Started by Clockwork, March 24, 2014, 12:39:46 AM

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I'll be writing an RPG for anyone who is interested, 4 players would be ideal, although more or less I can accommodate for. It'll start on 1st April. Anyone can join, however if you miss 3 days or more you do run the risk of being killed by anything I can think of (you can start a new character to meet interact with the party still alive though ;))

Char Sheet:

28 points to spend. 4 + racial is generally the average for any race, but feel free to stack all points in Strength or something. Min is 1 in each. I use SPECIAL system because it's easy to work with and gives me something to roll against easily. Just post your attributes and race if you'd like to join plus whatever your character is carrying at the time of joining the adventure and where you'd like to start, pub, training grounds, lord's palace, kitchen etc. If you feel like writing a backstory, go for it, make up names for places etc, I'll incorporate anything you add. This RPG is going to be told as much by me as it is by you, first time I've tried anything like this, hope it goes well :)








Human (+1 Per, +2 Charisma, +1 Endurance)
Orc (+2 Strength, +1 Agility, +1 Perception)
Minotaur (+2 Strength, +2 Endurance)
Elf (+2 int, +1 Charisma, +1 Agility)
Dwarf (+2 Endurance, +1 Perception, +1 Luck)
Merfolk (-1 Charisma, +2 Luck, +2 Agility, +1 Endurance)

The plan is that each stat will feature as much as the others, so there is no 'right' stat to build.... Also if you all pick strength, I'll make you all take intelligence and charisma tests :P

I've started writing an outline of what will happen, I hope a few of you join this. I'll update as quickly as I can, with the person with highest posts being 'most chatty' and vice versa. Hell if DD (for example) only appears once a week when there is a big fight going on I could make him a spirit of protection or something for another character...I'll be going with the flow on this but I'm hoping my quick thinking will be able to carry it :D
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Eustathios, the Minotaur Hermit

INT 10

Most Minotaurs lead brutal lives. Often brutally short lives, too, as pit-fighters or guardians of treasure. And Eustathios was probably, at birth, thought to be destined for a similar fate. But such was not to be his lot. Working out the patterns of the maze he had been trapped in and constructing progressively more impressive tools from the traps within it, he eventually broke out. Roaming the countryside, he eventually found refuge in a tower that had once belonged to a wizard. Whilst he had no aptitude for magic, he taught himself to read and write and, using the abandoned tower as his base and hunting in the nearby woods for food, became enthralled by books and learning.

Whilst a lot of the local nobility like to pretend he doesn't exist, Eustathios has progressively become known to some elements of the local community and the huge minotaur exchanges his services as a medic, craftsman, or occasionally storyteller to village children for food and other necessities. As such, the minotaur hermit has become a known figure, if something of an oddity, in the area...

STARTING LOCATION: An abandoned wizard's tower, in a forest near to the starting town.
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...


How often would players be expected to contribute? With finals coming up I won't be able to spend masses of time outside the library, never mind having fun!  :o

Cuddly Khan

Faolan, the Crazy Mercenary Dwarf

AGI 10

Faolan is a very very (very very very) odd little Dwarf. He is, how to put it, CRAZY. He isn't a normal dwarf, quite far from it. He is faster than most Dwarves, so fast that he can outrun a lot of humans or even elves on occasions. He prefers speed when fighting over strength, and you may think his short stature would slow him down but it just makes him harder to hit. Another reason people call him crazy is that, unlike most mercenaries, he prefers fighting for joy rather than money. If there's a fight he'll join in whether there's money involved or not. The main reason he'd considered crazy is that he, not talks to himself, but talks to people that aren't there. He talks to them more often than he talks to anyone else, preferring the company of his friends that no one else can see. The final reason people call him crazy is that, unlike normal Dwarves, he prefers Human or Elven women, which is probably why he prefers to be in the human towns rather than at home in the mountains to the far north.

Being a mercenary he travels around to find jobs where they are needed, often choosing the ones that are more likely to lead to a fight. He arrived at a town escorting a merchant, through know bandit territory, bringing his merchandise to the local market. To his disappointment it was a safe journey and he now finds himself in need of a new job, sitting in the local tavern spending his well earned money on the local cheap beer and whichever whore tickles hims fancy at the time.

He has a small hunting bow and 10 arrows, he has two daggers that he used to fight, preferring close combat to distant. He has light but resilient leather armour, made more for agility more than protection, it wouldn't stop a broadswords swing but it would save a him from more than a few scratches. He has a small pony to get around. No the most agile or fast choice but it's the one he feels most comfortable with (He hates heights). He also had basic survival epuipment, a tent, flint, some torches, etc.

STARTING LOCATION: In the local tavern of the starting town waiting for a job to show up, one with the promise of fighting more than money.
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


Contribute as often or as little as you want, if you're not going to be around much maybe play as a wizard and I'll create something that allows you to teleport in whenever you feel like it. Or go for whatever you feel like actually and just appear. If you leave without saying anything I'll say that you've returned to the forest/plane of fire/local village/took on a job as a bodyguard, if you know you'll be away then you can make up one :). When you  return make an entrance such as "'TTG4' had been following the tracks of Faolan for the past couple of days, keeping out of sight and downwind to avoid being detected. Just as the dwarf rounded a corner along the cliff side TTG4 chose this moment to expose himself, startling the diminutive, nervy fellow" and then continue from there.
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


In that case I'd be interested in taking part!

Elarta, the Elven gardener


Elarta comes from a long line of aristocratic elves from the far eastern forests. He expected to live a comfortable life, but then some upstart rebel leaked documents showing the aristocracy using centralised funds for expensive tree-sap spirits, dancing girls and, bizzarly, duck houses. This lead to an unpleasant turn of events where the aristocrats were ousted and a fledgling democracy set up. Unfortunately, Elarta's father was especially hated by the mob and his stately home was put to the torch in the night, with Elarta being the only survivor. Elarta refuses to reveal what happened during his journeys, but it is suspected there are some dark stories to be told.

Elarta had always loved gardens and when he found an abandoned farm house, he decided to settle down and live the simple farmers life. The local populace are in awe of his fantastic crops and many suspect eleven magic is at work. Oddly, Elarta refuses to hire guards to escort his produce, relying instead on years of martial arts training and his natural agility to dispose of any bandits.

Elarta has a knoweldge of woodland herbs allowing him to concot powerful potions and poisons and seems to have a strong history in their use. Though in battle he refuses weapons, instead relying on basic spells and his fists, making him a useful support, though his noble upbringing makes him reluctant to work with anyone he perceives as inferior.

Starting equipment:
Hand-written book of herbs/potions/poisons
Small amount of money
Enchanted family ring: bonus to unarmed combat

Starting location:
In the market selling his produce of rainbow carrots and orange cabbage


Hadrada, the Orcish Barbarian

STR 10

Hadrada comes from a long line of Orc warriors proud of their fighting heritage, Hadrada is however, a bit of a disappointment to his family. After proving himself in battle over and over again and gaining the trust of his tribe he was appointed the command of a small raiding party. He left his tribe's camp with a small band of warriors set on the destruction of any who cross their path. One fateful day he and his party were waiting in ambush along a well travelled path, as they heard hoof beats approaching their hiding place they burst from the bushes screaming wild war cries at their enemy. Catching their enemies by surprise they cut them down in droves, the red mist descending over them. However, as Hadrada raised his head to gaze upon his enemy as a whole he saw with dread that he was standing alone alone, his entire party cut down around him.

The leader of the mercenaries his party had ambushed came up to him and averting his eyes from the gory sight that was Hadrada. He offered him two choices, to die or to submit to them and become a captive. Unleashing a baleful roar he chopped the head of the Captain clean off of his shoulders before running amok through the mercenaries, emerging at the end even more bloodied than before and bearing his new wounds with pride. It was at this point however that he realised he could not return to his tribe without his raiding party as to do so would be to humiliate himself and his family, evidence of a raid gone wrong.

Turning on his heel he trudged in to the nearest town and bunked down in an abandoned warehouse by the marketplace.

Starting location:

In a warehouse by the market in the starting town.

Starting equipment:

Double headed axe.
Leather/hide armour.
Single headed axe.
Leather covered wooden shield.


Looks excellent so far, hope I can pull this off :D


You want some spells TTG4? Jubal you could have but you've RP'd to have no magic ability so I guess not? Dwarves and Orcs are magicless, sorry :P

TTG4, you can choose some form of magic missile (lightning/fire/ice etc.) as 1st spell and a heal/cure, adventure spell or a psychic spell (confusion, distract, etc) as a second.

Feel free to make up your own and I'll either pass/fail it or edit depending on how powerful/game-breaking-for-what-I'm-aiming-for :P

The setting is low fantasy, no steam/clockwork or anything like that. Current fashion is to wear as many rivets in clothes as possible. In general terms humans speak with a London accent, Dwarves with Sommerset, Orcs have tusks but otherwise London, Elves with Welsh, Minotaurs speak less frequently but have a sort of Spanish twist on their words and Merfolk speak in annoying rhyme and have an inflection that makes everything seem like a question. This all may or may not be helpful but it's 'general knowledge' for the setting.

EDIT: Also for combat, give me a rough idea how you want to handle the situation when it presents itself then I'll roll vs your stats and relay the outcome with as many flourishes and embellishments as possible...Unless it's not your RP, I'll do what I think fits the style :D

EG. Tom: 'Hadrada is tired of the little girls excessive talking, the pitch of her voice is grating. Hadrada rushes towards her with the intent of decapitating her *with his double headed axe*'

Jubal: 'Eustathios feels the need to protect children, *as always*, and tries to throw a rock at Hadrada'

TTG4: 'Elarta the Gardener tries to cower in fear' (joking):P

The Khan: 'Faolan, having just agreed with himself that in fact the girl was probably posing as a demon rushes towards her with the intent of picking her up and casting her into the nearby river'

Starred bits are important context for me,(Don't star them yourself, I'm just emphasising the kind of extra detail you can add), Jub would get a bonus because it's an emotion he is familiar with and so is calmer whilst performing it. Tom gets a bonus as he's familiar with the weapon. Khan acts last as he's been 'zoned out' and Elarta might actually surprise himself by quickly reacting to the situation and standing ready to be first onto the scene with whatever happens in the aftermath of this particular event, e.g. little girl is part of a bandit ring who jump out of the bushes, Elarta would be the first slinging the magic missiles/punching the crap out of someone :P
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Cuddly Khan

Can't wait! It's going to be fun. :)
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


thanks Khan! Would you mind stickying this for me please?
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


This looks like it's going to be fun :)


Quote from: Colossus on March 25, 2014, 07:41:48 PMTTG4, you can choose some form of magic missile (lightning/fire/ice etc.) as 1st spell and a heal/cure, adventure spell or a psychic spell (confusion, distract, etc) as a second.

I think I'll take fire, everyone loves fire!

Distraction sounds like it might work well.

Looking forward to it!


I was so hoping that would be the combination! Loads I can get away with when you're using those  >:D

EDIT: Once it starts, everything you say will be in character unless preceded with OOC(out of character) E.g Khan has a complaint and as such he'd write "OOC: blah blah, Rob you've just backtracked. blah blah plotholes, blah blah, not fair if you use a death star against us etc."
Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

Cuddly Khan

Faolan isn't mentally retarded, he just talks to people not there, not himself. He doesn't just think people are randomly demons. He has the reasoning of any normal person, he even agrees that he's crazy. He doesn't see things, only hears peoples voices. (Just clearing a few things up)

EDIT: I added OOC to the title. :)
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.