?) So that one.
Learn to play tuba or trumpet?
I can already play the trumpet! Or could ten years ago anyway. So re-learning that would be best I think :)
Learn to make tofu or tempeh?
Never tried tempeh so don't know if I would like it, so I think I'd stick to tofu.
Elderberry or raspberry syrup?
I like tempeh! It's somewhat more textured than tofu I guess?
Re syrup... elderberry I guess?
High tide or low tide?
Low tide I think? All the treasures are revealed, ready to be collected!
Be able to telepathically hear other people's true thoughts about you, or feel how they're feeling about you?
Both are terrifying! But the thought hearing thing sounds like it would give me better information so if I have to have this horrible power I'll go with that version.
Would you rather a fur carpet/rug or a turkish carpet? (Assume for these purposes that it's an antique or something so it's not like any additional animals will die as a result of you getting the fur one).
Hm, both would be okay I think, but in terms of maintenance/cleaning the turkish carpet would probably be easier, so I take that one (assuming I can choose the colour/pattern).
Live without your phone or without written mail of any kind?
Without written mail: I'd like to like written mail, but in practice it's mostly bills and German-language newsletters that they insist on sending me despite my being unable to read them.
Befriend Jonah or befriend the Whale?
The whale.
Have a giant pigeon who carries you everywhere or a giant magpie who brings you random shiny stuff?
Hm, the magpie is probably more useful except in that it probably stole the stuff and I don't want the blame, so we'll go pigeon.
Wheel of Fortuna or Wheel of Existence?
Had to google both of those, so my knowledge is very limited, but I think I'll take the Wheel of Existence, seems more interesting and nuanced.
Herdwick or Border Leicester sheep?
Herdwicks! :)
Hebridean sheep or Welsh Badger sheep?
Didn't know either so looked up pictures and OMG THE WELSH BADGER SHEEP how cute is that! (I think that answers your question...) (And yes, absolutely Herdwicks. My favourite kind of sheep.)
Be a farmer with 100 sheep or with 10 acres of land?
We had a few welsh badgers on the field next to my parents' house at the end of last year, they're very funny things :)
I'll take my 10 acres of land, I'm not sure if I'd be very good with 100 sheep especially if I lacked land for them.
The "sheep with unusual fat distributions" contest: Southdown Sheep or Fat-tailed Sheep?
Southdown sheep.
Green beans or peas?
Beans :)
Orangutans or gorillas?
Champignons or chanterelles?
Chanterelles :) Mostly because they have a more fairyish name.
Bay tree or Banyan tree?
Bay tree.
Lemon or lime?
Lime! (It's green :) )
Node or Edge?
The software? Probably Node though I've no idea what it is, lol. But if Edge is the browser, then that's a Nope.
Be the singer of a heavy metal or punk band?
I was really meaning the concepts - in graph theory, a node is a point in the graph, basically a thing or entity, and an edge is a connection between nodes. :)
I guess a metal band? I'd be poor at either.
Shinto shrine or Hindu temple?
Quote from: Jubal on February 23, 2025, 11:26:39 AMI was really meaning the concepts - in graph theory, a node is a point in the graph, basically a thing or entity, and an edge is a connection between nodes. :)
Oh. XD But I guess that doesn't change my answer.
Shinto shrine!
Holiday in the Alps or in some Mediterranean city?
Mediterranean. I like the alps but I really need warmth and sea lately.
Holiday on Svalbard or in Cairo?
Svalbard, maybe see some polar lights, that would be cool (no pun intended).
Keep chickens or ducks?
Chickens, for the eggs.
Keep tiny woolly mammoths or tiny ostriches?
Tiny woolly mammoths!
Subscribe to some delivery service where you get frozen or fresh food/ingredients to cook meals yourself, or have your personal (paid) cooking goblin who lives in a hole in the wall and prepares meals for you every day?
Delivery service, I don't want to be responsible for a goblin.
Be an eel-fisherman or a charcoal burner?
I think charcoal burner, I'd get to spend time in the woods.
Lentils or beans?
Beans, always beans.
Azure or Navy?
Hm, depends on what it is for, but generally, navy blue.
Train fleas for a flea circus or train mosquitoes for a mosquito race?
Fleas. I'm from a fenland, mosquitoes are basically my hereditary enemies.
Extra pair of eyes or extra pair of ears?
Quote from: Jubal on February 23, 2025, 11:22:50 PMI'm from a fenland, mosquitoes are basically my hereditary enemies.
We might have that in common. Though the landscape here is far from Norfolk fens standards, we always get plenty of mosquitoes in summer. And I'd rather not.
I think I'd opt for a pair of extra ears, though I'm not sure they'd do much? Extra eyes would be creepy.
Hire a penguin to clean all your shoes or hire a giraffe to clean the ceilings?
My ceilings are too low for a giraffe to be comfortable, I've seen giraffes, they are Big Actually. So shoe penguin it is.
Exilian pub or actual pub?
Exilian pub. :) Actual pub only when it's not too crowded and when there's good food (and, in these plague days, with good ventilation). I feel mostly uncomfortable though when there are drunk & loud people around, which happens in pubs, so I guess the online version is still the preferrable one.
Be transformed into R2D2 or into C3PO?
R2D2. Very smol, very round.
Pringles or non-pringle crisps?
Depends more on the flavour I think, I like both Pringles and non-Pringles in general. Let's say Pringles. *shrugs*
Have a Star Trek holodeck or replicator?
Plant marram grass on Arrakis or Tatooine?
I don't really know stuff about either, but since both are desert planets, I guess the grass will be fine anywhere? I think Arrakis, the name just sounds better.
Atlantic or Pacific ocean?
Atlantic. Nothing against the Pacific, but I know the Atlantic a little better.
Bay of Biscay or Bay Tree?
Bay tree!
Have thunderstorms happen whenever you're upset, or have flower petals rain & pile up all over the place when you're happy?
Hm, depends how upset I need to be and how heavy the flower petal rain is, I think! I think I'll go for the petals though.
You have a new monster under your command! Umber hulk or rust monster?
Judging from the pictures I googled... both look terrifying, tbh. Probably the rust monster?
Be a mystery or solve a mystery?
Be a mystery:) Though actually I'm not very mysterious, I'm pretty much an open book. Books are good, I like books.
Be a troll living under a bridge, or an ogre living in a cave?
Bridge troll!
Live without hugs or without music?
Without music. But ouch, that's a nasty one.
Lose all your toes, or the outer parts of your ears?
If I could still walk normally without toes, then the toes. Otherwise the ears.
Be terribly sad five days per month or be constantly sad, but in a more background-noise dull sort of way?
Probably the former? I don't know :(
Pyramids or Ziggurats?
Talk to the ghost of Einstein or the ghost of Tesla?
Pantheism or Monotheism?
Walk barefoot all the time only at home or only at work in your office?
I could easily be barefoot at home I think.
Have violet eyes or brown and blue heterochromia?
Violet, if it's a dark-ish shade.
Multiplayer or single player video game?
Single player. Multiplayer with close friends is nice too, big-scale multiplayer is *shudders*
Hurdy-gurdy or hammered dulcimer?
Campfire on the beach or in the woods?
Either sounds nice right now, generally I'm a woods person though.
Curl up, or just flumph?
I'm already curled up, so I just proceed doing that.
Be a model presenting hobbit-style fashion at a fashion show, or be a farmer fully embracing the hobbit lifestyle?
Farmer, I'd not be a good model of anything much. I'm not sure I'd be a good farmer either, that said.
Sand or silt?
I don't think I have a preference... sand maybe?
Drink freshly made fruit juice or fresh spring water?
Hm, usually juice but right now water.
Runny/liquid honey or set honey?
Liquid, easier to put on bread or rolls.
Find or be found?
Be found. I feel quite lost some of the time lately.
Tired or sleepy?
Live with a friendly ghost or have a crystal ball that answers all your questions?
Crystal ball, very useful
Agree to care for an elderly terminally ill patient you've never met for her final year in exchange for inheriting all her wealth (however much that may or may not be), or forego the deal and the money?
Oof, it would depend on what "care" encompasses, if it's just things like cooking and cleaning and keeping her company then maybe yes, but I'm no trained nurse or care assistant (or whatever that's called in English) so any kind of medical stuff or personal hygiene would be too much for me (also that's not something I'd really want to do). And emotionally I'm not sure if I'd handle the whole situation very well - I have huge respect for people who work in these professions because it's not an easy job, physically as well as emotionally. So in conclusion, I'd rather forego the deal and let a real nurse have the money...
Live on a tiny island in some lake in Finland, or in a cabin in the woods in Sweden?
Finnish lake I think. It'll probably have nearby woods anyway, and I want to be a moomin.
The gods are changing up their art department and want your advice: you get to change the art style for the entire real world! Would you rather pixel art reality, or anime reality?
Hm, I think I'd go for the pixels. 80s game aesthetic.
You're only allowed to write one of those for the rest of your life: novels or songs?
Oh no... I don't like this one :( Maybe novels, in that I have written numerous songs already but still sort of want to prove to myself that I have some novels in me somewhere. Though I'm not convinced I'll ever get there so maybe I should stick to the songs.
Go to Manchester or Liverpool?
Both would be interesting, but I think Manchester. They have a fashion museum at Platt Hall if I remember correctly.
Go to Bregenz or Eisenstadt?
Bregenz. No good reason, just going with the flow.
Get the nobel prize for physics or chemistry?
I have zero talent for either (but wish I had). Maybe physics, less risk of blowing things up I guess.
Take part in a talent show or be the organiser of such an event?
Take part, just bc I'm tired of organising things.
Be a sentient floor or a sentient ceiling?
Ceiling. I don't like people trampling all over me. Also I'd have a better view.
Participate in a trial for a new shampoo or a new dietary supplement?
Shampoo I guess?
Lose weight or lose stress?
Lose stress.
Go for a walk or go for a talk?
Talk, I have not seen humans enough lately.
Pun duel or pillow fight?
I'm generally not a physically violent person, even when the weapons are pillows. So maybe the puns? Though I'd probably be bad at that one, too.
Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog?
Sonic, though I have no great loyalty to either.
Link or Zelda?
Also no special loyalties; in the games I've seen so far (which are admittedly not many) Zelda isn't doing much though, so I think I'd go with Link to explore temples & such.
You're in a "Big Brother" type reality show, but in a fantasy realm, and there's two groups of people, one of which you have to choose to live with: Would you rather a) Frodo, Dr. Frankenstein, the violet cow from the Milka commercial, Eeyore, and Anne of Green Gables, or b) Jean-Luc Picard, Saruman, Winnie the Pooh, a talking goat of unholy origins, and Jane Eyre?
(Edit: A reality show in a fantasy realm... uhm, yeah, lol.)
It's an amusing quirk of language that "you're in a reality show in a fantasy realm" makes total sense despite the seeming contradiction :)
Difficult decision all round! I think part of it depends when in their timelines we're at... but I think Frodo and Eeyore sounds a more relaxing house to be in.
Would you rather hange out with Eeyore or Tigger?
Tigger is a good-natured character but by his very nature quite bouncy which might be overwhelming at some point I guess. I feel like Eeyore is more of a kindred spirit so I'd rather hang out with him.
Spooky book or spooky movie?
In one online community I hung out on in like 2010-ish, they actually nicknamed me Eeyore:)
Spooky book. No jump scares for me please.
Stoat or fox?
Fight orcs with JRR Tolkien or solve a murder with Agatha Christie?
Solve a murder. I'm too smol to fight orcs at the moment.
Live with Agatha Christie, but she's in the body of a jay, or Mary Shelley, but she's in the body of a jackdaw?
Jay Agatha!
Live on a floating space station or in a colony on the moon?
Moonbase, for the slightly higher gravity.
You're being assigned to a base in a more extreme location: go to live beneath the ice of Europa (the moon, that is), or become part of the terraforming Venus project?
Both don't seem very appealing tbh, but I guess I'd rather freeze than be on a 400°C heat hell planet, so Europa.
Be a coach for wibulnibs who want to improve their behaviour to live in human society, or be ringmaster in a circus where all the performers are giant anthropomorphic insects?
Wibulnib coach.
Gumption or pulchritude?
Gumption. Maybe then I'd get things done instead of procrastinating all the time.
Bathe in milk or in lemonade?
Eesh. Milk? I think? Both sound very icky.
Get in a bath full of mud or jelly?
Mud. Because jelly... *gags*
Nature walk or flea market visit?
Agreed, jelly is definitely worse than mud.
Nature walk! Though flea markets are nice too, nature is better.
Pheasants or quail?
Quail! I don't like pheasants that much.
Explore a riverbank or a wooded hill?
Riverbank, am in a flat wet land mood
Crawl through the air vents or run through the corridors dodging the security robots?
If the air vents are large enough to not make me claustrophobic and/or get stuck, then air vents.
Catch an escaped bunny or an escaped mongoose?
You can teleport but with a rather significant limitation. Would you rather be able to teleport to Stephansplatz from anywhere, or to the nearest toilet to your current location wherever in the world you are?
Hm... The toilet thing would be really practical but given that I usually don't travel so wouldn't have much need for that one... I think Stephansplatz is the better option. No annoying commuting! I could just teleport into the city, get ice cream or cake or something, or browse a bookstore, and teleport back home. Gosh, I want that. Now.
You find a mysterious box. Attached to it is a note: "DO NOT OPEN". Succumb to curiosity and open it, or give it to someone else?
Depends on other features of the box I think: how old, how official looking, how well sealed, etc. But probably open.
Would you rather meet Hathor or Isis?
Probably Isis? She seems to have been quite long-living, so might have more wisdom and stories to share.
Make a TV documentary about how the Illuminati are responsible for the tinfoil hat trend, or about how underground lizard vampires are running the world using the microplastics in our brains to control us?
Lizard vampires. At least microplastics are a real problem even if it requires misidentifying the source.
Vampire bats are being replaced. Vampire voles, or vampire doves?
Vampire voles. If the doves ever decided to attack us, we'd be worse off.
Art History Museum or Natural History Museum?
Hm. Depends on the art. I'm actually going to go Natural History I think.
Giant ground sloth or sabre-toothed cat?
Sloths, they're probably friendlier.
Build a tree house in the woods or collect shiny pebbles in a creek?
Bothbothboth. But if I have to choose... I think I'd like a tree house.
Enchantment or shapeshifting?
Shapeshifting would be really cool I think.
Have your head transformed into one giant brussels sprout, or into one giant pea?
Sprout, to keep some texture.
Become suddenly French or suddenly Spanish?
Hm... Maybe Spanish? Then I could speak the language. I already know a bit of French so an additional language would be nice.
Wear a ridiculous party hat or a ridiculous crown?
Ridiculous crown I think.
Get asked to design a stylish party hat or a stylish crown?
Stylish crown! Shiny.
Somersaults or cartwheels?
somersaults, but I can't do either
byrnie or gambeson?
Horse or donkey?
Full beard or moustache?
Full beard. Though not on myself, I wouldn't look very good with a beard.
Long hair or short hair?
Long hair :)
Teaching or learning?
Learning, mostly. I don't think I'm good at teaching.
Theatre or cinema?
Ground floor or penthouse?
Ground floor.
Be transformed into a penguin whenever you come in contact with water, or transformed into a bear whenever someone hugs you?
The first one would make having a glass of water tricky, so I'll pick transforming into a bear after hugs. Will just take some explaining.
black forest gateaux or carrot cake?
Black forest.
Sharks or whales?
Sharks or dolphins?
Greenland shark or thresher shark?
Greenland shark
Dogfish or catfish?
Rhyme or reason?
Rhyme! :bard:
Story or song?
A song
honey roast or dry roast?
Depends on the kind of food, doesn't it? I guess dry roast. I dunno.
Farfalle or penne?
Walnuts or Cashew Nuts?
Both, actually. But walnuts win.
Be a fairy or a goblin?
Fairy, I think. Though I feel more like a goblin.
Keep goats or pigs?
Be a psychologist or a painter?
Professional sculptor or professional semiotician?
Have a picnic in the woods or eat ice cream on the beach?
Oh, picnic in the woods, ten times out of ten.
Leather or heavy wool?
Hm, depends on what I'm using it for, but generally, wool.
Be a fern or be moss?
Oh this is really difficult. I'm currently feeling more moss because I'd like to be more bunched up and squishy, but in general I feel like having fern fronds would be nice.
Your least favourite city is being smited by a god making a very misguided attempt to impress you. Would you rather send a flood, or fire and brimstone?
Fire and brimstone, probably. (I hope the residents will be evacuated beforehand? I don't care for the ugly city, but I don't want any humans or animals to be harmed.) I'm rather scared of floods so I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even my most hated city.
Be able to float a few inches above the ground, or to walk up walls and on the ceiling like a bug?
Does the float thing work over water etc? If so, that, if not, the wall walking.
Have a naked mole-rat or an olm as your magic familiar?
They're both slightly creepy tbh, but probably the olm? They resemble axolotls a bit, and axolotls are kinda cute.
Have paws instead of hands, or bird legs instead of human legs?
Bird legs. I would hate either but no opposable thumbs is not something I'm willing to contemplate.
Would you rather have feather crests instead of hair, or have a (longish, non-prehensile) hairy tail?
The feathers I think, the tail would probably get in the way and be annoying more often than not.
Be a human-sized ladybird or a human-sized great diving beetle? (You're still your human self, you just look like a bug.)
Ladybird, because I would rather still be able to go on land. Though in either case I would presumably die very fast because at human size the exoskeleton wouldn't be self-supporting and would crush my internal organs.
Would you rather get an extra hour of daylight every day forever, and you age commensurately slower so you genuinely get more time, or get an extra day of holiday every month forever, with no commensurate reduction in pay but it is just replacing a regular working day?
Extra daylight and slower ageing sounds like a good deal.
Time-travel and go collect & write down fairytales with the Brothers Grimm, or do so alone today in a region of your choice?
Probably do it alone today. I mean, I don't speak C19th German so I'm not sure how well the Grimms and I would do.
Mongolian/Steppe horse or Suffolk Punch?
Suffolk Punch!
Books or more books?
Boots or more boots?
Uh... boots? I don't need more boots.
Never be silly again or never be serious again?
I wouldn't feel I could be unable to be serious when people need me to be so I'd have to pick the former. But it would be a much less liveable world.
Replace your alarm clock with a very time sensitive goose, or replace your most commonly used form of transportation with a camel?
Goose alarm, I guess? Camels are scary.
Glitter pen or normal pen?
Normal pen, I am not actually very glittery.
Tablet computer or wax tablet and stylus?
I think I'd rather stay in the 21st century and take the tablet computer.
Be a DJ in a club or a pianist in a café?
Pianist. I can vaguely play a tiny bit of piano, I did some grades in it way back when. And better atmosphere.
Tortoise shell (complete with tortoise) or tortoiseshell (cat variety)?
I think I prefer the floof, so tortoiseshell (cat variety).
Visit Wonderland or Neverland?
Wonderland, I think.
OH NOOO that's impossible to decide! But if I have to... BEE HEAVEN. They might have honey for me.
Be trapped in a stuck elevator for HOURS with all four teletubbies or with a quartet of very annoying Elvis impersonators?
I'll take the Elvis ones, thankyouverymuch
Dress in Elvis' stage outfits for a week or dress in Lady Gaga's stage outfits for a week?
I'd probably look terrible in them, but I guess the Elvis outfits are the more practical choice for everyday wear.
St. Patrick's Day is coming up! Dye your beard or your hair green? (Or both?)
If I'm doing one I may as well do both.
Potato or tomato?
Radish or carrot?
If forced to make the pronunciation uniform, would you rather make potato pot-ah-to or tomato to-may-to?
Wait... Isn't tomato and potato both pronounced with an "ay" sound in the middle anyway? That's what I do at least... Enlighten the non native speaker please :-[
I guess that also answers the question because potato without the "ay" just sounds... wrong.
Have yourself and everything you own spray-painted in blue or in violet?
In British English, tomato is tom-are/ah-toe rather than having the "ay" in the middle.
In blue I think. But please don't.
You're in prison and have to join a gang! But it's a prison of tiny woodland miscreants. Would you rather join the Skunk Punks or the Shrew Crew?
Quote from: Jubal on March 11, 2025, 07:06:13 PMIn British English, tomato is tom-are/ah-toe rather than having the "ay" in the middle.
I see. Thank you for explaining! My English is probably a very wild mixture of all kinds of stuff I picked up along the way from US as well as UK media/people and also non native speakers like me, sprinkled with grammar errors, lol. But as long as communication works, I'll be fine I guess!
I think I'd join the Shrew Crew. I feel like I relate to the shy mole-hedgehog-mousy club more than to stinky rebels.
Be invisible for one day per week, or have all the other people around you be invisible for one day per week?
Hum, I'm not sure I think of shrews as shy - skittish to a degree as all small mammals are, but they're viciously feisty compared to, say, voles or mice, and rather more carnivorous given they largely eat insects.
I'll be invisible a day a week, I think. I often have days of not seeing anyone anyway so it shouldn't make much difference, and it would be SUPER useful for wildlife photography.
You've been told to write a sequel to a Shakespeare play. Do you write The Even Merrier Wives of Windsor, or Yet Further Ado About Nothing?
Well, they look shy to me, that's why.
I haven't read either of the plays so I'm not sure which one I'd rather write a sequel to, maybe I'd go for "Yet Further Ado About Nothing"?
Write a radio drama or a movie plot?
Radio drama because I might then get it made.
The government has a tax windfall. More money on healthcare or education?
Uh, tough decision, both would need a lot more attention and funding imho. But I'd say healthcare.
Win a lifetime supply of Haribo gold bears or a lifetime supply of Mozartkugeln?
Mozartkugeln, never been a big fan of gelatin-y sweets
Lifetime supply of brie or of grape juice?
Hm... I like both, so it's 50:50? I think I take the grape juice to help me stay hydrated.
Time-travel and meet your great-great-great-great-grandparents or one historical person you're most interested in?
I think I have to do interview work as a historian.
Headache or sore throat?
Hm, not sure. Maybe headache so I can take meds to make it go away? A sore throat tends to be more persistent in my experience.
Chicken broth or risotto?
Risotto, I'm not a huge broths/stews/soups person (though I will eat them perfectly happily). Rice dishes are conversely very much my thing.
Sand worms or fire slugs?
I don't know... maybe fire slugs? Can I train them to burn trash or something?
Read an eerily shimmering message in a bottle you found on the beach and follow its instructions to summon a sea creature, or go to a spooky house at night to find a mysterious magic item guarded by a zombie rat?
Oh, eerie sea creature summons. I'd get to go to the sea! I miss the sea.
Among the instruments of primordial physics, The Ocarina of Time is already taken: so will you pick the Banjulele of Gravity or the Helicon of Supersymmetry?
The Banjulele of Gravity. Things need to stay on the ground.
You're a medieval ruler! Commission the building of a church & monastery, or be patron of a bunch of bards whose reputation is questionable at best?
You know full well I cannot reject my fellow bards, questionable or otherwise. :bard:
Owls or Bears?