Spoil a wish

Started by Jubal, July 09, 2008, 08:33:14 PM

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Son of the King

You get Tzakone, but then have it removed after you abuse your power.

I wish I had faster internet.


you do, then gypsies steal the cables

I wish I could attend the next mighty boosh live show

Vile Shrubo

You cant because your boat has a hole in it and you will sink!

Private Clark

you forgot to wish  ;)

Vile Shrubo


i wish i could afford a private jet!


you can but then the credit crunch hits you hard and you commit suicide

i wish i could fly.....
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

you have no wings so you cant.

i wish i had a giant frog! :D


you do but then it is eaten by a giant toad

i wish i had a professionaly painted warhammer army of orcs and gobbos
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

You dont because your paintbrush is currupted with chaos and wont stay still!

i wish i could become a Tzakone!


you do but then due to overwhelming votes from others you are banned for spamming
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo


i wish me and shrubo would stop having spam duels
Tis but a scratch...

Vile Shrubo

its actually about to come true.

i wish i had the biggest pizza in the world. :P


you do but then the fattest man in the world moves in next door and your pizza mysteriously disapears

i wish shrubo dosent become a civ
Tis but a scratch...


He doesn't. He jumps straight from member to admin.  :P                                                      

I wish for cheese on toast.

The duke, the wanderer, the philosopher, the mariner, the warrior, the strategist, the storyteller, the wizard, the wayfarer...