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Started by Cuddly Khan, October 10, 2011, 06:05:30 AM

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Now back to basics for me:

<< Signature redacted >>


Simple yet effective :)


<< Signature redacted >>


Simple is not a word I'd have used - after all, your posting in this and other threads has revealed at least the following facets to your persona:
- pachyderm
- obscure Germanic nobility
- entirely bipedal human and not at all a giant arachnid
- "deep cover" insurance policeman
I think you're quite complex...

On the other hand: I win!


Very nice of you to say! You are quite the enigma in contrast.

- fan of winning
- enigma
<< Signature redacted >>


Ooh, how exciting - I sound like the Soviet Russia of the forum: a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.

In that case, I will give only this small clue to my nature: I win!


Hm, not much to go on there
<< Signature redacted >>


Sorry, we enigmas have to guard our secrets carefully.


So there are secrets! My suspicions have been confirmed. Now I just need to try and find some more clues...

I will begin thusly:

<< Signature redacted >>


Perhaps the only secret is that we have no secret?

Also, not a secret at all: I win!


AHA! A further clue: There is more than one of you. I will continue on the assumption that there is a secret, because that is more fun. I will add this to the list of clues, along with the not very secret fact that you won.

Like I just did
<< Signature redacted >>


To quote Walt Whitman: "I am large, I contain multitudes."

And also, as a more general warning: "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself"

But this, at least, is not contradictory: I win!


Quote from: Glaurung on April 01, 2020, 09:57:17 AM
And also, as a more general warning: "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself"

So essentially you want us to believe that you might say random things and no meaning can be inferred from anything you say. I choose to infer instead that you are fond of smoke and mirrors, and employing deflective tactics to throw off lesser sleuths from the truth.

The evidence so far is that there is more than one of you, and you wish to remain secret. I can only conclude it must be a secretive organisation of some kind that you have let slip you are a part of.

Quote from: Glaurung on April 01, 2020, 08:41:13 AM
Sorry, we enigmas have to guard our secrets carefully.

Are you speaking of some broader club of enigmas? That could not be true since an enigma should be an enigma to all, even other enigmas.

Then are you speaking as an enigma, and making assumptions about what enigmas should do? This still suggests that there is some core understanding or ruleset you are following which is consistent with an organisation. Furthermore since you actively are trying to keep it secret I believe that this is not true.

Therefore it is an organisation of folk that must be enigmatic to the uninitiated. You have secrets and guard them closely, so you must all be.... up to something

But not wanting to get sidetracked too much from the purpose of this thread:
<< Signature redacted >>


Quote from: Tusky on April 01, 2020, 10:26:56 AM
The evidence so far is that there is more than one of you, and you wish to remain secret. I can only conclude it must be a secretive organisation of some kind that you have let slip you are a part of.

Now to quote Francis Urquhart: "You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment."

But I will comment: I win!