RTR Project 'Grand Campaign' BETA Testing through 0.4

Started by ahowl11, December 02, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

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The last thing I will do for this version of the map is redo some starting positions and armies. It will be as realistic as the vanilla map can get. Then I'll move on to the RTH map.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


0.3 BETA

This is not a full mod, just the files added to the current mod.

DMB fixes so a few units do not look vanilla
RS2 Environments
New banners and symbols for most factions (Brutii, Senate, Scipii still look very vanilla, but Joar from TWC will make them for me after Christmas)
Generals and Captains have new textures on strat map. Credits to webbird, warspite, and Prometheus
New textures for the campaign map. Credits go to limes of AEE and RS2. Trees are from M2TW
New settlement models for campaign map thanks to RTR VII
New menu backdrop, and loading screens. I edited the loading screens, Menu is credited to RTR.
New Loading bar from RTR

It feels a lot more realistic now than before.

What's left before moving on to bigger map and one Roman Faction:
*DTW Walls
*BI Buildings
*RS2 Settlement Trees
*RS2 Hillforts
UI's for all units
New Interface for a few factions
Possibly new models/textures for diplomats, spies, and assassins
More realistic starting positions and armies
Better Stats for all units
Rise of Rome Provincial Campaign (Historical Campaign)
4 turns per year
Roman Cognomen names
Pinarius Horses (and animations for riders with it)
Other small add ons

*These will be very difficult to add in since I have yet to figure out a way to get either of them in without CTD's and bugs. Hopefully z3n and others from TWC can assist me.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Downloaded the update and tested some custom battles and found some bugs:

1. Seleucid Silver shield is still the Julii Model.
2. When I tried to check the Numidian Legionary I got this error:

QuoteGeneric Error:

Failed to find texture

I'm thinking I'll probably encounter the same thing with the Armenian legionary too. I'll check the campaign later to see if their are any bugs there.

Took a screenshot of what I noticed on the campaign map:


it's mainly in Europe
Africa and middle east don't have this issue


Oooh, it's our old friend the purple terrain bug!  :)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Am I just missing a few terrain files from the BETA folder?

I will look into the legionaries. The Seleucid one is supposed to look that way. I think Spirit of Rob created one, I'll see if I can replace the webbird version with it.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I think so, yes. C_G fixed it when WHTW had the problem, he probably remembers the bug better than I do.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


Aye, must make sure all the terrain files are present and located where they should be according to descr_aerial_map_ground_types.txt

Sorry I haven't been helping much otherwise with this... quite useless lately (also busy). :/


Okay, I will come out with a patch around Christmas. I just received the new Roman symbols today and now I am hoping for a new Dacian and Briton symbol from Joar. Once I have all the symbols implemented and the necessary fixes done, I will release a patch. If anyone knows someone that can do UI's please let me know. I really do not want to do them! If I have to, I will.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Good to hear, I haven't been able to play of late due to me being sick but I look forward to the next release, but don't push yourself man, relax and enjoy the Holidays :D.

Lenin Cat

You can not haz cheezeburger until all cats can haz cheezeburger.


Yes, I need to. Taking a break since I burned myself out.

Played a good Macedon Campaign. Everything works smoothly.
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Happy New Years Everyone :)!!! Hope you all enjoyed yourselves.


New years gift:
0.3.5 Patch!

DMB Issues fixed (I promise, Numidian and Armenian skins appear!)
New Seleucid Legionary model/texture courtesy of sprit_of_rob
Terrain Issue on Campaign Map fixed
DTW Walls!

Simply extract to your data folder and play.

Please test the new Seleucid Legionary, he looks pretty awesome
Test the walls, the walls replace the tier 2 wooden walls in the campaign map. In custom battle they are stone walls.

Future Plans:
RS2 Settlement trees - Will be toughest thing for me to add
RTH 1.2 Map - Yup, the first full release will not include the vanilla map as there is no way to represent the factions accurately on the vanilla map.
Roman Faction Symbols/Banners - Have them, just need to put them in.
phalanx_mans EDU - This guy pretty much knows everything about the EDU, battles will be a lot longer and realistic after he is finished and I implement it.
UI Cards - Mental Block is keeping me from doing these. I simply do not want to, but then again I do...

After all the above is added, we should see a v1.0 released to the Public
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


Wow that was fast.

4.0 BETA is here. Two BETA's in one day!

RTH 1.2 Map courtesy of Philadelphos (many edits in descr_strat to reflect vanilla set up done by me)

Okay there is A LOT to be tested now. Along with the DTW walls, I would like a play through of each faction for at least 15-20 turns. Then I need a good report on the following:

Faction Status in Beginning: Too strong? Too weak? Historical Inaccuracies?
Starting Buildings: Some factions may start far more advanced than others, in the end this will need to be balanced
Starting Units: Same as above.
Money: How is each faction doing in regards to economy and income?
Overall Difficulty: Is this faction easy or hard to play as.

Play on H/H settings for now.

Extract data folder into the current RTW directory that holds the previous BETA (you must have 0.3.5 installed!)
Go to data/world/maps/base and delete these files: 'map_heights.hgt' and 'map.rwm' before you start playing

I will do a little recruiting to get some more testers over here. So far I know I can count on b257! comrade_general, jubal, lenin cat, what say you? Can you test at least 2 factions for me?

Here is the faction list, please sign up for at least 2! You can sign up for more if you wish.
Julii comrade_general CanOmer
Scipii CanOmer
Senate (Don't have to since it shouldn't be played with)
Macedon comrade_general
Carthage b257
Seleucids b257
Armenia ahowl11
Pontus ahowl11
Greek Cities
Numidia b257
Thrace Cozmicus
Dacia Cozmicus
Scythia ahowl11

Future Plans and Ideas/Questions:

Obviously I need to add the RS2 Settlement trees and Roman Faction Symbols/Banners.

My question is should I release the first version as a vanilla faction set up with the 3 Roman Families? Or should I instead start getting rid of the senate feature and change the Roman families into:
Greek States
Hellenic Kingdoms
Independent Peoples

And also changing:
Thrace to Illyria
Britannia to Celtic Tribes
Dacia to Getai
Spain to Iberia
Scythia to Sarmatia

Also if I do this, then I will also hold off on doing UI's until I have all factions set up and then all necessary units added.

My thinking is that it will end up like this anyways, why waste time on a vanilla faction set up?
God, Family, Baseball, Friends, Rome Total War, and Exilian. What more could I possibly need?


I can do Carthage, The Seleucids and Numidia, so you can count on me  ;D