work in progress

Started by dj_chisi10, May 13, 2009, 11:30:56 PM

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do you have total war messages??? :blink: :D




Aaaah, I thought he meant Total War.


OK, this is it folks. I'm off for my holiday (three weeks), and I doubt I'll be able to post or do any work during this period. I might be able to watch this thread a few times.
When I come back, there'll hopefully be some progress. Darwin should've fixes his AI problem (two posts up), hopefully chisi and MISHO will have returned with lots of new masterpieces. I hope that once I return, this thread will not have become a nest of chaos.

Good luck people!


hey guys I'm finally done with studies here's the head of my dragon so far I'll post the rest of his body later.
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ps: the armadilloy painting is just to show how are the UVs till I make a texture

also here's  sword I made for fun it could be given to some faction leader or something.
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so feedback. is the dragon ok or should I change something???

seems like nobody missed me  :'(

here's the body still needs wings though:
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:blink: ...

just great

the wings should be folded


here you can see the height is similar to the horse's so I don't think they'll be any clipping :p
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the wings so far:
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when I'm done they should look something like this (( I know they're weird I think I'll change them :s ))
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the wings will be in the way when the rider climbs up ;)


new wings I think they're better:
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I think it's impossible to have wings that won't be in the riders way :s
at least when he's riding they won't be in his way only when he's climbing.

also did you make a new thread?? if yes plz can you give me the link.


i'm making a new one right now ;)


just made a new dragon for variation, his head is totally different from the first also his wings are a bit more horizental than the first's:
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ps: again the paint is just to show me on the UVs where will be each part :)


Wow. Excellent work sibylla.


I agree, excellent work. I kinda like them both. Maybe we could have variation in Dragon species?

I have an idea. What about a weakness in the dragon's scale? Or a certain type of dragon's scale? I have no idea how the whole headshot thing works, but if we could use that to make a weakspot in the dragon's scale, that could add a bit of originality to it. For instance, you shoot an arrow and it hits the center of it's chest, boom, headshot, does extra damage. Perhaps you could change the name as well, for instance, you hit that spot and instead of saying headshot, you could say critical hit? Just a suggestion.


thanks guys, & nice Idea Goromous we could also have some elemental weakness for example a fire dragon shot with some water magic suffers more damage while fire magic is useless againt him we could then have frost dragons etc ... ??? ((hmmm extra work for everybody :d ))

also I finally finished the wings: (( Hell I need to sleep gd n8 everyone))
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people that sleep at 12:41 AM ;) #
good night anyway :D


Goromus idea is good, but quite difficult, not for the 1st release...