King of the Hill

Started by lordryan756, January 18, 2010, 01:12:55 AM

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*coughs quietly*

That's a very nice hill, ladies and gentlemen, and I thoroughly approve of your decorations and building works. Unfortunately I have an announcement to make. Hereafter, the hill that counts for winning this game is no longer that hill. It's this one, over here.

Which is, incidentally, my hill.  ;)
The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...

Captain Carthage

Trade report.

The surrounding fishing villages are providing sufficient meat supplies however were are yet to find another large settlement to trade with. Admiral Khan should correct the situation soon.

As for troop distribution and count the bulk of our forces are stationed in the lower mores of the hill.

The City Guard have recently raided the hideout of the notorious Black Fang gang, with great success.

The Praetorian Guard are getting a bit restless, but they're fine.

We found a new vain of iron in shaft A7 and are perusing it with high yield

With the change of objective I recommend we open friendly negotiations with the Warlord, what's he calling himself? Jubal?

He may prove to be a useful ally.


Night Angel

Guild Master of The Hill
Scum of the highest degree and don't let charitable citizens tell you otherwise.

Cuddly Khan

Homing Pigeon Message:
Dear Dimos

It's been 3 days since we left and no land has been sighted other than a few small islands where we refilled our supplies. Scurvy is slowly creeping up on the crew but we still have plenty of potatoes and cabbages. Plenty of fish around so we don't have to worry about hunger. The other two ships are in the same condition. All calm waters so far.

From you loyal vassal, The Khan

Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.



This Hill still belongs to Emperor Dimos, and his vassals, the Khan, NightAngel and Ladyhawk.

I send helraldic messengers to Phoenixguard and Jubal with the Following message: PAX DIMANA, peace of Dimos must come over the HILL. I demand that you'll join our forces or face the consequences! NightAngel and Ladyhawk will attack you if you will refuse to comply and fear the mighty return of the Khan! And if you still think you'll be able to defeat all of my vassals, which you cannot, you will have to face my IMPERIAL guard. The HILL empire needs you Jubal and Phoenixguard! Only by the acceptance of my rule over this HILL this game will end and peace will be endured. GLORY to you, PEACE and Prosperity!

Dimos: King and Emperor of the HILL, Field Marshall of the HILL empire, Great Judge of the HILL empire.
the Khan: Admiral and Captain of the HILL fleet, Commander of the Mongol Cavalry, Lord of the South Tower, Member of the chamber of Royal Advisors.
NightAngel: Trade minister and Guildmaster of the docks, Master of the spies, Baron of the Tower of the Docks, Member of the chamber of Royal Advisors.
Ladyahwk: Captain of the HILL's vassal police force, HILL's official sorceress, Lady of the West tower, Member of the chamber of Royal Advisors.
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


My King Dimos,

I have sent out a call too all sorceress, in my army, as I fear a war may be approchin. So, too be safe, Im gathering my army. They will be situated and housed on my land. However, could you please supply some of the food needed. Im afraid to say I do not have enough.

Royal Sorceress
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


My good and wise ladyhawk!

I fully aproove your actions and I will send you some bread, water and wheat, to help your men/women be preserved and well fed so as to fight fiercely.

I demand, by IMPERIAL order, to be given some supplies by the rest of my vassals.

I demand, that the Khan might not sail too far off the coast for he might be needed for the naval defence of our HILL.

I demand that NightAngel be ready for an attack at my command, or a supportive attack against anyone who opposes me, my rule and my vassals...

No war will happen hawk. Stay cautious, but I believe that Phoenixguard will be the next to join the glorious HILL empire. PAX DIMANA is peace of the HILL and peace is always good.
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold

Cuddly Khan

OoC: :) You forgot about the leader of The Golden Horde.
Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold

Cuddly Khan

Quote from: comrade_general on January 25, 2014, 01:22:10 AMMost effective elected official. Ever. (not counting Jubal)

He is Jubal the modder, Jubal the wayfarer, Jubal the admin. And he has come to me now, at the turning of the tide.


The war was avoided... for now... DAX DIMANA, the Peace of Dimos, shall endure! Join us and peace will dominate the land!

Khan, you're no longer needed close to the shores, you can take 2/3 of the fleet [our fleet has 3 ships that I did + the ones Khan personaly crafted] and sail wherever you want to dicover new lands or HILLs... Even if you won't find anything, you'll be rearded for you bravery.

NightAngel: Hand me some gold, tradesman! Also have we managed to get any books from sailors? I shall start constructing the Library of the HILL. Pm me your spies reports!

Ladyhawk, have you made any magical experiments? Stay on alert, I need the vassal police force patrol our streets...  :D
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold


My King,

I have only begun a few smaller experiments. I have been successful in all. I have know figured out spells to keep food fresh longer, make arnor stronger and ensure that weapons will never chip or go dull. They are only small things for the moment, however I will continue  more experiments soon.

And do not fret Sire over the police force. They are out in their numbers and doing their jobs to the best of their ability. I myself, am rather proud of them.

I will continue too up date youon my progress each time I make a break through.

Royal Sorcoress
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


Missive sent to Emperor Dimos via trusted messenger.

"It is with great regret that I must inform you that the populace of this hill (which has been affectionately named Jimbobland by my loyal citizens) are firmly against the idea of Imperial Rule. Therefore I must regretfully decline your offers of vassalage in preference of autonomy. It is my royal hope that out realms will be allies in any upcoming conflicts but I must protect my regal authority.

Kind regards,
King Phoenix, Lord of Jimbobland, He of the Spiffy Hat and Hair."
The Norbayne Campaign Instagram page. Give us a cheeky follow if you like. :)
By the power of Ga'haarr I command you to vanish! VANISH!
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination

Crazier than a crack-head cat and here to make sticky treats out of your vital organs.


Pathetic wannabe king!

Submit to my rule! And Jimboland does not exist! All hillians are affectionate to their master for I am the only ruler to inspire peace and lasting stability over the HILL. You remind me of Ladyhawk, the royal sorceress who at first refused to join the mighty empire of Dimos!

You will be brought before me in chains, by the vassal police unless you declare yourself a loyal ally. Seek for my protection and you will be saved from the savage fury of my vassal army! I remind you that the East and the North Tower are still asking for a vassal to enter them! You can also get some titles and some amount of power within the HILL empire!

Submit yourself to me and PAX DIMANA will be almost a certainty! Submit and get the taste of Victory, the taste of co-operation!

Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold

Captain Carthage

Submit now and receive seven free muffins!
Scum of the highest degree and don't let charitable citizens tell you otherwise.


make them eight! and free!  :D

submition to peace makes a man valiant and heroic. SUBMIT, now!
Team member of: Europe 1080 / Southern Realms / Britannia 1100 Gold