RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing through 0.4

Started by ahowl11, December 02, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

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I'm about to start the final push of reskins and then I will release. I wish UI's did not take forever to do, because it won't look right having vanilla UI's with realistic units. However, it will have to be like that for awhile until I have enough time to methodically make all UI's. Or if I can find someone to do them!
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Here is BETA 0.2

Just extract to the current folder. Overwrite everything.

comrade_general, there are a few units for the rebels that don't have their own textures. Would you be able to reskin some existing ones to give to them? As long as they do not look vanilla and differ somewhat from the other textures, I don't have any preference.

I will probably add in the Pinarius Horses shortly, along with the animations for the riders. That will come on Sunday with the banners, symbols, and campaign map textures/models. If I have time, RS2 environments will come as well.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Tested some of the new units in custom battles and they look great  :), But I think I found a Unit model Bug, the Seleucid legionary has the Julii legionary Model so you might want to check that, other than that the new units look great, especially the romans  ;)


Would you happen to have a listing of these rebel scum? :)


Ok I did a final run-through of the faction units (I skipped the rebels) and multiple CTD's due to a known vanilla bug and with the Seleucid Legion model being the only hang up, all I can say is that these new skins are FANTASTIC!!! The Romans look Great!!! the Carthaginians are Awesome!!! You can keep the current unit roster as is, remove the unhistorical ones and replace them with historical ones.  I also see so much potential for the Egyptians as well, we can keep some of the reskinned units like the axemen and nile infantry and replace the silly ones like the heavy archers, chariots and pharaohs guard with Hellenistic and mercenary units like pikemen, Cretan archers and Galatians.

I just Noticed the Seleucid Cataphract is the same Model as the Parthian Cataphract. While Doing some Rummaging I found these two Hellenistic Cataphract Models made by Intel for RS 2.1A for the Seleucids and Pergamum, now hear me out, based on the new reskins implemented these early model Cataphracts seem like they would fit well with the seleucids and could be a good base work for other Hellenic factions with Cataphract units. Just a thought.   


My memory avoids me comrade, I'll have to check in the morning.

There will be plenty of changes for units to come. Some of the skins/models will be swapped for better ones.
Can I get a link the the Cataphracts?
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Quote from: ahowl11 on December 15, 2013, 07:47:57 AM
There will be plenty of changes for units to come. Some of the skins/models will be swapped for better ones.
Can I get a link the the Cataphracts?

D'oh, I though I posted the Link, here it is:

I know they are for RS 2.1 but their style reminds me of the Cataphracts in RTRPE except more polished and aside for the Horse model which can be removed they aren't that complex in appearance.


I like the RTRPE Agema model/better. In any case, the vanilla one will have to go.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Did you also Reskin the Numidian Legionnaires too? Just asking because they still have their vanilla model I haven't checked the Armenian Legionnaire yet.

Armenian's still have their vanilla legionnaires as well,


They are reskinned, I just need to fix the DMB
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Ok then :) will this fix the Seleucid Legionnaire too?

On a side note, I can't wait till the romans are merged. Playing as Carthage, the freaking Scipii have no problem sending wave after waves of troops to keep me from Syracuse. When you do start replacing the Units can the Carthaginian infantry stay the same they have kind of grown on me :) or if you do change them can you make the Libyan Spear an AOR unit, I like its new look :D


We will see.
I should have a new version out by the end of tonight.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Great, you know this has to be the smoothest beta I've ever played, aside from the legionnaire reskin hiccups no significant bugs have been found yet :)


Well I was thinking about it, and everything I have done is basically porting.
I simply copy/pasted the unit entries over the vanilla ones and then copy/pasted the necessary files for the units.

I am taking a small break before I finish up 0.3.

So far I have implemented reskins for the generals and captains on the campaign map, except for the Rebel General, for some reason I get a weird generic error every time I try to change the entry. So there is one bug.
I do not know what I will do concerning the diplomats/spys and assassins, still brainstorming.
New settlement models have been implemented along with new siege and blockade models.
The campaign map looks a lot better with new textures and trees. Also, some factions have had their color changed.

All that is left before 0.3 is ready is:
New Banners/Symbols for every faction except the Senate (I could not find an RTR style symbol for them).
RS2 Environments
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Well porting does take some skill, you have to make sure the mods you implement work together properly :). Lost my carthage campaign by the way, Scipii reconquered Sicily with a stack of Hastati and Principes and the Numdians and Iberians bum rushed me and the Julii invaded my other island holdings :(. The Carthaginian Starting units stink  :'(