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Topics - Jubal

Pages: 1 ... 127 128 [129] 130 131 132
Southern Realm / This mod needs YOU! (Main Team Recruitment)
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:10:24 PM »
If you can do any scene editing, moellling, scripting or coding we probably need you for this mod.

Particularly scene editors as we have a current deficit of over 100 scenes to fill, and it's only going to get bigger....

So please sign up here!

Current team;
Jubal - Design, concept, troops leading and scripting
xGhost4000x - Scene Editing
Dimos - Scene Editing
Silver Wolf - Additional Models
Shjn - Loading Screens

General Chatter - The Boozer / Funny Picture Thread
« on: October 12, 2008, 05:48:36 PM »
Gives us an excuse to post funny pics without working out how they beat nuclear missiles...

I'll start.

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / The Credit Crunch
« on: October 12, 2008, 05:19:44 PM »
This is why Thatcher was a BAD THING. If the banks were all still mutuals none of this would have happened anyway.

[/lefty rant]


Announcements! The Town Crier! / Sound the Trumpets...
« on: September 27, 2008, 07:26:08 PM »
For Private Clark, who has ascended to the glorious post of Mount and Blade Administrator. May his days be long and properous and stuff.

The Great Baths - RTW Discussion / Post your empire...
« on: September 27, 2008, 05:49:15 PM »
Go on - post the vast land areas you have conquered in your quests for eternal glory...

I'll upload my two winning campaigns (Brutii and Carthage) later. I have Thrace and Greek Cities ont the way to a win as well.

General Chatter - The Boozer / How did you find this site?
« on: September 27, 2008, 12:07:54 PM »
How did you find this site?

... which are?

General Chatter - The Boozer / Tabletop gaming
« on: July 23, 2008, 05:27:53 PM »
I'm writing a set of rules for early rifle era gaming (1750-1870 era). I'm trying to decide on themes atm though, I have a world and at least 10  factions...

Union Of Industrialised States - Slavery and Good technology, the easiest army to play. They have powerful heavy cavalry forces. Thier troops wear blue.

Southern Confederacy of Free Nations - No slavery, poorer technology,, but a very wide and flexible range of troops and good access to mercenaries. THier trops wear different coloours for each state, and the states are differently themes (some are Italian/ French style, some British style, and so on).

Empire of Kastania - Cold weather, basically russians, lots of porr quality troops with a few elites.

Korynaga - Korean/Japanese  in theme, with advanced arquebuses and elite samurai next to weak armies of foot peasants.

Wanderers - Film style cowboys, settlers, and mercenaries, this is te mercenary list really.

Kanawa Confederacy - Native American style, cavalry mostly, a plains tribe.

Nova Roma - the New Papacy, small powerful armies with special morale benefits.

Glassowgall - Tribal scottish style guys with pistols and rifles and wild charges!

Iqualikik Tribes - Tough, organised eskimos with rifles.

Souther princes - A bunch of tiny southern states who are always infighting and so on.

So the things I need to work out...

THEME - Shoudl the wrold go...
a) Historical - accurate weapon descriptions, realistic troop types.
B)                                                    Steampunk - futuristic steam tanks, steam powered machine guns, and madness
c) victorian fanttasy - I quite like this idea  have a subtle theme of vampires and so on, with just small amounts of wierness and magic to spice up the world a little.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / The Indigo room
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:40:51 PM »
A set of puzzles, each taking the form of a room you have to escape from. Players may ask me different things about each room, the items in it, and so on. The first player to figure out the solution wins!

Comrade_General (3 points)
toml1000 (3 points)
Ierne  (3 Points)
Glaurung (2 Points)
Stormcloud (2 Points)
Private Clark (1 Point)

The Indigo Room was solved by comrade_general (3 points)
The Azure Room was solved by... an act of god
The Locked room was solved by Private Clark (1 point)
The Radiating Room was solved by... an act of god
The Diamond Room was solved by Stormcloud (2 points)
The Nightingale Plaza was solved by... an act of god
The Mathematician's Room was solved by... an act of god
The Devotion Room was solved by toml1000 (3 points)
The Poet's Room was solved by... an act of god
The Pit Courtyard was solved by Ierne (3pts)
The Library Room was solved by Glaurung (2pts)

Current puzzle; THE MONK'S CLOISTER (3pts, p15)

ROOM ONE - The Indigo Room (3pts)

There is a chair in the room, and a light on the ceiling. There is a door, butit has no lock, doorknob or handle. The walls are painted prupley-blue (indigo).

Solution; there was a box containing a battery and the wiring for the light, and a chair leg was loose; the chair leg, wires and battery made an electromagnet to attract the magnetic bolt in the door.

ROOM TWO - The Azure Room (3pts)

The room has no windows, there is the door you just came through and a second one on the other side. There is a BIG keyhole. THere is a table with iron legs and a wooden top, and the table has a key on it.

You try the key, but the keyhole is blocked. The blockage is wooden, and an oblong (can't twist it), and you can't push it out the other side. Nor can you get your fingers around it.

Solution; The table had self-tapping screws in, you needed to take one out, screw it into the block and remove it. You can then open the door with the key.

ROOM THREE - The Locked Room (1pt)

You see a grey painted room. There is a door on the other side. The door has lots of bolts and heavy bars across it. There is nothing else in the room. What do you do?

Solution; slide the bolts out of their brackets, and open the door.

ROOM FOUR - The Radiating Room (3pts)

The walls are shiny! There is a box mext to the door, which has no handle, keyhole, key or anything along those lines. There is a fridge in the room, a light with a switch, a thermostat, a radiator, and a fan with a switch.

The door has the following symbol inlaid on it;

Solution; the door contained a mercury column, which you had to get down to its minimum by turning the fan on setting the thermostat down, and turning the light off.

ROOM FIVE - The Diamond Room (2pts)


The room's floor is half paved in diamond... and you can even see an open door on the other side! However, on the other half of the floor there is a checkerboard of square steel plates about the size of your foot, and squares covered in large, sharp, deadly looking spikes. Also, across the middle of the room, at about waist height, there is a belt-action, diamond coated bandsaw belt, running at full power. How the hell are you going to get out of this one?

Solution; get room 1's chair and room 2's table, and room 3's iron bars. you then simply bridge the saw.


You start at the bottom of the puzzle you have to get to the top. You may walk in straight lines or diagonals as you wish. The aim is, clearly not to set off the traps. So which combination do YOU think gets you across safely?

H (not a note) to m (not a dynamic mark) to the flag (not a note marking) to ABC (not a chord) to gun (all the others are parts of instruments) to * (not a stave marking) to Luccini (the others are all composers not Warhammer factions) to fat. (not a tempo mark).


You see this on the wall.
1 + x = 10. Solve to find x.

Below it there is a tray of balls and ten gaps, each of which can either contain a ball or not contain a ball. These are linked to a lock on the door.

Going from left to right, which gaps should you fill to escape?

Which is to say, binary one.

1 + 1 = 2
Which is binary 10

Room 8 - THE DEVOTION ROOM (3 points)

You enter a large, high-roofed room with four shrines.

The first is a Buddhist shrine set into the wall, with a large wheel as its centrepiece. The wheel has a square axle-hole and square slots through the rim, with a small stone statue of Buddha sitting in front of it.

The second is a Catholic one. An image of the Virgin Mary is at the centre, with a pair of keys in a cross representing the papacy and two large, grand incense burners in the shape of ornate crimson fishes. There is a crimson canopy over the shrine held up with rope.

The third is Protestant, consisting of a single large cross slotted into a heavy wooden base. The shrine is otherwise very plain, except for a large and heavy copy of the Bible on a stone table.

The final one is Muslim - a huge, heavy, metal crescent, with a small hole at each tip, is slotted into the wall, with other items of devotion and intricate Arabic mosaics surrounding it. There is a domed roof over the little shrine.

Finally, you see the door at the other end of the room. It has a large keyhole, and a heavy bar across it. The bar is connected via teeth to a large cog on the wall. The cog is padlocked in place, and has at its centre a square bar jutting out perpendicular to the surface (effectively capping off the axle). A large number of what you presume are prayers and charms, written on small scraps of paper, are lying around the door - though they are not in a script or language you understand.

How will you try and escape?

- Step 1 unlock cog w/catholic key 1
- Step 2 slot Buddhist Wheel on
- Step 3 fit cross into wheel
- Step 4 using ropes and giant crescent add weight to wheel, allowing cog to turn
- Step 5 use key 2 to open the door!

Room 9 - THE POET'S ROOM (3 points)

After a couple of tries, you fit the key in and finally leave the Devotion Room.

The new room is mostly oak-panelled, and has what appears to be a case full of books along one wall, with doors on the two walls adjoining it (including the door you came through. The other wall, however, is made of a shiny grey metal.

You see four racks on the wall. Each has a linear scanner behind it. On the racks lie a set of tiles, each with a word on. They form the following cryptic-message:

see this poem And If you shall be free, from The room
shall I be for ever more written thus
must be as would to unlock the door.

There are currently no tiles on the bottom rack.

What do you wish to do?

Rearrange the poem. The original answer to this was unfortunately lost, but was probably something like:

If from this room you would be free,
I must be written as shall see
And thus shall be for ever more
The poem to unlock the door.

Room 10 - THE PIT COURTYARD (3 points)
Somehow, you get out of the poet's room... you come to a courtyard, with overhanging roofs with tiles and rain guttering (at the crest of the sloping roof there's just more of the building wall which stretches way up, so you can't escape that way). In the centre of the next yard there is a deep, deep pit. It has sides, much like a well, and is about two metres across, but it's dry and with no holes noticeable anywhere. A range of items are sat on a wooden table at the side of the courtyard.

These include:
> A jar of rollmops
> A lodestone
> A big block of polystyrene
> Tubes of crimson paint, toothpaste, and superglue
> A short length of wooden tubing, thin and around 70cm long.

Finally there's a tap at the side of the room. It's marked "DANGEROUS TOXIC LIQUID. NON-CORROSIVE. KILLS ON CONTACT."

And where's the door key to get out of this one? You guessed it, it's in the pit. Good luck!

This is a simple physics puzzle with some minor twists. The lodestone is magnetic - it should be glued to the polystyrene to create a floatable magnet, which can then be dropped into the pit to pick up the key. The guttering and the table itself can be used to divert the toxic liquid into the pit without touching it, and the tubing can then be used to nudge/fish out the magnet and key, after which the latter can be retrieved to open the door.

Room 11 - THE LIBRARY ROOM (2 points)

You come to a long room with ten bookshelves around the walls, each labelled for a different sub-field of natural history: marine life, botany, palaeontology, avians, mammals, geology, physical science, chemistry, herpetology and medicine. There is a table in the middle of the room, turkish-style rugs covering the floor, a desk and chair in the middle, and a pen and paper on the desk. The shelves are full of old looking books; the ceiling is decorated with an attractive painting of a flock of emus. There are no visible doors, except the one you came in through.

On the paper has been written:
"Welcome stranger! One of the bookcases is the hidden door to continue your journey: simply select the third book from the left on the middle shelf, and the revolving wall will turn, swivelling the bookcase and floor section you're standing on around and taking you onwards. One slight issue, though: if you try selecting from the wrong bookcase, a hidden panel in the ceiling will pour boiling tar on you, almost certainly killing you. Don't worry, safety precautions have been put in place to ensure your demise in this manner will not risk damage to any of the rare books in our collection. Good luck!"

How will you escape?

The rugs were moveable: they simply had to be removed from the floor, in order to check where the grooves for the revolving door were.

To finish my topic spam, rate the sig and avatar of the previous poster out of ten, giving reasons.

Write an outrageous lie (or even more outrageous truth) about whoever posted last. Are they secretly in love with Thatcher? Did THEY cause 9/11?

Up to you...

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Ban the person above you
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:35:00 PM »
FInd a reason why the previous person should be banned. Make your reasons as stupis, inflammatory, and outrageous a you want (within reason guys though).

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Spoil a wish
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:33:14 PM »
You wish for something, the next poster has to ruin it in some way.

I wish for nuclear disarmament

Everyobdy disarms, then creates new biological weapons and WWIII begins.

To start;

I wish for no homework!

General Chatter - The Boozer / Caption Vote
« on: June 30, 2008, 05:25:40 PM »
Caption Vote - Which is the best caption?

How ownerly are YOU? Are you really as tough as you think? Compare your characters here!

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