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Topics - Jubal

Pages: 1 ... 123 124 [125] 126 127 ... 132
Questions and Suggestions - The High Court / New names
« on: April 11, 2009, 02:30:18 PM »
What do y'all think? I've gone for a fully Byzantine theme across the board.

Stories and AARs / Byzantium! - A Chivalry Total War AAR
« on: April 11, 2009, 09:08:14 AM »
Pre-word; This AAR uses quite an old version of the mod Chivalry Total War, played on RTW 1.5. I can't remember the difficulty settings tbh, as I'm playing from a campaign I began before Christmas and so the AAR starts 32 turns in. Hope y'all enjoy it.


The new era has dawned for Byzantium, friend. How do I know? I should perhaps introduce myself first. I am the secretary Phrantzes, loyal servant of the mighty Emperor of the Byzantine people. We are the heirs to the greates Empire the world has yet seen, and by God's name, we shall reconquer what is ours! I will relate to you, in short, how the tales I am about to tell are set.

The Byzantine Empire in the early 1100s was on the brink of collapse. Under the pathetic Emperor Konitos, we lost most of our lands in Anatolia to the Turks. Italy had fallen to the Normans, and the fringes of a Turkish Anatolia and the western satellite of Greece seemed to be all that was left - a slow slide into obscurity. Konitos had one son, Diogios, who was utterly ineffectual and was duly poisoned. The next successor was Romanos Doukas, an aged uncle of Konitos. This crippled old man was the only one who had what it took to rebuild the Empire. Scraping together the scatters armies and filching troops from old garrisons, he built a motley collection of troops, pulled it together and set out to retake Anatolia.

His successor, the present Emperor Michael, was the one who oversaw the armies, as his father died a week after the army left Konstantinoupolis. Anatolia was recovered from the small sultanates and emirates that had sprung up across it. Once more Byzantine armies bordered the great Seljulk Sultanate, and our buffer state of Cilician Armenia, who we saved many a time from detruction. Michael did not lead the armies himself, but mostly left the work to some of his more capable family members.

In the west, Giorgios, a young man of the royal house, set out for the independent town of Bari, hoping to regain a foothold in Italy for the Empire with a very few troops. He found it was already under siege when he got there, by the Norman house of the Sicilians. Their attack failed, but Nikeforos was then able to destroy the battered garrison. However, a second Sicilian army came, much larger than the first, and decided they may as well siege the place anyway. They killed Giorgios and slaughtered his men.

Giorgios had a young cousin, Nikeforos, who was in Serbia at the time, raising mercenary reinforcements for the Italian fighting. He marched into Italy, and beat off the Normans from Bari, then launched into a full-scale war. His unparalleled genius in siege command allowed him to take and hold the southern Italian cities - Bari, Capua, and the Sicilian capital of Mileto, against terrible odds. He held Mileto outnumbered three to one against the main Sicilian army, finally breaking their power in the peninsula, although he himself only had forty men left after the siege and had to be rescued by reinforcements for Greece. However, once the Sicilians were removed, the Byzantines were able to wipe the Norman kingdom from the map. They now held the heart of the mediterranean, although they had little popularity and holding it would be difficult. Nikeforos, known as the Conqueror, took the title of 'Prince of the Western Empire' and was made the heir of

Caught between the Seljulks and the Byzantines, the Armenians found they were unable to prevent a war. They were ground down until their entire royal house had been wiped out. Only some very daring battles commanded by another Nikeforos saved Ikonion from the victorius Selljulk army, which had to be content Tarsos fell to the Byzantines, but the strategic capital of Sis was held by a large Turkish force. The ensuing war paralysed both giant contestants, and little headway has been made since in the east, with the exception of the Turks losing Abkhazia. The one great hope for the Byzantines in the east is that Nikeforos, a zealous crusader and cunning commander, will be able to push through and destroy the immensely well-funded, powerful Turk war machine. The Eastern Nikeforos will be referred to by his name of Nikeforos Delphinas, although he too carries the epithet of 'the Conqueror'.

And so we reach the present day.

The Empire is in a better state than it has been for years. Our greek provinces are doing very well.

However, there are still difficulties for the Empire. The long war in the east saps our resources, but the Turks are determined to win and we cannot stop defending ourselves. Georgia has become a new field for the conflict of late.

Also in the West, many cities are near revolt at our Orthodox beliefs. I cannot think why these people do not accept the True Church, but Nikeforos the Conqueror assures me in his letters that with funds and time Sicily can once more stand as a proud part of the Empire.

If there are three people who have rebuit the Empire, it is those below. Firstly my beloved master, the Byzantine Emperor Michael Doukas, leader of the Dynasty, and heir to Rome. The Emperor is a quiet, clever man who is a great philospher and an epic poet. He is an expert on the greater issues of manageing his realm, and he sees his main function as making sure there are people with the correct skills in the correct places. His patronage of the capital is very great - as is his understanding of architecture and the fine arts - and he rarely leaves to the bitter, war-torn battlefields of the east or the rebellious, religiously divided west.

Nikeforos the Conqueror, the crown heir, is a great speaker, a zealous and fearless commander, and one of the greatest men in the Empire. He is harsh, I think, and not the kindest of men, but his devotion and his loyalty to the reconstruction of the empire of the Caesars is very great. One day he will make a fine Emperor.

Cunning as a fox, not to mention brutal, the crusading Nikeforos Delphinas, conqueror of the east, is one of the greates assets we have in that war. He makes no show of snything other that what he is; an utterly ruthless fighter who had manged to claw back land that men though ungovernable and keep our frontiers safe through the long fight.


In the East, the pious islamic city of Ani is besieged by our forces under Nikeforos. I will show you his letter;

I write to you, good Phrantzes, to ask that you tell our most noble Emperor of the sack of Ani, one of the Turkish cities in the Caucasus. My men have been able to take the town with only fifty casualties, mostly Kontaratoi or our auxiliary Caucasians.

The gates are broken without resistance. These Caucasian Mercenary troops are a mainstay of our armies in Georgia and the Caucasus. They are not terribly tough, but numerous and battle-hardy enough to hold a line well.

The Turkish commander orders a charge with his bodyguard into the Kontaratoi spearmen. These light spear-armed troops are the real rank and file of Byzantine armies, forming a solid battle line. They are poor at killing the foe, but are excelliet units to pin the enemy down due to their numbers and large round shields.

Having destroyed the guards through weight of numbers, a simple block of spearmen is all that remains. My men rampage victorious through the streets, destroying the cursed turkish shrines. The Turks will find this town rather lessened in stature if they are ever able to return.

Unfortunately, the populace were too unruly. Realising he could not control the fanatically islamic populace and not wanting to lose his men. Nikeforos upped and left with his army, burning everything he could. However, there was still another battle to be fought; our foothold in Georgia, the city of Kutaisi, was under siege.

Joined by a sally from the town's governor, the commander Manuel Branas, Nikeforos attacked the Turkish forces, who found themselves suddenly outnumbered.

I have a few accounts of the battle - from Manuel, Nikeforos himself, and also an Italian friend of mine, Giuistiniani, who served as a Latinikon - a knightly mercenary - with Nikeforos. I shall relate to you the course of events;

Nikeforos drew his forces up with the caucasians and a small party of Cypriot crusaders forming the centre, with Kontaratoi on the flanks and his heavy swordsmen - the Spatharoi - outside them to protect the wings. He kept his cavalry, including Giuistiniani, behind the rest of his forces.

The Seljulks, realising they could never fight two armies, charged stragiht at the center of the battle line, hoping to panic the caucasians and cause a rout.

Carrying their banner forward into the enemy, the Crusaders and Caucasians held firm. The spatharoi on the Turkish left flank turned to charge the saracens in the side, and Nikeforos pulled his cavalry round to face the rear of the Turkish right.

As the knights charged in, the Turkish right broke and fled. The battle was essentially over. The Turkish commander was found to have fled the battlefield with his bodyguards - a wise move.

Giuistiniani was wounded in the fray, or so I have heard. I do not know how he is... I hope he is well - I met him in Genoa some years ago when I was on a diplomatic mission, and have been unable to talk with him except in writing since.

The Turks did not attempt to counterattack that winter. Our battles in Georgia were a success - and the pluder went to finance new building works in the rough Italian provinces.

Southern Realm / What's new in SR...
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:08:37 PM »
I'm working on a new job for the player - explorer! This will involve hunting and finding animals and rare items for the academics of Veluca University (which has also just been built).

Mordheim / New Hired Swords Rules
« on: March 20, 2009, 09:35:33 PM »
This will be for ideas for new HS and stuff.

Runaway Noblewoman 20gc hire/10gc upkeep +12 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Sword, dagger, Crossbow pistol
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Damsel not in distress; The Noblewoman is not afraid of fighting anyone. She is immune to 'all alone' tests when outnumbered by 2 models (but not more).

Hobgoblin Assassin 25gc hire/13gc upkeep   +11 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld6
2 daggers, throwing knives (all coated in unlimited black lotus), Net, Rope&Hook
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Block in the dark; The hobgoblin must be able to block a blow armed with almost nothing. When using both daggers, he gets a single parry save.
Scale Sheer Surfaces, Knife Fighter

Dwarf Ronin 55gc hire/30gc upkeep  +30 to warband rating
M3 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I2 A1 Ld9
Cathayan Sword (+1I, parry), Nipponese Armour (5+AS, 4+ against cutting weapons), Shield, Katana (2 hands, +1S, Parry)
Strength, Combat skill lists
Samurai; This fighter has been trained in the art of war. He gains -1 to enemy armour saves, and +1 to injury rolls.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.

Halfling Priest 20gc hire/10gc upkeep  + 10 to warband rating
M4 WS2 BS4 S2 T2 W1 I5 A1 Ld8
Staff (count as halberd)
Speed, Academic, Combat skill lists
Preacher;The priest can rally your men. You may re-roll your first failed rout test of the battle.

Night Watchman 20gc hire/10gc upkeep +12 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
Halberd, Lantern, Light Armour, Helmet, Crossbow
Speed, Strength, Combat, Shooting skill lists

Halfling Barbarian 20gc hire/10gc upkeep  +10 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T2 W1 I5 A2 Ld8
Halfling-size greatsword (count as halberd).
Speed, Strength, Combat skill lists
Barbarians are affected by Frenzy

Prophet of Doom 35gc hire/17gc upkeep  +15 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T4 W1 I3 A2 Ld10
Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort, Frenzy, Immune to Psychology
The doom prophets are insane men whose desire to fight chaos has overcome even their sanity...

Emissiary of San'gath 35gc hire/17gc upkeep   +20 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
Light armour, staff (count as spear, holy weapon)
Speed, Academic, Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort
Prophet; May choose when buying to either cast lesser magic or to gain +1W, +1WS and +1Ld
The Emissiaries of San'gath are a new order of sentient beings dedicated to the end of Chaos. They walk in dark robes, and seek new knowledge of how to fight the servants of the Dark gods.

Dwarven Emissiary of San'gath 50gc hire/25gc upkeep +27 to warband rating
M3 WS4 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld9
Light armour, staff (count as spear, holy weapon)
Strength, Academic, Combat skill lists
Hates chaotic creatures of any sort
Strike chaos; When in base-to-base contact with any chaos creature, the prophet may choose, instead of attacking to paralyse them with his touch, preventing them attacking or counterattacking until after their next close combat phase.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.
The Emissiaries of San'gath are a new order of sentient beings dedicated to the end of Chaos. They walk in dark robes, and seek new knowledge of how to fight the servants of the Dark gods.

Champion of Malal 70gc hire/35gc upkeep +35 to warband rating
M4 WS5 BS3 S4 T4 W2 I5 A3 Ld9
2H weapon, Heavy Armour, Helmet
Speed, Combat, Strength skill lists
Hates all chaos, Strongman, Pit Fighter
Chosen of Malal; The Champion's attacks count as holy against any chaos, demons or posessed, but holy attacks work against him as well. Against Chaos creatures or followers he gains +1S.

Courtesan 25gc hire/15gc upkeep  + 13 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8
Sword, sword, dagger, Bow
Speed, Shooting, Combat skill lists
Damsel not in distress; The Courtesan is not afraid of fighting anyone. She is immune to 'all alone' tests when outnumbered by 2 models (but not more).
Femme fatale; Members of the opposite sex (not including braindead, dwarfs or posessed) must pass a Ld test to charge the courtesan.

Orc Marksman 35gc hire/17gc upkeep  +14 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld7
Crossbow, Light Armour, Axe, Shield
Orc, Strength, Shooting skill lists

Fallen Knight 40gc hire/20gc upkeep  +22 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Heavy armour, sword, shield
Strength, Combat skill lists
Expert Swordsman

Pit Beast Fighter 40gc hire/20gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Spear, Light Armour, Buckler
Speed, Strength, Combat skill lists
Beast Fighter; Immune to any fear or psychology tests caused by animals, +1A when fighting an animal
Pit Fighter

Imperial Engineer 55gc hire/30gc upkeep  + 28 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7
light armour, sword, handgun
Skills: Shooting, academic, speed
Pigeon Bombs: as described in Warhammer Armies: the Empire
Engineer: All blackpowder weapons in the players warband have been tweaked by the engineer and so are on +1 to hit

Dwarf Cartographer 45gc hire/27gc upkeep +30  to warband rating
M3 WS4 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I2 A1 Ld9
Dwarf Axe, Shield, Light Armour, Helmet
Strength, Combat, Academic skill lists
Mapmaker; Mordheim maps are not considered a rare item.
Hard to Kill: Dwarfs are tough, resilient individuals who are only taken Out Of Action on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury chart. Treat a roll of 1-2 as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.
Hard Head: Dwarfs ignore the special rules for maces, clubs, etc. They are not easy to knock out.
Hates Orcs & Goblins: See the Psychology section of the rules for details on the effects of hatred.

Priest of Rhuin 50gc hire/25gc upkeep +20 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T3 W1 I4 A1 Ld8
Light armour, sword, shield, helmet
Academic, Combat skill lists
Flaming sword :
prayer at dificulty 9, priest gets +2 WS +1 Attack +1 Str. Take a leadership test at the end of each turn (your turn and your opponents.) If the test fails the prayer drains away. May only be used once per turn.

Bucaneer 90gc hire/35gc upkeep  +35 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I4 A2 Ld8
Light Armour, Cutlass, brace of Duelling Pistols, Buckler
combat speed shooting
Cutlass Master: These short, single bladed swords are the mainstays of any pirate crew, and in the hands of a trained seaman they are superb weapons for close quarters fighting. If the pirate is equipped with a Sword, this skill will give him the additional benefit of also being able to parry successfully if the player rolls equal to number rolled to hit, not just higher as normal. This extra ability only apply if the Pirate is not in the open; i.e.., only when in cover or in a building, within 2" of a terrain feature like a wall or tree, etc. 
Swashbuckler: The pirate cuts a dashing figure in combat, mixing dazzling swordplay and acrobatic feats with charm and witty comments. Even the basest villains in Mordheim respect (and curse) his ability to always seem to effortlessly slip from their grasp. The pirate may make a Leadership Test at the end of any Hand to Hand phase (pirate’s or enemy’s turn) if he is still in base contact with any enemy models. If he passes he may make a normal movement away from the enemy (he may not run or charge), without the enemy striking any blows on him. If he fails the test he remains in hand to hand combat and must fight as normal in the following turn.
Spy Glass: A pirate can use his trusty spy glass to examine the combat ground, spotting any yellow dogs who try to sneak about! At the start of his turn, the owner can try to detect one Hidden enemy model to which he has normal Line of Sight. On a roll of 4+, the model looses his Hidden status. The spying Pirate can move as normal in that turn, but cannot run or charge.
Enchanted Compass: This apparently broken compass does not point North put to what the owner most desires.  Roll a D6 after every battle on a roll of 1-4 the Bucaneers' never ending love for rum has got the better of him and the warband find nothing but rum, on a 5-6 the Buckaneer has his thoughts straight and leads the warband to a mighty horde, D3 extra treasure/wyrdstone.
Can be hired by any warband apart from Former Guardsmen, Witch Hunters, Sisters of Sigmar or ones containing a bounty hunter

Norscan Wayfarer 40gc hire/20gc upkeep  + 15 to warband rating
M4 WS4 BS4 S3 T2 W1 I3 A1 LD7
Arms and armour:
Free dagger, sword/axe/mace, longbow, unique arrows may be bought for a Wayfarer, toughened leathers, helm may be bought.
Keen Senses: Wayfinders spot all Hidden models within DOUBLE Initiative distance
May take shooting, combat, speed and Norscan Explorers speacial skills.
May be hired by pretty much anything except Brettonians.

Philosopher 35gc hire/20gc upkeep  +20 to warband rating
M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld8
Dagger, Crossbow, Club
May take academic, speed and shooting skills.
Philosophy; The Philosopher may learn these studies instead of skills. They are randomly generated like spells. He starts with one study.
1. Study of Tactica: Allows owning player to redeploy d3 of his models after setup but before the frst turn begins.
2. Study of History: Allows the owning warband's models to hate the enmy warband on a roll of 4+ before the battle.
3. Study of Natural Philosophy: The owning warband gains +1 to hit any animals in the enmy warband.
4. Study of Mechanics: Gives +4" range to all crossbows in owning warband, and if the crossbow rolls a 6 to hit the hit gains +1 strength.
5. Study of Alchemy: On the roll of a 4 after each battle, the owning warband gains either 1xfire arrows or 1xsuperior blackpowder, their choice.
6. Study of Mysteries: The Philosopher may select one spell that an enemy magician can cast. On a roll of a 5+, he may learn it as a skill.

Mordheim / War of Thirteen; Altdorf City Watch
« on: March 20, 2009, 09:15:57 PM »
The Altdorf City Watch are a ragged remant of a once proud organisation. determined to bring order to the streets, these last survivors are prepared to fight to the death for thier cause.

Alfredo Langer
While often not the nicest claimant, Langer is moer than prepared to put some of his famed wealth into keeping the city safe for commerce and accruing of more riches. He often helped the guard even as other nobles abandoned them, and so now they are the last few of their number they know only he is actually committed to allowing Altdorf to return to the rule of not just an Emperor, or an inquisition, but civilian law.

Captain Vimes
Leader of the unit, he is a capable fighter and determined to make sure the watch can regrow and restore order on the streets.

Lieutenant Jubal
Young and intellectual, he was thrown out of the University for his dangerous philosophical ideas and joined the watch to make ends meet. He is a weak fighter, but clever and more than ready to so whatever is needed for victory.

Sargeant Mara
Tough, uncompromising, and one of the toughest fighters on Altdorf's streets, Mara, despite being quite old, is a force to be feared. Even ogres worry about being attacked by Mara.

Master at Arms, John Keel
Keel is reckless, incredibly determined, and brave to a fault, the master at arms will make certain the watch have the best weapons on the streets of Altdorf. He bears a resemblance to his cousin, a nororiously harsh disciplinarian, which has led to many former members of the watch wanting to kill him on occasion. He had his arm amputated after week 3.

Lieutenant Hemmar (Crusty Vet)
Hemmar is a man born for the streets. Never happy off the battlefield, he thrives for the danger of street warfare. He survived in a gutted guardhouse in an undead-infested area of Altdorf for three years before the Watch found him. He joined the band on week one, and was upgrade on week two.

Lieutenant Johannes (Crusty Vet)
Johannes was upgraded on week four. A wary, quiet man, he is braver than most and has learned all the tricks of the copper's trade.

2 Crusty Veterans

Foul Ole Ron, the beggar
Ron's strengths are finding money, wheedling, and muttering. His weaknesses include everything else, most notably personal hygiene.

2 recruits


Clashing over a tributary of the Reik in the suburbs, a small band of Dwarfs obstructed the path of the watch. Neither side took serious casualties in the fight, and eventually the Watch had to cede passage to the Dwarfs in return for a promise of future good behaviour in the streets. The Watch were able to find enough treasure to buy more missile weapons, and were also joined by a beggar, Foul Ole Ron, who has promised to help them find more gold in future. A gutted old watch house was also luckily discovered in the area, with a single veteran of the old guards squatting there, living on what was left of the old watch supplies. He has agreed to join the warband.

Mordheim / War of Thirteen
« on: March 20, 2009, 07:47:08 PM »
The War of Thirteen was historically fought in the midst of the Empire's great plague, on the streets of Altdorf, in the year 1116. The Emperor Boris Goldgather has died of the plague, and thirteen of Altdorf's most prominent nobles are vying for power in the city and, potentially, the chance to become Emperor.

These thirteen men are;

Helmut Sturmwolke, the Lord Armourer
Wolfgang Ludenhof, 'The Holy' and a famously pious sigmarite
Van Halfling, the only halfling claimant and a comitted witch hunter
Wolfgang Friedler, an experienced captain from the Drakwald
Havelock Vetinari, an illegitimate son of the Count of Miragliano
Alfredo Langer, a powerful and rich Marienburg noble
Gelhult Kohl, the son of the Elector count of Nordland
Ivan, the Accursed - a minor noble whose ambition, aptitude for magic, and drive has pulled him to the top
Hector Khanvall, an Imperial tactician
Karl Budenheim, a secretive Slaaneshi worshipper
Korhil von Durkar, raised by Dark Elves and with all their heartlessness
Herstel von Meister, an insane Imperial engineer
Marius Narheim, a master of intrigue and politicking

And the Warbands who will support them;
The Altdorf City Watch - City Watch (Jubal)
Mick's Merry Men - Reiklanders (Dripping D)
GI's Sisters of Sigmar (Airborne)
Meteor Seekers (WN)
Beastmen (DJ)
Hochlanders (Jeth)
Lizardmen (Dan)
Ogres (Louey)
Norscans (Penty)
Orcs (Rob)
Wood Elves (Croat Fan)
Undead (Tom)
Middenheimers (Simon)

And the matchups are;
Wolfgang Friedler, an experienced captain from the Drakwald (g) - Airborne (G)
Hector Khanvall, an Imperial tactician (n) - Penty (N)
Herstel von Meister, an insane Imperial engineer (e) - Dec J (E)
Ivan, the Accursed - a minor noble whose ambition, aptitude for magic, and drive has pulled him to the top (n) - Simon (NE)
Van Halfling, the only halfling claimant and a comitted witch hunter (g) - Jubal (NG)
Helmut Sturmwolke, the Lord Armourer (g) - Croat (NG)
Marius Narheim, a master of intrigue and politicking (e) - Tom (E)
Havelock Vetinari, an illegitimate son of the Count of Miragliano (n) - WN (NG)
Wolfgang Ludenhof, 'The Holy' and a famously pious sigmarite (g) - DD (ENG)
Korhil von Durkar, raised by Dark Elves and with all their heartlessness (e) - Jethro (E)
Alfredo Langer, a powerful and rich Marienburg noble (n) - Louis (ENG)
Karl Budenheim, a secretive Slaaneshi worshipper (e) - Rob (E)
Gelhult Kohl, the son of the Elector count of Nordland (n) - Dan (ENG)

Tabletop Games - The Game Room / Modelling/painting competition
« on: March 09, 2009, 10:26:23 PM »
I've decided to run a competition for the best model!

It doesn't have to be one you've converted, but it does have to be one you've painted. Scenery will be taken into account if you add any, but the model must fit on its normal size base.

Marks will be awarded by 3 impartial judges (not including me; I'm entering!) for painting, theme, and overall effect (each out of 10).

Please post whether you are entering here (but don't post your entries yet!)


Announcements! The Town Crier! / Lucky number 200!
« on: March 09, 2009, 10:03:27 PM »
200 users! In our first 10 months we got to 100, we have doubled that in just 3. Well done guys!

General Chatter - The Boozer / Yay!
« on: March 04, 2009, 09:51:53 PM »
It's my birthday tomorrow! w00t!

Here goes, prepare for EMPIRE!

Raiders and Traders / Concept art
« on: February 22, 2009, 09:49:31 PM »
Any ideas for concept art, discussion of concept art or concept art you make can be posted here.

Raiders and Traders / Graphics
« on: February 22, 2009, 09:47:58 PM »
Any ideas or new graphics stuff can be posted here.

Raiders and Traders / Map Thread
« on: February 22, 2009, 09:42:29 PM »

This will be the world map. Achaead areas are in red, Dzongka dark red, Heidellans light blue, Humans blue-green, Hanau olive green, and Danaan dark green.

Raiders and Traders / Humans
« on: February 22, 2009, 02:15:22 PM »
The humans are mostly late dark age/early medieval in culture.

Raiders and Traders / Achaead
« on: February 22, 2009, 02:14:25 PM »
The achaead will be the most unusual of the factions. They are quite reptilian and... well, I'll try and draw a picture I think. Their culture is kinda ancient greek I guess.

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