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Messages - Jubal

Pages: 1 ... 2101 2102 [2103] 2104 2105 ... 2111
Tabletop Games - The Game Room / Favourite Race?
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:16:14 PM »
We had to finish hlafway through a close combat phase, only having done the 2 fights YOU would have won anyway, and NOT doing the two I was going to own you ass in. YOu can brag over the Brettonians, but I forbid you to start bragging over me. I have a banhammer.

General Chatter - The Boozer / Mafia
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:14:27 PM »
That's 3 of us... Marcus? Storm? Pent?

Discussion and Debate - The Philosopher's Plaza / US Election?
« on: June 02, 2008, 08:13:39 PM »
If he gets a decent runnign mate who the working classes like he should be OK though.

The Great Baths - RTW Discussion / Egyptians?
« on: June 02, 2008, 04:40:44 PM »
Really? My copy has the hell modded out of it so far I forget these things, in mine Carthage and Greeks get scorps too.

The Great Baths - RTW Discussion / Egyptians?
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:26:27 PM »
Fire arows, or gladiators (although quite a few will die), and/or plenty of ballistae or scorpions (scorps if you can get them, can't remember off the top of my head if the romans can).

General Chatter - The Boozer / WBU - SNIPERS!!!!!! Get down!!
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:24:25 PM »
Here in the UK, the GCSE (Grievious Cock-up in Secondary Education) is the standard examination taken by 15-16 year olds before they leave school. It is the last exam taken by all stdents across the country before a percentage of them leave for work/A levels (the next set of exams, taken after a 2 year course)/smoking pot and dying at the age of 22.

The Great Baths - RTW Discussion / Egyptians?
« on: June 01, 2008, 06:46:48 PM »
Strategy #1; Drop your legionaries. in the eat legionaries are at thier least effecitve - think Carrhae.

The chariots and light cav will slaughter your legions, get rid of them.

What you need is merc support and auxilia. The best way to take out the chariots is eles if you can get them, if not machine gun bow/siege them (spam archer auxlia, repeater ballista) or take gladiators.

My roman armies in the east consist of mostly cavalry, roman cav isn't that good but they'll fare reasonably against most eastern and egytian infantry.
Firstly, chariots, use the strateies above. your cavalry wing has to kep otu the way here, the chariots will slaughter them. The chariots should be taken out by a separate force, with your cavalry and lgiht infantry body at th back of the battlefield until they are gone. Once they have been taken out (and you WILL take casulaties uness you have merc elephants), move the remanants of your chriot killers back to your main infatry body. After that then the cavalry wing (which should be mimimum half your force) should simply be used as a single, crushing hammer, pummelling into the bowmen then pulling out before the melee gets protracted. They should be able to do this with few casulaties, advoiding the cumbersome phalanxes.
Finally, the phalangites are simple to beat, just put a linght to medium infantry meat shield up with the rest of your force, then smash them in the back.

That's my roman strategy anyway. Romans re OK against Egypt if you do it right, better than the poor greeks (phalxes in the desert V.S. chariots, ouch), but not as good as Carthage (elephants own chariots).

General Chatter - The Boozer / Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 06:31:29 PM »
With 2 players? We ned 5 minimum.

General Chatter - The Boozer / WBU - SNIPERS!!!!!! Get down!!
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:51:09 AM »
Yeah... What the hell are we going to do about it? I started planety of topics, but nobody's posting.

General Chatter - The Boozer / WBU - SNIPERS!!!!!! Get down!!
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:19:20 AM »
I'm getting bored here...

General Chatter - The Boozer / Caption Competition
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:41:42 AM »
Nobdy's PMed me yet...

General Chatter - The Boozer / Caption Competition
« on: May 31, 2008, 11:12:24 PM »
Attack of the hitchiking axemen it seems...

General Chatter - The Boozer / Caption Competition
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:31:35 PM »

Here's the picture, anyone wanting to enther PM me with a caption, in a week or so I'll post a poll up (anonymous as to who's caption is who's, I'd like to ask people not to vote for their own).

General Chatter - The Boozer / Greatest Insults
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:27:20 PM »
A neat list, ever not had the right phrase to insult someone? It's here.

Forum Games - The Beer Cellar! / Guess Who Will Post Next
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:10:49 PM »
God damn it!



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