RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing through 0.4

Started by ahowl11, December 02, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

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Well Here Goes, the first battle wasn't epic as I had Hoped but boy did the 2nd one make me wish I had my Militia Cavalry. This was a tough battle so I didn't get to take many screens but I'm posting the best ones I was able to get. I'm gonna do this dramatic Role Play AAR style since I've never done one before :P


I was Laying siege to Jerusalem, hoping to buy myself time and to weaken the Garrison before I attacked. I would have no such luck as a foolish Captain of the Egyptian Army Attacked me with a Paltry Force, however the Captains Brave act spurred the Garrison of the City to Sally Forth and attack as well:

At a disadvantage, I set my Forces Up on a hill Facing the Enemy forcing them to Fight Uphill. It was a necessary maneuver as my force, while large was nothing more than a Militia force supported by Unreliable Mercenaries and a Paltry Cavalry Force, But these sheep were led by a Lion, I intended to secure a great Victory this day.

The first wave of Attackers Consisted of the Foolish Captain, Spearmen from Nubia and Spearmen from the Nile, a force I was not concerned with.

The Force from Jerusalem however was another Story, Led by a Brash Yet Cunning Commander, he brought with him a massive Host of Egypt's best, arrayed in a way that my Hill advantage would be rendered meaningless as his force could easily encircle me and take advantage of the glaring weakness my Army had, Inexperience.

The Young Captain was the first to fall, his cowardice revealed itself as he and his army fled from my Pikes, I did not waste my Javelins on the coward, I needed them for the Oncoming Storm.

The Generals Brashness showed as he Charged my army head on, Leading his chariots into my pikes. A foolish tactics, it cost him and his retinue their lives but allowed his Light Cavalry to launch a devastating charge on my Left Flank.

What I had feared most, What I had Tried to Prevent happened, my men's inexperience had gotten the better of them and my left crumbled as the combined Cavalry and Infantry strike killed many with only the Eastern Mercenaries standing their ground.

The Bravery of the Mercenaries gave me the time Needed to act, Quickly, I rallied my Skirmishers and Ordered them to Counter Charge the Enemy Force.

The Battle devolved into a disorganized melee as neither side held an Advantage. But without its General the Mighty Egyptian Army eventually Buckled and their fleeing men were picked off.

While it was a Heroic victory it was still costly, Over 311 men were lost, men that would never see their families or friends again. The Only Solace I could take from this battle is that the Garrison of Jerusalem was crushed  leaving the city defenseless and ripe for the Taking.

All in all it was good battle, I fought another one after that but I forgot to take screens, now Pontus and Armenia have joined the fray. Kind of annoying how Armenia declares a ceasefire and then immediately attacks me though. Also the General charging head on into Pikes, is that supposed to happen?


Good battle AAR! How do the pikemen fare with the new animations?
It seems like the general always does that. I do not know if it is correctable.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on December 09, 2013, 01:11:56 AM
Good battle AAR!
Thank you :), First Time I ever did one.

QuoteHow do the pikemen fare with the new animations?
Pretty Darn Good, they managed to hold their formation and Not Take any casualties when charged from the front. But as you can see from my AAR the Flanks are their weak points which is historically accurate. Shield wall was also useless when hit in the flanks, which is also good.

QuoteIt seems like the general always does that. I do not know if it is correctable.
From the edits and additions I noticed you have not yet added a combat AI mod Pack yet, so once you do perhaps this will fix this but you could ask the Guys in TWC too if they have a solution.

Other than that I haven't found any real problems, mod is running smoothly without any hiccups. Might want to extend more BETA testing Invites too, Kinda Lonely around here :P


I do not know of any AI modding packs for RTW? If you know of any please point me to them!

Lenin Cat is supposed to test as well as a few others. I'm sure they are busy though. I am busy too since I have finals starting tomorrow. Luckily I have them all tomorrow, so I should have the next BETA out by the end of the week. :)
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Sorry Dude, guess no one made one :(, I'm sure you'll find a fix for this though. Overall the enemy army proved to be very hard to fight, it maneuvered its cavalry and infantry to strike at my weakest point and nearly turned the battle against me, If the Eastern Mercs hadn't held against the Nubians I would have been finished.


I don't believe any exist. The best way to modify AI behavior is by their formations, which has already been done. AI generals stupidly charging your frontline is an issue that cannot be fixed I am afraid. But that's good, I'm glad the AI works well. Now we just need longer battles eh? I'll more than likely base the stats off RTRPE, or if anyone is good with stat balancing they can edit them. I have never manually edited stats, only copied from other mods such as RTRPE.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I actually like RTRPE Battles, especially since Sparabara's don't break as easily, so I wouldn't mind if you used it for this mod :).


That is more than likely what will happen.
Carthaginian Skins added, and I made a UI last night

Pontic Eastern Infantry
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on December 09, 2013, 07:00:53 PM
That is more than likely what will happen.
Carthaginian Skins added, and I made a UI last night

Pontic Eastern Infantry

Oh, Nice work, So I take it the next update will include some reskins?


Every unit will have a reskin for the next BETA. I hope to have it ready by the weekend. UI's will come later. They are very tedious and boring to do.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Good to know, Also update on Beta Testing,

1. Siege battles run smoothly, although Cavalry tends to have some difficulty moving in the city, nothing serious just slow at times.
2. Hoplite Shield wall is effective but I noticed they tend to push forward a lot if they aren't put into guard mode.
3. Pike Phalanx is Absolutely impenetrable from the Front, but the They are weaker on the Flanks and rear.
4. Hoplites vs Pike Phalanx is an even match in my Opinion. Hoplites attacking from the Front are no match for the Pikes Phalanx Formation but if maneuvered to attack the Flanks and Sides then the Hoplites either Over Power them or fight on Even Terms.

I haven't gotten to test night battles yet and I'm going try forced Diplomacy on Armenia and Pontus since both are attacking me at the moment and ruining my campaign against Egypt. I'm Going do a Custom Battle with Urbans vs Silver Shield Pikes to see how they do. in frontal assault.


I'll get z3n over here to see if he knows any more about the hoplites. Please post your results with night battles and forced diplomacy. I hope they work.
Also, Parthia and Spain are reskinned..

I have these factions left:
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


1. Night Battles:
Night Battles work like a charm, no problems to report :)

2. Forced Diplomacy:
Forced Diplomacy also worked like a charm, made Armenia and Pontus vassals, granted they attacked me immediately in the next turn but still, it worked, and plus I did not have to rest the advisor at all :)

Side Note:
I did a Custom Battle between Fully Upgraded Urbans and Fully Upgraded Silver Shield Pikes. The Urbans Had great difficulty attacking from the front before they were routed but the AI opponent maneuvered his left to attack my right flank, routing my right wing so again Pikes are still good in the front, even against Urbans but are weak on the flanks.


Hoplites, this is known issue for all types of units. Not just hoplites. Guard is the only thing that seems to solve it.

This is a somewhat realistic feature though.